ITT: inevitable flops

>ITT: inevitable flops

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pic unrelated

more like inevitable faps

>won't even beat avengers in its 3rd week

>comes out one week after endgame

what were they thinking?

it's gonna break the billion in less than 3 weeks

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>1 Disney fun buck has been deposited into your account

That Dora the explorer movie

I disagree. It's not Pokemon; it's a WB westernized adaptation/appropriation of Pokemon.

And the Asian market and die-hard fans WILL notice.

It'll be as successful as Ghost in the Shell and Dragonball.

>implying below-human manchildren won't flock to this like flies to excreta
shit will do Iron Man numbers

Kids will watch it because cute monsters
Pokemonfans will obviously watch it
Ex-Pokemonfans will watch it because nostalgia
Adults will watch it because they come with the kids
Manchildren will watch it for obvious reasons

If you think this will flop you are beyond delusional

People said same thing about Pokemon-GO
Normies will bandwagon onto anything to make themselves appear unique

Detective Pikachu will make $1.37 Billion Dollars

Actually looks fun but I don't know if it has much of a target audience besides Yea Forums

$4B confirmed

You forgot to mention Ryan Reynolds. That's a casting decision that'll definitely help remove any stigma that's left for normalfags (cause muh Deadpool actor). It's going to do better than many people think it will.

It's being produced by Legendary. It was going to be distributed by Universal until they gave up the distribution rights and it was picked up by Warner Bros. So they're not producing it, and at one point they weren't even involved.

I hope

>Implying it won't make a billion based on its name alone.

nah. knowing how normies are, they'll watch it so they could think that they're unique.

Remember this epic Yea Forums meme? How well has it worked out so far?

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Probably figured that most people bought their tickets already.

>directed by Todd McFarlane

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>spin off and a sequel
Sounds pretty good for Shazam

The Joker movie will either be kino of the decade or the production gets fucked up sometime between now and October like most DC films do and we end up with another tragedy

screenshot this

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It didn't get a spinoff and a sequel you DCuck dipshit

Black Adam had his movie in the works for over a decade

>*marvel tears*


Based (???)

Danny DeVito should have played Detective Pikachu.

>Turn a sarcastic doll line into a generic bubblegum pop uniqueness-preaching animation
It deserves to flop

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