He is never going to finish the series. The TV ending will be canon
He is never going to finish the series. The TV ending will be canon
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That's probably true, though I think there's a chance he did finish a year or two ago but fuckin hates the TV show, though he agreed to hold off until they were done because his books will be so different. If he released it would confuse everyone and the TV show might suffer a bit
well, duh.
Only four more weeks until I can move on from this piece of shit franchise.
Winds of Winter will be done soon.
I say 4-5 years for a dream of Spring
I’m a bookfag, was really interested in Victarion Greyjoy’s storyline more than anything else. Never will find out where it was going to go now.
>Winds of Winter will be done soon.
good one mate
he already confirmed the endings will be the same
only stannisfags are in denial.
Well it can't be exactly the same, for one the book and the show doesn't have all the same characters, and the ones that are are not all at the same point. Even if both show and book were to end up pretty much in the same place(let's assume Jon and Danny sitting on the throne), there's still a bunch of retarded shit the show did that the book could fix, like the whole battle of the bastards season 6 arc, Littlefinger's dumb death, giving Stannis a better conclusion, I'd like to see where the Lady Stoneheart arc goes, etc.
Anyway, idk why I'm writing this post, I know there's not gonna be any more books.
Fatso will die of fat and bookfags will be eternally BTFO.
MFW he plays Sam at the End many decades later writing about the adventure into a book
Nothing of value will be lost either way.
Between a white bugman and two kikes it's hard to tell which is worse.
Have faith
try watching your own video
He's obviously trolling. If he says "nah, the books are entirely different from the show", HBO might sue his ass or create some other problems for himself. The show diverged from the books as early as season 4 and is a complete mess now. There's no way they end the same besides "Oh, the Others lose and Jon sits on the Iron Throne". That's the only similiarity I can think of.
still in denial stannisfags...
>post yfw you didn't even START writing Winds of Winter yet
If WOW is completely different from the series (Jon-Dany), I would say it is impossible to say that the ending is canon ... and knowing the fat man he would do it just for spite
It won't be book canon, but I think it will be possible to reconstruct the actual ending to the books by looking at the ending of the show. You just have to look at the essential elements and pieces of the ending and from that you can infer the basics of what happened in the books.
As an example in the books Stannis probably would have died in the Battle for Winterfell, but his army still would have won against the Boltons. Mellysanders will burn Shireen to bring back Jon. Jon would have united the North somehow and probably Stannis' men now that he's dead.
The same thing could be done for Danny, somehow she brings back the Dothraki to break the siege at Slaver's Bay then sets off for the 7 kingdoms and takes over. Somehow the Tyrells all get killed I'd bet Cersei wins her trial and has them killed while Marg loses hers. They Tyrells are replaced by the Tarleys by Cersei which would explain why they fight to the death against Dany because they want to own all of the Reach. Anyway stuff like that can be inferred just by key plot points from the show, but we'll never know the actual details because Sir Fatass is too damn lazy.
WoW is never coming out though, there's no evidence that fatass has written a single sentence since 2011.
If I made it bigly like him, I think I would stop giving a shit as well. The dude is old and could die any moment, and only now does he have lots of money.
Does he have children or something? He should just use the money for whatever he truly enjoys.
I feel he's never going to finish it, just as an author thing where life just unexpectedly doesn't end climatically or something.
If this was true he'd have announced a release dat by now, since he knows when the show will end.
He posted a few chapters on his website, so we know he's written words.
don't care anymore
I’ve actually wondered this. I don’t give a shit about the books, but would a good writer really just give up the climactic end to his final masterpiece he writes before he dies to some TV hacks that don’t even care to do his story with even a shred of care or dignity after the third season? It doesn’t make sense to me. If I was a genius award winning fantasy writer no fucking way would I let a capeshit tier tv show ruin my magnum opus. I say he sold them bullshit, but maybe I just see Martin as more based than he actually is.
Don't kid yourself, he hasn't even started Winds.
Those were all content cut from the previous book.
You can hear Tolkien laughing from beyond the grave
He's wrote himself into a corner with every plotline and literally has no idea how to save his story.