Why is this allowed?

why is this allowed?

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Other urls found in this thread:


so they'll learn

Who was she talking about?



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>kit Harrington
>good actor, charismatic

Was this post made by kit? He is 5’7 at best and can’t act for shit


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lmao at manlets seething

>good actor
Kit pls


I swear this must be the fifth or sixth dig at Kit’s height. I wonder why D&D are going at him like this

they realized that he needs to learn

what min of the episode? i'm to lazy to rewatch this shit episode.

kek yep. I'm a manlet and I still find that shit funny

>someone taller - dany
>you used to be taller - arya
>you're a lot shorter - gendry
>He's too little for me - dany
>I saw your pecker. What kind of god would have a pecker that small? - tormund

does d&d hate kit or something?

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Literally every other man she has been with


This. Like something surely must have happened. They are digging deep into these short jokes.

Because of my deformation I'm around 15 cms shorter than I'm supposed to be. Plus I'm fucking deformed. Hooray for having a single mom that had you at 18 and a father dying when you were around 6.

obviously expressing their frustration paying the guy $5mil an episode

It's almost like some of you don't know that women are the target audience of this show.

Oh shit son. If it's any consolation, from one user to another, I know what it's like to lose a parent at a young age too.

>implying you wouldn't enjoy getting Khal'd
Tall muscular men with long hair are the best. Balding manlets can't compete.

>he's not even short
Maybe in Asia.

The same reason the driving characters of the show are now all exclusively women. It's *her* turn.

Okay Tyrion. We get it your a fucking dwarf abomination

>manlets when will they learn lol
>statistical probability says most people saying this all the time are under 6'1'' themselves
make think

I don't care about my height. I care about being a fucking hunchback.

>Hooray for having a single mom that had you at 18 and a father dying when you were around 6.
That has nothing to do with you being deformed. Your mother was at her prime fertility when she had you and your dad dying sucks but has nothing to do with your genes. You simply lost the genetic lottery even when you were given the best odds.


i thought 6'0" was the manlet cutoff status

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It basically is these days with how much taller the new generation of girls are

are 6'0 men manlets? have I been living a lie

>literally being a goblin
Why dont you just embrace it? Like live in your towns sewers

kinda yeah, you probably get mogged daily so you sure aren't tall

It's called being a heightlet

You're still tall, but heavily mogged by anyone 6'3 and above

6'0" is King of Manlets tier

>when user discovers he is a manlet

>genetic lottery
Nah man. I supposed to be having a surgery to fix my spine but it didn't happen. I was fed up with this bullshit, I hated myself. I was 16 years old and just wanted to get through it. I didn't want to talk or think about it. Now I'm too old to fix it and I'll probably live on painkillers for the rest of my life when I get older.

it's a feminist show, emasculation of men is a major theme, it's why most of the male characters are eunuchs

In reality nah. Manlet cutoff is 180 cm.
t. 186 who is feeling generous

never thought of myself as tall but never thought of myself as short either, just average. this changes everything bros what am I gonna do

You're saying it wasn't your genes that made you a hunchback?


And now you're homeless too? Damn.

Dudes like 5 foot 7 that's not even that short. Imagine if the scene was reversed and Jon was making fun of Danny's weight. It's pure fucking heightism and we shouldn't stand for it.

you aren't short, average sounds about right. don't take the shitposting too serious it's mostly banter

i know i'm just joking I think 6'0-6'2 is the ideal height range


6'2" and I love laughing at manlets

That's king of manlets height

What's the point? It's not like medieval people were very tall.

He's right though, heightism is a real problem and preventing the progress of our species, fucking women
Thankfully I'm 6'6" and built, but thats Just a fucking dice roll and not fair

>5 foot 7 that's not even that short

What kinda fucking manlet cope is this?

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>he isnt 6'4" or taller

haha the state of you manlets.

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5.6 is not that unusual around these parts.

5'10 is the best perfect height for men.

It's like one inch below average so a little short but nothing really.


You are not living in reality if you seriously think anything sub 6ft is acceptable mate.


Hahaha being sub 6' is similar to being a dog who thinks he's big shit but is a fucking chiuaua


you faggots do know that normal people don't obsess over height right?

Nigga, you should marry someone with real political power.

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>not short

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>tfw 179 but tell everyone I'm 180

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t. 5'9"

when will they learn

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>5 foot 7
>not short

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not in the way Yea Forums shitposters do but it's important

silly dragon whore exposing that she has no real love for jon
she fell for sansas mind games

Less than 20% of US males are above 6 feet

>tfw 5'5 manlet
>6'1 ogre GF
You'll never know the pleasure of being the little spoon, so kill yourself now lanklets!!!
Her larping as Brienne of Tarth when I'm Jamie(XS) makes this all the better

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>thread full of ugly lanklets coping with the fact that their only redeeming quality is their height



Sorry, I don't understand the retarded Imperial system.

How pathetic

Even at 5'7" I would fuck you up in real life if you ever said that to my face. I hit the gym every day and am down to 7% bf. That's a fucking achievement I worked hard for and is much more respectable than being born with genes that make a person (a little) taller.

It's not that fucking short you fucking faggots. I hate these threads I always get fucking angry and you fucking pricks.

trying to compensate for manlet stature with muscles lmao

My muscles would put you in the hospital if you ever said shit like this to me irl

pathetic children

When does she say this?

okay little guy


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name (1) tangible important benefit of height that makes it valuable in current year

I'm 6'4 and have been working out for 10+ years.

You'd get your little peepee slapped, dwarf. I could lift you with 1 arm and you'd be flailing around like a fucking cartoon.

I would fucking kill you if I could


Holy shit the absolute COPE in your post is laughable. You realise you're seething enough to try and intimidate someone taller than you over the internet, right? ahahahahahaha


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Women find you more attractive

>I had to scream in my pillow
Not the most fortunate of expressions, you closetted fag


Naturally stronger and more attractive to women.

Also bigger body = bigger brain on average (and bigger cock too).

you can easily reach things in high places without having to get a ladder, you fucking keebler elf

Much less likely to have a heart attack


Everyone and their mom has been saying that short people live longer, so what the fuck?

the ability to shitpost about manlets on Yea Forums without living a lie

holy shit what a pathetic loser

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Stop taking the bait you retard.

But everything is a lie.

Im 197 centimetres and i have average sized cock.

Fuck you I'm 7%bf ripped as fuck
Currently cycling
1-4 Dbol 10mg 3x/d oral
1-8 Deca 300mg/w for additional bulking help
W 1-8 Tren Enth 150mg E3D for strength
W 6-12 Providone 2x/d
I would fucking kill you

Just have sex already.

Taller means shit I am fucking ripped

We should bring back the Colosseum so that these two user can try and kill each other for the amusement of the whole. The winner will be christened as the king manlet/lanklet gladiator.

You're just unlucky. If you were a manlet, you'd have smaller than average.

mog manlets irl

I'd look at you angrily and you'd run scared back into your hobbit hut, gnome.

jesus christ reddit needs to be nuked at this point

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You wouldn't be crying on Yea Forums if that were true.

Weird how the average male height is 5'8, but on Yea Forums it's 6'4.

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I agree. Speaking as a 175 cm manlet that likes and participates in these jokes, it's fucking cheesy and terribly done in the show. And it's like the jewish creators have some problem with Kit or something. I swear I hear a manlet joke against Kit in each episode now and they're all so deadpan and cheesy like. At least add the "When will he ever learn" at the end of it, that might make them more fun.

Everybody lies on the internet.

>have a problem with him
>he's one of the more relatable and honorable characters, at least for normies
>gets to fuck the YAASSS QUEEEN McChicken dragon bitch
>has a badass story about being an orphan of a guy who everyone in-universe jerked off to and some turbo beauty, also raised by the most honorable man ever in canon because why not
>most likely will get to survive to the end
I don't know, user.

Half of the people that make the manlet jokes are manlets themselves.

I think short girls are cute.

they are lowering his worth as an actor so they don't have to pay him much when they re-hire him for the sequel called "Dany & Jon: meet the Targaryans"

what's the female equivalent of making fun of manlets? i'm sure there would be buttblasted females if I pointed out daenerys has hit the wall and is past her prime lookin like a 40 year old soccer mom.

Fuck younimnnot scared of anything literally just broke my fucking mouse slamming it down because of you and your fucking bullshit I'm out of this fucking conversation but just know I would fucking kill you irl

imagine if what exactly was reversed? Small women are normal and the show makes fun of Brienne as a big woman for seasons now. So what exactly is this midget complaining about

calling them fat

same bro

>what's the female equivalent of making fun of manlets?
Weight probably. But age and attractiveness, as well.

If I ever see you in the gym, I'll steal your weights and make you never come back, you starting strength faggot.

Ask her age.


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>are 6'0 men manlets?
You will always be the manlet of someone else.

Your genes also clearly made you a fucking retard as well

I'm 6'4 and this shit made me angry

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"Are you pregnant?"

I'm perfectly fine with being short because I have a thing for taller women and I want a gf that is taller than me. If I were tall this would be a lot harder.


Why are you mad?
That's exactly how roasties have a one-on-one in real life. They compare men and calibrate the sexual hierarchy to each other's taste.

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He's a small guy

someone go in that thread and start making gilly fat jokes

>You will always be the manlet of someone else
Fuck if this ain't true

>be 5'9 in Aus
>taller than most but still short enough for even the odd woman to be over me
>older brother, understandably, has always been taller than me, probably about 6'0/6'1
>know friend in Netherlands that's about 6'0
>his brother's nearly 6'5
Fuck older brothers stealing the height genes

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You can really see how insecure some manlets are when they have too much muscles for their height, user.

except pretty much everywhere society people frown on making fun of women for literally anything yet these people are having a blast over manlet jokes. it fucking breaks my soul. i want to die bros.

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Only ugly people have to put down others. You guys are losers.

>Pull pussy like mad even on my worst days
>Seething manlet coworkers "jokingly" remind me at least once a week that they hate standing next to me or that they hurt their necks when they talk to me

When will they learn?

1- Age/Wrinkles
2- Weight
3- Boobs size

>stops reading the wall of SEETHE
>types 'okay hun just have sex'
Based roastie.

I'm a manlet and weirdly enough I always get along with tall dudes really well.

calm your roid rage smurfette

Only women and jews make fun of a man's height. Men make fun of you for being fat or weak.

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Wow you're tall? You must be so cool and have such an awesome life since you feel the need to brag about it on Yea Forums to a bunch of nerds

I'm 5'9 and it didn't because I am not an insecure faggot triggered by manlet jokes

>wah wah how dare you make fun of someones race, obesity, disease, looks etc etc
>tehe ur short

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You've been brainwashed if you think 5'9" is short. Its average.

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So it turns out there is one thing to hate about you white people. Obsessing over height kek

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>ethnic AND manlet

>I will surely win because I am AGI 17

Because we're the tallest?

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but user. haven't you heard? they never learn

Everyone's short when you're 6'6" :^)

Niggers are taller on average. If you think height is more important than IQ, looks, personality, strength etc you're stupid.

is 6'6 considered tall now? 6'7 is manlet cutoff status

Everyone's stupid when you're a chemical process PhD and a child prodigy in chess.

>manlet cope
It's so easy guys, jesus.

dutch are the tallest people in the world. americans aren't white.

>be 5'9
>used to appeal to girls who crushed on my cute, young looks
>face no longer looks young
>now just a background character-tier manlet


>he thought he discounted height but he actually made the point of how important it is with his list of requirements to equal it's importance
The circle of cope

blacks in the US are 5'10" on average. Whites in europe are up to 6' on average, so 2" taller
whites are in general taller than blacks

>dddurrr dddurrrrrrr
If your only asset is your height then you arent a man

Bullshit statistic

I don't think that it's short at all. I'm doing fine with the ladies.

I'm smarter than you and earn more money. Cope.

Dont be too hard on yourself maisie

And women find 80% of men physically unattractive

Hmmm pure coincidence

Men are on average almost 6'2 in The Netherlands. And that's counting the turkish cockroach invasion and a couple of morrocon schoe polishers.

Had to look it up in non-retard units but that's definitely below average for most europoor countries.

It's cos you want them to fuck you up the ass

wait did she die I can't remember

No she's alive. Can't remember where she was going, I think she had to leave Westeros because of her "crimes"?

She'll probably come back during the battle with the night king to do some ebin self sacrifice, if not I don't think we'll see her again

>You look like you've had 3 children already
>I have to ask: are you still under 40?
>You're a little chubby, aren't you?
>That kind of dress looks better on skinny girls

manlet rage is hilarious

Banished. Based Davos said if he ever saw her again he'd kill her.


>thinking their words or opinions matter to women
They will never learn.

>Manlet gets so angry he breaks his mouse and rage quits

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 71K)

Because they do.

>tfw 6‘6“ and broad shoulder due to swimming a lot as a teenager
I pity the manlet. Also why are USbros so small compared to northern euros.

>watched this episode w/ my brother
>we are both Manlets
That joke was very awkward but I kekd when I thought about how happy it would make the 4channelers

i wonder if this is how napoleon felt

I'd tell you to grow a pair but we both know growing isn't your strongsuit

6ft used to be near the top but kids these days are fucking giants.


One redeeming feature isn't enough to get you a gf sweaty

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one of the few good things they're doing

How can Jon even COMPETE with Drogo's big dick energy?

Do you think Dany thinks of him every time they fuck?

Attached: khal-drogo.jpg (923x1077, 184K)

A man's height would be more the equivalent of a woman's weight.

>How can Jon even COMPETE with Drogo's big dick energy?
He doesn't have to. That dick is dead.

Wow turn A reference. That's unexpected

napoleon height thing was just meme by english to make french seem less intimidating

Hard to know. On the one hand he was madly self-conscious but on the other he wasn't actually small for his time so it might not even have been an issue for him. Anyone would have felt like a titch next to Ney, who was a big bastard.

Damn women lie even when they aren't speaking.

A man's height should only be a requirement for women with a bust of over D cup.

I heard that he was thought to be so short, because he was usually around his kind of personal guards I guess, who were mostly exceptional soldiers with good genetics and such (rather tall). Can't give you a source tho.

Napoleon is only short in modern standards, but he was above average for his time.

>someone was assblasted enough to make that pic

There's no escape


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He's not wrong. He's just cringey.

yes because just like most manlets thorough history he was """"average"""" for his time

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if he was a man he wouldnt bother. hes a pussy

all body shaming against men is still A-OK (except race of course). that's why sexual impotency and dick size joke are still a thing, whereas any criticism or humor about a woman's body is a no-no


Women mostly care about the guy being taller than her.
Sure if they see a muscular hunk who is 6'4 and they're only 5'6 they'll take note of his height, btu they'd be happy with a 5'8 guy.

In text though they just make it easier for themselves.
If they're using metric they'll take note of 180, if imperial it's 6'0.
But they likely wouldn't care if the guy was 179 och 5'11

I actually lol'd at this
10/10 shitposting

>lowering your head to make an easy target for when the inevitable manlet rage takes over
you can't be doing that

This show has fallen so low

>Men are on average almost 6'2 in The Netherlands.

They're a tall people all right. It would not surprise me if Lithuanians (guys and girls both) were also well above the European average.

Montenegrins and Bosnians*, only study which shows Dutch as being into 183cm range is self-reported.
Dutchies used to be average-to-shortish

>mfw i am 5'11 but just say 6'0 and never has anyone questioned me

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kek if manlets havent learned yet they never will

Americans in the 40s were the tallest in the world. Decades of immigration from hispanic countries pulled the average way down



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because 6'0 is pathetically short.

You should be glad that everyone around you is retarded, because there's a visible 3cm difference between the two. It's better in metric because 5'11 is 180cm and that's the cutoff for manletism.

the absolute state of manlets

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as long as your taller than the chick that is what matters. obviously being around a room of nothing but 7 foot guys will make you look bad, but if it's mostly just you and her one on one you just being taller than her is good enough

But Africans are fucking tiny.

holy shit, that cope

Why is she so mean, bros?

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You're still a manlet.

Nice pasta tho

Depends which part of the internet you frequent. I always went by misc that anything below 6ft2 is a manlet.


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its a running bts joke, these people don't even know what a joke is

Largely because of malnutrition and things like that. Lifestyle is a significant factor for adult height, that is the other primary reason for America losing the top spot on average height

height >manlet gainz

but Khal Drogol literally was taller, this is just a factual statement

Why is it okay to body-shame height when that can't be helped, but meanwhile you're scumbag for saying landwhales should lose weight?

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anything below 7ft tall is manlet, and should be removed from genepool

no they aren't, in netherlands the measured average is 182 cm or slightly above 5'11". The tallest europeans are from the dinaric alps (serbs etc.), standing at ~184 cm measured. Nethercucks are same height as nordics pretty much.

It's because you're allowed to make fun of men infinitely but you're not allowed to make fun of women.

This is true. I'm 5'6'' and I enjoy making and reading manlet jokes.

That's because they're below sea level.

Making jokes about someone's height is shitty because it's not something they can do anything about. It's like making a joke about their skin color or gender.

So you like cruising that subreddit often manlet?

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I'd say the opposite. American blacks are tall because the slavers only took the strongest and tallest Africans.
Euros have the same lifestyle as Americans so I don't think thats not much of a factor.

Why did they ruin this show

because she's a roastie woman who is just like the rest. storng and independant and like to shit on short men for their own amusement



depends on where they live. applied to whole world it is average. in spain you are a god among men in croatia or bosnia you are 2 inches under average

>How can I compete with the IDEALIZED MEMORY of your dead husband ?

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I'm not making this shit up, I'm telling you what the actual research says. Google it if you want

>Euros have the same lifestyle as Americans so I don't think thats not much of a factor.
Yeah they're exactly the same that's why americans are like 30+ pounds heavier on average too right? Lmao

Hey at least you were born in a time where instead of being instantly discarded or at the very least mocked and treated like shit locked away in an institution you get to shitpost on a peruvian basket weaving forum and no one gives two shits and get to farm some (you)s and simpathy in the process.

most dutch males are easily between 180-190, frisians (subculture within the netherlands) are even taller. besides we have a lot of muslims who bring down the average

t. dutch

We're not your therapists faggot, go cry somewhere else frodo

except the muslims have bigger cocks as dutch women can attest

Fan fiction writers. Gotta love 'em.

Can't wait to see that pub reaction video to this. D&D are amazing XOXOXOXOXO

Trips of truth

I don't get what the problem is.

Going into the future being smaller framed is going to make you MORE likely to make it onto the space arc. All these tall cant-fit-anywhere and need-special-clothes and consume-too-many-calories fags are going to burn up with the rest of them.

Attached: vikander getting bullied.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

People in the dinaric alps are the tallest, nice try Kees

i'm 6'11 come at me

Why must manlet scum always reveal themselves voluntarily?

is tall or short better for a woman? or does it not matter?

Is 5'11" or 180 cm a good height? srs pls no troll i m mentally ill

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Why do so many anons take the bait on height threads? Does insecurity blind you of realising how absurd these threads are?

Good for you faggot

its not, even the most pop show GoT moggs manlets, what do you think? just because u try to put on a blindfold it doesn't repel the problem, height does matter in todays society and if you are male under 6'1" u are fucked.

t.5'11" - 180 cm user

>mfw the tall soldier looked up from the trench and got his head blown off from enemy fire and shorty lived

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As a 6ft manlet i can sympathize


They are really not all that absurd. Maybe exaggerated but women 100% do place a heavy emphasis on height for partners. With that being the reality a certain amount of insecurity is entirely justified since shorter men are undeniably, quantifiably inferior.

Jesus Christ, dude. Hollywood and social media is not real life, unless she has to kneel to be able to look at you its not a big problem. You all faggots are no different than the feminists crying about beauty standards. Height is a plus, yes, but you should have other things to offer

No idea why this works but people will think your taller if you shave your head

If height is so great why does Robert Downhere Jr make so much more money than the rest of the Avengers?

But a woman can lose weight unlike men who can't grow anymore.

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Kit Harrington is not 5'9. Almost all actors/athletes/celebrities add a couple inches to their height, and it's pretty clear Kit Harrington is not of average height.

you are talking about 4channers who are suffering from self confidence issues more than other demographics. now you bring height into the equation - something that CANNOT be changed, no matter how hard one tries. If a fat 4channer reads a joke about fatties, they might laugh about it or take the joke (see pic related) because they think "hey, at least i COULD get rid of my fat if I really wanted to huh? it's my choice to be a fatass and it feels good". With height, you do not have this luxury. small people WILL get offended if they got nothing going on in their lives (as is the case with generic 4channers)

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you do realise that most people share the same social view, its pretty obvious women like tall guys, I mean what else can I say? Males have the same standards with women, big tits, good proportions, head etc.

big cope by manlets, you have statistically harder time to find women if you are short. I hate that this is this way, but look at even Tyrion. He got mogged cus he was a dwarf. its not funny at all but sadly this is what people think.

Napoleon was above average height for his time (he was 5'9-ish) however he was constantly getting mogged by his grenadier guards who were all 5'10 or taller as a requirement.

all these manlets trying to justify height with exceptional examples like robert downy, it's one in a million, manlet; just learn your place.

The average height might be 5'8" if you include a bunch of short-ass Asians and Mexicans and also old people who grew up without proper nutrition. The average height for a white man 35 or under in the US is 5'10 1/2"

It was upped to 6'1 for 2019.

What did you expect from a tv show written by literal basedboys? Basedboys love to repeat bad women jokes.

t. 5'11"
want to do leg lengthening surgery after this show

why IS it acceptable to joke about someone's height but joking about women's inability to be anything but cumdumpsters is off limits?

Why do you think she's such a bitch now?
She hasn't had chad's dick in a while.

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Also the reason we have fat Thor in endgame. I can already imagine all the women giggling in the movie theater at the bad fat Thor jokes in the movie.

>men shouldn't be judged for things they cant control
fragile masculinity
>women should be judged for things they can control
toxic masculinity

>Be 6'1"
>Be overweight
>Have a pizza fave
>Have greasy hair
>Work at a Rite-Aid at age 28
>Go on Yea Forums to tell everyone how you are better looking than Kit Haringon because you are taller

Attached: 1nhqil.jpg (800x857, 68K)


hahahahahahahahahahaha manlet pls

Jesus F. Christ what a gigantic bitch.
To me it looks like they are slowly but steadily trying to make her into a villain.

they need to learn, unironically the only good thing about this season

If you really think about it being short is actually an advantage in modern day life
because you are short this means that the heart doesn't have to work so much on pumping blood throughout your body so when you are much older you will naturally be able to live longer.

if you could reach him

I would like to be called a manlet all day in exchange for kit's life I'm 6'2 yet I'm a college drop out who still lives with his parents...

And he's out there with Leslie rose... Making almost a million an episode.

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whos on the left?