Liberals are so fucking evil holy shit

liberals are so fucking evil holy shit

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omg it's still alive?

What, you don't like sacrificing children?


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That's a conservative bruh

real Russia-posting hours

it's just a clump of cells, not a life you stupid incels

have sex

WHO COULD DO THIS TO A CHILD??? Thank you for bring awareness to this board

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it's illegal to get an abortion that far in nigga

Reminder: most abortions are blacks and hispanics. You ban it and our demographics problem gets even worse. It's basically a form of eugenics right now.

Fake and gay

Reminder that bernie sanders just said he would support abortion up to the momemt of delivery.

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anyone who'd opt for an abortion shouldn't be having kids anyway

>how is it still alive?
>how did someguy get it?
>why is he fucking around with it?

This is true. I am morally against abortion but when you realize more black babies are aborted than carried to term its a necessary evil.

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I’m all for abortion because of the main demographic who tends to partake. I’m pretty woke you could say! Fuck niggers! (And abort them)

Stop making this thread, you utterly worthless piece of shit

As edgy as this sounds, I think it should be allowed until like age 2. No longterm memory from the child. Little to no awareness of what's going on. Death could be handled quickly and without pain. One less burden on society from a future criminal.

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I forgot, only for niggers and mexicans

>cells on Mars is considered life
>a fetus in a womb is not considered life

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Stop exposing how evil these people truly are

Hitler digits checked

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Niggers aren’t human even when fully grown.

life isn't human life

Post it on /pol/ then you stupid faggot.

Christian boomers fuck off from Yea Forums and jerk it to more Reagan speeches

non-related topic threads are so fucking stupid holy shit

What if I told you being conceived in the first place is inherently selfish and therefore immoral

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yes, because in some cases the fetus grows to become a chicken and not a human.

unless it's something i like :^)

That webm, notice something. Just as the video ends the person rolls the baby over so we see the baby's back. And then the video ends.

So why does the video end there? Because what happens next is what happens in abortions.

Yes, the baby is born alive. Why? Because to destroy the baby while in the mother's womb requires breaking the baby into pieces and sucking the pieces out with a vacuum. That procedure runs the high risk of leaving pieces behind causing severe infection which could lead to a great many harmful things including the likelihood that the mother's uterus would be rendered incapable of supporting another pregnancy. It also leads to massive malpractice lawsuits.

So, the baby is born alive to avoid all that. The technician (a medical doctorate degree is not a legal requirement to perform abortions) holds the baby in his her hand, rolls the baby so the technician can see the baby's back, and then the tech uses scissors to snip the back of the baby's neck, severing the spine, killing the baby. It's murder, its murder of an innocent baby, Democrats are very cool with this, and this is the world we live in folks.

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>arguing about life
>can't even define what life is
>don't know what I'm talking about but I have a strong opinion on it
literal NPC retards

This is rare and understandably unpopular.

This. We, good Christians, should just nurture and cherish this fetus!