Hur dur I need a capeshit explanation for this guy

They literally show you who he was. Who created him and for what purpose. "Show don't tell" is being ruined by stupid people. He is killing all life and wants to wipe out civilization. That's all.

He isn't going to turn into bran, rape Sansa, or have a big speech about global warming. He isn't going to tell Jon he hates him, or talk about how evil Targaryens are. He isn't the fucking joker or ultron.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>He is killing all life and wants to wipe out civilization. That's all.

Reminder that the most solid theory is that he just wants to kill the 3 eye raven as a personal vendetta.

Because the children of the forest made him to wipe out the civilization if men.

>They literally show you who he was. Who created him and for what purpose.
They shouldn't have shown that imo.

Why can’t zoomer incels fathom the idea that evil exists? How come the idea that all Jewish people are out to kill you is more believable than the idea that a man who was turned into ice, forced to wage war on his fellow men by manlet elves, and then stuck in the arctic circle for centuries just might want to kill everyone?


Because he's doing what he was created for. The children of the forest created him to exterminate men who were destroying everything. He essentially got out of control and worked better than they (the children) had hoped.

Normies reject concepts such as good or evil

No they dont, thats how they literally see everything and base their morality

There needs to be a goal though. The point of a good villain is that they see the world would be better off this certain way. Killing everyone off just for the sake of it is lousy writing. I don't reject that it's a possibility that he is evil just cuz he's evil, but I don't accept that this is what a good writer would portray.

It's the exact opposite. Normies believe in good and evil, edgy Yea Forums autists are the ones saying "morality is a spook XD".

The purpose of the NK in the story isn't really to be the villain though, it is to be an instrument to bringing the different houses and sides together.

He literally is just a weapon, he was created by the COTF with the purpose of killing men and he is fufilling that purpose.

>but I don't accept that this is what a good writer would portray.

Who said anything about good writers?

>They literally show you who he was. Who created him and for what purpose
yeah because LOTR didn't do THE EXACT FUCKING THING....yet you faggots praise it all the fucking time.

no he's tearing down the wall to open trade to west essos.

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Then why was he obsessed with the babies in the first half of the show?
Why is he after Bran specifically?
Why couldn't the COTF just stop him from killing everyone off now?

He wants to kill bran to end the cycle so he can finally die and stop walking around in the snow for eternity


Because man invaded their land you retard, they explain this

Why did the show writers decide dragonglass should be involved in creating WWs? The thing that is the PHYSICAL REPRESENTATION OF FIRE somehow just also turns people into ice zombies? It doesn't thematically fit at all. It just reeks of lazy writing.

dont make me lick some ballsacks!

Oh gross dude imagine if you licked mine all slow while looking up at me haha

Mutually assured destruction

Because they lacked the power to control it, you dense motherfucker. They were hunted the fuck down by the First Men before they turned to using this weapon, and now they're fucking gone because the last (show-wise) were wiped out. Bran is connected to the weirwoods, as was the three-eyed raven, and is using old magic to try and combat them. And they use babies to make more WW. Jesus fuck you're thick.

>Because the children of the forest made him to wipe out the civilization if men.

He was a weapon that they lost control of. Basically a metaphor for nuclear war/nuclear winter!!!FACT!!!

I sux cox and dix!!!FACT!!!

Imagine if shitty writers didn't retcon dragonglass and it would only work on WWs, but not on wights.
Now that would become quite a threat.

>Obsessed with babies
Because, while he can raise the dead, he needs living beings to reproduce other Night Kings I think? And incest guy made an endless supply. At least, that's what I think the implication is, but idk.

Described this last episode. He's the sum of all human knowledge. Take that away and humans are blind, dumb, weak and defenseless.

>Why can't COTF stop him
Because they're all fucking dead. Gg humans.

>I sux cox and dix!!!FACT!!!

That's why your Father cries himself to sleep every night with a loaded gun in his mouth, clone faggot!!!FACT!!!

Yeah, that was some contrived shit. Not that I expect any less from D&D, of course.

You guys don't remember the cave paintings showing the first men fighting together again the white walkers?

>Reminder that the most solid theory
No the most solid theory is that the White Walkers were made by the Children of the forest to defeat Men. And that isn't a theory it's a fact. They're just completing their mission

He wants to kill the three eyed raven because the memories of all the children who created him exist inside the three eyed raven. He wants to kill all men because they teamed up with the children last time.

>And they use babies to make more WW
And those babies turn into 100 year old war veterans within like 2 years? Yeah fuck off, that shit isn't explained at all in the show.

what's his tax policy?

Because the First Men invaded their homeland and cut down their trees.

>wants everything to be explained
motherfucker, they're icing babies with magic, did you not see the episode where the NK did this? 5 bucks says they use more magic, or had sacrifices from other people. where did craster hear about it? why did he start doing? some answers we may never get, you mongoloid.

Jeez, you sound super triggered right now. Why don't ya calm down buddy? :^)

Faggot not every villain has to be explained to you. He clearly has a motivation and that motivation was given by the children of the forest.

Faggots go crazy over the fucking joker when he clearly has no fucking motivation to do what he does unlike Mr. Freeze etc.

Also, he is practically a wake up call or the chaotic force of nature coming through to have everyone shut the fuck up about their problems. Fuck the throne, fuck your wife, fuck your kids, fuck your gold, fuck your castles, fuck your dragons. I'm destroying all of it.

>Also, he is practically a wake up call or the chaotic force of nature coming through to have everyone shut the fuck up about their problems. Fuck the throne, fuck your wife, fuck your kids, fuck your gold, fuck your castles, fuck your dragons. I'm destroying all of it.
Tell that to Dany

Christ the state of all you retards on this board. Thinking that everything is shit writting when you dont understand or pay attention.

>"Show don't tell" is being ruined

Has any popular tv show ever not done this? Lost is a particularly egregious example.

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Right....until shit fell flat on her face

>How come the idea that all Jewish people are out to kill you is more believable
Because it is logical. In order to stay on top jews need to create conflict between the races and between white people in order to divert attention from themselves and what they are doing and how much power they hold over our societies. They do not want to "kill" white people, they just want to erase "white" or more so - European, as a concept. Because then that person will have no roots, no history, no tradition. He would be a nameless nobody in a nameless society filled with the same nameless nobodies. And in that society nobody would be able to point the finger at the jews for what they are doing because... we're all the same, aren't we? We have no history, no culture, no tradition, no unique characteristics, nothing.

As for the Night King. it's quite clear he is a stupid Deus Ex Machina device. The big bad evil that is out to destroy the world as we've seen it with other countless fantasies, most notable of which is LOTR. There is nothing interesting about him, nothing interesting about the rest of the White Walkers because the rest of the White Walkers are just there for props instead of being a society with language and technology and magic beyond the South's comprehension as it is described in the books.

What's his tax policy?

got doesn’t have good writers

does bosch count as a popular show? bosch is the perfect example them putting things out there, it's there for you to notice and they'll revisit it later without beating you over the head with it

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Children of the forest being a stand-in for the natural world? That seems like the obvious answer, but aren't men a product of the natural world too, though? Also, where does the Three-eyed Raven fit into this? Bran says he's the symbol of this world, and that the Night King will always hunt him. So the Children of the Forest were enemies of the Three-eyed Raven? I don't quite understand the relationship between CotF, humanity, and the 3ER.

It's hard for popular normie shows to honor that rule when they're approaching their final seasons. If they show more than tell, then a good chunk of their normie audience that doesn't understand how to digest cinema will shitpost on social media about how the ending confused them. Tell more than show, and instead you get the normies clapping and posting memes while the relatively much smaller audience of kino connoisseurs find themselves cringing from the heavy-handed writing.

>I don't quite understand the relationship between CotF, humanity, and the 3ER.
Doubt D&D do either. Just roll with it.

Hes a metaphor for climate change and how if everyone doesnt come together to defeat it, we lose the worlds population. The wights represent zombified right wing industrialists who dont care about the planet.

FYI, leftists destroy the environment more than right wingers due their obnoxious belief in globalism, shipping trades all over the world and flying to exotic beaches several times a year for leisure.

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oh you sweet summer child

It's already been explained who the NK is and what he's doing, and yet I still see people constantly confused about this on both Yea Forums and reddit

>Children of the Forest are the original inhabitants of Westeros
>Andals swing by from Essos for a cheeky invasion and things are shaky but kinda okay for a while
>eventually they have a giant ass war
>Andals are winning
>CotF use their forest magic to turn some poor dude into the NK
>the NK's sole purpose is to kill all men
>CotF eventually get defeated and become extinct
>the wall is built and the Night's Watch is formed to keep all the spoopy shit contained in the far north
>no one built the NK with an off switch, so he's still doing his thing after all these thousands of years

right wing retards destroy it more by gassing POC and burning their corpses

what if the curse is reversible and he becomes some regular guy again?

>Killing everyone off just for the sake of it is lousy writing

Buddy you might want to stop watching now

Are we going to have a Civil War capeshit battle between the Named good guys and the 7 or however many White Walker generals there are?

No, he is an Eastern spy who wants to ruin Westeros' economy. Thats why he always brings the cold, its to destroy the agricultural based economy of the west and that combined with the crowns tax policy will ruin Westeros, paving the way for Essos to become a global superpower

He's not going to be Bran, but bran WILL do some time-space bullshit in the end to resolve the issue.

either way, it's gonna be a gay ending

Except that this whole idea falls apart when you realize that not one Jewish person has ever given any sign that this exists lol. A whole race couldn’t keep that secret

What is stupid, seeing that the other's where an actual race in the books. One that even bred into the stark and bolton lines in the distant past.

But why?


>Except that this whole idea falls apart when you realize that not one Jewish person has ever given any sign that this exists lol
Except that is your projection. Many jewish figures, rabbis and otherwise have stated this goal. Their holy book, equivalent to the Bible to hardcore Christians, is all about this stuff
>A whole race couldn’t keep that secret
It's not some grand conspiracy where all jews get together and plan this in a secret meeting. That's simply how they were raised, how they were taught since young, their culture.

Retard, do you even watch the show or just shitpost for the sake of it?

>Described this last episode. He's the sum of all human knowledge. Take that away and humans are blind, dumb, weak and defenseless.

Where the actual fuck did you get this from? Bran just says he wants a never ending night and then doesn't explain any further why the Night King is after him. What good is taking out Mr Google going to do?

based sneedposter

Everything George created for this show in book has a historical analogue, and the obvious one for White Walkers is the Black Death. A disease that wipes out men, women, and children, highborn, lowborn, Stark, Lannister; it doesn't matter. It wipes out a third of Europe, but low and behold, humanity survives and eventually prospers, with the feudalism and its meaningless wars coming to an end.

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Europe was always a garden of Eden. Thats why whites did so well. There was never war or disease or famine in Europe. The Black Death is fake history. Pure luck.

Ok 5th grade English teacher

>ITT, retards

In the beginning, Westeros was happy smurf land of trees and forest children. Then the first men came and began to mow down the trees and conquer the land, engaging in a massive continent wide war with the children.

As it became evident that the men were going to win, in an act of desperation the children created the white walkers, programmed to wipe out humanity.

It quickly became clear that they had created a monster they could not control that was going to totally fuck-o the whole world into nuclear winter, so the leaders of the children and the first men met on an island in the river lands called the 'gods eye' where a pact was made to join forces and fight the white walkers. To mark this agreement the children carved faces into all the weir wood trees on the island so the old gods were their witness, hence the name of the island now being 'the isle of faces'.

This was was called the long night, and lasted an entire generation. In the end a human named 'the last hero' or 'azor ahai' came forth with their flaming sword 'lightbringer' and brought an end to the white walkers. The wall was then made as a magical defense.

Until the events of the show/books.

Night King Symbolizes the Jew, I mean with the nose he looks like a happy merchant

What makes you say that

almost, but not quite.

The Children couldn't control the NK, and eventually teamed up with humanity to stop him. Most of the CotF were wiped out from both warring with humanity, and warring against their own creation in the NK. We know they teamed up, because the first men took the religion of the old gods, of the arch trees, same gods as the children.

He is pissed off and wants to erase the history of man now that is no longer one since he was turned in to a weapon for some mold whores who couldn't fight for themselves. The symbols are a "FUCK YOU I HATE YOU FUCK YOUR CROSS IM GONNA BURN IT" type of message since the symbol is from the children of the forest that created him. It's that simple and that's why it sucks.

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Just felt like shit posting.

>actually just wanted to get beyond the wall to kill the fire people
>forms a truce with his fellow ice niggas afterwards
please r8 even though it won't happen

isnt it the other way around?
europe always had strong temperature fluctuations so the the people there had to learn to be good at skinning animals and agriculture and shit or die

well why not?

>keep that secret
it's not a secret. it's a meme. every person on earth who has heard of jews knows about this 'conspiracy'

Uhhhhh. Baby white walkers?
what the fuck would a bunch of brain dead ice zombies do with a bunch of infants ?
They aren't going to be jolly old Uncle WhiteZombs teaching them to sword fight or swing an axe, carry a shield or shoot a bow.
Let alone raise a baby, how are they going to feed them or deal with poopies.
WHAT DO WHITE WALKERS EAT, and how do they provide for babies into largish effective or at least adequate rank and file whitewalker zombies?

>Durr durr zombeees xDxD

white walkers /= zombies, more like ice demons
risen dead people (aka wights) = zombies

Why is the Night King so beautiful?

Jews are the definition of chaotic evil though

>Bran realises he can stop the army of the dead by going BACK IN TIME
>Jon and Dany get married
>Cersei kills herself when the Golden Company turn on her
>Jaime and Tyrion make up
>Jon gives up the Iron Throne to Dany because his "home is the north, and always has been"
>smashes down the rest of the wall with the help of Archmaester Tarly because "the world needs less borders". Jon replies: "fewer".
>Samwell is revealed to the narrator of the entire story as an old man, played by GURM, writing the "history of the game of thrones", comments on how it's a snappier title than the old book
>has been reading it to three silver-haired children, who he refers to as Eddard, Rhaegar and Lyanna
>"Truly, it was a song of Ice and Fire"
>closes the book
>a dragon flies past the window, and they all watch
>camera pans out, and the dragon winks
>Ariana Grande sings over the credits
>"And who....are you...."

>Except that this whole idea falls apart when you realize that not one Jewish person has ever given any sign that this exists lol
Ever heard of a thing called twitter? lol.

Martin is a zoomer incel?

pls no

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>Because the children of the forest made him to wipe out the civilization if men.
It really needs no further explanation than this. He was turned into a weapon to destroy humanity. His creators lost control of him, but his purpose remains the same.

The Great Other >>>>>>> Night's King

>Except that this whole idea falls apart when you realize that not one Jewish person has ever given any sign that this exists

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I unironically like this also bran can go back in time.

Best villain of all time is chunin exam Gaara prove me wrong

Except that he uses actual deceases as analogies for the Black Death, the winter famine and all the other plagues/deceases that wipe out high and lowborn The White Walkers are something else which we don't know yet and aren't just out to kill everything

lmao, except for the ariana glande shit, is not too far from reallity.

>except for the ariana glande shit

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