Is he a good character or not?
>but I have to wait until Episode IX to find out
no you don't, you already know if he is or not
so is he or not?
Kylo Ren
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He's just a shit version of ventress
He is kind of shitty but at least has some amount of personality and development. Hard to say that for anyone else in nuwars. If something interesting happened at the end of TLJ between him and Rey it could have been a legitimate bright spot in the film, but instead they just went back to their assigned roles.
I don't really see how they're similar except being dark side users who were groomed by older dark side users.
btw see how silly this gets when you can't just call them Sith?
He messed up by making the first order of business killing her friends. You have to soft-sell that kind of thing.
Well, you can call Ventress a Sith, but you cant call Kylo one
It's hard to even call Ventress one, when you consider her entire story from beginning to end. At best she got the B-grade Apprentice treatment like Maul or Savage. It's not like Dooku ever took her seriously.
Brought the only personality to new trilogy
Official descriptions of her, as well as some stuff in the databank (e.g her lightsabers are listed as "sith weapons" and her affiliations tab has sith on it, of which we know uses the "to be part of" definition of affiliated, as characters like Nute Gunray etc dont have "sith" on their tab despite working closely with sidious)
he's not a particularly good character, but Driver is a good actor and sells the material really well
I guess I'm biased by The Clone Wars series where she pretty much rejects all of that and becomes the closest thing to a grey jedi possible. She ends up being kind of good eventually, and her training as a Sith was only surface-level assassin stuff. It's not like she believed in it.
Noone is a good character in new wars.
If you're talking about the writing and movies
>Nu StarWars.
>Good characters.
They all suck dick, every time they say or do something, pic related.
Morality wise he will be "redeemed" and abandon his punky ways, just like Anakin but they will take it further, niggers love them a good redemption story.
No you're good, prequel Palp.
But big papa palpasheev is coming back and he's going to be the only good part of 9
Well for that the time that she was under dooku, she was a sith
If someone says "Asajj Ventress is a Sith", they're not incorrect, plus her actually being a sith adds to her character a little, and makes her stand out more from other darksiders, like for Example Kylo Ren
Well yeah she is a sith technically I'm just being pedantic about it. I heard she died in a book after falling in love with dudeweed jedi.
Sadly, yes
Most agree the book is ass
However they did leave it open for her to be potentially revived, which is nice
They really should bring her back, even if its for a short comic series
Just think, a story of her comic back in the empire era, fighting off Inquisitors, doing bounty work with Bossk and Co. and inevitably meeting up with Ahsoka
he's not only a good character, he's the only actual character in these new movies. Rey, Finn, Hux, Poe; they are all templates. the foundation you build a character on, yet it never happened.
>is the only Skywalker alive
>next film is called rise of the Skywalker
Maybe try using your brain a little you imbecile dumbfuck
Is it nu-canon, so she's dead for good even is Disney's eyes?
that's ass
No. Adam Driver is a good actor and he's doing the best he can with this shit but Kylo is not a good character.
>he doesn't know that we're all Skywalkers now
young fool
that has nothing to do with if he's a good character or not
you fucking retard you played yourself
Sidious took her serious enough to order Dooku to kill her.
It doesn't matter it's over all over....
I think that was more of a loyalty test for Dooku. He knew Dooku cared about Ventress, but I don't think he was really threatened by her. He just didn't like the fact that he was training an apprentice.
She's not a Sith anymore than the Inquisitors are Sith. There are only two Sith, these dweebs are just henchmen. The Sith don't share their power or their secrets with them.
>shes not a sith
>despite various official sources saying shes a sith
Inquisitors are explicitly labled as non sith
It's sad, he's like the only good likeable cast, with nothing to work with.
God I hope they pull a switcheroo and he kills the nig, the fag and the annoying toothy bitch and they take the story in another new direction, shit's insufferable.
> I think that was more of a loyalty test for Dooku
Nah, she got too powerful for a mere henchman. Dooku didn't care much and got another apprentice from Dathomir.
I feel like if he had more scenes with Luke it would have been good
the fact is the build-up to Episode 7 is more interesting than the actual episode 7
>Luke training a new order of Jedi and being betrayed by Ben who is deceived by Snoke
>Leia losing her standing in the Senate and forming her own group aka the resistance
this seems like it would have been a better point to start at, somehow
ventress aint that thicc
nobody in TCW really is
Eh i dunno
>Hggggn Dooku, im trying to infiltrate the jedi temple but im dummy thicc and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alterting the temple guards
What a cute pert butt.
stealth ventress thread
Nobody's ever really thicc
At this point, Kylo Ren is the only thing interesting about the new trilogy.
All the old, good characters are gone and the new generation of "heroes" are bland, poorly written, with negative value of charisma.
Kylo Ren is literally the only good thing about this new movies and it is sad he isn't in a better story.
Rey would be a good character if she was naked
Rey would be a good character if she had depth, if there was some conflicts within her character, if she wasn't a marysue, if she had some flaws and was written as a character facing challenges, failing but managing to conquer the barriers ahead of her.
Instead of: she is good with the force cause she is. She is capable of defeating every villain who opposes her, never loses and is always right about everything.
Might as well have a blank character in there. A mute robot.
or if she was a nudist
You probably could've used more clear words to phrase your question. He's good in the sense that he has a definable personality and character arc. Bad in the sense that he's clearly an antagonist; though of course there's always a chance for him being redeemed.
"Is he a good character or not" seems pretty clear to me
Which is he?
She has no place in the story. She comes from nothing. She's nothing.
daisy is cute
Where would you put Kylo on the dial? I'd say he's under 'Leave a mark' but heading toward 'Connect to others'
>provide a structure
>leave a mark
>a fucking magician
fuck your chart nigga