Does anyone else feel kinda feel sorry for her?

Underneath all the leftist brainwashing she actually seems really nice.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah but it's too late now, she has
already chosen her path. Pity.

What could have been.
See has much more light in her eyes then

>leftist brainwashing
Love the irony here

She’s a homeschooled sperg

shes just a cunt
why is it so hard to accept?

idc though i only make brie threads to trigger the whiteknights, incels and trannies :)

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leftist brainwashing is a real thing
even commies know this

no lol

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reminder that the people that don't like her are literally Russians and their useful idiot virgins

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>shes just a cunt
>why is it so hard to accept?
asked the "involuntarily celibate" shitposter LOL

>"fellow incel brothers"
pffft hahaha u guys cant be subtle

you just can win

She's never struggled a day in her life, yet lectures people on privilege
Stupid cunt

the absolute STATE of fa/tv/irgin sjws

Attached: brie gonna getcha tv.jpg (1057x1057, 139K)

>dont like "X" actress?
>n-n-no impossible! you must be a virgin!! women cant be cunts u must be a russian tooo
it was her tuuurn!!

triggering whiteknights has been a Yea Forums sport since 2003

seriously, where the fuck is a steam for Captain Marvel? I cannot find one and I don't want to pay to support ideologues.

>underneath her repulsive personality she actually seems really nice
Stop being distracted by tits, faggot, she's a cunt through and through

bet you've probably never even had a job LOL
bet you unironically feel attacked by diversity casting in kids movies

She still has to audition, doesn't she?

>S E E T H I N G
get some medication for that cope

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>all the leftist brainwashing

You're a fucking idiot, OP.

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>still talking about 2016 memes
do you ever wonder if you've been trained?

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>y-y-you have to like her!
lol every brie thread is filled by salty whiteknights like you, we will never stop at this point ;)

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you just know...

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>he only talks about 2019 memes

based flossing zoomer

still no argument

>still S E E T H I N G
being triggered by smelly grils is just making your life gayer my dude. making everything about your virginity doesn't make you a "blackknight" it just makes you an embarrassing kid.

Attached: brie laugh activate kek.gif (268x210, 954K)

>have you ever considered coming face to face to a monkey
>lets talk Samuel L Jackson

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>be an annoying, sexist, racist bitch
>egocentric, annoying, unfunny, arrogant bitch
>avengers cast either hate or or try to tolerate her forced diva status imposed by disney and brie herself
>only people that like her are the same type of racist, sexist, annoying, egocentric, entitled sjw bitches who think CM is good because and only because it has a female lead and the thought of disliking the movie for being a shit movie is a thought impossible to understand for those people.

Sorry for her? No.
My only hope is for the movies that follow Endgame to flop and for Larson to be relegated to C celeb status and be left alone doing her shitty, ego tripping, indie movies like Unicorn Store

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I mean it makes sense. If I got hoodwinked into shilling for an embarrassing long-haired jew york "billionaire" I'd probably keep myself distracted and whatabout to 2016 memes too.


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Are fake ballon tits approved by feminism?

>be an annoying, sexist, racist bitch
Yea Forums - television & film

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>being triggered by smelly grils
damn they are admiting it at this point, the absolute state of briefags

get some standards bro.
or better yet a gf, lol isnt that hard ffs

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Am I the only normal person on this board anymore?
Currently, there are five fucking threads about Brie Larson. Five.
Can you gaylords give it a rest already? Why shit up an already damaged board?
This is nothing short of mental illness.

Her mannerisms remind me a lot of a girl I used to hang out with.
I liked her a lot, I thought she liked me too, she seemed to enjoy my company but once I got closer to her she started going away and when I left her she started approaching me.
She was also a compulsive liar.
By coincidence she was also an art type.
Big word, but I consider her now broken and crazy.

you lost.

Do you remember what was going on one month ago, around the CM release date?
Shit was crazy, I thought Yea Forums would never recover but it's pretty chill now.

calm down, rachel

Sure, it could always be worse, but that doesn't mean much.
I say make a general already and keep it contained there. Alita & GoT fags at least have the courtesy of doing that.

Someone is triggered cause most people hate that annoying cunt.
Can't you understand you and your political statement is being used by Disney to sell shitty products?
They made a shitty movie, they knew the movie was trash and it would be difficult to market and sell merchandising related to it, so they shove gender politics and acted like the movie is some sort of political tool, the symbol for feminism to stick with.

Let me make this clear for you: you are defending a bland super hero movie, as the symbol of women's rights.
You are defending a multi billionaire corporation, you are defending Disney, the EA/Activision of the movie industry, cause they made a bland super hero movie, shoved politics into it without little care or respect, and told you should support it and give Disney money cause it is "feminism".

They are exploiting social issues, they are manipulating you into giving them MILLIONS of dollars cause they made you believe a fucking shitty super hero movie is the bastion of social struggle.
You amigos are pure, 100% unstained, retard in carbon form.

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user don't bother. Nothing that happens in the movie is relevant going towards the future. If anything, it just raises more questions about why she never helped when the earth was getting butt fucked like, 5 times.

Plus it's a fucking snore. Watching a 2x4 get sling-shot through a series of glass windows is the best approximation I can give you. And that sounds like more fun, honestly.

if the whiteknights stop replying
the brieposting will slow down

they cant contain themselves, they are seething, they have to reply :)

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oh thanks my nigz, I assumed that I needed to see it before end game

people in power are always threatened by the prospect to lose their power again, so they will try anything to support their place in society. Catholic church or communists, the rules of power never change *cue GoT theme*

>damn they are admiting it at this point, the absolute state of briefags
imagine the smell
>get some standards bro.
said the actual virgin

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>if the whiteknights stop replying
the brieposting will slow down
I fucking hope so.
Dear white knights, please see this and stop fucking replying. The subject has overstayed it's welcome already and if you don't agree with me than you're a complete idiot.
Pick up a new hobby.

>Someone is triggered
looks like it's the bozo writing essays about their virginity being exploited by movie companies

Bet you haven't even watched the movie have you redditblogger?

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She doesn't seem nice at all. I genuinely think she's a narcissist. I've thought this since 21 jump street. She is what happens when you're a spoiled brat who grows up in the Los Angeles area.

Same goes for the other cunts with their hateful obsession.
Hate on someone with actual power like Hillary Clinton or some shit.

>rich Hollywood whore
>feel sorry for her
Nah. She got what she deserved.

>leftist brainwashing

She's worth millions if not billions and already has had a steady career. This board is worthless, run by some unknown gook and basement dwellers who LARP'd hard enough to make you believe Donald Trump is a credible presidential choice.

Have sex incel.

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>Does anyone else feel kinda feel sorry for her?
>Underneath all the leftist brainwashing she actually seems really nice.
Yeah I do a bit. I see what you're saying.
It's sadly not that rare, and not just leftist brainwashing that turn decent enough people into abhorring creatures. You can overdose on bluepills and redpills.

To be honest I do kind of like her. She seems to get along with no one and comes off as a total pessimist and misanthrope. Its refreshing and I can relate.

>get called useful
that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me

shes pretty, not hot but would definitely try to get with her if met her out somewhere. such a shame about the fungus and unfixable toe nail, ideologies can be fixed but not the feet

>still mentions trump


Niggers have lower IQs on average compared to any other race in the world.

Didn't AGC blind items say for around a year that she's also a raging coke-head, and Disney had to do to her like they treated Rey, and told her to get off the coke during shooting?

Case in point, since you're so brainwashed and deranged that you think everyone on this board supports Trump.

the lack of ass is worse imho, if she had biel´s ass she wouldnt get %50 of the hate

Literally nothing wrong with her, just incels projecting their insecurities onto her.

>no toe fungus, just glued on fake nails, as is obvious
>nobody hates Brie except incels who think they see others disliking her, but really they're just seeing what they want to see
>when her movie proved extremely popular, incels believed it was a conspiracy, Disney bought empty seats, etc, either that or people did go see it but "only because they want to be ready for Endgame", which is also BS
>"she never smiles", she smiles just as much as anyone else, incels notice because they're scared of her and an absence of a smile on a single picture is a literal threat to them
>finding her ugly and untrained when obvious photos show both her hotness and trained physical condition

Incels make me fucking sick with their delusions.

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>She's worth millions if not billions


>having a big butt or not is now a reason to be hated
You should leave, you, the autists, the incels, leave.

based truthbro

brie is a mudshark too,
these whiteknights are defending a blacked roastie smgh

>all the seething
You sound like an exaggeration of someone making fun of pink hair sjws who identify as xes for their gender. But you are being legit with that copy pasta.

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She also listened to burzum and stuff back in the days. I wonder if she still blasts filosofem from time to time.

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actually being attractive or not is now a reason to be mocked/liked

Based tranny

those feet can never be fixed, even if she fixed the TMNT ooze under her nails it will always be deformed, at least she can work on her ass once her feminism was cured

I love this celebrity. Not sorry for it. Any insults towards me will be ignored


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Imagine being the poor fucker who had to paint those and give Brie her pre-premier foot worship.

Damn, even the shoe soles are brown and dirty. Good lord.