
AZOR NK edition

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Imagine if shitty writers didn't retcon dragonglass and it would only work on WWs, but not on wights.
Now that would become quite a threat.

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>I'm bout to Azor all over this Nissa's career

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>my motive is I want to die and only The prince that was promised can kill me
Great writing

1st for wincest

Why do they just ignore all the cryptic shit Bran says?

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The wait between book 5 and 6 isn't as long when you remember that book 4 and 5 were originally meant to be just one book and it took him 11 years to write both of those

Azor Theon

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Didn't Jon demonstrate in S7E7 that you can kill wights with it? Also why didn't he mention Valyrian Steel because he very well knows what it can do.

breast milk of a giant

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Because it's nonsensical bullshit

>Arya braps

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>Bran says something
>*scene end*
Take a shot every time this happens.


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What are they supposed to do?

REMINDER: Jaime the KINGslayer kills the Night KING to protect Bran and redeem himself

boring talkfest twice in a row

>ur gunna die

Don't worry guys, Theon will protect Bran from the NK and his undead dragon.

I love how Gendry just doesn't want to be there. It's fucking hilarious. Look at his face

>lol guys just melt obsidian bruh
>making weapons out of obsidian
>l i t e r a l l y
I just, I fucking can't. I can't. It's, it's just. Just.

It's a massive retcon though, during hardhome there are a good 10 seconds where he has a wight pinned against a wall with valyrian steel, it shouldn't work against wights, DD just realized that makes things really hard.

His only previous sexual encounter was being raped by Mel, he's a survivor of sexual violence so it's reasonable that he is conflicted

Maybe cause there isn't as much Valyrian steel around?

arya kills the night king with her stupid spear

Greyworm and Missandei are irrelevant to the story, why are they still getting screen time. Does anyone actually care about their romance besides blacks and feminists?

Watch SesskaSays and have sex

that would be cringe

Probably no

>i'm not getting paid enough for this

I just want to see Missandei's tits again.

Nah, she kills a Wight that's about to kill Gendry

It's D R A G O N G L A S S bro.

Not even blacks that I know really give a fuck about them

Chances of Ghost doing anything?

Compare his face before she takes off her close at 0:04 to after she does at 0:17. Literally
>His smile and optimism: gone

>GRRM has actually finished the books. He's just waiting until the show ends before he announces the release
He hasn't finished shit, not even a single page of TWOW exists

I hope Beric gets a good death scene, so we can all shed manly tears together

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I don't think it's quite that bad but there's 0 chemistry.

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>His only previous sexual encounter was being raped by Mel
is it true retards like you dont have an inner monologue?

was it rape?

It was called "obsidian" in the show itself at least once.
It's obsidian. Literal brittle rock that you can barely melt and reforge, let alone make it non-brittle as shit.
Or were you sarcastic? I'm retarded.

Anyone else finding the anachronisms of the show particularly jarring this season? In mediaeval times a noble girl would not ask a man how many women he has fucked if she were a virgin, like Arya did. She would be vulnerable and she would probably assume Gendry was experienced. Having a female virgin in mediaeval times, especially a young one (even if she were a badass assassin ninja) act like Arya did in that scene is ridiculously out of character and time period. Are we supposed to believe Arya is a badass cold Faceless assassin or are we supposed to believe she's a young girl coming home? Which is it?

Reminder that the ‘apocalyptic threat’ of the White Walkers literally gets dealt with in one episode

>can you hear me?
>settle down ok?

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Doreah in S1
>apologizes profusely to dany for making viserys angry at dany, despite the fact that she was the one who got beaten by him was dragged by her hair from his tent to dany's
>protectively grabs dany when the wine merchant shit starts going down
>shields dany with her own body when viserys pulls a sword on her
Doreah in S2
>lmao he promised you'd die anyway

The guy has been working with Maisie since he was 20 and she was 11 or something.
Chemistry would just be fucking weird.

what a terrible episode

It's not IRL obsidian, it's magic gemstone that heats like iron

based retard

That's what retcon means, they changed what kills what in S7 for convenience

>Bran: Oh yeah, i forgot to mention that i'm marked by the NK. He always knows where i am and will always follow. The mark also breaks any protective spells. Even thousand of years old ones, like the ones that were protecting Winterfell before i wheeled in.

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You only have one chance in situations like that.
If they fuck up it's over.

How many episodes are there this season? 6? 8?

Spending 2 of them just chilling in winterfell seems odd to me
I'm starting to think they'll pull a Babylon 5 on the dead army and wrap them up in a single episode to focus on the war for the throne in the last few.

god i hate the nu-nk

the og NK was the best

the richard brake one was good though, but the first one was the best. cheesy enough

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dude just turn your brain off

Ha-ha, zombies be bad, ha-ha, wymmen powah, ha-ha, ur short n dumb me no fuck you, ha-ha, u fat can't fight, ha-ha, cocks.

obviously it won't

based daniel

D R A G O N G L A S S bro


I don't even recall that fuckup. That's just too small a detail to notice between the obvious broad fuckups. I find myself trying to detect any moment in the show that would come off as the most rational course of action. And I don't exactly consider character interactions like "cooperating in the interests of survival" to count because it would actually be too awesome/real if the armies skullfucked each other after defeating the Night King

Consciously or not the writers are behaving as the audience has no fucking clue where the Iron Islands sit relative to King's Landing. All they really fucking understand geographically is that the Wall is north of Winterfell and Winterfell is north of King's Landing and Dany came from the East. The Iron Islands may as well be on the fucking moon for all the audience cares.

I remember some fleet "snuck" past whoever was stationed at Dragonstone to leave or get to King's Landing, which if you look on the map is the most retarded thing that could possibly happen. I think it was Euron getting into King's Landing, allying with Cersei, destroying the Martell fleet, then returning to King's Landing to report back that he did it all the while Dany's garrison at Dragonstone didn't see shit to alert anybody.

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To be fair you can turn obsidian into weapons, just not the way D&D did it

in medieval times you wouldn't have dead dragons destroyed hundreds of feet tall magical barriers made of ice

Then why call it "obsidian" even once? They should've just kept calling it dragonglass, but since Sam called it obsidian I'm buttmad.


Fucking god tier voice on this man

>final battle of humanity vs the dead
>Bran is warged into the past, being protected by Jaime and Brienne
>white walker stabs Brienne with her own sword, she lays on the ground dying
>cut to young Jaime kneeling, with Aerys Targaryean saying "In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave..."
>Jaime kills the WW, and after a brief moment of grief, draws the sword from Brienne, now aflame
>cut to Aerys: "Do you swear to defend the innocent and the helpless, in the name of the Seven?" "I swear it"
>audio of Jaime and Brienne's parting plays as Jaime looks around
>"They say the best swords have names. Any ideas?"
>Night King appears and stares at Bran, his ultimate target
>Jaime steps in between them, laughing somberly
>"Do you know what they call me?"
>as Azor Ahai walks toward the Night King, all that can be heard is a cacophony of voices from past seasons cursing:
>"Kingslayer... Kingslayer! KINGSLAYER!"
>He takes on the Night King as a heroic version of Rains of Castamere youtube.com/watch?v=ZpI6Xnr7llA plays

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For God's sake stop listening to reddit. Maisie is 22 and the show premiered eight years ago.

Is this littlefinger?

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new NK just looks like an uncomfortable autist it's a bit comical. But then again his arch rival is also an uncomfortable autist so it is pottery

just turn your brain off. none of Tyrion's ideas made sense anyway.

if book Dany had been in S7 show Dany's position she would have flown straight to the Red Keep at night and shot fire in through Cersei's bedroom window. she had all the information she needed to do that easily because she had both Tyrion and Varys as advisors. she could have had spies out ahead of time if she'd wanted: all a consequence of having too many resources.

grrm actually cares about things like this which is why the books have taken so long.

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8 I believe.

The two so far has been tying up character arcs exclusively. It's not very engaging but it's kind of expected I guess or otherwise people would bitch about things being unresolved? It's all so anticlimactic though.

First one looked like plastic. My favourite is the second version but I still like the newest one.

>There is still people thinking the battle of winterfell is going to be a win for the humans

Top kek at thoses retards. They probably started GOT last year

It would be hilarious and cool if as a surprise tactic, the first thing they do next episode is dump his crippled ass over the wall and you see him hit the ground like a sack of potatoes, while the entire army retreats inside winterfell and lets the NK have him.


Why didn't Tormund and Beric tell everyone that the Night King has a dragon?

Isn’t it telling that all the Winds of Winter preview chapters were just carry over chapters that couldn’t fit in Feast and Dance?

Night King would look so much better if he had a helmet or some sort of face covering

He's terrified because he went from Mel, one of the hottest women on the show bar none, to fucking quasimodo.

What if Friki is on HBO's side and fed us fake spoilers? With some inconsequential details correct from the first couple episodes to get us to believe him

Helmets are for jousting tournaments only, nobody wears them into battle lol

Bretty good

But it's true, gurm hasn't written shit

6 episodes total the last 4 will all have a runtime of around 80 minutes.

Bran did, and everyone believes him. Literally a non-reaction in a room full of people to hearing the dragon that died got resurrected

We don't deserve this kino.

Season 7 is a fucking late change for that "discovery". They didn't want to write a new way they could easily fight the wights, nor does the North have a cache of wildfire. That would be a disaster if handled improperly anyhow.

>You got it all wrong we are peaceful refugees who are fleeing the north because of our own internal wars
>please accept us in

This dude should've been NK instead. Phenomenal design on the dude. Looks almost otherwordly.

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God I wish this were true

Literally anime but good for what it is.

great comfy episode desu

What do you mean? They didn't see it either last episode?

It's not ideal but better than having cuts in the middle of battles to show some conversation on the other side of the continent. Episode 3 is supposed to have the longest battle scene in movie and tv.

This cut is weird. It looks like Arya and Gendry start fucking, then the group in the fireplace room are sat there stoically watching them go at it

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Imagine what the front of her guts must look like if they won't even show it

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>Episode 3 is supposed to have the longest battle scene in movie and tv.
That's retarded. There are already films out there with longer battle scenes than the entire run time of E3.

when u wake up hungover after not drinking anything before going to sleep

Dabid will subvert your expectations user, like he always does.

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This scene made me feel so uncomfortable

>Bro just ignore all previously established character and world building because there are dragons bro

I really hate people like you. Tyrion could say the Winterfell battle was lit af senpai next episode and you'd be ok with it

Fuck off twat don't try to pass this off as your own work

>uhhh.... hey bran. Ummmmm..... could you let me in? I'll be good okay? Umm...... so yeah...... uh..... bye

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Imagine being this dense.


didn't notice that at first kek

because bran already did it you dumb fuck.

Winterfell needs wights, looking at the current population trend and the coming winter they are in desperate need of experienced workers. Where you see "zombies" I see a doctor, a scientiest, an engineer...

>last 4 will all have a runtime of around 80 minutes
Do you still believe that meme? It was said that every episode would be like a feature-length movie.
So far the first one was even lass than 50, the second was standard lengths, and both were fucking fillers on the level of "the band comes together and quips at each other".

too good for Dabid

Viserion's attack will take of the White Walkers.

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He's released chapters of it individually

D&D just wanted an excuse to take a year off to fuck goyim prostitues.

He'll be buying time against the Night King. Flaming sword kinda guarantees a vital role for his character.

>Episodes 1 and 2 were filler

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Why do they keep saying they can't win? They may be outnumbered but they have highly disciplined troops that are implied to be completely outfitted with dragonglass thus negating the strength wights. Comparing it some battles of roman legions against large tribe armies their odds are not that bad at all.

Mein Khaleesi... Viserion...

There should have been a Night Queen desu. Think about it, the great feminine unknown that threatens to destroy the patriarchal conception of what a society is. An avatar of the bottomless, insatiable female sexuality that threatens to devour the male ego but also culture, without any regard for tradition and custom.

why does he have the horns

Apparently Helm's Deep holds the record with 40 minutes.

this was back when show had actual effort put in

now its True Blood teir, and we all know how that ended
Once this show is finished, someone is going to make a torrent recut of the entire series that:

>Removes all of the Dorne shit, Sandsnakes, everything
>Removes everything of Dany post Qarth and leaves it to mystery
>Removes everything of Arya post fight with other girl and only re introduces her for MEAT IN THE PIE
>Removes all the Bran shit at the tree etc

So much waste in this show

which were all leftovers from the previous book

If they're so determined on losing, why even fight? Retreat south instead.

You could compress those 2 episodes into 15-20 minutes quite easily.

>Tormund has read the Game of Thrones script and knows that Bran has told people about the dragon
they should've been fucking bursting into winterfell losing their minds about the dragon

>Episode 3 is supposed to have the longest battle scene in movie and tv
Just wait until WoT is in season 14. That chapter is longer than the first Harry Potter book.

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name a better character than radmure

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I cringed at every single dialogue scene this ep and I had to minimize. Is it that bad or am I autistic?

>Arya will never pin you down and order you to take your pants off
God. Why even live?

So in 4 episodes (ok closer to 6 runtime wise) we have to wrap up the white walkers, the aftermath, and then a war with Cersei.

This is worse than B5, at least they gave the civil war an entire season there.

Remember when it took an entire season to just get a character from point A to point B?

They're jaded and pessimistic. Normies mistake this for being cool.

The run rimes were exact so far.

>Tyrion could say the Winterfell battle was lit af senpai next episode and you'd be ok with it
That would be way retarded and out of place, but a lady not acting ladylike is not sometime strange in the GoT universe at all


I think the problem is prosthetics and effects were probably too much to replicate on larger scale. Probably the same reason why they're mostly wearing clothes now.

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Why end it? Why end the most popular tv show in the history of television?

I hope this season ends with a promo to the next season.

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They say that with every episode

>Night King: "No man can kill me"
>Theon whips off his pants showing his dick stump
>"I am no man"

>decide to go see what people think about the episode in the inside the episode comment section
>they are already comparing the episode to lotr, specificly helms deep and pippins singing
I didn't despise the episode, but I might now.


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>criticize the show for shitty writing
>this cringe fanfiction gets praised on /got/

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Dany being to powerful at Season 7 start CAUSED dozens of other logic cockups because they had to try to manage it.

it's a top-tier writing error created by D&D not doing enough long-term planning as to where the story was going, and the consequences are ongoing.

e.g. in the books Winterfell probably won't even be defended but they decided that needed to be a scene years ago so here we are.

>...Y-yo Bran. Listen, man... i know we got on the wrong foot b-but.. we're actually pretty chill guys?.. eh eh... hmm... So.. y-you know... call me back?... .... bye..

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>the show has fantasy elements
>therefore the real elements don't have to make sense
Yeah why didn't the wildings just sprout wings and fly over the wall

>H-He wouldn't die...

>Removes all the Bran shit at the tree etc
This one was quite enjoyable and had a purpose.

you're autistic. everything besides arya and dany scenes was pretty solid.

Is it my imagination or was this episode significantly better at tying up character arcs than the first episode?

Only thing I didn't care for was the gremlin sex and the greyworm scenes.

>master assasins
>openly attacks in the middle of a busy street instead of killing stealthly
>stabs in the stomach instead of just slitting her throat
>fails killing her target


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The Dany / Sansa scene was good

Why does Bryan Cogman deliver the comfiest episodes

he's evil

There was that one screenshot that was captured of him writing on his shitty Wordstar where people later found it was an Asha preview taking place at the dawn of the Battle in the Ice.

Because they are fighting against army of undead and if NK would want he could nuke whole winterfell by throwing those meme ice spears with his buddies.

Anything pro-Jaime and pro-Stannis is considered kino here.

Probably right. NK has a very simplistic look to him that makes it very easy to replicate. That first WW looks it took hours to put together.

Waif isn't a master assassin. She's an apprentice

>time period
GoT doesn't take place in a time period relative to Earth you fucking moron. It's at the very least on another planet, so it could be happening during the 1980's.

Stop posting irrelevant characters

you answered your own question

she wantd to make her suffer

Fuck Burlington Bar. Normies and Nerd Soup all the way

See 80% of the things that have to do with politics and culture in the show are not realistic and haven't been from day 1

Why did they make this dude look so fucking goofy
The CHAD hardhome NK mogs this loser

funny thing is, helm's deep in the books is like 3 pages long or something short like that

it wasn't supposed to be hot right?

He's the biggest bookfag working there. Still this episode was surprisingly weak for Cogman standards.


>Tormund is just waiting for the episode to be over like me

Azor Hot Pie

Winterfell is very white, kind of problematic

Waif was Jaqen

according to gurm he knows more about the books than Elio & Linda (which makes them very mad)

I bet you're also the some kind of hypocritical autist who thinks season 1 was the best because it was about muh politics muh dialogue instead of action

seriously what did D&D mean by this?

finally i understand

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don't forget that guy also had a full body suit

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Still above par for anything post S4.

A White Walker will enter the Crypt and construct an arcane spiral from body parts of the recently slaughtered women and children. He will touch the kid in the middle's forehead and his eyes will turn blue.

The whole thing will freeze spontaneously and the Night King will walk out of it like a portal.

Nobody saw him coming

what song was pod singing?

Sent :^)

You now realize the only reason Missandei and Grey Worm have scenes is due to diversity quotas.

Literally all there is to it.

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Maybe if this were season 3 or earlier, but naw, humans are winning.

that was literally the worst got moment of all time

He's trying to think of a way to get to Brienne's milkies

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What are trumps plans if the mexicans get a dragon

when he slammed that axe into the wood it got my noggin joggin.

>oh looky, a bunch of leftover chapters I cut from ADWD
>I'll just tell the brainlets they're "sample chapters" from TWOW heh heh
Looks like his plan worked lmao

What ever happened to this dude? Was he the one sam killed?
He's the only nudist white walker, the rest wear clothes

la creatura

el goblino

la aparicion......

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through the fire and flames


Can you fuck off and stop being deliberately obtuse? You know exactly what I mean and if you don't you're exactly the drooling Burlington bar normies now being pandered to. It's fucking fantasy, Sansa and Dany speaking like they're out of a modern soap opera last episode
>omg ur brother doesn't like me
Is ridiculous and you know it.

uhhhh manlets????

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The first season and the next two had decent writing and it was interesting to watch. It was based off of books.
The first two episodes of s8 are capeshit-tier writing. No source material.
Prove me wrong.

wow, this was a shit episode. that was season 7-tier bad.
starting with tyrion and jaime
>hey, you remember dad?
>yeah, you shot him, haha

Season 1 had good dialogue, season 8 has dick quips.

Their romance subplot is actually really important given their history as slaves. Also Grey Worm being dickless acts as a template for Sansa and Theon's own romance.

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why didn't he kill sam?

He said he fucked 3 girls
Unless he was just trying to impress her

i found the following chase scene worse

enough is enough


oh wait

Do you want them to milk the universe dry and make up shit as they go along until everyone gets sick of it? Fuck you get some taste

Thoughts on the beautiful and talented Florence Welch's song from last night's episode, lads?

I've wanted her to sing for GoT for so long, shes perfect for it. Apparently DnD wanted her since season 2

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build a bigger one - from solid gold





fucking hell...

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alright, so according to episode's 3 preview, the retards are OUTSIDE the wall where they lose the bonus of being protected by walls and shooting everything down. They will either retreat back inside or it will make 0 sense to NOT utilize the huge fort you have behind you.

I don't know what to do lads all I think about is game of thrones i'm literally incapable of doing anything else... I'm imprisoned... please halp

Nah. There's a secret entrance into the crypts, in the lower levels where the Starks no longer go. He'll come up through there, raising the Starks as he comes along.

Would the Night King cross the wall even if he didn't touch Bran in Bran's vision?

the wws had more depth back then
now they just want to kill everyone and get that sweet victory royale

>Because they are fighting against army of undead
Doesn't matter, if they all have dragonglass they're just as easy to kill as anyone else which makes them just wildling army. They're even worse than your regular large savage army because they're all braindead puppets that can do nothing but mindlessly attack. Unsullied in formation with spears and shields should be more than capable of defeating twenty times their numbers if they are just unorganised, unarmored savages charging straight at them.
>if NK would want he could nuke whole winterfell by throwing those meme ice spears with his buddies
Do they explode by themselves? I don't remember.


Why didn't NK kill Jon at hardhome? Why did they put a bunch of arms up on a wall?
They're a bunch of divas and love sending messages

based norf

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the only reason why episode 2 leaked is because hbo is retarded with their streaming service that lets certain people watch the episode beforehand
this shit has happened in PREVIOUS SEASONS and they STILL haven't FIXED IT.

The books suck and the show made the material credible

GRRM is a lazy fat slob whose dick doesnt work

they have dragonglass weapons you ape

but yeah I'm not sure why they are sending soldiers out of the castle

Jenny's Song. Actually a great pick due to the history of that song and it adds a ton of bookfag subtext.

Why do manlets get so upset over this? If anything it shows they don't care about height given how wanted Jon is.

>mfw Ser Bronn of the Blackwater kills the cunt in kings landing and finally gets the castle theyve been promising him forever
>mfw Ser Bronn of the Blackwater is the new King and they've been foreshadowing ;_;

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He didn't actually see him. In the next shot you see the rock where Sam was hiding and the White Walker still hasn't passed it.

Jaded and pessimistic post

I could hear the manlets screeching all over the world at this line, glorious

I thought them saying they literally chose a book song with no context and then taking credit for additional more lyrics was spitting in GRRMs face blatantly.

Dumbass bran broke the spell and let Night come over, everyone blames Jon but it's really bran who fucked everything up

I preferred the Pod version desu.

don't forget that the army is huge. They have knights of the vale, the unsullied, the north, the dothrakis, probably more that i'm forgetting. They don't even fit in the castles. Although Dothrakis are best in an open field

It has been mentioned so many times in the last 2 episodes that the crypts are safe that they will definetly turn into a death trap.

>bronn is king
not on lena headey's watch...


looks like him, minus the bracers. up close shots show the same nose, so I'd say yeah.

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I seriously don't get it, we know Kit is short irl but when has it been established that Jon Snow is a manlet?

There already is Dany for that

watch last kingdom, it's much better, especially last season

he truly lost it hasn't he

I like the way the comic does the Others/white walkers better. They're basically elves made of ice.

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they probably want to try and get to the walkers as soon as possible so the wights deactivate. They're getting absolutely BTFO if the wights end up climbing the wall by the hundreds

why do they wear loincloths?

Can you imagine being Sansa's chambermaid about to take out her chamberpot and getting a big whiff of it? "Oof lady Sansa, very pungent today aren't we? *sniff* *sniff* Are you eating well? Feeling a little sick perhaps *sniff* whoaf that's a stinker. You're such an elegant and beautiful lady *sniff*"

Play Dominions 4 or 5 (they're pretty much the same) as middle-ages Ermor.
It's the closest you can get in larping as white walkers.

Wait, did Bronn and Lena Headey finally have a scene together?

>Let me in, Bran.

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Tyrion suggested in s7 that Dany marry him and she said "hes too little" and Tyrion agrees

Bullshit, they used to pay attention to medieval shit in the early show. All the overt liberal shit was only introduced to appease the increasing normie audience.

They're already making a prequel show, that's probably another 5 seasons at least.

Yes, but book 6 will never be finished so presumably the wait for it will be longer than 11 years


HBO can only show tits, not dicks

got has been shit for a long time, but what charachter did D&D fuck up the most?

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this is sauron dude

Can I just say that this show fucking sucks dick?

I'm 23 minutes in and nothing has happened other than to talk about shit we already know

This is so fucking boring I can't even be fucked to look at the screen

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it's cold out bro, they're hiding their tiny dicks

I wonder if the knights of the vale and the dothraki will actually trample over the wights a la rohirim charge.

He's played by Isaac now

no, they used qyburn so that bronn wouldn't have a scene with her

God Natasha Lyonne was hot.

cant watch much when Ser Bronn of the fucking Blackwater shoots you with an arrow in the face, just saying

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Dany is the most annoying character

If you think GoT is realistic you are retarded

>Fuck he's not wearing clothes again
>why did I even reanimate this cunt

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>Dumbass bran broke the spell and let Night come over, everyone blames Jon but it's really bran who fucked everything up

That's right

I can't remember one good thing Bran has done so far


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Literally too hard to keep count anymore. It would be easier to list those that aren't ruined yet.

dragonglass works on ww's not zombies, which you need fire to kill.

in the show battle what's going to happen is, there will be groups of zombies and single WWs in neat little units. the heroes will kill each WW with dragonglass and the zombies around them will collapse. like in a video game.

>It would be easier to list those that aren't ruined yet.

Ok, do that then

my bad

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>they insist on having lady Mormont be a stupid, stubborn bitch

>dragonglass works on ww's not zombies

Factually incorrect, obsidian works on the wight that they take to Cersei in Kings Landing

>Ser Bronn of the Blackwater kills the cunt in kings landing
That'd never happen because the actors of Cersei and Bronn used to date and fucking hate eachother, they've got it in their contracts to never have a scene together or something. They've had one together for the whole show, and then they didn't interact in any way. We'd never get a scene where Bronn kills Cersei for that reason.

I literally don't understand their plan. Are they going to just put Bran by the tree and then wait for the NK to come and just like... kill him? That's their fucking masterplan?

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they have showed dicks several times though. remember that close up of one of the play's actors when arya is in braavos?

Jaime and Jon I guess. Kit being a bookfag is probably what has held D&D back.

Why anybody watches this shit?

helms deep = winterfell
gandalf = red witch

they changed it. dragonglass now kills wights according to multiple characters.


it's so obvious that in the books they won't even defend winterfell that it's like the TV show is a practical joke.

She kills the dragon wight with it, screencap this.

stannis and jaime

reddit-tier but I like it anyways

>but what charachter did D&D fuck up the most?
Several, but those candidates were killed of quickly. Stannis was killed in S5 because Dabid didn't know what to do with him.
Same fate with Littlefinger but he was still needed.
The entired Dorne plot died for this reason as well.
Tyrion would have gotten the same treatment if he wasn't such a fan favourite.
Imo Stannis has been fucked up the most because over 80% of his army deserted after he lost a single battle and his whole march on Winterfell gave him the rest. Such a shame because he had huge potential.

This is funny. Lyanna's letter to Stannis in the book was meant to emphasise just how much the Northerners were loyal to the Stark house.

But D&D of course misinterprets this as Lyanna being very brave so they have more scenes of her being obnoxious cunt. Completely missing the initial point that the Northern Lords don't want outsiders ruling them.

I'd completely forgotten about them. Have they just been hanging out at their own camp, complaining about how fucking cold it is and how their Khaleesi never visits?

How the FUCK did Jaime get away with walking around with the sword made from the Winterfell Ancestral Sword in plain view of everyone?

How did he not immediately surrender that shit and be like "here sorry"

Memory holed? Also where the fuck is Widow's Wail

They were in the previous episode, one told Dany that the dragons only ate 18 sheep

Top kek

retard = you

Is there issue between Jerome and Lena?

Stannis was wrong from the start. Dillane delivered all his lines wrong. His entire mannerisms were wrong. He came off as weak where he should've come off as hard. He came off as desperate when he should've come off as unbending.

Not everything in GOT works like our world. It's fantasy my dude.

>the comic

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is dragonlass going to always oneshot wights no matter what? that ice bear in beyond the wall took a while to die despite being set on fire because of its size

that would be a good scene if the show had the balls to commit to what would actually happen

>trample zombies
>they don't die and just grab the horse's legs
>whole cavalry wing gets swarmed from all sides including by zombies they just ran over

You have ten (10) seconds to name a single memorable moment from this travesty of an episode.

Literally just a collection of main characters sitting around saying nothing of importance to each other. Dialog so badly written and devoid of any substance or emotional impact. It feels like an imitation, like the writers know that GoT used to be known for the intriguing and well written dialog in the earlier seasons and they're trying to replicate that but THIS FUCKING DIALOG MAN. I can't wait for this shitty show to be over.

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they're better be ice spiders

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Nobody cares. and he has Widow's Wail, Brienne has Oathkeeper

That is widows wail user

To protect their night stones

In the books, wasn't Widow's Wail buried with Joffrey?

>Nobody cares
on the writing staff

Widow's Wail is the one Jaime has, Oathkeeper is the one Brienne has

See: Bronn used to be in a cult, I'm not sure if that happened at the same time. It's the only way I can see them still being pissed at eachother.


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Holy shit I imagined them as literal spiders, just big and icy. This though would be far more terrifying.

>In the books

lol fuck off nerd

I'd suppressed that retarded memory. my units of zombies actually sounds smarter. god I hate this shit.

Yeah but like, why would you waste a Valyrian sword like that?

Nobody knows it's made of Ice except for Lannisters and Brianne. Didnt Jaime get Widows Wail and Brienne kept Oathkeeper?

>scene ends with a literal slow clap
It's a no from me.

Because it means nothing, aside from him being pessimist. Guy sees the past (and the present), not the future.


Goblin tiddies

Stannis, Euron, almost everyone from Dorne. That image makes me nostalgiac for the first few seasons.

Widows Wail will be renamed as Queen's Roar

they need to feed their horses more, they look a bit bony


It's not made of ice. It's Valyrian steel.

When is LF coming back frens? Only 4 episodes left.

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Some of the actors don't want to keep doing this for the rest of their lives, the network couldn't afford their ballooning salaries anyway, and D&D stopped caring years ago when GRRM left production to fnish the books but couldn't deliver. The writing was on the wall when they started brainstorming Confederate and Star Wars, they've mentally checked out of Game of Thrones and just want to be done with it.

and everyone clapped

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Wights Human Centipedes is the only way we're getting them, if we are, since they're clearly not using them as mounts like depicted here.

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>NK chokes Theon saying that no man can ever kill him
>Theon beheads him saying that he's not a man anymore

it's a hard cringe from me

thats way bigger than a dog

ice was the name of the sword ya dumb cunt

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they can't show labia or erect dicks


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It looks like the dragoon from FFXIV ripping out nidhogs eyes tbqh.

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He left to "finish" and also he couldn't take what it was becoming. His own fault of course. FUCK HIM TO HELL

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it's a much better idea than literal big spiders, that's Harry Potter tier
The idea of corpses badly decomposed to move on their own gathering up into those monstrosities is more than I would give the writers credit for

Okay I take my words back, about just icy big spiders not being as terrifying.
But still spider-like corpses would be not so bad either.
Alas, there will be no spiders of any kind. Brabo Dabid.

Jenny's Song. Thank fuck. Last of the Giants would have been an appropriate choice too, but Jenny's Song is better.

He won't die, he's death is for another time.


it's not half bad.
then again only the first two books and two dunk and egg books have been adapted so they've been working with good source material. the biggest thing that stands out over the show's visual design is how every house color actually stands out. Stark grey looks significantly different from NW black, which isn't the case in the show where fucking everyone is in black and grey.

"Hey you guys!"

This is true, but I think that was the direction they wanted him to go with for Stannis unfortunately. Remember the scene were he was practically begging Melisandre for a shred of pussy on the Dragonstone shore? Absolutely pathetic and very unlike Stannis.

>fuck off we won the referendum

Nice Copy pasta
I really hope they go down this path but Ser Arthur Dayne knighted Jaime Lannister, and they really focused on Arthur Dayne's Sword during the tower of the hand stuff which means I think w will see it again presumably in the flashback of Jaime's Knighthood.

But no matter what Jon was 998th Lord Commander of the nightswatch, meaning Edd Tollett is the 999th Lord Commander And it's likely that the 1000th one is he who kills the nightking. Saving Brandon Stark is also an excellent chapter in the Character arc of Jaime Lannister

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I genuinely can't wait for this piece of shit show to be over with, i get that Yea Forums likes it unironically, but constantly having to hear normie bugmen and women with blue hair talk about how amazing this show is anywhere i go, drives me fucking insane with rage.

I hope GoT dies out like Twilight did. Burned to ashes and forgotten.

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>i will now make a joke about the white walkers being lost for some reason and since this is a joke about someone being last, I will now have the night king say "oh you're just loving this aren't you" because that is the proper and only punchline to the comics about jokes with people who have no reason to be lost getting lost
>I have now made this comic according to the proper comedy webcomic specifications.

NPCs are real, I swear on me mum.

I still can’t believe that’s a prosthetic makeup. Probably took the entire day to apply.

Except in the books it's TOTALLY an obsidian like thing that you make into weapons by knapping. That's why it breaks when used on a wight wearing clothes/armor, while a regular sword doesn't. Because it's brittle and only good against Others. It's not something you melt like fucking iron and then pour into molds that produce blades that still look like they were knapped for some fucking reason. It's a fucking retarded change just to give Gendry something to do.

It would have been a better look if they'd just had someone show up with the recipe for crude valyrian steel and have Gendry get to work at it. Instead of changing how dragonglass works this late in the show. It would have looked way more epic as well, which I would have thought D&D would have loved.

In b4 the only way to kill the Night King is use use Ice (the sword) on him. It was ancestral for a reason, it was actually imbued with ancient magic and is the only sword that can kill him.

and they destroyed it

Pod's version is kino, this one is "Ed Sheeran cameo"-tier

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Nobody cared about him until he grew the horns

I guess the NK will attack the godswood solo on his dragon.

they clearly want to cut between action and buildup in 3 different places like the Battle of Blackwater.

It literally was realistic, that's why it gained a following in the first place you dolt. It's war of the roses with a fantasy backdrop, not fucking LOTR. Grrm literally went out of his way to subvert fantasy tropes to give the story a sense of realism.

Pod singing.

The Others representation on the show was garbage from the get-go. Slim dudes with flowing armor and grace? Na dude, lets go with ice zombies :D :D

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That is the most hilarious cut

>crude valyrian steel and have Gendry get to work at it.

that would have been at least as bad, like making light sabers a standard weapon used by regular troops in Star Wars.

>the manga is better than the Anime

the hwhite walkers are slim dudes with grace tho


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>NK tries grabbing Theon by the balls to free them off
>Theon smirks and looks into the camera before killing him

>Blackwater is still the best big battle episode of the series, and possibly the series as a whole

>ghost was in the episode for like 3 seconds

season saved

>they can't show labia
Good, nobody wants to look at roasties

It's so boring and stupid. I guess I'll just check wiki when this shit ends.

I thought they looked like bummy ice cavemen with their primaries looking weapon and rags for clothes. Was never a fan of it even before I thought the show went to shit.

I did not see the episode but the professional tv critics over at The A.V. Club seemed to be on board with it. Is the show just to clever for normal viewers that lack the thoughtful insights of The A.V. Club - Staffers?

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The crude part would be the most important. Like they'd look shitty and not be as good at cutting or some shit. Anything to not have them melt dragonglass at a shitty forge.

>The NK can only be killed by a valerian steel sword that only showed up hundreds or thousands of years after he was created
Epic idea David.

>Leaks say NK is marching to KL

The scene that was promised

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bong sex

Viserion has broken through all our defenses.
Alsp bran is sitting in the godswood watching repeating memory of his sister getting raped,
so beautiful he said