Let's talk about this shadow of a dragon over king's landing in bran's vision, s4e2

Let's talk about this shadow of a dragon over king's landing in bran's vision, s4e2

NK isn't going to winterfell

Attached: Screenshot_20190422-061926.png (1280x720, 828K)

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Really makes you hmm dosen't it?

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>thinking dabid is this capable
>thinking dabid puts any thought into shit like this at all

>ice spiders as big as hounds
>mothers smothering their babies
>snow hundred feet high
>men freezing to death
Looks like winter never came at all. fucking dabid

It's going to be danny's dragon. So far season 8 was absolutely predictable to the point where even a bunch of shitposters coming up with random normie nonsense as story were able to perfectly predict first two eps.

>It's viserion
>Night king gonna skip winterfell and attack king's landing
>Whole battle of winterfell is a distraction

big if true
but I doubt any of the writers even remeber season 4

It could easily be written off as a vision of the past.


sounds like the undead dragon

Bran also had a vision of the Iron Throne room destroyed. It was also visible when Dany went to the magicians tower or whatever it was called

That already happened last season with the Dragon Pit, didn't it?

holy shit guys basically the NK will turn everyone in Kings Landing into zombies and white walkers. Think about it. There's nobody likable left in King's Landing. That's why they sent Bronn away. I thought they would handle NK first and then Cersei would be the final boss, but her deception was already blown wide open in the second episode. Her army will now be an army of deads.

>nk attacks KL
>takes over the mountain
>the mountain kills Cersei
>jaime ends up being AA and kills the NK

Well yeah why should he? The ammount of people there would starve by themselfs during the winter. Going streight south would be the sensible thing to do.

Pic related was in same vision. Also, when Dany was in the magicians' tower in Qarth in S2, she saw a frosted throne room as well.

100% NK slaps King's landing, it's gotta be in GRRM's notes with the frozen throne showing up twice so early in the show.

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how could the dead have got to KL without passing the North?

teleport magic

It was a foreboding vision about a Targaryen arriving in Westeros again soon, aka Danny.

Go around? It's not like Winterfell is the entire breadth of the north

>Night Kings Landing

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Tbh I would actually love if ep 3 cucked the audience and we found out the walkers went straight to kings landing while everyone sat around in winterfell

we see them at the end of ep 2 at Winterfell senpai

explain this?

>Not the NK

Winterfell gets tabled and they have to retreat, run into the Golden company while hauling ass south and have to fight it out, they carry on south back to Dorne.
NK reaches KL and Cersei blows everything up with wildfire.
The "Good guys" somehow pull of a victory.

Didn't D&D once said that this was the most important scene from Bran's visions?

>it's gotta be in GRRM's notes
Then why did none of the scenes in the house of the undying match up?

On his own? Or did he motorize part of his army and had them bypass Winterfell to drive to King's Landing?

He's so OP he can basically btfo King's Landing on his own.

One of the leaks is correct. EITHER Tyrion and Cersei do something that results in the entire city being destroyed.
OR the battle with the NK ends in KL and we see snow hit the city

>Take literal years to move to the fucking wall
>Zerg rush across over half the continent in a blink

Blame the actors wanting millions each episode.

Dany will attack KL with her last dragon.

>Jaime Lannister is probably the greatest swordsman in the 7 kingdoms
>Even he is surprised when he's beat by Brienne of tarth

Damn this show used to have SOUL

I hope it's the former. It wouldnt make any sense for the war to drag on to KL. Both logistically as geographically. But lets face it, the show never gave a damn about those tho things anyway, especially with all the damn teleporting.



Yeah, wtf man.

came here to say this
This was just meant as a "dany with her big bad dragons make it to westeros"

And then what? Whats one dude gonna do?


this is just made to mirror the "winter is coming" meme. It in no way suggests it will be the NK bringing the winter to kings landing

>It in no way suggests it will be the NK bringing the winter to kings landing
"Winter is coming"

I mean yea it can be interpreted that way, or the simpler explanation which is that dabid wanted to portray a vision of the future such as dragons in KL (like Danys dragons) and the winter in KL which everyone is saying is coming. Winter =/= NK, everyone was already expecting winter at some point, that is normal

If i have to sit through another episode of manlet jokes and tyrion’s drunken rambling im gonna lose it

good theory I have one point to add
cersei got dragon slyer ballista which is shown in op theme. maybe NK is not coming but cersei is getting the dragon

sooo... no king or queen at all but a parliamentary democracy!

Except King's Landing has an army of over a million potential wights and is barely being protected atm when almost everyone including the 2 other dragons are in Winterfell.

It'd make sense, it's just too much of a 4D chess move for the writers to come up with.

No, merchant republic style