Sights that you will see a medicore movie at best

Sights that you will see a medicore movie at best.

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>The Rock plays in it
>Mark Wahlberg plays in it
>It's from 2010-2017
>It's a buddy cop comedy from '89 onwards
>It's a college/teen comedy from the 2000s that isn't American Pie 1, Road Trip or Euro Trip
>It's a creature feature horror film from the 2000s or 2010s
>It's an adventure film that isn't Indiana Jones

>it's showing at the cinema

It's starring one of the Harry Potter MCs but isn't Harry Potter.

You mean at worst.

>>It's a college/teen comedy from the 2000s that isn't American Pie 1, Road Trip or Euro Trip
Or Not Another Teen Movie, which is ironically one of the better teen comedies from that time.

Inception was good, and Kick Ass

>People on Yea Forums talk about it

true a mediocre movie is worse than a terrible movie

cliches in the script and you're gonna have a stinker

>Directed by Cecil B. Demille


Jack Black doesn't have any truly terrible movies. He's been in a lot of mediocre ones, but also some very good ones.

No and no. Inception was 3deep5me nerd schlock and Kick Ass was incel bait.

>School of Rock, the most greatest film ever conceived by man, is mediocre
Kill yourself you faggot.

Gulliver's Travels and Year One are absolutely terrible.
I'm honestly tempted to classify Be Kind Rewind as terrible too. It was so fucking shit. I remember being intrigued by the concept and Gondry but it was so disappointing.

Logan was fantastic.

>written or directed by a woman
>starring a woman

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Year One ain't as bad as everyone says

I liked accepted

Tropic Thunder, High Fidelity, Saving Silverman

Not so fast, retard. Based on a story written by a woman, screenplay co-written by the same woman, and with 3 female leads.

It's a great movie, a female comedy that succeeds without relying on the SJW tropes prevalent today. The involvement of a woman does not mean you're going to get SJW pandering -- that is a broader and systemic issue that is a reflection of our culture's current obsession with identity politics.

It didn't used to be like that. Broaden your horizons, user.

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this guy is addicted to being in shitty movies
if you cast this man it's basically admitting the whole thing is a tax write-off

let's see american psycho's director

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Took too many posts to mention Tropic Thunder

>without relying on the SJW tropes prevalent today

But it's entire message is white man bad, women good. By your logic how is that not SJW?

He is a subverted actor willing to cry for his love of BBC. Is this not fucking obvious to the casual viewer or is it too late for them to realize truth?

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School of rock and tenacious d are kino

>>The Rock plays in it
>>Mark Wahlberg plays in it
>>It's from 2010-2017

All of that applies to Pain and Gain and that was fantastic.

>hating on Gulliver's Kinos
fuck you

>it's a horror movie post 80s

Seth Rogen

>>It's an adventure film that isn't Indiana Jones
fools gold
national treasure

literal nigger

I don't understand the love.

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