Tfw you can't stand your co-worker

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Other urls found in this thread:

renner hates her because brie knows the "i really really really like women" shtick doesn't work on her. she knows he's a fag.

prove it

He actually seemed to get lit off by her saying she uses her status to promote her bullshit.

Renner is /ourguy/ desu.

he's one of the cool gays though

Fuck you Brie, Renner is a cool dude.


>/pol/lacks triggered by Captain Marvel thread #586586268

This is fucking ridiculous guys. Seek mental help and have sex.

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Why are autists trying to get me to hate brie? She's a nobody who will disappear. All will be well. Relax.


>having a soi OD and making this post in every thread
You realize that Brie isn't gonna see these and offer you sex right

These dumb threads make me realize white males are the most fragile creatures on earth

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>i made the same thread again, notice me!!!


>muhh ONIONS

No wonder Captain Marvel got you so triggered. Cry moar celtus

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In your incoherent soi-induced rage you are failing to make sense. Take a breath and try this again.

What the fuck is wrong with her feet?

She isn't an ugly person, she's just jaw-droppingly bland and unappealing, that's a rare thing, I'll give her that.

brie is not cute

No women will invite you into their bed because of your shilling for Captain Marvel.

Renner gives 0 fucks about her

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based schizo seeing /pol/ everywhere
this place destroyed you, young man.

I love Renner. his interview with Evans is still hilarious.

>she's a slut

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>muh /pol/

shhh dont tell em,
they are the only reason we make brie threads every day
to trigger incel whiteknights

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I only watched it once but didn't he literally roll his eyes?

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Seriously, what the fuck is going on with her feet?

Starting from the bottom it looks like an 80-year old woman.

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Yes, he also responded right after her by saying that he enjoys doing what he does so he can see the smiles on fans faces, not for himself

Both his interview and Cheadle's are pretty funny, she gets visibly assmad in the Cheadle one.

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Actually gagged.

Jesus Christ.

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imagine being part of the brie larson internet defense force
having to defend that flatass fungbitch when some user posts her feet pics

u guys need a raise


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Pretty sure this is it, I think this also has her getting bitchy at Hemsworth, too.

He's not a fag, he just appreciates the tight asshole of a good male friend

>thinking Yea Forums is even close to majority white
This isn’t 2008

Faggot OP at least give a link

Thought it was commonly spread.

Here fag:

She was the invisible woman already in Skull Island.

Black males are the most fragile.

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Does she cut her toenails with a fucking bowie knife?

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>tfw you're ugly and don't have an Oscar

How would Brie react?

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She looks really soft.

She'd probably look visibly upset and then scream at/hit him afterwards, but in reality, he'd be too afraid to do it to her.

Side note: Olsen is a very nice, attractive person, and the MCU is making a mistake not making her the lead going forward if they're adamant about a female having it.

>a gay man kissing a woman
>how cute

That is how she would react

i wanna nibble on her ear

>I don't like Brie, so everyone must not like her
You're fucking dumb dude

go to bed liz

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Brie Larson? More like BASED LARSON! amirite?

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Why does Brie seem to physically suck the fun out of any room she's in?

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Bried and Larsonpilled

Seems most people do, including the people she works with.

How the fuck?, does she play football without shoes?

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>implying B. Lars isn't the life of the Party
Cry Moar

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>i'm kinda ambidextrous

Jesus, she's so full of herself.

Yes, most people like her

But she's obviously up her own ass. Just fucking watch the pic related video

he's fucking Emily blunt on the side my dude married and all

The weak should fear the strong. And Brie... is strong.

She will single handedly kill capeshit.
She is truly an hero.
Praise kek.

Women aren't strong though.

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I'm a Marvel shill but I believe it. Star Wars, a franchise that existed for decades on fan love and good will was killed almost over night with sjw, feminist garbage. And the MCU isn't nearly that strong a cultural landmark.

She'll kill Marvel, DC after Shazam (ironically THEIR Captain Marvel) is actually looking at a decent prospect dropping the edgy shit.

is this loss

>Captain and Toenail

So... will Holland and Cumberbatch's charisma be enough to keep the MCU afloat going forward?

Boseman seems kind of bored, and Larson is an absolute bitch, so unless Feige gets a sitting-down about pushing her so hard it'll mostly rest on Holland's and Cumberbatch's shoulders, Olsen, too if she gets more spotlight unless Evans, Hemsworth, and/or Downey are sticking around.

They are going to have to impress me. Spider-Man could go a lot of ways but it feels pretty safe however Doctor Strange could get far out and I want it to. I want it to be nuts.

I hope to fuck Chris Hemsworth stays on. Thor has been my favorite Marvel character since I was like 7 (1991) and I love Chris.

Contrarian much?

It's like joining a fork forum just to talk about spoons.


Starwars made buttloads of cash, Kathleen Kennedy completely drove the franchise to the ground tho, so much wasted potential, but at least the SW fags got woke, the more the dumb cunts push feminism, the more it will backfire.

But you got it wrong tho, SW isn't as strong as capeshit, capeshit is much stronger and appeals to a much wider audiance, think overseas too, one of the reasons the new SW films failed miserably with fans and critics, they tried to appeal to the lowest common denominator, the scene with Leia floating through space tells you all you need to know about what they think of their audience.

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>he's a fag

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Every time I remember how much these two generate massive butthurt from tumblr it makes me chuckle.

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I don't care about her feet, I have pretty ugly feet myself.
Why would she wear open toes shoes though?
There's a difference between accepting yourself and your body and flaunting your gross medical issues for all the world to see.
That shit is also contagious as fuck btw. I got the same shit a while ago and the doctor said it would be irresponsible to not take precautions so I don't pass it along.

I got the same thing. My toenails are so ingrown that I have to take them out completely every 3 months or so. It gets easier after a few time.

Why do they still have jobs?

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The new Star Wars movies have problems but "feminism" isn't one of them. Not once was the topic of women's right addressed in any Star Wars movies.

>I don't care about her feet, I have pretty ugly feet myself.
Foot fetish fag here, another point, there are ugly feet, like the feet of most lanky niggers, but that by no way means they have to be fungy, dirty or butchered, same as having an ugly face doesn't excuse you walking around with flakes, mucus and spit running down on it.

Second thing being you don't judge a person by what he shows, a woman can look amazing, but the way she takes care of the parts of her that people don't get to see tell you everything you need to get the fuck out, if her feet look like that, imagine what other parts of her must look like, or what her lifestyle is.

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Evans is Captain America, so they have to keep hiring him. Plus he's retiring from acting after End Game to direct indie movies so he has no fucks to give.

Yeah, because the purple-haired general out of nowhere and Rey being one of the worst cases of a Mary-Sue in recent memory aren't at all related to feminism.

Ok but just don't wear open toes in public.
Wearing them in private when you hide your penis in front of the mirror is reasonable though.

>Listen and believe! Don't question womyn!

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pls kys

The purple haired general was obviously brought on to have someone they can give Leia's scenes too, that Carrie Fisher was too sickly to handle. Rey has a problem with being good at too many things the movies don't show her practicing, which is part of their general pacing issues, their emphasis on action and spectacle taking away time that could be used for some much needed character building but it's hardly a feminist issue. Solo, the one movie with a male lead, had the same problem with being able to speak Wookie just being something he picked up at some point, among other thingsm

No one irl knows I have shit toenails.
Insert virgin joke here, but fuck if I'm gonna show my feet to a girl. When sex arrives it's lights out baby and I keep my socks on.

Rey is a worse casting choice than Captain fungus, and one of the worst characters in a AAA movie I have seen in years, The Last Jedi was a complete fucking joke that no major publication or critic laughed at because Disney payed them not too, and god forbid you speak against feminism and inclusivity.

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It's a JJA thing. His characters are almost always muh speshial people from birth. Look at his ST movies ffs. All the Starfleet crew wh knew and loved became some eugenics version of themsleves gifted with almost superpower-level shit from birth instead of by experience and willpower.

Yes, and Solo is nearly universally panned, because you won't get labeled a sexist for doing so.

As for dumb bitch purple-hair, the actor that plays the character brought up what would have made more sense: Admiral Ackbar, instead, another Mary-Sue.

Feminism and inclusivity is not bad. It's badly written feminist message and badly cast/written inclusiveness that is the bad guy.
It's like Hollywood took these things as an excuse to be as lazy as they could be.

Because she’s outspoken and forces her opinions and politics into every conversation. Everybody knows or knew somebody like her and it’s just draining.

yes, but daisy is cute and brie is not cute

You know, if you asked me i'd say I hate feminism and all this PC forced diversity stuff but if you ask me if I believe in equal rights and think women and minorities should be able to do the same things as everybody else i'd say yes.

And if a feminist grilled me on it and I answered honestly she might tell me, "Well then you're a feminist." but I think it's not that black and white. When I think feminism I think bitchy cunts ruining everyones fun and taking titties away from the world.

Who gives a fuck? Are you just jealous that she gets attention? 50 posts in and you are grabbing the spotlight.

Feminism and inclusivity are inherently bad in an entertainment medium, outside of specifically political films, feminism, a political viewpoint, should not be considered when creating a film.

Inclusivity should not either, quotas are bad and insulting, you create what you want and should not feel hampered by the need to include other groups.

Peele, for example, there is nothing wrong with his plan to never have a white lead.

I just watched his and didn’t get a bitchy vibe from her. I honestly don’t know how anyone could sit through those terrible questions


Fuck off, faggot. You savages have the worst feet, second only to brown Asians.

you're gonna have to explain how making billions is inherently bad

Point taken. You have the same mindset as my mom.


Uhhhh. OK?

I didn't realize that's what the discussion was, but sure... the Last Jedi being panned by audiences and Solo bombing as a result?

I... what? I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. Are you sure you,re not having a convo in your head? Again?

Nah, if you think minorities need quotas to be included that's on you.

Solo didn't flop because of the last Jedi

When did Yea Forums get this gay?

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>The purple haired general was obviously brought on to have someone they can give Leia's scenes too
The entire arc was retarded user, the dialogue, their actions, the outcome of those actions, the purple fucking hair it's like a parody.
>Rey has a problem with being good at too many things the movies don't show her practicing
Rey didn't practice shit user, it's not even implied in the force awakens, the poor orphan on the desert planet in the middle of buttfuck no where that can defeat Sith lords, shoot like trained soldiers, fly and fix spaceships, it's fan art tier writing,
> their emphasis on action and spectacle taking away time that could be used for some much needed character building but it's hardly a feminist issue
Movies are 2 hours+, and they can't fit 2 minutes then and there to flesh out their shitty characters?, why?, because there is nothing to flesh out.
>Solo, the one movie with a male lead, had the same problem
He is a Gary Stu, and he's a shit character, but at least he has motivations.

>Feminism and inclusivity is not bad
I don't care if people like eating shit, it's their business, live and let live, but when you start pushing agendas and forcing your shit eating ideals into media, to a point where it affects the story, characters and leaves everything in ruin, you're fucking up.

They are shooting themselves in the foot, I'd say this shit is false flag operations by trolls on the inside who want to see how far they can carry the joke, but sadly it's not, and what they're pushing damages more than fixes.

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You're still projecting


I'm just speaking from a neutral kinda standpoint. I don't have strong feelings about equal rights, I just think everyone should get a fair shake and a chance to prove themselves. Not saying we gotta kiss womens ass and hand over any job to anyone because they are brown.

We were always fags.




if you think this you have autism

movies with the agenda pushing that you dislike so much make a lot of money, odd.
almost like you're in the minority

Based accurate user.

I think you're talking to shills though.

>to a point where it affects the story, characters and leaves everything in ruin
So... you agree with me.

>something with Star Wars attached makes money

Great post! Where is the upvote button?

>Dodging this hard.

Yeah, you sure made that dumb bigot dodge you!

I love posting on the Yea Forums board fellow 4Channeler!

Brie would murder him if he did that to her.

he's clearly a natze. it's obvious that star wars wouldn't make money otherwise. fuck natzes and fuck drumpf.

Kathleen Kennedy is a great producer but not well suited to guiding franchises.

What's being dodged, exactly? All the CGI Disney remakes will make a shit ton of money. I know this before they release because those names are part of an infamous brand that converts nostalgia to cash.

Star Wars is no different. That doesn't invalidate the fact that the new movies are terrible, so were the prequels and they sold a shit ton of tickets/dvd's/merch. So what?

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>All the CGI Disney remakes will make a shit ton of money.

Yes. Just look at the overwhelming success of Dumbo.

Lion King and Aladdin are the ones that people remember. Screencap this and prove me wrong, Lion King especially will break box office records. Retards love eating shit.

We are the minority dumbass, you're on Yea Forums, outside no one gave a shit, but that changed, because their shitty movies with their shitty forced agendas are starting to get way too obvious and it's pissing people off and unironically getting them woke.

Also the "money" the movies make is declining, for a franchise that sells itself like Starwars, you'd have had to show babies getting raped and killed to make movies fail, but LucasArts are doing their best, imagine how much more the movies could've made if they were made competently.
Was a great producer user, almost everything she was involved into past 2005 was shit.

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Lion King and Aladdin are pretty much the only two "classic" Disney animated movies I can truly recall from my childhood.

The gruel of women.

By spreading fungus.


kys dirty pajeet

I'm really grossed out by the idea of drinking a cup of human tears

she has a strong fungus infection is what

I've never noticed her literal fucking halo before. Subtle.

I survived Scarlett Johannesen I can survive this. Right?

is this a sexual assault or something??

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based footfag

lol scarlett is nothing compared to this giga bitch.

haha drinking semen lmao

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Why do they upset tumblr?

she's is a witch isn't she?

those feet reveal her true age

damn shes balding

sorry brie bros i cant defend her anymore,
no ass, the fungus, the interviews, now this?
this is getting too hard sorry i quit bros

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THis image loses it's impact when you realize Disney had to buy most of their own tickets costing the company around 1.8 billion dollars to make 200k.

heres the thing: she is such a cunt that not even don cheetos could stand being touch by her.

put in perspective: its the old weird sick looking nigger who use it a PROTECT TRANS KIDS on SNL.

if this guy cannot stand being touch by her, by whatever reasons, i mean... cmon. seriously: cmon.

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They got pissed and made comics like this.

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Guys (read soys and incels) we've had 10 trillion threads on the subject by now!
It's been six years (6) of this bullshit. Give it a rest already and move on.

Jesus fucking Christ, there's like 5 threads in the catalogue of this bitch. Give it a damn rest you retards

who's the bearded guy and the twink?

i can't recognize them without their costumes

It's supposed to be irl Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner being chastised by the characters they play in the movies.

And lets not forget the toys DID NOT SELL! In 2012 before Disney Star Wars toys and merchandise made 3 billion. And that was at a time there wasnt any movies other than the EU, tv show and games. Now, its all dead! In fact during the force awakens relesse none of the toys sold. Theyre calling captain marvel a billion dollar franchise but hows the merchandise selling?
This is a family. They all love each other. You saw it through the years during the press junkets and interviews, a deep seated love and mutual respect for each other. Then Kevin Feige forced this cunt who is to become the new face of the Avengers---DISGUSTING!!!!

That's the thing that kills me. I have never heard of any friction with any of the actors before this and now Brie Larson is stinking up the set and press tours and suddenly everyone is all meek and she's being an autist to Chris Hemsworth.



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>ywn have this type of bonding with a female

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You too,Brie

Imagine what could have been bros :(

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>if I keep saying people like this bland looking bitch of a person maybe they'll actually do!!!

anne is cute

He’s boning lady Gaga though

Yeah but it's Lady Gaga. That doesn't make him look straighter.

You seem retarded. Fascinating

t. Tranny Gaga

Is that why women bitch and moan if you don’t put a woman in your story? Because they’re so strong, right?

i imagine daily

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Blake a qt.


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>an orphaned scrap collector who never left their desert planet is capable of piloting any sort of ship, diagnosing and fixing it on the fly, and able to swim despite merely being in awe of experiencing rainfall moments prior. This doesn't even scratch the surface of her newfound force abilities.

Fucking kek

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Wait, do you find her fuckable? Shit man, I didn't know I was bad mouthing your waifu.

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I have the fucking gayest crush on this man.

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Based. I'm a hetero leaning bi black guy but I would be ok with Thor pounding my ass.

I just watched the Wired Google search video and there's definitely something up with her, incredibly defensive and awkward.

Reddit is that way, fag.

not a problem if a gay/woman do it, Larsen
stick to your fucking script or you won't have more sheckels from me, goyim

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Absolute state

I can't fucking wait for this movie

Have sex... change


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what's going on here?

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It's pretty obvious that something is going on behind the scenes, the way Renner and Hemsworth were reacting to her, Cheadle telling her to not touch him in a pretty harsh way it's weird as hell

Just look how they interact with each other in other interviews they're never like that or it's in a playful way it's obvious as fuck

Is this arguing with holes? It sounds like arguing with holes.

y i k e s and cringepilled

>nelson mandela

What was his fucking problem? She barely touched him and he looks legitimately pissed

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You know she wants to friends with him to since hes black and thatll give her social points

Reptilian under disguise.

>I'm a hetero leaning bi black guy
same here

the fuck has ak to do with this lmao

>BUt IT'S Just banter guys

yikes... just have sex

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Once Endgame is done and all the stars are released from their press obligations, we're gonna hear some fucking EPIC stories of on-set bitching, cliques and diva behaviour.

I give it a month until we get some amazing bantz.

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This is pathetic. I want to believe someone who’s about 11 drew that but I just know it’s gonna be some dyke/fag in their early 20s. How’d this happen?

>we're gonna hear some fucking EPIC stories of on-set bitching, cliques and diva behaviour.
Not gonna happen. They will all continue to pretend being friends because nobody wants to ruin their reputation by talking shit behind someone's back.

That´s easy, he´s a completely anti-white racist asshole and he sussed out her white-woman pro-nigger racism and virtue signaling.
It infuriates him.


>No one should be humiliated
Everyone needs to experience it in their lives. Hopefully sooner rather than later or they'll never learn humility or even critical thinking.

It's telling that this mean Brie never experience humiliation.

It's why everything she says is complete trash.

The funny thing is they probably haven't acted together in well over a year. So either its a raging lingering hatred or she managed to complete piss everyone off again in the short period of the press junket.

She's literally the polar opposite of sjw. Soft, feminine and lithe, how the hell is this sjw?

And the one that did it was, ahdrumrollplease...YES!

>TFW i remember i used to have a crush on Brie when i saw her on Scott Pilgrim
She was so cute. What happened?

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I'm not white and I hate her.

>socialism is not bad, it is the bad implementation.

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She's kinda retarded, more like. You can't be "kinda" ambidextrous. Ambi- means ambiguous, meaning either/or. "Kinda" would defeat the ambiguity. That has to be the most obnoxious thing about every feminist I've ever met, they think they're smarter than they are and love to flaunt their psuedo intellectualism.

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feminism happened

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>that screencap
Is this how American women act? No wonder men would rather stay virgins.

>no one should be humiliated

I'm White and I just think she's embarrassing

when he said "You're not so much a successor, it's more like you stole the torch."
That shit must have hurt her.

10/10 would read again
Hope to encounter more posts from you in the future

>had a crush on her ever since I saw her in Hoot

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Hollywood happened.

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>She was so cute. What happened?
It was 10 years ago and her genes aren't that good fkr aging

damn she hit the wall hard.

That's a cute dress desu

So much this. Almost every critic point about TLJ is valid except the sjw/feminism one. The entire movie is about Holdo fucking up and Rey being a brat who doesn't listen to Luke who knew it better (which he proved) and how Luke and even Kylo, two white males, save more than they do harm.

She was literally approached by THE Chad, how funny is that.

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no fucking way that's her

*looks at feet*
Yep, it's her.

It's from back when she was trying to become a singer.
I think the failure of her singing career, along with her daddy issues, are what made her so bitter.

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Damn, who did she fuck to get so many chances despite having bland face and no talent?

No idea.
Her parents were nobodies, they were homeopatic chiropractics. She was homeschooled by her hippy parents too, so I think that helped her make her so awkward.

>Michelle Obama
I'm not American so I have to as, why do women literally Worship that Man Looking Ape?

Same reason you became a basement dwelling incel despite possessing copious amounts of intelligence and talent.
It's just the unpredictable nature of life.

Not even women, just virtue signalers.
And it's because it sounds nice.
In the end, no American "idealist" believes what he says, it's all about social status.

>Whiteknighting Brie butterface goblin feet Larson
Wew lad, why don't you fantasize about other talentless cunts that are at least attractive?

This guy gets it. But then, why be surprised when you hear such things from a celebrity of all people.
It's practically a given.

lol you get triggered over a word. A WORD.
Also you'd go extinct without us subsidizing you.

>he thinks I was white knighting

Name is that of a cheese
Has the worst feet ever

we live in matrix or what?

Her original name is so much sexier. Why didn't she stick with that?
Desaulniers or whatever? Brianne?

Aren't we getting new super heroes?
Also, unironically the only one with the charisma enough to carry the MCU right now is Rudd with Ant-Man.

Are you sure?

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Renner kinda looks like Jackie Chan

In real life this type of friends would mean one of them is in love with the other. You then just wait for the bomb to drop. Or gay

>Larson was born Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers on October 1, 1989, in Sacramento, California, to Heather and Sylvain Desaulniers. Her parents were homeopathic chiropractors who ran a practice together, and they have another daughter, Milaine. Her father is French Canadian and in her childhood, Larson spoke French as her first language. She was mostly homeschooled, which she believed allowed her to explore innovative and abstract experiences

Holy shit no wonder she's a dumb cunt.

Attached: brie-larson.png (526x518, 51K)

liberals dont have sex

yeah it's only gay if the penises touch, r-right guys?

He's right.
Olsen should be the main female lead.

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My god she's VERY hot

doesnt explain why she is at the business for so long. she even did some record, has a videoclip and shit.

she doesnt have anything to justify this, there are way better looking and talented actress than her.

can get doing ibdie movies and shit but become the new face of marvel, jesus christ, thats insane.

Yvonne Strahovski was considered for the part and she would be perfect. Attractive, likeable and athletic, plus the bants with Shazam alone would be worth it

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i dont like her, her nose is weird and her face it´s too skinny, like the bitch has cancer or something.

It's the pronounced cheekbones.
And the nose looks like that probably because she had a nosejob.
No idea why they get it.

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>thinking Brie Larson is a cunt makes you /pol/

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Dweeb cunt

Why is Brie so boring, there's something about her face, her tone, and her mannerisms that can't even make me hate her, every moment I spend thinking about her is torture.

great now answer his question.

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God, I love tired or sleepy looking girls.

You can clearly see they're having fun here. No ill feelings or anything.

>what did I say about touching
>that audible tutting from brie while she proceeds to damage control with words but cuts into what chris is already saying
fucking KINO

I bet she gives really square head.

Rudd is a bro. Hemsworth and Rudd overpowered her cunt aura. When it was Hemsworth and Cheadle, Cheadle's wokeness ampified her cunt aura and made everyone uncomfortable.

It's because we are all used to Mary-Kate & Ashley and she looks like if one of them had plastic surgery.

>didnt get bryce dallas howard instead
worst timeline

Wrong. They're all normal human beings playing an entertaining game.
Nobody's out to get anyone.

Gonna play Devil's advocate here but.. what is the appeal of girls like Bryce and especially Emily Blunt? I get that they're braphogs but it doesn't exactly scream movie material to me.
Compare a regular looking woman like Blunt to Odette Annable.

I like BDH because she spent part of her life inside Opie's urethra.

>that tattoo

>have sex
No. I really think it’s pathetic how the act of sticking your dick into a (possibly) diseased hole is something to be proud of.
I had sex and it was awful, 1/10.

blunt cannot get the appeal, dallas is smoking hot amd had a beautiful face.

It's not a real tattoo, it's a temporary one she got for a movie she was filming.

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>dallas is smoking hot amd had a beautiful face
Literally how? I see more attractive females on the street every single day without exception.
I guess the star factor plays a pretty big role because I unironically can't see her as anything above 6/10.

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It's because he wants to fuck her fat, pale ass.

who doesn't?

I love this one, have watched it a few times. Simply put, the tension is palpable. I especially get off from how you can smell Brie's intent from a mile away.
She seems like one of those people that think they can manipulate and deceive others, but doesn't have enough external self awareness to realize anyone rational or around her enough recognizes it. I guarantee she remembered and ignored whatever Don Cheadle warned her about before this. She seems like either a straight up sociopath or just plain retarded... Or both of course. Or maybe I'm just projecting that onto her from my own experiences.
t. guy who has dealt with people who act just like this since childhood

>Or maybe I'm just projecting that onto her from my own experiences.
You and a whole bunch of people. Why would anyone want to deceive and manipulate during the course of a fucking 5 minute interview. What motives could they possibly have?
They're all behaving like regular people. There is no "shade" and nothing out of the ordinary for anyone that's been in a social situation with a group of people.
You talk about intent, what is her intent exactly?

this and she has a big mouth


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she's giving off some chloe moretz vibes here

this picture doesnt do her justice. anyway, she is red, big boobs and ass, lilly wh its everything i could wish on a woman, i would fuck like king arthur: would came a lot.

you would fuck her like king arthur: pull out and finish on your first go, faggot.

Shes one of THOSE lefties who thinks she as to pander to black people like children to prove she isnt a racist, instead of just not being a cunt, she becomes a cunt from a differnt angle.

Its like shes a mega smug, virtue signaling bitch who likes to smell her own farts. I was excited to see CM till I saw how smug she came across in the trailers and interviews.

>if you call out 1 woman for being an unlikeable person you hate all women and are a virgin

How do you people function in society? Like im genuinely concerned for your life.

Im gonna disagree. Shes very ugly. I thought she was ugly in scott pilgrim and I didnt even know who she was back then.

As long as Brie btfos footfags I have no problems with her

Wait till it gets closer to the star wars release pic related will be out in full force. Every person you see defending brie and her shit online is literally a paid marketer. Every normie ive talked to irl finds her smug and off putting.

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This bitch better watch it. If they cacan replace Norton and Howard, they can replace her. Seems like everyone hates her.

>when your jerk ass new co star demands all the attention

I knew this was more than a rumor. Came out about a month before captian marvel premiered.

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real life witch, the final stage of feminism


shes by far and away the best female charcter in the marvel universe and they ignore her for karate gun cop spider and "did I see you smile at me rapist!!" Captian smug.

>I knew this was more than a rumor
>"A new rumor has landed online..."

Shes that girl you knew in college who had no friends and never had a date and blames all men for that, completely ignoring the fact she cant stop talking about politics or her "brothers" which are actually her cats. And she has the personality of a chair while also being mean and petty. Basically its everyone else's fault that nobody likes me.

This. My parents and cousin are super mega marvel shills who've watched every marvel film in theatres. Captain Marvel was the first one they unanimously said "nope" and you wanna know why? "That brie larson is really unlikeable. She looks angry and pissed off all the time"

I had zero issue with them putting a girl main character in SW but they chose the ugliest, untalented, girl they could find and then spend 90% of the movie screaming in your face about how shes the greatest SW character of all time ever and you BETTER think so too or you hate ALL women. I just want to watch a cool space movie not be preached to.

oh shit, my sides

Chris probably played Space Harrier as well.

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Why his she drinking cum?

I see what you are trying to say BUT the problem is they write these films with the mindset "the girl will be better than everyone and have zero weaknesses because she has a vagina, the black guy is her love interest and hes also better at everything because hes black, but skin color doesnt matter. And the white bad guys will be white because all white people are bad. Now lets write the script around that" you cannot have a genuinely good movie if you base everything prior to writing it around your identity politics and virtue signaling.

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absolutely based

Kek. Thought she had hairy Bigfoot feet for a moment there

>you create what you want and should not feel hampered by the need to include other groups.

Fucking this!!! If the black lesbian is the best actor for the role hire her. If the white dude is better hire him. You hire the best actor for the role you dont go "well we dont have enough gender fluid latino women so lets change the role from a white guy to a woman so we are more diverse" which is what Hollywood has been doing lately. Which is leading to all these trash movies coming out.

Because I have nothing else to do

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>but when you start pushing agendas and forcing your shit eating ideals into media, to a point where it affects the story, characters and leaves everything in ruin, you're fucking up.

And also if you dont overwhelmingly agree with their bullshit youre a virgin misogynist who will likely shoot up a school. Even if youre criticisms are valid.

kek, did you desaturate the last panel? It looks like the color and life was sucked out of the room.

Nope, I didn't change anything.
I could have added a shot of him with Colbie Smulders tho

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proof that Renner is a shitty actor

That's caled Larson's Aura.

Don Cheadle looks extremely uncomfortable around her, like really really doesn't want to be there

Can someone photoshop this pick so that the cup reads "male semen"? Change nothing else. I think it would be more accurate.

>Not saying we gotta kiss womens ass and hand over any job to anyone because they are brown

Which is exactly whats going on not only in entertainment but real life. I just got a new job and recently found out my black lesbian boss (wish i was kidding) has ZERO experience in her role and does nothing but crack jokes with the other black people and completely ignores helping anyone or doing her actual job. Apparently the numbers have been tanking since she took over but every day at the morning startup meeting i have to hear from her boss about what a great leader and strong work ethic she has. You know the same woman i watched literally sit in a chair playing with her cell phone ALL shift.

Scarlett actually likes men and enjoys her role and is thankful for the opportunity. Same with olsen.

i thought it was also leaked that most of the older cast can't stand larson.

Women are at their most adorable when they're being teased and getting pissed off but trying to hide it and coming off passive aggressive.

They're not even trying with their trolling, just "You're not... that... strong..." and she starts playing with her hair and talking in these angry little clipped sentences.

>I feel like we're fighting right now

Really says something that it even works for Brie, that she can be cute here.

Because they realize feig is in love with brie and will push her to the moon even if it destroys the franchise. They know its game over. Endgame is a fitting title for the last marvel movie.

>it's normalizing something that should've been normalized a long time ago.

Right then he's rethinking his "Protect Trans Kids" shirt.

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Shes too pretty. But in all seriousness. Biehl, Lively, or Blunt would have ran circles around Larson.

it's Obvious feige is banging larson. there is no other explanation why he's shilling so hard for her.
she has 0 charisma and can barely act.
i actually hope we get a scene like this, but with thanos doing it to her

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>"Well you've quite successfully stolen the torch..."

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Lizzie, Chris, Scarjo bring joy to his heart.

Brie makes him want to kill himself.

>one of the most 10/10 genuinely beautiful woman walking the planet earth
>pick a smug 2/10 instead to lead your franchise

Feig HAS to be boning Larson. Its the only thing that makes sense.

Run out of toe fungus cream again, Brie?

Dear god you can smell the tension.

Women hate white men but want a white baby


He looks sad and probably suicidal because of the black hole he had near him.

olsen, renner, cheadle, chadwick and hemsworth all dislike her. they know she is getting pushed by feige at the expense of other.
same with the bullshit "she is the strongest evar" shit. when she has never even once won a fight against the hulk or thor

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Pajeets can't lead an interview

Because it is impossible.

I think Renner was reacting more to the interview here than Larson. This interviewer sucked.

>First question is Does being a celebrity come with responsibility

Asinine. I'd be irritated too.

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>thinking everyone is an ass man

Not all of us are savages

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Shes a home schooled autist. I used to work with one. EXACT same behavior. They literally have no idea how to read a room or other people.

You can but to work it well it must not have and sexual interest between both parts, like a guy and fat chick.