>kills mcu
>pisses off normies
>pisses off coworkers
>ironically bring down the quality of capeshit
>kills mcu
>pisses off normies
>pisses off coworkers
>ironically bring down the quality of capeshit
Daily reminder she’s literally autistic.
I logged onto my Internet Movie Database account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.
Come at me.
She's not autistic, she's just a horrible person with no sense of humor.
Absolute madman
>that iron jaw
>that flattest ass
>that curveless hips
That's a man, baby.
if she really brings Marvel to an end, i will build her a shrine
Too based for this cruel world.
>implying any of that shit happened
>implying it didn't make over a billion dollars
Cry moar
>i'm triggered by captain marvel thread #1675286
trannies are failed humans
>reddit meme
>defending a mudshark online
damn bro rethink your life wth are u doing?
whiteknights are the saddest shit n the internet
>calling you out for your constant shit posting = whiteknight
Cool story
Except the movie didn't piss off normies or coworkers. They loved that shit to over a billion dollars.
Grow up and stop being pathetic
CM was a worldwide success
sorry bro but making fun of her and her whiteknights is too entertaining, 2019 is the year of brieposting
disney and the MSM are reaaally trying to shoehorn that legobitch, we are doing the same :)
This slag was homeschooled which explains why she's an autistic bitch. She's NEVER faced adversity, been challenged and had everything handed to her. So she expects everyone to kiss her ass and when they don't she turns into a cuntish brat. Her parents also divorced when she was young which explains why she's a "feminist" (all of whom hate Daddy aka "THE PATRIARCHY!!!") and fucks niggers.
Furthermore, Hollywood (((executives))) have been fucking this skank since she was a child which is why they've been relentlessly shilling her. They tried to make her a TV star, then a popstar, now they gave her an Oscar and a billion dollar grossing movie as the new lead of the biggest film franchise in history, all unearned.
Seriously, she must have MAJOR dirt on some powerful people because she's a complete and utter zero charisma non-entity!!!FACT!!!
>>implying it didn't make over a billion dollars
>be Disney
>in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
>Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
>get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
>deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
>deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
>can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
>movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
>can't bomb
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest movie ever
>Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
>Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
>movie tanks in China
>Disney shares drop slightly
>Fox gets fucked over
>The Mouse gets away with it?
It's not just the Disney/Fox merger, they also had to top WB/DC's Wonder Woman which did 821 mill worldwide. Anything less than a billion would have been seen as a failure and would have made the Fox boyout more expensive.
Plus you have to take into account that Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot virtue signaling lapdogs are easy marks who will white knight someone (Anita Sarkeesian) or something (Captain Marvel) using their own money like the suckers they are and all because Daddy (The Patriarchy) didn't love them and hand life to them on a silver platter!!!FACT!!!
>wonder woman>>>>>>>>captain marvel
>this guy
Keep coping CreepyThinMan. You can't outrun the truth forever.
have sex
1000 billion at this point, incel.
Doing gods work user.
no shes autistic
project less lol
good mal'chik
Cant make fun of autistic people. I have brother like this and they genuinely suffer. Im talking about torment. Cant make fun of brie because she doesnt know what is she talking about.
For example my brother has rage outbrusts when someone even greet him. He doesnt know how to handle it. I pity him and feel sadness so much.
This. I know an obnoxious feminist tard like her in IRL and everyone calls her autistic.
>Keep coping CreepyThinMan. You can't outrun the truth forever.
>muh box office spiracies
at least the name faggot started crazy
Sure is reddit in here
Is a Marvel movie making money so hard to believe? The only way for the normalfags to hate a Marvel movie is to let Tommy Wiseau go hog wild.
Jontron never said this..
>at least the name faggot started crazy
And if it legitimately made 1 billon, what do you think has been accomplished? It made money because morons like you were suckered with political propaganda used to shield a shitty movie from criticism.
You're soo fanatical about your ideological dogma that you give Hollywood multi-millionaires even more money for paying lip service to your causes.
You hate white straight men because Daddy didn't hand you a trust fund while you add nothing to civilization and bring it to ruin.
Captain Marvel making money doesn't change anything while you wallow in your own stupidity like pigs in shit!!!FACT!!!
What, no pithy comeback? No answer as to why CM is "important" beyond the fickle REEEEEEEE'ing of coal burning Daddy hating Feminazi's and their like minded white guilt closet faggot numale lapdogs?
The truth is that you don't give a fuck about CM, the MCU, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who or anything else you pollute with your SJW bullshit. It's just something that white men enjoy and you just have to shove your way in and hitch your politics to just to get the attention that Daddy never gave you fucking losers which is what this is all really about!!!FACT!!!
Unironically, without any hint of sarcasm, based.
You may have noticed that the whole SJW thing really didn't start gaining steam until post 2012 and has "progressively" gotten worse.
Know why that is?
It's because Obama got his first term and from 2008-2012 the left kept their bullshit on the down low because their primary objective back then was to make sure he got a second term. But as soon as he won the 2012 election these shitheads went fucking rabid because they were absolutely certain Hillary would run and win in 2016. So they were banking on 12 more years of Democratic rule in the White House. So they took the brakes off the crazy train.
It's no coincidence that in 2013 we started hearing these fuckers crying about the collateral damage and amount of FICTIONAL people killed in Man of Steel when they didn't say shit the year before when Avengers had New York getting BTFO. That's when I knew something was wrong.
Then they started screaming that GODS OF EGYPT was racist for not casting all blacks in every role. That it wasn't "realistic" in a movie about Gods with gold blood and giant fire breathing dragons, fer fuck sakes.
Then it was Ghostbusters 2016 when studios, specifically Sony/Columbia, started using gender politics to shield themselves against criticism by pretending that a soulless reboot of a beloved franchise with an all female cast was some sort of triumph against patriarchy. It's also not a coincidence that this was spearheaded by Columbia President/Stupid Cunt Amy Pascal, who is a Jew, who then cast Idris Elba as the mythic Gunslinger, based upon Clint Eastwood's 'Man with no Name' in the Dollars trilogy, in the hope of using race politics to cover for another fuck awful movie that also bombed like Shitbusters.
didnt you kill yourself
Based and Redpilled
>You may have noticed that the whole SJW thing really didn't start gaining steam until post 2012 and has "progressively" gotten worse.
yeah because you started being bombarded with Russian propaganda in 2014.
Every day your life experience is filled with literal propaganda designed to encourage you to spiral out into fear and loathing.
>But as soon as he won the 2012 election these shitheads went fucking rabid
nope Putin thought that Obama had interfered in his election, created the Internet Research Agency, and started activating his agents of influence in the west to start endlessly agitating people like you.
Plus after Citizens United in 2010, billions of dollars started raining into conservative and """libertarian"""" corporatist political messaging. And they all just train you to be a reactionary against boogiemen that they prop up to agitate you with.
And I'd reckon 2012 was probably when you finished school or started being super addicted to the internet? That when things started to get shittier in your life?
Imagine being so non-white that you're intimidated by women with strong facial features.
Then Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump and this sent them into their current frenzy. Turns out screaming that "SORRY WHITE PEOPLE/MEN, YOUR TIME IS OVER!!!" at voters doesn't play well which is why Trump was given the Presidency despite losing by 3 million votes.
Ever since then it's been nothing but shrill shrieking and the absolute determination to shove their politics into anything and everything that white men enjoy while running it into the ground and if you dare try to criticize them it's "SEXIST, INCEL, MANBABY REEEEEE!!!".
Marvel/Disney used this last year to shill Black Panther, which is just as bad as Captain Marvel, while the SJW drones justify Wakanda's 100% all black ethnostate as being "realistic if the evil white man hadn't of enslaved blacks" but ask them why there are minorities in Asgard and they'll freak the fuck out that "ASGARD IS A FANTASY YOU FUCKING NAZI!!!".
Ultimately, it's fun shitposting but you're not going to get any honest debate with these people because they're ideological zealots who want everything their own way and will say/do anything to justify their position at any given time.
Basically, if you're a white straight male, you're the Devil incarnate, have never done ANYTHING to advance civilization or help others and these people wont stop until every single thing we have is given to them or brought to ruin purely out of spite because they think they're owed something that they didn't get from Daddy!!!FACT!!!
>didnt you kill yourself
Show me pics of your Dad getting fucked at both ends by your mom's strap-on while taking nigger cock in his mouth to pay for slavery and patriarchy and I just might!!!FACT!!!
I'd reckon you're a boomer retard. Go back to Reading the New York Times faggot
and yet im still not attracted to her
0:05 she actually looks like a human being there, pair that smile with some general positivity and no one would be even talking against her. There are other feminists in the cast and they don't come across as cunts because there's an actual persona and they don't center everything around their political bias.
"Muh Russian bots!!!"
Literally the same answer when something doesn't conform to your version of "reality". Shithead. I don't like Trump but he's your President and you'll suck on his nuts until 2024 to pay for your self-loathing white guilt numale faggotry!!!FCAT!!!
>muh newspeak
>muh labels
>go back (safespacing)
>to doing that thing I'm forbidden from doing
I'd reckon you're in a cult
nobody said anything about bots m8
they're paid shills
>because you started being bombarded with Russian propaganda in 2014
Holy shit, you actually believe that, don't you?
>posted from st petersburg
>hastily slap together strawmen because rational thought is hard
You know a newspaper isn't actually a place, right?
>0:05 she actually looks like a human being there, pair that smile with some general positivity and no one would be even talking against her.
It's because she's on her own and is the center of attention which is what she craves. The second someone else is on the scene and focus is taken away from her she starts acting like a cunt. Typical narcissistic personality disorder!!!FACT!!!
>>ironically bring down the quality of capeshit
capeshit has always been fucking trash
do you have sauce
sounds a lot like you
>nobody said anything about bots m8
>nope Putin thought that Obama had interfered in his election
You're not fooling anyone and you're not clever with your word twisting you waffling douchebag. Shills/bots, same thing. You're implying that the election was stolen with Russian/Putin's help and "SHILLS/BOTS!!!" is the exact same stock answer you have when something doesn't go your way.
Fucking losers like you said the same thing about Star Wars: The Last Jedi when reviews came in and again this year when everyone shit all over Captain Fungi for being a shit movie, which it is.
Believe what you like fucko, Trump is going to be your ruler for another 5 years and handing money to a corporation for feminist propaganda because you think that by doing so you're "STICKING IT TO THE MAN!!!" wont change anything while your bullshit is only driving more and more voters away from the left!!!FACT!!!
>hastily slap together strawmen because rational thought is hard
nope was literally reading what was written
>I'd reckon you're a boomer retard. Go back to Reading the New York Times faggot
lets look
>I'd reckon
you're abandoning any argument. fleeing to your reckonings on who I might be.
>you're a boomer
muh newspeak
muh labels
> Go back
> to Reading the New York Times faggot
go back to doing the thing that I am forbidden from doing.
I'd reckon that someone that would say that is in a cult. That's how cult members talk.
keep shilling cucko.
Daddy is really impressed.
No, Brie pisses off her own coworkers.
>sounds a lot like you
Projecting her faults on me doesn't make it true. You might as well say "No U". I also didn't suck Harvey Weinsteins cock unlike your feminist icon!!!FACT!!!
Based user who lives in a society
love the irony
>every trump supporter is a russian kgb agent!
I'd rather she squirt her pisses in my mouth
Utterly based.
> I also didn't suck Harvey Weinsteins cock
prooooove it
Yet you supported a woman (Hillary Clinton) who was riding on her husbands coattails while being his doormat after being internationally humiliated when he would rather get blown by a fat chick than get frostbite from his wife's cunt, who was also beaten by a first term mixed race senator in 2008!!!FACT!!!
Capt Marvel sure is a shitty movie but how come /pol/niggers always manage to push trannies into every single fucking thread? Are they, by chance, living rent free on their minds?
>prooooove it
I don't have an Oscar!!!FACT!!!
it's the GRU now. And they're not GRU agents. They're just paid shills for the IRA.
And not every "trump supporter" is an IRA shill. There are also the useful idiot parrots.
Fun fact: T_D was created by a GRU agent. It never wasn't Russian propaganda.
If she's insufferable now, how are people gonna deal when she goes full Carol Danvers and leads the Avengers post endgame. The drama will be great.
>Yet you supported a woman (Hillary Clinton)
>implying I'm American
not everyone is your boogieman cucko.
You support a woman everyday btw. reminder that Trump has been taking lady hormones for 30 years to keep hair on top of his head to cover the grotesque scars. He raped his wife about it lol.
He did that the year after he got Kaptured by Russia fucking kids in July 1987.
>"Look at this number it's so big movie must be best"
>"No this number is actually small, look at this one it's a real number"
>"No this number was wrongfully made up by transdimensional Social Justice KGB bots summoned by pedophile infant offering conducted between donald trump and hillary clinton, it's an unclean number"
Can we just move all Capeshit and Star Wars threads to a numerology general on /x/ already?
The fact is, as you probably know, that autism isn´t a "disorder" per se, but more a catalog of disorders, or a condition with as many degrees as patients. Brie Larson is probably asperger, not a proper autist, and that explains to me a lot of her behaviour, but not the fact that she has a responsability here as a public figure. I´m sure there are reunions at Disney pointing out that she probably needs some sort of treatment or therapy to teach her how to behave verbal and non verbally in public appearances .
But your brother´s case has nothing to do with Brie Larson smugness, that´s a fact. Be brave user, you are fighting the good fight. Try to control the sadness, friend
what is it with marvel hiring spectrum disorder qts
>not everyone is your boogieman cucko. You support a woman everyday btw. reminder that Trump has been taking lady hormones for 30 years to keep hair on top of his head to cover the grotesque scars. He raped his wife about it lol. He did that the year after he got Kaptured by Russia fucking kids in July 1987.
I don't care. I think Trump's scum and have said so elsewhere. The point is that losers like you think that shilling for Captain Fungi somehow matters. It doesn't, just like you!!!FACT!!!
Insider here.
Disney plans on getting rid of Brie because of her “constant political posturing”. How Marvel plans on doing it is pretty brilliant. In Captain Marvel 2 Captain Marvel will have all her powers transferred to the little black girl in the first Captain Marvel. How it will exactly happen still hasn’t been worked out but it’s going to happen.
Disney figures it would satisfy Brie as well because Ms Marvel will now be a black person instead of a white person.
This would get Disney both the Black Panther audience, the current Captain Marvel audience and bye bye Brie.
>>pic related
>>Marvel RPG
>>the studios biggest resource
>>top right
>>Ms Marvel
>ALL this projection
I'm just here for the (You)s my guy. Funny to be a counter jerk in a circlejerk.
It sure as shit seems like you're projecting literally your feelings about yourself right now. You think endlessly ranting and radicalizing against pop culture is somehow connected to your feelings about society and politics and your life.
You just HAVE to react to every thing that triggers you to engagement. Every thing that anyone says about anyone that looks at all like you is a personal attack ON you. You're being persecuted! You're a victim! It's their fault that you're unhappy! Fight them! Spite them!
Let them control your life.