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Other urls found in this thread:


Lets lock all the children in the crypts surely the necromancing wizard won't be able to harm them in there

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why did ramsey just let jon walk up and kill him lol

>I have a son, you have a daughter. We'll join our houses.


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post yfw arya takes off her face and was jaqen the whole time, with real arya dead in a canal

So if Bran isn't the NK, what the fuck was the point of introducing time travel consequences with hodor?

Bodies there have already decomposed, user

I fucking hate night battles, no chance it will live up to Two Towers

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Would he have agreed?

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>tfw Night King resurrects all the legendary Starks from the crypt


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>I hate night battles
>it will never stack up to this one night battle

Why Jaqen had sex with Gendry then?

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Her body is still in King's Landing, in that prison cell. She will be reanimated in the final battle, but she will be too strong to control and will save Westeros.

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>showfags constantly misspelling names

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>thinking an arrow can pierce Jon's plot armor

Attached: too old.png (1920x1080, 765K)

>Ramsay has a clear shot at Jon
>goes for the giant
It was the crayons

>No way fag

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post yfw arya is littlefinger, Stannis wins the iron throne, and Bran is the night king

>bookfags saying asha instead of yara

how is this stupid? Of course you would shoot the literal fucking giant first

>Tfw literal fucking goblina comes on to you actually trying to fuck but based Lord of Light sends based audiobook voice eyepatch bro to cockblock her

What the fuck i'm a believer now?!

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What face would have Arya made at the end of the night with Clegane instead of Gendry?

Attached: Arya is not impressed.png (1280x720, 535K)

Now that winter has finally cum, this image will never be relevant again

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It's night so they don't have to try.

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>night battle
>confirmed multiple crypt scenes
>everyone but Dany wearing black outfits
This episode is going to be a fucking nightmare to watch.

Bran is the Three Eyed Raven, he will banish the Night King into the past and as a consequence he will be trapped in the Gods Tree in Winterfell forever.

Sansa will name her child Brandon in his honor, he will become the next Brandon the Builder and will build a new Wall south of the ruins of Winterfell to keep the walkers out.

Every millennia the Night King comes and every millennia he gains a little more ground. Over the incalculable years he will eventually take all of Westeros. But not this time.

Spooky scary skeletons and shivers down your spine!

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She was watching the show and confused Pod with Gendry and fucked the wrong one.

He strikes me as a virgin. He didn't even bother to grope prime Sansa.

He'd take his chances with Jon instead of a 10 foot giant that might literally chew him up

Can you just add Bran only to that scene

>Asha would be confusing because of Osha
Top kek

What did (((they))) mean by this?



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He wanted to try being on the recieving end at least once before dying, he knew Gendry was a secret fag and fooled him into admitting he had been analy fucked 3 times.

Did all of you faggots saying this just jump on the train last season?
Watchers on The Wall was fucking kino, and so was the battle of the blackwater

It stopped being relevant when it was revealed the only reason the WW got through the wall was because of him getting a dragon from that stupid wight hunt mission.

He fucked Melissandre though.

Their cinematography is poor. Even when shot in the dark, a good director knows how to highlight the relevant parts of a frame with clever lightning.

Next episode will be dark as fuck. Better get that 1080p rip if you want to see shit.

>The battle at Helm’s Deep is the 40-minute war scene that serves as the climax for Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. It was cut from 20 hours of footage, which, in total, took 120 days to film (by comparison, the entirety of Star Wars: The Last Jedi took 110 days to film). In other words, it took about a month of work to make 10 minutes of Helm’s Deep. Ten years later, you can still feel every ounce of that effort. It’s a spectacular, and still unmatched, cinematic sequence.
I stay by my words.

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All i see is dane cook

dany dies
jamie kills cersei and sits on the iron throne
jon marries bear loli and is warden of the north


Pod the Rod is based

We have all realised that the night king and his army are not attacking winterfell but are running away from something far worse, right user

>guys we need to rename Asha because of Osha
>well what do we call her?
>She's a pirate, right? How about YYYYYYYARa

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>someone's squire

hmm this is familiar...

Was he Littlefinger's man?

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Holy shit did all that turn into nothing

>wight hunt to prove to Cersei the threat is real
>Cersei doesn't even care
>all for literally nothing

Jesus christ, she went to him first, didn't she?

Hound got blocked by good old Beric

>Everyone is "safe in the crypts"

yes haha safe with all the dead starks hahaha

To be fair, everyone in the show is fucking retarded.

Watchers on the Wall fucking sucked outside of few shots
Blackwater was good and it had shitloads of color.

I bet you liked BotB you tasteless fucking pleb.

They're running from HBO's planned spin-offs.

Why? The giant already looked like a fucking porcupine from all the arrows he had taken and was down on his knees. Next to him stood the commander of the army Ramsay was fighting. How is Jon not the highest priority target here lmao

they are running from the night night king, the night king and jon must put their differences aside to fight a much more dangerous threat

Not him but Battle of Bastards looked great. Some pretty nice extended shots in there too.

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>Like 5 or 6 comments this ep about how safe the crypts are

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>based audiobook voice eyepatch bro
Best description of this guy yet

Gods, what an amazing voice

There should be a Blade Runner edit where Gendry imagines Melly over Arya

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lads, I fear /ourguy/ is not going to make it

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>>yes haha safe with all the dead starks hahaha

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When's the last time you reckon Jon+Dany had a chance for a quickie?

the spell need a line of sight anons

>no chance it will live up to Two Towers
ofc not. which fucking idiot want to compare to the battle of Helms Deep? the expectations would be sky high

>Her body is still in King's Landing
there's some chatter of Qyburn actually didnt give Cersei the poison she wanted. the baad poosey might still be alive to be rescued by big-dick Bronn for the most cheesy happy ending one can imagine
>Bronn saves her
>live to see the end of Winter
>come up to Azor Jamie to demand his castle
>no more heir to Casterly Rock so Azor Jamie give it to Bronn and his new wife
>'Bronn...before you go, will you rename the Castle to Blackwater Castle?
>nah, i take back my old family name
>what is it then, Bronn?
>my old family name is Reyne

Wheres the best place to watch GOT I got nowtv and their shitty app that doesnt work so its not as if I've not paid for it


I dont know where this night battle meme came from

I love it because it convinced one of my hardcore showfag friends that D&D are morons. Finally, fucking finally got him to see the light.

Yep, he's a goner. All his plot lines have been closed. Bye Bye Jorah.

That's the grip and cinematographer you fucking muppet.

No. They are amassing an army of undead to stop the true threat: The beautiful mad queen cersei

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someone remind me of when OP happened
I don't remember her dying

Haldir is so cool

literally a spoiler:

episode 3 Jorah will be left behind to hold the undead while most of the survivors flee


>all of these niggers doubting based Hardhome man

The dialogue sounds like it was written by someone with very low IQ and extremely limited vocabulary.

Also, the dead are all skeletons trapped in stone boxes with lids that likely weight several hundred pounds. Which would be hard for a skeleton to lift, even when boosted by magic.
But they are all still retarded.

>time to film equals quality
must have been a lot of masturbation if they crammed 20 hours into 10 minutes

Everybody know's shits fucked

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torrents you retard

Clegane did?

That's Rickon. Remember Rickon? I don't think any of the Starks do either.

Some really ugly fucking shots too, and god awful continuity, choreography and editing. It was no Blackwater.

But I will say that it had a tiny bit of color. Not much. But a tiny, tiny bit. This episode is going to be black black and more black, with terrible lighting from torches.

Predictions/hopes lads

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Speaking of Helm's Deep, Melisandre will arrive with Firey Hand during the battle of Winterfell when all hope seems to be lost, just like Gandalf did.

Just wait and see.

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>doesn't do any sports
>very certainly eats like shit
>very certainly drinks and parties a lot
>may smoke/try out or do drugs
>works in a field of business full of assholes
>has more money than she knows what to do with it at age 23
>indulges in self arm, aka, tattoos
Friendly reminder that depression isn't real.
"Depression" is just the realisation of your (numerous) poor lifestyle choices. Anyone wou'd be sad if they suddenly realised they JUST'd their life out of their own free will.

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oh fuck I thought that was meera

damn there's a lot more actual white walkers than I expected or thought about

nor the audience

Have you tards not seen episode 3? Nothing happens in the crypts. Why would anything happen

No idea how they will pull off the last 3 episodes though, the pacing is fucked

how is that bad writing? It would have been hokey if Cersei completely changed her character and actually joined them. You dumbass


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>wight hunt to prove to Cersei the threat is real
waste of time
dragon dead
King in the North almost died & Daeny in clear danger
Benjen Stark dead without a real reunion or LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE FOR THIS CHARACTER

They fucked in the previous episode

This. It's so fucking stupid I cannot get over it. The only reason the NK got over the wall was that Jon gave a fuck about him. JUST FUCKING IGNORING THE WALKERS WAS ALWAYS AN OPTION

Depression is real. The causes may vary.

>I fear /friendzone/ is not going to make it

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>An army that moves from a dark forest
>Almost completly camouflaged in either Night's Watch black or Wildling white
>Moves with no light
>Spotted immidiatelly


An American?

based, reminded me of this unrelated but equally kino song

>zombie Rickon is gonna pop out of the crypts
Please God let this happen.


How does Dany call her dragons when in need? does she just whistle really loudly? does she have a special horn she blows? I've never seen her blow a horn


>fucking a girl you first knew when she was 13

Jon and Ygritte scaled the wall, the Walkers could have too. It just would have taken them longer to get through

The entire premise was retarded since Cersei was always unreliable. They risked everything on a psycho bitch.

Imagine downloading a 540p rip because you're too incompetent to scale a proper rip for a webm, and then still somehow fucking up the resolution of your encode.

Have they even mentioned Robb? he was everybody's favourite and haven't even mentioned him since they finaly reunited.

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Sing me a song Master Podrick

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>Craster talked about how he was a godly man
>Craster's kids are the most powerful force in the world
Unironically bravo dabid

Is there a SINGLE reason to rewatch the earlier seasons and then actually properly watch the new seasons? Is there anything redeemable in the nu seasons at all?

>sorry for what..

But it was worth it, user. They showed Cersei the wight and convinced her the dead are really a threat.

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what happened to melisandre?

I use webm for bakas, I don't encode shit

>zombie Rickon is gonna pop out of the cryptsje


But seriously, will an undead Hodor make an entrance? Undead Stannis? Double-Undead Benjen?

>that's 23

if beric dies, he better go out like a hero and not have some 2 second clip where he gets fucked up and forgotten

>Depression isn't real
Get fucked la, medical evidence is against you. At least for chronic depression aka your brain chemistry is fucked. Don't know about the short term one that unfortunately gets conflated with it.

elf soldiers look pretty good when they're not copy-pasted.

wtf i don't think D&D are hacks now

The wall has magic, they can't fuck with it

Did you not watch this episode or pay attention? The reason she isnt doing shit is because she is going to kill off the remaining survivors and white walkers after the battle.

Both sides will be extremely exhausted with low numbers which will make the perfect time to strike with her army of fucking undead Cleganes and the iron fucking fleet.

Dont talk about writting when you have bo idea what the fuck you talking about.Here is a better narrative you're a dumbass

Nah, he's also forgotten. Reminder they also rushed through the Northern revenge story by having Arya kill all the Freys somehow and then it's never mentioned again.


>The wall has magic

So does the Night King

it has magic within it which is the reason why Benjen can't accompany Bran+Meera to Castle Black


it was 40 minutes...


He just got Heartsbane so if he doesn't plunge it into Kelly C at some point in order to become Azor Ahai I'll be disappointed.

Why am I still watching?
Why am I doing this to myself?

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that's because Victarion has the horn

Why does the show treat Bloodraven and the three eyed crow like they're the same?

The premise isn't retarded because people call Jon out on it. It's Jon's own failings that cause everything to go wrong, he is far too trusting. It literally gets him killed before. I think both Cersei and Jon were written in line with their consistent depictions.

the simplified story structure is the problem. if you take out all the autism from the books you also take out the one-twist-per-episode potential because that all requires setup.

can someone add Pedro from Chloe's here

I rewatched the series in preparation for this season. Wouldn't recommend it.

You fucking retard. If the Night King wins against Winterfell, his armies will grow even bigger. Cersei's Machavellian plot is fucking retarded. As is always when D&D try to emulate GRRM's realpolitik.

He'll be fine. He's going to be the one to kill the fat lunatic.

the night king is actually sexist, hes running from his alimony payments to the night queen

Because the show isn't the books, retard

Looks great from the back to be honest.

I have to drink heavily to get through the episodes. Maybe she has to also


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So it's safe to say this episode was a 0/10 right?

All that cringeworthy, contrived dialogue. The embarrassingly forced scenes with no rhyme or reason to them. Those awkward, clumsy explanations SO THIS WILL MEAN. YOU ARE THE NEXT MALE TARGARYEN. AND THEREFORE. HEIR TO THE THRONE

Holy fuck that was painful to sit through. Awful.

where'd you find the spoilers?

>Never experienced awkward passionate teenage lovemaking with your childhood sweetheart

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In what way is that at all odd? Most people's firsts are people they've known since atleast middleschool which would be 13.

why are you confusing the characters stupidity with bad writing?
Cersei has been a selfish little brainlet from day 1.

My husbando Davos is so fucking dead it's unreal, he is literaly a character without anyone that needs him. Unless the red bitch returns (unlikey) or Stannis resurfaces outta nowhere (fucking ridiculously imposible with this pacing) There's nobody left that cares about him.

I'll miss you Davos, you were too fucking kino for this show anyway.

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I still hate it but i like it

There's this deep connection with the characters made in season 1 and throughout the books that just won't go away

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Post your predictions for the death toll in next episode.
>Definite deaths:
Yohn Royce
Dany's dothraki general guy, forgot his name

>Likely deaths:

>Possible deaths:
Lyanna Mormont

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Davos is finna boutta get yeeted on by the wee girl he met this episode

Even if you lost interest in the show, when the final credits roll it's going to feel like the end of a decade. As much as we like to critique it (and rightfully so), it was still a faithful adaptation up to the point of a lack of source material. If GRRM finishes the books, that's great you'll have two different journeys. If not... at least we have a conclusion. I don't think the spin offs they plan to do are going to be any good, but time will tell.

I haven't been here to /got/ in the beginning, but I will see its end.

Attached: youflysogood.webm (720x404, 2.44M)

Princess Beatrice of York once got drunk at a party and used a sword to pretend to knight James Blunt. Whilst doing so she accidentally slashed Ed Sheeran's face, requiring he get stitches.

Was this a reference to that incident?

Attached: Ser Brienne of Tarth.webm (480x300, 2.89M)

We are in too deep, there is no turning back.

Your suspension of disbelief is probably ruined user, don't do it or you will hate the show since season 1.

I dont know why im doing it either user. After season 3 the show literally just stagnated with plot lines that went nowhere by season 7 with everyone dead but the (female) children. And now with have this rushed ending which is somehow going to conclude the entire series with a shitton of plotlines missing.

I really feel like the directors just got bored and wanted to quit so they ended the series.

Haven't liked him ever since he quipped with Tyrion about Blackwater last season.

His son got burnt alive there and he just looks back on it as a funny incidence.

I cant even go to reddit to laugh. You just know they think its modern day Shakespeare. Holy fuck they spent 2 years on this.

not necessarily
she knows they have the means to permanently kill undead (fire, dragon glass, valyrian steel) so at the very least her logic makes some sense in that they could technically slaughter each other

>Even if you lost interest in the show, when the final credits roll it's going to feel like the end of a decade.
I'll be fucking relieved. I'll be free of this fucking series.

You know what will make me sad? No more Preston reviews.

I just can't imagine beric just dying for no reason. He has to be special right? Why would he keep getting resurrected?

They spent 2 years on the CGI and marketing, they spent 2 weks on the script

add Ghost to Definite deaths

mine would be pretty much your list but without theon dying, i dont think hes done yet

Its been years since that

I dont know if you noticed, but this latest episode was a very blatant rip off of lotr and helms deep

go read r/freefolk it's pretty much just /got/ and all their memes get posted here anyway

Anyone got a proper streaming or torrent link ? The site I used last week still hasn't uploaded it

This one will hurt, i think it'll be the only one that will actually hurt.


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Azor Jorah

>No more Preston reviews
he'll still make videos about the books

yeah h-haha

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>I just can't imagine beric just dying for no reason. He has to be special right?
Haha that's adorable, you think D&D care.

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>mfw Stannis is a White walker and after the death of Night's king he is the rightful heir to the ice throne, takes Davos as his hand

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>implying he'll even show up
what would be more insulting, for him to just not be there for the 83 minute long episode or for him to show up in one scene for like 10 seconds just to get killed like Summer

>you're my oba-san, daenerys
>yeah yeah that's cool and all but I'm the king not you
>huh? No, don't you see? Not only has my father been lying to me this whole time about my real parentage I just engaged in an unholy incestuous relationship with you. The boat, dany. Think of the boat. It was nonstop for weeks. I don't think I've ever been so disgu-
>I'M THE QUEEN NOT YOU*angry dragon noises*

>when the final credits roll it's going to feel like the end of a decade.
Na, thats End Game. The best movie of this year.

It's just someone being knighted. Jorah talks about how he was about to piss himself and Robert's boots when he got knighted.

Did episode 3 really leak?

Ironically GOT would of been 10 times better without the battles but just about the politics

>Jon has a better claim
>Jon has a proven record as a fair and honorable ruler
>Jon is literally the Song of Ice and Fire
>Jon is Azor Ahai
>Jon rides better
>Jon has better hair
>Jon has a tighter butt


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>go to hang out with Hound
>his new religious mate shows up
>later nerds, imma go bang

Arya is cool

He's long been perma dead in the books. I doubt he's special at all.

I don't watch capeshit

>hey Sam, I slaughtered your family
>oh hey zjon...oh! pretty lady, btw my brother raped he-
>I am Aegon Targa, true heir, to the iron throne. You've also been fucking your nephew, freak.

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What books? The ones that aren't ever coming out?

Nah, fuck that, I'm done with ASOIAF after this. Does anyone still think GRRM will bother to finish the series? He fucking flubbed it.

Face it you are all complaining now but next week you will be frothing at the gash when based Sapochnik saves this show Yet Again

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Why do showfags still find incest between Targs taboo? They love that shit.

he'll probably release TWoW

tell me that davos survives all of this
just let my man live

clown world

What are those panties called?

At least in the books a myth was established about the horn of winter, a macguffin that can supposedly bring down the wall. In the show there's absolutely nothing like that. The NK had no actual way of getting over the wall until Dany literally brought him a dragon, which only happened because Jon convinced her the NK was about to get over the wall, when in fact, he never had the ability to do so in the first place. I want you to appreciate for a second just how fucking stupid this entire plot is.

how can an episode be this pointless and boring? season 8 feels like a 16 year old's fanfiction

I'm pretty sure GRRM and D&D never have any intention on revealing why Beric is "special" beyond what's already known. To keep the mysterious and vaguely magical part of the story in-tact.

Plus, he's already dead in the books. In the show, he has nothing else to do other than "fight the good fight against the Night King", which is exactly what he'll die trying to do. He has no arc and nothing left to pull other than more cool fire sword moments, so he's toast.

That's literally it. All the time and 'effort' went into the battles. They want to end this show now.

You mean you missed out on watching glorious cape movies from the start so you have a massive nostalgic and new adventure ending this year. Damn user, thats like missing out on WoW during its release or sex during your teenage years. I pity you.

Best take I've seen

roastie tourist

Incest in ASOIAF is only considered incest within the immediate family. Tywin was married to his first cousin and nobody gave a shit.

There is no point to him anymore.

The battle episodes have been really, really good. I getting it in writing before some sort of denial or revision takes place.

/our guy/ about to win another Emmy

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Is there anyone left in this series you would be mad if they died? I kinda lost interest in all the characters except Jaime and Tyrion.

When they all clap with Brienne getting knighted.

Not even fanfic is this garbage. This show is a joke.

The only way I will praise the ending of this is if all the major characters fighting for the throne die and it is left to a nobody.

Yours but remove Edd and Theon

I genuinely think they'll let Edd live 'til the end, he's the most "just some average guy" character on the show and it's always been funny to see him make it this far and survive so much

>the literally fucking literal giant! Updoots welcome.

he sounds like the guy from the diablo 2 cinematics

That too. Since you know cousin marriage wasn't really taboo until just recently.

Jon was raised as a snow though.
Though I doubt he'd really care about being half related to his aunt. It's set in a vaguely medieval setting. People only really cared about immediate family shit for the most part. Especially when you get to royalty.

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>implying he'll even show up
Oh he definitely will. They had him in this episode for a reason, but like you said he's going to show up just to get axed.

easily the worst episode of any show I've ever watched

nah the ending will be him returning back to his wife and he will caught her getting blacked by that black pirate


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White walker Stannis when?

She went to say goodbye guys


How many shows have you watched?


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What the fuck, ANOTHER episode of people arriving at Winterfell, chatting with each other and preparing weapons and carrying around assorted shit? I am disappoint. Best thing was Arya finally getting laid.

Why would dany be disgusted by the incest? pretty sure in the books she mentions how she always thought she was going to marry her brother, it's no issue to her

>I dont know if you noticed
like i said, still didnt watched ep2 right now but thanks for the tip

Ghost is gonna die for sure. And boy it fucking pisses me off.

>in the books


Can we discuss Gilly a little bit?

What's your thoughts about her body of work in this episode?

No, stop memeing this

I'll be annoyed if Jaime dies because it'll just be for the sake of a body count.
I like Tyrion a lot less but I feel the same way about him

>tfw my boy isn't going to fuck her
It's unfair

Capeshit faggot I'm sure you'll hope it wins best picture to like nigger panther

Much better episode than last week imo
Almost no stupid one-liners and more focus on actual dialogue, also the acting was better

Substantial, much more than I'd realised previously.

Is the actress pregnant and they're just dealing with it, or did she just stop caring and get fat

>people have been begging for more ghost forever
>we finally get him
>hes only in one scene for like 15 seconds tops and its just him getting skewered by white walkers


£5 they don't even show Daario

Remember that time when Davos asked Mel if she knew any magic to resurrect Jon?

Was that the worst scene in the show or am I just crazy?

>I don't watch the show but I still must shitpost
off yourself, scum


Do you think Bran watched Gendry fuck Arya just like he watched Sansa get raped by Ramsay?

Attached: the rape 2.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

£10 they don't even show Robin

Bet you find out he died of poxs or some shit through a raven message


Christ, this show has two gears. We need Bronn back to start giving people shit. Even the Hound was behaving himself

How can they even wrap this up in such little episodes without it feeling rushed and make no sense

yeah we can discuss Gilly
We can discuss the fact that you guys need to stop being mean to her because I'm gonna fucking kill you all if you dont

Honestly I think Davos is more of a definite death. His arc is pretty much done and like other anons have pointed out no one really "needs" him.

He is so pointless tha i actually think he will live

Of course. The entertainment value is pure spectacle at this point, and it does that well even if the logic behind it is dumb.
good to see at least namefag hasn't killed himself in the off-season

What do you think Sam was up to between sessions of stacking books, cleaning shits and pouring soup?

>wait a decade for the titties
>Sophie and Maisie both bottle it


>Unless the red bitch returns
Nah Carice Van Houten has said that she'll be returning this season, we just don't know which ep

We had the Red Wedding.
We had the Purple Wedding.
I want Dany and Jon to get married in a White Wedding where the NK fucks everyone up.

Nothing I want ever happens :(((((


Will Sam make it guys

If it's important to the story, sure.
Or he'll just turn on his tivo after this all over, and call it up.

The part where Tyrion started another rant and Jaime just straight up turned around and left him there talking to himself was fucking hilarious tbqh.

can somebody post Bran sitting in his fucking chair doing fuckall as a cutout ready to usefor memes?

More. He warged into Gendry and did it himself. Then he warged into the past and warged into Arya to get fucked by himself warging Gendry.

how much you wanna bet that sam makes it to the end and they do a shameless trite ripoff of LOTR by having him note down everything in a massive tome and calling it "A Song of Ice and Fire"

Hottest girl at winterfell (yeah I like em a little beefy)

Who wouldnt watch.

I don't know why you guys think the final battle will be Cersei. Night King will probably turn Kings Landing, If he was attacking Winterfell he would've been shown next to the White Walkers. At the end of the episode tomorrow someone will say, "where is the Night King" then it will cut to him riding over Kings Landing.

They will probably use the dragon balista to take out the Night Kings dragon (they know what works against it) and the Night King will end up turning Cersei. It makes sense for everyones arc inside Kings Landing that this happens. The mountain will probably turn on Cersei and Jaime can have his closure with her as undead and so can the hound with the mountain. Also Qyburns fascination with the undead. Euron will either escape or get turned into undead pirates. Finale will be them having to attack an undead Kings Landing with their numbers destroyed from Winterfell battle. A mix of wildfire and a sacrifice to get the main characters in the keep to kill the Night King will happen ending the conflict on the iron throne.

He'll definitely make it, they gave him the sword so now his character has a duty to give it back and the sword just won't get lost

Yeah I was disappointed to. The exact same stuff that had already happened in the last episode, except with new people.

what happened to bobby b posting?

Attached: BOBB B.jpg (1920x1080, 122K)

man that's hot


what a fucking ripoff

We should be grateful DavosBros, him getting shoehorned with Jon Snow was basicaly bonus time for him being around.

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Anyone else genuinely hoping for a bad end where everyone dies and the Night King wins.

That would get the normies throthing at the gash

i thought it was going to be a stretch for them to wrap it up in 6 episodes when it was reported each episode was 2 hours long, zero faith at all, multiple plot points forgotten, they already failed at wrapping it up and it's way too rushed

It's not even taboo in a lot of places in the world today

wtf i love arya now

yasss, you go gurrrrrrrl, kil your nephew and take the trhone

She will be the sub-boss and definitely do some damage to the survivors of Winterfell. A red herring for when big boy Night King comes swooping in and fucking everyone up.


It would be great, but if they did that it would be to set up some spinoff. And I don't want a direct spinoff.

I'm hoping for it mostly because the writing in this show is so fucking bad at this point that I don't want anyone to actually win.

because we have read LOTR and know that D&D are basing everything on LOTR
they will 100% go with the Saruman ending

>emotions exist and are caused by chemicals in the brain
An astute observation

everyone dying makes it a meh ending, I want people to survive so we know they'll spend the rest of their days running away and hiding from the walkers

How fucking dare she call Beric miserable.
He's grinning 24/7

It's bad writing because it literally wastes the audiences time accomplishing absolutely nothing. A good writer would have been able to arrive at similar situation to this without having me watch a band of merry fellows run around in the fucking tundra.

This followed by a LF scene showing he bamboozled everyone is the only way to end the show in its current state.

Reminder that Jaime knighting Brienne is definitely a george moment and that's why its absolute kino.

Azor Theon

Hey little sister what have you done

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Satan confirms.

>accomplishes nothing
it accomplishes the NK getting past the wall and Jaime ditching Cersei

>including Arryn and Radmure
>implying D&D even remember they exist

100% hoping everyone dies. But there's not a single chance in hell that will happen because this show panders to the lowest common denominator of human beings now.

Agreed, it's painful

Jon Snow is a dumbass, news at 11.

Who sung it better Podrik or Florence?


the perfect world has bran as the king, children of the forest as the people and the white walkers as the guardians/soldiers

>the finale happens and people are all happy and shit
>fades to black
>then fades to footage recorded during filming during the first season with bran waking up
>this was all a fever dream brought on by the trauma from the fall

Ruined by reddit

I saw a bit of speculation on twitter about her sudden weight gain, but I'm pretty sure she's just pregnant looking at her.

they've both been officially confirmed to be in the season and robin's actor was seen filming

>it accomplishes the NK getting past the wall
Exactly. Its bad writing.

>Senpai finally notices you and makes you a knight

feels good

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i literally unironically joined in with the clap

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I thought it was a joke

D&D don't have the balls to sadly.
I hope at least 2/3rd of the cast fucking die but even then we'd still be left with cunts.

MFW you pretend you happy your knighted but know deep down its not proper and has been done out of guilt

A true lost ending

Most of the series being an 11 year old's fever dream would actually explain a lot of the shitty writing.

shit I hope so

Too bad, i loved bobby b posting last year

Its 4am here in Burgerland central, I assume most people here are Eurofags roleplaying as us superior fats.

werent they married? how was that a rape?

>Brienne saying she doesn't want it anyway
>Jaime pulls his sword out
>she falls over to get it

you just KNOW

Fuckin hell the dialogue is awful this season. The pacing is shit too. Everything is dull grey or black. The characters are lifeless. What the fuck. Worst season so far.

Why do they limit themselves to 6 episodes? You could make it so much richer and developped with 10. I guess they just want more mkney, i dont see any other reason. Makes sense, but this show used to be so good.

>White Wedding
This kind of pottery is too kino for D&D.

>the main threat only becomes an actual threat after the protags give him a macguffin in the most contrived way possible
Yeah that's not shit tier writing at all lmao

Don't worry user, I'm sure the battle will start with 15 minutes left next episode.

Well shit. I hope sweet Robin marries Sansa then. I know he won't but it's nice to dream

You mean when old nan tells that the world is just existing in the eye of a giant named Mccumber?

Might be right

You literally have nothing to say about it beyond "I-ITS B-BAD WRITING" and for some reason you can't understand that Jon is a noble brainlet who got killed by the way he acts, his adoptive father and role model got killed by acting the same way, and when Jon does some more dumb trusting shit you are like wow this is so out of left field when it isn't in the slightest

Holy shit, you need to leave some of that straw for the farm animals.

can't we have one pure and genuine moment

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>hard drive bran :D

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He was too good for this world

we could if you were to leave, tourist

Remember when the old maester says, who doesn't want superpowers to take his dull boring life into a new exciting one?

That's exactly the argument, quiplord.

>Biggest treat constantly hyped up to be the end of mankind through every season so far will end at the half-point of the season while getting the same "I'm not a man, I'm a woman" treatment that Witchking got in LOTR
All got writers should be fucking hang

He's not a hard drive.
He has to ftp into the trees to access the files stored on their leaf drives.

Bronn is literally my self insert in this show, will he die Yea Forums?

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Do you want me to break it down for you? We're at 330 posts, retard, I'm not going to walk you through why its contrived as shit and only exists as a way to give the NK a method to threaten the kingdoms. It makes everything feel like a fucking waste because hey, might as well just fucking ignore the problem, which is counter-intuitive to the themes of the show.

You're such a fucking retard for thinking the wight hunt was good writing, my fucking God.

based retard who doesn't know what he's talking about
if they didn't have that much time they'd most likely fuck it up
not to mention this was in early 2000s

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We've already seen the ending, Dany's vision in the house of undying was a ruined Kings Landing with snow falling on it.

Night King isn't there next episode, he bailed and left his regular ass army there. He flew direct via United Dragon Emirates to fuck Cersei up

That'll be the big finale OH SHIT moment at the end of the next episode. Cersei basically alone in a chair and then dragon turning up "Oh we've prepared for this Targaryan girl"

It's not Dany

What the fuck is Jaime going to do in the books?

He still has to large fucking books to live through, what is his arc right now anyways?

It feels ages since Joffrey's last appearance.

Attached: nightking.jpg (750x563, 125K)

>Bran's ultimate Keikaku was baiting the entire country into a long bloody war so they would have no chance against the white walkers
>He's both the Night King and Bran the Builder.
>He built the wall to prevent the white walkers from blowing their load too quick so they could get a good army going
>He also warged into Jamie and pushed himself out the window


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That sex scene genuinely made me sick to my stomach, without context its gay sex

Casting was on point tho Arya looks like a midget Sean Bean

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wrong chart, whoops :)
here's the one that i meant

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Bad guys is pretty much spot on, but I'm sure Qyburn dies too, basically they all die. Your one dies one lives I disagree with, I think they'll all live, except for Sam and Gilly, it seems likely one will die, probably Sam defending Gilly. Hound and Davos I'd say flip a coin, and I was with you on Gendry until this episode, now I think it's possible Arya might be carrying the last Baratheon heir, so flip for him as well. Yara, Varys and Bran all live for sure imo. Robin, Daario, Edmure, Melissandre and Jaqen I don't even know why they're on that list, if there's anything to call about them its flip a coin for if we even hear about them at all. Rest is either correct or I don't have much of an opinion on.


Will Torgumunndo ever get to fuck Brienne? Or will Brienne have to kill a zombie him?

Did you clap and look at the people watching with you?

The show died when he did

i hope to god they kill him off soon
there's not a scene he's in where i cannot fap

Because spoilers posted here last week covering whole season 8 perfectly described first two episodes so far and the whole Wrath of the Lichking theme will end with episode 3.

Episode 2 was the biggest waste of time... literally just 10 conversations saying the same thing "Hey I hope we win the battle, we could die tonight."
Seriously is this the best they could do? Does anyone actually care what these characters have to say anymore? So fucking DULL.
Still going to watch the last episodes. I just want it to be over.

>Jon snow can see the writing of the show from the outside and knows that the NK can't get across without the dragons, and he knows that Dany will come and have a dragon javelined to death
Bravo user

>Sansa have had months to evacuate women and children and old

What the fuck is wrong with her?

(Keikaku means plan)

Evacuate them where exactly?

makes me cringe every time i hear this shit song and even more so when people think its good


I'm not a burger

Didn't the bandits capture him? The murdrry ones with undead stark bitch

Could you post the spoilers again? I cba to watch this show anymore but I want to know how it ends

But it's not established anywhere the NK can get over the wall, like he has no method of doing it.

>bad end

user that is the ending, same with avengers

>clapping is somehow something only Americans do, and is derogatory
Where did this meme come from?
Just a general "everyone I don't like is retarded" thing?

Brienne was knighted by Jaime who was knighted by Arthur Dayne

The fucking vale?
It dosent matter,
the show has not said "We can't evacuate because X" so it's a perfectly viable option.

Clapping isn't something only Americans do, but Americans clap a lot more often than regular people, and in a lot of situations where clapping simply isn't something regular people would do. The entire world thinks it's pretty weird.

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Do you think the Sword of the Morning would be okay with Jaime's decision? By all accounts, he was made out to be a great guy.

I am 100 positive that the Hound will live
I actually leaning to both Jon and Dany dying desu.
Arya/ Gendry/ Sansa
Arya lives, Gendry dies, Sansa dies
gendry lives Sansa lives, Arya Dies
Davos is so pointless right now he might just live

>settling for Gendry
Should have told Beric to fuck off to get K N O T T E D by the Hound

>Say depression isn't real
>Get told it is observable through broken brain chemistry
>Imply I was just stating that brain chemistry exists

Wait what the fuck. This just made me realize shouldn't there be some sort of interaction between The Hound and Sansa? Wasn't their whole thing before he abandoned the south that he was in love with her in secret?

Attached: sansa_and_the_hound_by_enife-d5bvy06.jpg (900x646, 174K)

yfw littlefinger is dead and gone. Varys wins the iron throne. bran gets iced in his shitty chair by the undead dragon and all the memory of history is lost so that the living can start new.

Varys reveals he's Targaryen from House Blackfyre and claims the Iron Throne after everyone has killed each other off.

>I actually leaning to both Jon and Dany dying desu.
Not gonna happen, frikidoctor leaks have confirmed that they both live and he was 100% correct on the first episode. I'm pretty sure Arya doesn't die, I'd be willing to bet money on it, I might grant you a coin flip for Sansa, but it seems unlikely, the show has become heavily skewed towards its female characters, so I doubt she'll die since she's like the smartest person in westeros or whatever now. Davos is pointless, which is why he seems like a likely candidate for deletion, I'm sure D&D don't want to bother writing him an epilogue since there's no obvious one.

They're not attacking Winterfell...they're actually librarians coming to reclaim all the books Sam stole.

my ex gf lost her virginity at 13 and got pregnant and had an abortion at 15

He's going to die protecting the kids in the crypt

tfw u realize bran is simply the tree manifested

wait, he's the audiobook guy i've been listening to? the audiobook guy sounds old

...I'm not sure I understand your post...are you judging Sophie Turner for something? Or...insulting her somehow? What are you trying to say?

book jaime has a very good arc involving Brienne and sansa


Almost Lynchian.

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Varys will be one of the last survivors. We have to have the last secret Targaryen for the throne after everybody else is dead.

They've come to pay their step-aunt Gilly a visit

Its not even rape, they where married

didnt know he did JRE podcast

Can someone pls tell me why nobody metioned mad kings plan to burn kings landing and jamie saving whole city at his trial. At least 3 people there knew about it. Srsly he single handedly saved capital from deranged lunatic and that future dumb queen has a gal to question his motives. fuck her, hope cersei kills her.

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what a slut

Hound and undead mountain are still up. That arc is still up in the air.

Just a retard putting things what any other person would do at her age. The moron could've just put that's shes a terrible actress.