/got/ general

Aegon edition

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>tfw the only way your getting the big woman is by rape

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What do you guys think is in the shadow lands and Asshai?

Azor Theon

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>hard drive bran :D

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>I have a son, you have a daughter. We'll join our houses.


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Gendry is confirmed to die next episode, sorry fags. Same with Beric. Same with Jorah and Theon and all the other people that they need to thin out the cast.

s08e06 leaked

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>episode 2 spoilers were real all down to that cringy conversation between Sansa and Danny & Arya goblino CGI body double sex. Same goes for ep1 and most likely for ep3


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>muh memory be erased! :D

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>faceless man
Season 8...I am forgotten

>No way fag

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so do the humans have a plan to dea lwith the fact every one of them that dies adds to the white walker army?

Arya is the Waif.

what if meli actually went back to essos or some shit and brought the fire worshippers here and they will be the ones to deal with the golden company?

is that liv tyler ???

Arya's pregnant and her son has the boldest claim to the iron throne once both targs die. She is mother to the King.

He's going to kill jaime then climb into bed with brienne for his milkies

>shit forgot to delet my porn folder haha

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kill the big boss and they drop like drones they are

Did you really want it to turn into another fucking zombie show?

Needs a none blue Bran hiding in the back

burn the corpses

Should edit Melly overlapping to this image like Joi in Blade Runner

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based and branpilled

It's weird seeing my daughteru Arya get naked.
But at the same time I'm happy.

How did Gilly get so fat?

They should strap a bomb in their bodies.

a-at least Stannis didn't live to see this shit

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Better than another feminism show where bunch of women outsmart pathetic, weak white men.

shhh they left the best twist for the books

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deal with it

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Today I'll remind them
>it was never established the NK had any way of actually getting over the wall
>he only did it because Jon and Dany literally brought him a wall busting macguffin
>Jon and Dany had no reason to go over the wall and engage him in the first place
>ignoring the NK was always an option
This plot is pants on head retarded an you know it

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Robert has other bastards, one of them even fucks gendry in the books so that's an even stronger claim right there

Jon said a million times that the Night King was going to get past the wall

>Brienne gonna command the left flank
Why? She literally has no battlefield experience or leadership skills AT ALL

This feels really weird, it's kinda like watching your little sister you grown up with fuck in front of you. Wonder if this happened in other shows

Also I never got to experience awkward passionate teenage lovemaking

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They shouldn't have recasted Night, he looks so fucking dumb
Hopefully he looks spooky again in season 8

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So, is Tyrion really going to betray Dany? And/or burn down King's Landing? Did they really film a bunch of different endings to fool us?

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He died in those woods they walk through.
If we're lucky we'll have him as a wight or if possible, a walker.
It'll be a waste to have his knowledge go to waste

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But how

guys... i dont like the new intro...

How would he know

but they had to get a wight so cersei would send an army xd

Haven't kept up, how's season 8 looking so far?

stop posting this shit it's not funny

Who fucking cares, point is he was going to.

Why would he march his giganigga army south if he couldn't get past the wall?

Someone really needs to make an edit of Bran warging to watch Gendry fuck Arya.

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>final battle
>everything goes to shit
>everyone dies
>bran comes to, pulls off a helmet
>he's in an arcade, seated in front of a machine that says "game of thrones" on the side
>"damn, I can never get past the wall breaking down"
>"one more try"
>boots up
>opening theme
>Cue announcement of spinoff

Daily Reminder we've already seen the ending, Dany's vision in the house of undying was a ruined Kings Landing with snow falling on it.

Night King isn't there next episode, he bailed and left his regular ass army there. He flew direct via United Dragon Emirates to fuck Cersei up

This is Ser Davos Seaworth, lovely character and only honorable man left. He will undeniably die the next episode.

Say something nice about him while you can!

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Today I'll remind you that Jon didn't have the Game of Thrones scripts in his possession and didn't know that the NK needed a dragon to get past the wall

>Episode 1: 5/10
>Episode 2: 8/10

these characters are no longer on the show

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But he needed a dragon to do so. So why give him a dragon?

i will stop watching if the defeat the night king midepisode and just deal with cersei the rest of the time.

Could Gendry outrun her?

Fucking kys brainlet

>But he needed a dragon to do so.

He used the dragon, doesn't make that the only way

>people last thread were defending the wight hunt

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>entire plan is the kill NK to stop the army of dead
>NK isn't even there

I would love it

to get rid of the wildlings on his land not paying taxes

He was good friend but smelled like onions

>first one
literally who

Fuck so guess I'll have to watch it myself

Jons a serial fuckup who gets people killed each time he has a brilliant plan

>He flew direct via United Dragon Emirates to fuck Cersei up
Kek. Also I wished but no it's already confirmed that Night King and his whole army dies in episode 3 while the rest of the show will deal with Cersei and Euron

>snow on the iron throne
You niggers are fucking blind to what will happen

Ok lads I'm gonna start watching the second trainwreck episode now. How many keks are there?

who else looks like liv tyler that isnt liv tyler retard

>A lot of Jamie scenes centered around love
>Bran not mentioning the window because Jamie needs to help in the battle
>Possible pottery kino with Jamie knighting Brienne and then getting back his strength and courage when she dies

Could it be, bros? The bran thing could simply be needing as many bodies as possible for the war, but between that and his autistic waiting in the courtyard for his arrival there has to be more to it.

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It's destiny and shit

>the wall has magic that repels undead
>it's never established how the NK would bring down the wall in the first place
Jon didn't need the script, his actions make no sense


>Why would he March south?
He's the nightKING. Political intrigue is a required skill set and bluffing is in his wheelhouse. Face it, Jon got jebaited

But it does though. The dead cant cross the wall without being 'invited' / have a human drag the corpses through manually.

Remember Benjen? The guy who was literally stuck North of the wall because the wall had a ward on it just like blood ravens cave.

And i've seen an 100 "confimed" leaks with a 100 different endings.

Imo, it's all just HBO fog until the episode airs or is leaked in earnest.

That horny little faggot just wants Jaime to go back to King's Landing and make more incest porn for him to watch

3 - Wintefell falls, bunch of filler characters die, general retreat, while some token characters hold he door.
4 People running away, Cersei tries to cuck them
5) Cersei is neutralized, Final confrontation begins
6) Final showdown, epilogue

At least the dialogue was a bit better.

>raped by goblin

wow D&D, I know we've had violent deaths before but this is a bit much, don't you think ?

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No other way has been established in the show, so there's absolutely no reason to assume it exists.

>a character said something
>that means it's true

yeah dany is a just queen and sansa is smart LOL

That's it. I'm dropping the show. I don't care if there's only 4 episodes left.
Someone post the spoilers

But he clearly read the script and knew that the NK needed a dragon. How else did they manage to find the one lone WW and kill him so that all his wights but one would stop moving?

Remember that? How they killed the WW and all his wights stopped moving, except for one? That was sure convenient!

Episode 1 was 4/10
Episode 2 was also 4/10
It looks like mediocre crap so far

>tfw no matter how questionable Thrones gets, nothing can take away that comfy week of me as a first time viewer marathoning seasons 1–4 and eating nothing but smoked meat from the local mart for full medieval immersion

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If wildlings could scale the wall, the night kning could probably catapult his mouthbreathinf knuckledaggers over it


What's on the hard drive that the night king doesn't want us to see? Can't be worse than the children of forest creating the first walker.

Three eyed raven

Repeating this since I asked right as the last thread died:

Why is there interaction between Arya and The Hound but not Sansa? They had a relationship for the first 2 seasons. Yet The Hound sees no reason to even say hello to the only woman he ever had tender feelings for? Did DnD forget everything before Joffrey dying happened?

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More Boar my Lord

White walker futa porn

>it's never established how the NK would bring down the wall

But it's established that he will, so who cares how


Finally legal beauty

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How the fuck would Cersei even move her forces to winterfell in time? they were all chilling in Kings landing just last episode/1 day ago. Did she find CIA's teleportation device?

Have you guys seen shae's porn? Its pretty good. She had a tight little body back in the early 00s

jorah is related to that girl NO WAY

So why didn't Bran tell Dany that Jamie was right to kill the Mad King and rub it in her smug face?

The average showfag, folks.

I bet you think they actually wrote a plan for Marge to oppose Cersei and just didn't let us know what it was before the sept blew up :3

>quits right before the climax


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I'm looking forward to finding out how they're going to feed everyone at Winterfell after they raised the issue last episode. Surely they won't simply forget about it as if it was just filler dialogue.

How does Jon definitively know the wall is magic?
And the NK could have just went around the wall on the frozen water anyway, he just happened to get a quicker path.
And we don't even know if the dragon fucked the wall's magic up in the first place, we have no reason to assume dragon fire would break the spell. It was probably Bran that fucked it up when the NK got his mark on him

Seeing Arya's dumb eyebrows made me remember, why did they give Danny's negro servant big bushy eyebrow makeup all of a sudden? Do they have Sephora in westeros?

just go with the theory that they could have walked on the frozen sea

proppuh fookin' Norvern rose there m8, wouldn't find a lass like that souf o' da Nek I tell ya

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Is it fair to say that Danny is responsible for uncountable amount of deaths in the North because of her reckless rescue mission behind the wall?

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Gonna give a link?

Its really weird since every single person in that room opposed the Mad King, or had family that did.

Did anyone ever tell Dany that her dad was a retard?

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But the tension! The character drama! Who cares about logical actions lol

What do you call this stance?

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She's the Queen and is known to have her dragons barbecue people who disagree with her. I sure as shit wouldn't mention it

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But how would he destroy the wall if nobody interfered? He only got past it in the show because of the Dragon.

Kek, now THIS is shitposting

based brit/pol/ user

She did like a dozen videos. Just search the actresses name on any porn site

She is responsible for countless deaths regardless

Only serious answers please: Why exactly does Aria have superpowers? She trained for like what, a year?

>the main threat of the show needs a plot hole to exist
>who cares lol
This is the power of room temperature IQ, huh

blame GRRM retard

>The hound described as a massive older man with half his face hideously burned to the point that bone shows in places
>Fan art depicts him as young and hot

A woman made this, didn't they?

>no asians in GoT


So am I just autistic or was there never any sexual tension on gendry's end?

It felt like he was constantly trying to get away from arya

It's a weird one. Arya/Gendry is the most popular ship for Arya but Sansa has a few (Sansa/Tyrion, Sansa/Jon and Sansa/Clegane) and it seems they're leaning towards Jon from the vibe I got from the Sansa and Dany scene.

>Jon's brainletry is a plot hole
it's as if you don't understand basic concepts

>GRRM wrote the wight hunt
lmao bro

Less probably. Thats DnD material so dont look for logic there

Suvvin ponces and nancyboys OUT, /Norf/ lads get in here

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because he is the three eyed raven he has seen all that has happened and all that ill HAPPEN :OOOO oh FUGG!

It makes no sense. She scrubbed some dead bodies and did some running and that makes her amazing at anything.

wasnt the right flank the most important position historically?

>Who fucking cares, point is he was going to.
but how? if using a dragon was the only way, why didn't the living just ignore him?

Would be a shame if Night King was actually a smart leader and used his power's full potential, patiently waiting outside of Winterfell through endless winter with an army that doesn't feel hunger, thirst or tiredness while defenders were forced to either die from starvation or leave their castle walls and face him in the open. Oh we don't have time for actual logical writing in a medieval setting where sieges could take years? Oh too bad nvm then!

Tyrion told her a couple seasons ago and she kinda accepted it

>if using a dragon was the only way

nobody said that. the fact that he got a dragon was a bonus, but why bother invading if you have no way to get past the wall that stops you from invading?

I think Sansa/Theon is the most likely. Jon is still her brother.

>hasnt written SHIT in the last 6 years
>somehow DnD are to blame for not being able to see his grand plan for how it all panned out and had to phone it in

Its called a montage even Rocky had a montage

season 4 night king was best night king. prove me wrong.

Thank you uncle Benjen


What about Dothraki grooming gangs

The virgin slouch

>'shipping' characters
fuck off, they're quite literally going to be slaughtered next episode, go have sex you retards

We don't have time for this

>but why bother invading if you have no way to get past the wall that stops you from invading?
So how were they going to get over the magic wall?

>more eunuch pairings
I want off this ride. I sort of hope Sansa marries some random other lord who has never been mentioned before. For all I know she's too woke for a spouse.


right flank is where all of the cavalry was placed so yea. basically if the right side lost you were fucked

>get magical horn
>never toots it


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She will strike them at riverlands

Robin is always a option

How did Oberyn know the Mountain had raped his sister? Did they have forensics examine her smashed body for sperm or something?

>tyrion said everyone opposed the starks from the Group

no davos didnt

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Memory holed

>all old white men

>not simply strafing Winterfell and bathing it in fire instead of letting them get prepared

Night King magic, who cares

>mfw the normies thought the episode was boring

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I literally don't remember what this scene is

If he was still a shota I'd be down

he said almost everyone

What the fuck do you retards think Tormund was drinking from?

It was filled with giant's milk. Sam obviously gave a bit to Gilly.

lmao it would be hilarious and great at the same time if we could pick up episode 3 right from where 2nd finished just so we can see protagonists terrified looks of realization that the army of the dead isn't attacking but playing the long game until we get like a 3 months time skip where humans already ate their horses etc. and have no choice but to fight them outside.

I know that in Ancient Greece right flank was the most important and most deadly because hoplite formations tended to turn and spiral when engaged, dunno about the later periods.

But there's literally no reason to give her command of anything when she has no experience, not to mention that being a woman is automatically a detriment when it comes to commanding men.

He will be the one to kill the Night King and Kingslayer will have a new meaning. Kind of like what he did when he charged at Dany.

You realise this show has sold out to the lowest common denominator and they're making the most popular ships canon so the lame rushed ending to the series isn't completely panned by normies

>when you notice they literally killed all the alpha males to keep beta Jon, Eunuch Varys/Theon/Greyworm, submissive Tyrion/Jorah

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Holy fuck this was a nice episode!

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This is the best comment in a long time, true patrician.

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Tormund was using it to drink wine from in this episode

Bran saw it, he told Oberyn she looked beautiful

>Be undead
>Be fueled by ancient, unholy magic
>never need to rest, eat or fuck
>can literally stand at attention for millennia

Why wouldn't you march on the wall? Eventually something or someone is going to fuck up. Maybe the magic is going to wear off in a few thousand years and the walkers want to be ready. Leave nothing for tomorrow that can be done today and all that.

>Spent a year selling shell fish, being blind, and getting beaten with a stick
>Somehow is an expert on acrobatics, knife fighting, knife throwing, disguise, and stealth

I wonder if DnD actually have moments like in the copypasta's where they really just say "fuck it, they won't care as long as we give them COOL FIGHTS AND DRAGONS"

why are you acting as if the NK is coming at it from the perspective that it's an actual battle or something? He doesn't have food or men or the weather to worry about. He can literally just throw endless bodies at Winterfell. He has absolutely zero reason to think that he's even remotely going to have any problems.

Night king is a fucking shit entity and they should have left white walkers as a group of mysterious enemies working in unison instead of giving them a face


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>who cares
Showfags, everyone

Explain how that one wight was still functioning after the other wights died from the WW being killed. That's bad writing too, in case you were wondering.

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yes they did that because most men were right handed and held their shield in the left hand, which has historically always been the case.

pretty symbolic really. it represents the state of white men. beaten and abused and shut down, and never let to question narratives. you can tell he's getting really tired of this shit


Do undead even use fire as a siege weapon? Don't see a reason not to. Does frostfire actually burns things?

>sex scene
>it's arya
why do d&d hate the audience so fucking much?

what if they stayed in the cave?

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D(abid)&d(eepest lore)

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Yes, Blackwater was Kino

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He bragged about it (at least in the books) and there were multiple witnesses

I don't think they think like normal humans.

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Euron nukes your silly headcanon

look to his coming on the fifth day. look to the east.

maybe they did

Everyone already knew about the wall magic and fucking Benjen literally explained it to Bran as well. All they needed to do was send a raven to Jon at Dragonstone saying "no for real dude they can't fuck with the wall". The frozen sea thing is just stupid, a) they can't swim b) there's no way they'll freeze the sea solid to march an army over it c) they'd have to freeze a lot of see to actually go around the wall. Plus every method you listed is pure speculation and nothing of the sort was established on the show.

literally this. Jaime had LOOOTS of arguments to use but the dialogue goes like "i trust u, ok?".

Literally wtf. Dany didn't remember that Jaime charged at her a season ago?

I hope Sansa dies.

Euron is pussy-obsessed, hardly what I'd call an alpha male

I'm pretty sure timing is also important because I assume that white walkers can't survive in warm conditions so they're fucked if the wall breaks during a 30 year long summer.

Leaks for next episode please.

I wish they did,i enjoyed their chapters together in the books

>stay 16 hours a day in your shitty office job goy, it will make you into a man
>stop having fun, you need to make me more shekels at all times

Just pull an explanation out of your ass
we star wars now

Brienne could've told too that Jaime had every right to kill Aerys

>kneeler's sip

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In the books there's talk of a magic horn called the "Horn of Winter" which the wildlings believe capable of tearing down the Wall. Mance Rayder comes into possession of it but never uses it, as he fears bringing down the Wall will just mean the dead will follow them south. Don't remember if it's in the show or not.

The dialogue between characters is pure garbage now.


user I...aaaaaaaggggghhhhh...

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He raped her in front of his men.

>Episode is called a knight of the seven kingdoms
>But i just saw it named "rightfull queen"

>a knight of the seven kingdoms
> ???
>The Rightfull queen
>A dream of spring

Why don't they just send Bran across the sea and back him up

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Is melissandre going to appear out of nowhere and save them all?

Seems like nobody cared about Tyrions defence because Tywin came at last to do the final part.

If spoilers are correct (they were so far) he'll be the final boss of the Internet.

You know full well that's too smart for the show user
I mean you'd think if it can crack the Wall by force alone it'd do something

>instead of interrupting dany and telling her kingslaying was the best thing he ever did and saved king's landing, jaime (and everyone who knew the truth about the mad king) just kept quiet
fuck you d&d such a missed opportunity

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What the fuck. I listen to their post episode commentary sometimes and they always just point out the obvious like this.

euron is literally being cucked in the show by jaime's baby in cersei's belly

She's going to try and have sex with Gendry to get more King's magic and Arya is going to stab her through the face with her new projectile spear for trying to bang her bf

your opinion that the NK has no way of getting across without a dragon is also pure speculation.
He wouldn't have been matching his armies south unless he just planned on winging it

ep 1&2 could have been one episode god damn the series is gonna end like shit

Mance only bluffed, he never had the real horn. Tormund laterd told this to Jon.

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>jizzing all over another man's child
jaime is the one getting cucked here

if tywin and roose were alive how would the battle plans look like

>Jaime soikneels for Brienne
Truly no one is safe

>Dany wants to kill you
>has a reputation for burning people who disagree with her alive
"lets piss her off and call her dad a fag, what could possibly go wrong"

>fuck western culture and traditions

what did Tormund mean by this ?

Looked nothing like that horn.

The white walkers are the ones bringing the winter

this is like the 8th line of dialogue reminding us that jon isn't a big guy, why are d&d so obsessed with this?

that might have just antagonized dany further, probs didnt want to risk it

but bran speaking up about it would have made sense though, since hes had the visions of it, of the "burn them all"

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link to spoilers?

Beric looks nothing like he did in King's Landing, what's your point?

he's japanese

they are based

Brienne would be the last person in that room to say it's ok to break an oath.

Name a better scene

I don't understand how anyone could watch the Inside the Episode stuff and not think they're dumb as fuck.

Are they still doing that retarded Confederacy show or did they bail on that after it got such negative feedback? I heard they're jumping ship to Star Wars.


>bookfags talking shit about showfags even though they are the most desperate to see a resoluton because they know fatman will never finish the story before be chokes on a chicken bone
Pathetic. Enjoy your DnD fairy tale ending. Hope it was worth the sunken cosf of reading all those giant tomes about farting feasting and fucking. Such fine literature.

make a new thread faggots

Dubs confirm it
Now explain

>Bran autistically blurts out "the things we do for love" instead of "BURN THEM ALL"


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Retreat to a strategic chokepoint where their numbers count for nothing. Winterfell is literally the worst place to make your last stand, in fact it's a stupid fucking place for a castle full stop.

Some women posted in the comments of GRRM blog about Sansa and the Hound. GRRM just didn't understand it, he instead started to talk about Sam being "nice".

>at 240 posts
fuck off nigger

Night King can control the weather and temperature, he isn't responsible for winter itself but he is strong enough to create blizzards, I don't think freezing water to transport his army is that big of an issue. Plus he has a dragon now so he just can fly over it and create a new army on the other side. PLUS the land of always winter is connected to Essos through endless wastelands so it's not like only Westeros is fucked.

What the fuck is this costume design?

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He's still in those woods.
He'll be back as a champion of death,

>he thinks thats really arya

listen here you fucking idiot
the wall obviously had magic on it
but it was waning because else they wouldnt have been able to bring past it a wight
sooner or later they would have scaled the wall or crossen on the sea
and with no one expecting them shit would have been fucked as you can't perpetually guard the north will the whole of westeros

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>Did they really film a bunch of different endings to fool us?
let me rephrase that for you to make it easier to answer
>did a production company waste a lot of money on filming different endings just too fool the audience during the last season

the answer is no btw.

We're not at bump limit yet you newfag

Why do brainlets get so mad at books?

Found the guy who thought the wight hunt wasn't bad writing.

Fuck off showfag, you're a moron.

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A few unsullied died for that outfit.

she made it herself

don't forget that

True, forgot about that. It'll probably surface at some point in the books or would, if the books were ever written

Yep, they have been promised a Star Wars triology of their own, but Bob Iger has been said to wish to slow down the flow of Star Wars stuff.

I'd trust D&D with it, they're good producers and the stuff they've written themselves that isn't GoT is decent enough.

It honestly makes no sense. Dany even has a line to Sansa this ep that's like
>Join me in defeating the people who took the throne from my family and destroyed yours

Is she not aware that the Starks were the primary allies of the Baratheons in killing the Targs? Or that the entire war was started because her father brutally mudered Sansa's grandfather and uncle?

>everyone's trying to decide what to do with the faggot that just walked in and Bran just shouts "burn them all"

Slave Leia chain

Bitch look like she taking the One Ring to the BDSM club.

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he is basically varg
he wants to burn down everythink like a proper nigger

Hows it a stupid place besides not being elevated? I'm assuming its on top of a spring since theres no river next to it.

>Dany is literally, LITERALLY the only character not in black
I hate this

I really wish they would give him any other haircut so he'd appear more mystic less retard

Caspere knew this

The leaks confirm that Daenerys and Jon live happily ever after though

>not saying "the rape Jaime"

Nah. It's a natural cycle they're just amplifying it around them. if Night King was powerful enough to create winter in a whole continent why to fuck even bother sieging castles? Just lower temperature in near proximity to minus 60 or 70 where no living creature living in primitive stone constructions can survive it.

Well might be that the way they did the trial, with Brienne and Sansa vouchign for him was quicker. They only got so much time to get to point Z.

Although we could get another Dany/Jaime scene, wherein she asks him about her father's last words and he answers "Burn them all."

Euron is an insecure faggot asking Cersei if he was better in bed than her exes and she's literally cucking her with Jaime's babby.

I think its perfect. Banished to a series where the fanbase shrieks and shits on everything - exactly what they fucking deserve.

why didnt they just all move to that floating moving village with the crannog men and wage gorilla warfare against the WW?

Answer: GRRM is a hack and fraud

this. Jaime's child is getting fucking bukkake'd on the reg and he's powerless to stop it


>you can't prove he didn't
Burden of proof, faggot

Reminder that there are no leaks because HBO got to the leakers

Yeah, HBO must be feeding "leaks" so possible real leaks don't get that much attention when there are so many other pieces of information laying around.
Remember that even Simpsons made different animations for "Who shot mr Burns part 2" so if there was a leak it would have hopefully been a fake one.

It's certainly a far way from the submissive and all-praising Game of Thrones crowd

Why no nation in GoT universe is ancap as fuck. Dothrakis are the closest thing.

Are you retarded, shitposting or both?

Does anyone have those screenshots from alleged leaks from last year? So far they are correct. It read what happened every episode, so far I remember episodes 1 and 2 have been right

you guys are dumb euron is feeding the kid pure protein wile also making sure he has no chance of having his own kid

you mean she's the DUNGEON MASTER?

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Thanks for an honest laugh. Even if the series went to shit, at least the memes got better. We can laugh at it to the end.

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Is it worth watching Daenerys in that magic tower when she is searching for her dragons, or can I safely skip it?

I beleive Cersei will be the book saruman in the show- she will be fucked by the night king and be neutralized in episode 4 or 5 only to be finished off as a minor threat in epilogue

and he's going to be slayed by Cersei for laffs

So why did they use such a rubbish body double?

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>it's confirmed
Why do people think their opinion is fact when they preface it with "it's confirmed"?

i really dont understand why brann is so important

Damn when did Gilly get so fat

Literally nothing happens, skip it

>Dany (nor anyone else in the show) is interested in the zombie dragon
What a fucking joke. Beric and co arriving to confirm the dragon with their own eyes should have been a moment where Dany freaks a bit and realizes Bran is legitimate.

>gorilla warfare

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post the leaks or you're full of shit


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not an answer sweetie. have sex then try again.

I call that the 'Only Time Sansa Was Hot'


>It'S cOnfIRMed

Azor Jamie will stab the night king in the back while he's distracted by Bran

Man they're really overdoing the girl power thing this season, jesus christ how embarrassing

>PLUS the land of always winter is connected to Essos through endless wastelands so it's not like only Westeros is fucked.
not confirmed

It doesn't control anything of strategic importance. It's not built on high ground and apparently sits in the middle of miles and miles of woodland some significant distance from the King's Road. Castles existed to exert an area of control over something of importance like a river crossing, or a population centre, or a road or valuable farmlands.

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at this point, i'm tired of this shit and i just want them to make all the remaining jaime scenes good and have him die with dignity

The wight getting past worked because it was technically dead when the humans brought him over. Everything in your post is just your headcanon

They'd be pretty old

>If it can't be *HER* turn in the Whitehouse, then we'll make it her turn on the Iron Throne!

Hope we get some reaction kino moments like last season

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>this season
It's been like that ever since they overtook the books and got free reign to just turn it into muh stonk womyn

>tfw ep2 was actually pretty good
In a way I'm disappointed it didn't veer off the rails with Dany making Sansa her new hand

>he still thinks the mad king was mad

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Technically, Stannis would have opposed Robb if he had won the battle of Blackwater.

>"DABID! *pants* DABID!
>"What is it?"
>"Oh my god"
>*grabs crayons*

Why have they retreated to a castle but their battleplan is to make a line in front of its walls?

Yes but now literally every other line is about muh girlpower and literally every character arc ended in them kneeling in front of one woman or another. Also apparently chopping of your dick makes you a better fighter.

I wish these would were punched live

Fuck me bros this was a tough episode to get through. Possibly the worst of the series. I let some redditor earlier in the day fool me when they said to "ignore the contrarians, its one of the best". Literally 70% of the episode was filler which should have been deleted scenes. It feels like they are stalling. There isnt even any tension building. Not to mention the pitiful dialogue and characters being bland shells if their former selves.

New thread

Imagine standing in a room full of people and crowded like a subway on a rush hour to watch game of thrones
+ The crazy libtards in the roomscreaming every time Dany is on screen

honestly want to set that place on fire once the show is over. Don't want to do the time for it though.

I want to see them cry in despair when Dany finally dies

It was possibly the worst episode of the series. They are judt wasting time. There are 4 episodes left and so much that has to happen. Very disappointing.

It was crayon time

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I don't know if they ever mentioned it in the show, but in the books the kingsroad does go right to winterfell, and then on to the wall
That doesn't mean much though to be fair, because winterfell existed for much longer than the kingsroad

I think it's just meant to be as close to the centre of the north as possible, in order for the starks to be equally capable of reaching any location in the north as fast as possible. They are inbetween two rivers as well I think, which is useful for controlling trade and movement to a degree

Wouldn't work. Undead have no need for supply lines, rations, or anything that the living do. They could retreat to the Eerie and it wouldn't matter

Why did Dany make fun of Jon for being a manlet in front of Sansa?

Not a single white guy in that pic. Jesus Christ bongland get your own shit together.

Because nothing brings women closer to together than laughing at manlets.

The first episode that has generally been positively recieved by /got/ in years is disliked by redditnormies

How many unsullied are left at this point? I feel like reinforcing them is a no-no (cutting them balls pff) and they have fought a shitload of battles.

theyre also fucking whack esthetically so less is better

Nah it's perfectly logical. Wall was never meant to actually stop the White Walkers, it's purpose is to contain them beyond the wall until the armies of men organize and consolidate their position. The longer the Walkers stayed beyond the wall the harsher the winter becomes, eventually it would get so cold that the seas start freezing and the dead can then cross easily.

The whole point is the nip the bud out while it's small, if the White Walkers manage to take out the 7 kingdoms the amount of dead they'd have in their armies would guarantee they'd never be stopped even if entire Essos and beyond gave a unified front. The sea between Westeros and Essos would just freeze over and the dead would be pouring out from a huge front going from Braavos to Lys. Since you can't defend such a huge frontier they'd penetrate somewhere and just create more dead.

batgirl battlesuit.

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Your opinion is shit and you are dumb

Nope. You're a redditor pleb if you thought this episode wasnt total shit.

Top lel

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and I'm not quoting you because of the typo

>not even mentioning to jorah how she should cut his head off for trading slaves

what the hell is this writing

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Am I the only person that finds tormund based and funny as fuck?

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So how what are trumps plans if the mexicans get a dragon?