Why did they bring an axe into space?
Why did they bring an axe into space?
So the funny black guy can axe you a question
When you go on a multi decade space mission i guess that you bring all kinds of shit
Why not? It's one of the most basic tools.
Well obviously there's some utilitarian need for an axe on a spaceship.
Real life Soviet era space missions included a gun, too.
Is she going commando?
So they could have a space axe?
that was for when the crashed in the siberian wastes.
imagine not taking an axe. How fucking soi can you get
>not bringing an axe with you at all times
not for use in space
>So the funny black guy can axe you a question
axe u about the bonus situation
>t. soi boi
>Real life Soviet era space missions included a gun, too
Is that why the Mir space station kept springing leaks in it. Bored drunk Russians playing with guns 200kms above the earth.
dem bagina bones
Because it is a multipurpose tool. Notice, that it also has a hammer head. You can also use it as a leverage.
Also, when you get cold, you can chop down some space wood and build yourself a decent space fire.
Chop in to a bulkhead that's frozen shut.
Smash porthole glass to pass through shielded tubing and hosing and plumbing to bypass entire parts of a ship that may be contaminated with space bacteria or flooded with radiation.
Maybe a few more reasons.
thats a bush
That’s clearly a hatchet
An axe and/or a hatchet is usually part of SAR equipment. Same for that big axe in Prometheus. Modern day warships carry fire axes aboard - a sci-fi writer/prop guy putting axes onboard spaceships isn't far fetched. They are useful tools.
The only people having problems with this kind of thing are the basement-dwelling nerds who oughta get out and learn more about the real world. Hence the retarded spam we get on these Cthulhu-fearing boards in this year of our Lord, Ai Ftaghn!
you could chop some wild bushes with it. If you wanted to. Ripley clearly didn't want to. If you know what I mean.
It was mandatory for the bonus situation.
OP confirmed as faggot millennial
In case one of them clogs the space toilet, they need to be able to chop that mess up
idk tho
Would an axe even work in space?
space trees
What did you expect them to bring if they need to hack something? The whole point of the movie's aesthetic is that it's the future but still recognizably similar to our world.
If they wanted to, say, catch a rodent, they'd probably just use a rat trap. But no, instead lets throw an A.I. propulsion system, gyroscopes, infrared sensors, and some next-gen battery tech in there so we can kill rats.
wtf that's for drywall
>let's talk about that boner situation !
Ri... what?
>But it's a dry wall!
To break windows and doors.
Why did they bring the bonus situation into space?
Her bush is bigger than my dick
as nature intended.
I remember reading an old sci-fi book years ago and there was a plot point about how someone sneaked a huge fucking hammer on board somehow and how much it was worth now that it got launched in space.
And it obviously got involved in plot and was useful, so there's that.
This. Hell merchant vessels even have a shit ton of fire axes and hatchets.
To guard her pusy
Her face is so homely, tits so small and ass so nonexistent she would have been more attractive with a dick and the name Siegfried.
That could be done with a hammer.
someone has to tame Ripley's bush.
I do know what you mean.
Obviously not a job for a low test beta like you.
Well it's a good thing the axe in that picture has a hammer head on the back side of it, isn't it?
Were you expecting a fusion cutter or lightsaber? Why would you do this when an axe is more effective and reliable?