What does she have against nude scenes?
That was clearly a body double with her face CGI'd on
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't think that's a body impressive enough to warrant a double. Looked like a formless sack of flesh.
In the interview they asked if it was a body double but she avoided answering clearly real hard with "they allowed me to show as much as i was comfortable" and that BS. But anyone that watches it on HD can see it's CGI'd the fuck out. Maybe they didn't use a body double, but she didn't show shit, that's for sure.
who cares about this shit, why are people arguing if it's a body double? she showed basically nothing, you could have scene that in a PG movie for christ's sake. I seriouly don't understand it
yeah id rather have seen tormund and brienne fuck. this shit was dumb.
You saw sideboob. That merits a PG-13.
She was obviously wearing a bra and pants and they CG'd it out.
This. Like some sort of skin colored sports bra kinda thing.
would have been better the other way around
A fat body double?
Caption this image, Yea Forums
"I bet mine's bigger than yours"
Won't somebody think of the children?
>who cares
Uh, how about the millions of people who have been clamoring to see Sansa and Arya naked.
Just because you're gay doesn't mean the rest of the world is.
It was 100% deepfake. Are you retarded?
>you're beautiful
but the thing is we have not seen sansa and arya naked, and never will. get it?
>No way fag
>this is a 10/10 in Britakistan
>Only six fucking episodes in whole season
>Supposedly more expensive than any previous season
What did they spend all that money on? Seriously 2 episodes in and we got no fucking revelations or conclusions on a single character arc. Not a single expensive CGI battle justifying that bloated budget or even decent writing. Just two episodes of fanfic tier garbage. There is no fucking way they'll do either white walkers or the rest of characters in show any justice. Expect Littlefinger levels of hack writing - man who's been hyped as one of the most dangerous and cunning men in Westeros by Varys himself ends up being killed by two SJW powered Mary Sues while looking like a mumbling buffoon.
Fuck GoT as a whole after they ran out of OC.
She's by no means a lady. You can bet money hundreds of nudes of her exist. It's only a matter of time until one of her exes drops them into the public domain. I'll bet it goes back as well. Real Lolita shit.
Well, this is me
bravo, user.
I tend to fall in love with girls with straight bangs, but god, do I hate short straight bangs
Probably the cast's pay is getting bloated with each season. Also seems like we'll get maybe one or two episodes full of battle next.
How the fuck is there people who don't think this was CGI?
You can see where the body double/CGI parts start, the only part you can see that is of her is the midriff.
You need to have good face shape to pull off bangs. Her wide, deformed inbred goblin face doesn't make her any justice and bangs only make her skull more flattened, at least cover your ears and outer sides of cheeks with your hair.
Maisie CGI
those are meant to be scars
Are you serious? Did you even watch the scene? This is bait right?
how would a body double have the scars from last season?
I smiled. I shouldnt have, but I did
Underrated post
Máí§ie has style
i like her
the battle is bigger and longer than LOTRs Helms Deep and apparently took like 80 days to film, thats probably where the budget went
You got me good
I miss Stannis.
If you close your eyes, its still the same right guys?
Doesn't matter user she's a meme actress who did a sex scene, that means I must fap to her.
Those are scars...
I fucking hope they will deliver a great piece, because if they give a shitty result, with the amount of hyping it up they did, and all the time and money they seem to have spent on it, you can expect this to make history.
Have sex
if this is not bait you are legit retarded
need a webm lads
>get it?
You sound like a seething retard, go back and read "A Dance With Dragons" and jerk off to your imagination.
more like screen tearing up
please just let me go mr arya
Scars, mate. She was after all stabbed to death among other things.
nice thanks lad
You're welcome. Here's young Arya already checking out Gendry.
Too bad she can't CGI a new face in real life.
what a fucking little whore
this. it's like the Hodor actor and the cgi penis.
Everything's a conspiracy to you incels
Or transsexuals.
That look of horror, but may as well. That’s what I think about her.
yup, cgi face. Look at 17-19seconds
I think so to. I’d say she wore some kind of crop top that was removed with cgi
bruh imagine having to kiss this
Never in my life
you are clearly an idiot with a face cg'd on your ass
Imagine being Joe Dempsey in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your angloid inbreed shape and blockshaped failed chavbortion face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck just about anyone but the horrific monster anglos that star as "women" in this show. Like seriously imagine having to be Joe Dempsey and not only sit in that chair while Maisie Williams flaunts her revulsion of a body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stringy pissflaps, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she failed to please directors. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her britbong fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of tight posh clunge from outside the british rabble for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Englistan. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe Dempsey. You're not going to lose your future indie rockstar career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
are you retarded?
yeah, I'm sure you've never kissed anyone in your life
>its gonna be another dark night time battle where you cant see fucking jack shit
4 major battles in the dark so you cant see fuck all and cant tell what's going on, especially so you cant see how small it all really is. Fuck this
I could barely watch this scene. Will all the episode 1 throwbacks I can't unsee her as a 12 year old.
Guess I should be glad I'm normal.
... have you had the distinct pleasure in laying a kiss upon lips so lovely?
History of what, though? This is merchandise, people who value it deserve to be murdered. Be disappointed, I have a knife for your cunt, you fucking piece of shit. I'm going to bite your fucking face off. WATCH FILMS, NOT TELEVISION, YOU RAPEFODDER CUNT
You have literally never seen her as a 12 year old.
she's like 1- years old in the early seasons of the show and having her be a whore in the same show 8 seasons later feels weird. Still watched it though
it's okay to be ugly, but you can't expect people to lust over ugly people as much as beautiful people, that's how it is, Life is a bit unfair sweetie
She needs income for a new house now that her home has burnt down.
>the sex, arya
>it was okay
>I rate it 5/10
I swear they couldn't have picked a worse actor to be a sage
Bran looks like the dumbest motherfucker alive
The world was a better place when feminists thought showing their boobs was empowering. Took some time but eventually they figured it was only shocking other women while men were really on board with it.
No boobies in movies pandering to women anymore lads
why do brits look like this?
the back and especially the back of her head look CGI as fuck. only turbo brainlets cant see it.
Imbreding after hundreds of years being stuck on their tiny island. Also lots of alcoholism making the babbies ugly.
inbreeding plus fetal alcohol syndrome
came here for this
Her body in those topless beach pics of hers looks 100x better and it was just some random pics, they either made her look worse than she does or they got a worse body double
that's a face that have character, maybe the best cast in the series
Feeling down 'n' dirty, feeling kinda mean
I've been from one to another extreme
This time I had a good time, ain't got time to wait
I wanna stick around till I can't see straight
Fill my eyes with that double vision
No disguise for that double vision
Ooh, when it gets through to me, it's always new to me
My double vision gets the best of me
Never do more than I, I really need
My mind is racing, but my body's in the lead
Tonight's the night, I'm gonna push it to the limit
I live all of my years in a single minute
Fill my eyes with that double vision
No disguise for that double vision
Ooh, when it gets through to me, it's always new to me
My double vision always seems to get the best of me, the best of me, yeah-ah
Ooh, double vision, I need my double vision
Ooh, It takes me out of my head, takin' me out of my head
Ooh, I get my double vision
Ooh, seeing double double, double vision
Ooh, oh my double vision
Ooh, double vision
Yeah-ah, I get double vision, ooh . . .
And why do british women age so much faster (and worse) than other Europeans?
the thread spam
You're a fucking liar
her sex scene was a giant fuck you to men. imagine having absolute unit like sansa, and instead, raping men's eyes with that little bugeyed ogre. d&d should be put in prison for filming that abomination. joe dempsie's scarred for life.
I would mount her without ceasing.
good stuff
How is she both bony and fat at the same time?
Is this what they call an optical illusion?
there were PG flicks with big bouncy fully naked TITS when I was young. then came spielberg and invented PG-13, which somehow meant tits became for adults only.
It's what they call peak performance.
She has a normal body, you've probably just had your brain warped by contorted instathot succubuses
did she change race too?
16 Candles had a brief full-on pair of naked bouncy boobs and it was a PG
If that's normal than I'm a fucking super model
Even in the most awkward of poses most girls don't both have the properties of a solid and a liquid
>Epic battle scene!!!!!!!!!!
Shut the fuck up
The Producers wouldnt allow her to do her own nude scenes.
Except they did...
-According to Williams, showrunners D.B Weiss and David Benioff gave her full control over how she would appear on screen:
>"David and Dan were like: “You can show as much or as little as you want.” So I kept myself pretty private. I don’t think it’s important for Arya to flash. This beat isn’t really about that. And everybody else has already done it on the show, so…"
Maisie getting nude and how much she would be nude was all up to MAISIE. Do your homework before sounding like a contrarian faggot.
PG-13 was actually introduced only a couple months after Sixteen Candles came out. (May 1984, July 1984)
A-Are you a gril???
I usually do when I'm masturbating
Who needs showrunners? Just let the actors do what they want.
because the nordics didn't get to breed them out of existence under 100 year of occupying the shit island.
>before we go any further, there's something I have to tell you
>...well, this is me
I don't know why they would bother to CGI that shit when you can't see anything anyway
Maybe Maise has a Kuato situation going on
oi gendry ya wee nonce 'ow many birds ave u shagged then eh?
ere we ere we ere we fukin gooooo!
luv a bit o cock nuff said
Yeah they do. We're made of bones, muscles and fat. 99% of women aren't toned, skinny or lardo, they're a mixture.
dios mio
now also do something with those fucking eyebrows
Helm's deep took 120 days to film, fyi
Oh my god, that fucking face, she looks like my big toe.
That's litterally only the case with the nobility. England has a long history filled with rape by invading forces. English is a rape-baby language, that's why it has so many french, latin, and dutch in it.
This is fucking disturbing knowing that she started on the show as little kid lmao.
>What does she have against nude scenes?
Only closet gays and soigoi`s who think ugly is beautiful!
Bran actor is a Jew
>the sheckels Sansa
>they were beautiful
gendry looks 45 years old? how old is he supposed to be?
Has this show turned into True Blood now?
True Blood had better nudity than the last 4 GoT seasons
It's her real body. It looks like she was wearing a skin tight suit and it was doctored to make it look like human flesh.
>Be on vacation in UK
>See Maisie Williams gliding down the sidewalk
>Like a graceful penguin with gout
>Follow her for a block
>Working up courage
>Gently touch her shoulder
“H-hello, I’m user. Y-you’re the prettiest girl I’ve seen all day! W-would you join me for dinner?”
>She spins around nearly smashing me in the balls with an Abercrombie bag
>Stares intently for a few moments
>Then breaks into a grin that looks like she could eat an apple through a chain link fence
>Quickly grab her hand and go into the first restaurant I see that has tablecloths
>She lets out a little giggle that sounds like a horse with it’s leg caught in a wood chipper
>Head waiter gives me the stinkeye but leads us to a table
>Maisie cocks her head and squints at the menu
>Look at the menu. It’s in English, just a fancy script
>She shoves her menu at the waiter
“I’m sorry, madam, we don-“
>He slinks away without even taking my order
>Maisie pulls a pack of Mayfairs from her cleavage and sparks up, ashing in the bread basket
>Starts rubbing at her crotch
>Brings her fingers up and licks them then cackles
>Look over my shoulder and frantically signal the waiter for the check
>Turn around
>Maisie is slumped over the table
>Raped to death by a gang of Pakis
That's what I'm saying. They did they same thing for Lena during her walk of shame.
She has an extremely average body and a very unfortunate face and the two do not mesh well. Also her character is a turbo Mary Sue and no one wants that either.
It's not wonder she gets shit on here. Zero sex appeal and the idea of a tiny little girl beating a giant in a sword duel is retarded. There is a reason you don't fight outside your weight class. It doesn't happen like the show.
>wish i was at the forge hammering shit
dude, everyone starts life as a a little kid...
I know what you mean but i thought we all had always agreed that this is an adult show and this part is always part of the deal?
Do you remember when there were so many lewd posts about bran and when he grew up people gradually stopped thinking of him as sex fantasy object?
She is the opposite of Bran
Think about it logically
imagine being some billionaire oil sheik and ordering one of these and this fat whale shows up
is there a website for this?
Tbh I'm glad they used a body double the scene would have been vomiting inducing otherwise
They probably have better sources than instagram
I got them from a /fit/ thread
my favourite GoT webm
think shed watch him piss when she was pretending to be a boy, see that big uncut blacksmith cock
Yes and? Doesn't mean GoTs battle wont be bigger and longer
Glad I wasn't the only one that noticed
chubby is more arousing here desu
Well you pointed out this battle took 80 days to film and referred to Helms Deep saying this will be bigger and longer. Comparing days filmed to both battles would be a normal thing to do as we have very little else to compare it with.
No one is arguing with you saying it wont last longer or involve more "people"
Am I the only one that's kind of morally disgusted by the practice of body doubles? It's so... I don't know, classist. Do you're own shit or don't bother at all.
As a boomer, I too am disgusted. They used to make entire films around actresses getting naked (from Demi Moore to Sharon Stone).
But GOT is another thing entirely. I keep hearing about actresses who got nude previously, use CGI when they had to get nude again, Missandei for example. This is an entirely different animal. Who came up with THAT idea and why is it alright to do? In Season 2 it was okay, but in Season 5 you're too good for it? Fuck that.
Lol virgin still in the denial phase of cope
Don't talk about yourself like that.
>men can't be raped
Whatever was left of Yea Forums's intelligence level just dropped off thanks to your post moron.
>Posts regularly on Yea Forums.
>Scared of being perceived as a pedo.
Newfag much, summer doesnt start for a couple more months.
wow such a strong independent women pushing down a man almost twice her size.
like what?
fucking dying here
nice back
t. retarded pseudo moralistic American
"melisandre's tits were way better"
She looks fucking disgusting holy shit.
Naw She has been dancing since she was 7 and can be fit when she needs to be
You mean the Jap spa pics, I think those were planed out and she brought a pro photog or a friend who was good at it and then put them on her personal face book and pretended they were hacked. She was tired of being called a little girl
I think she has been to Kentucky
>two episodes into the season
>hurr durr why no big battles yet
are you really this retarded? do you know what a climax is? obviously you haven't experienced one, but you should at least know what one is
>awkwardly standing in front of him disrobing
>not having them tear the clothes off eachother
most sexless 'sex scene' ever filmed for television bravo dawib
she looks like gollum
Your definitely the retard
this. also seeing the scars on her brown torso jiggle up and doen when she took her shirt off made my stomach roll.
tumblr is that way
"true lies" Arnold copypasta
Imagine her now...she has to fight the war with a painfully broken cherry kek
that's only you being mentally ill, trust me
what lips? i only see teeth before the nose starts
she was so cute then
for a blacksmith gendry sure struck when the iron was cold as fuck
Is this the /virgin/ general?
never stop
No, this is mock britbongs general.
>no gross stab wound in the middle of her stomach
>2 slices on the side, and a slice on the left of her stomach instead
Calling it now, that's not Arya, that's a faceless "man".
Good post lad
Ah a patrician
what shouldnt she have against nude scenes?
its not a good thing to do
its essentially being a whore
Say what you will but girls who dance always have a great ass
yes good goy, class struggles don't exist and are just a feminist ploy. gooooood goy.
thats sophie and emilia on the left?
yes she has kept herself tiny tight and tender
No this was a working Vacation to Japan to film a Dolphin Hugging Docu, she has some friends from school she brings on trips
Based crypto fag
>Been riding horses her whole life
user I...
that fucking face.
Her head looks huge but it looks small at the same time. It's like a meatball.
Yikes. I've seen traps more attractive than this bong.
"S'imeone else's foice? Cor, that was my bum!"
But did she ride his rocket or did he take her to bargain shopping in London you know that store Poundland
what a downgrade compared with Melisandre
sauce i must know as i dream of dressing Maisie as a schoolgirl and sodomizing her every night
how old is arya
I don't know what bothers me most, they using a CGI double again or the fact they used CGI double and they didn't show anything.
probably 17
you can see the fear in his eyes
Trying to find that other sex scene she did.
Wh*tes are so shit. Their skin is so coarse and their faces are literally bricks.
Why do you even live? Please do human genepool a favor and kys.
Show me your NEEDLE and I'll show you mine.
I'm going to HAMMER you so hard.
fake or not? the bluray will tell.
We'll see more of her in the future. Fap away you idiots, these are good times.
It's definitely CGI. The chick who is with the unsullied soldier had scenes in the past where her nipples were mainly CGI but she might as well have been topless since the shape of her breasts was all the same.
the falling
we literally saw this girl growing up, she was a goddamn child
Imagine being Ned Stark finding out your goddamn little girl just fucked the bastard son of the idiot friend who got both himself, and yourself killed
*hits pipe*
Extra underrated
>A girl has no clothes.
I don't get it...
>this new
George you could have stopped this if only you weren't such a lazy shit. Now these two hacks are getting exposed but NPC's dont care because they are just getting what they wanted.
GoT was a mistake
-George RR Martin
That fat sack of shit is past caring. He is swimming in the money and bitches, if only he could find his cock under all those slabs of fat.
Reminds me of some other guy....
Of course, even their dogs are spineless cucks.
Thank you for your service.
>"Ten years from now, no one is going to care how quickly the books came out. The only thing that will matter, the only thing anyone will remember, is how good they were. That's my main concern, and always will be."
July 2007
What if this fat fucks dies? He is 70 and very obese.
>tfw no girl wanting to have sex with me in a castle in an alternate reality where my life where my brain hasn't been destroyed by porn and other modern things and I can enjoy the moment and actually feel something
Same what happened with Dune. Someone else will finish the series.
it's why it's best to make a show that doesn't rely on nude scenes to keep the audience watching, GOT is trash entertainment for bottom feeders
Half the budget is blown on wages
Imagine being a jobber actor like Sansa or Dany and hitting the jackpot with a stupidly popular show. Same for the likes of the Big Bang Theory. Lucky rich bastards
you're brain can recover fren, it just takes time and hard work
She's kinda cute here. Like a solid 6/10 considering she's not overweight.
if I had to CGI a part of her body it would be her face.
They got the whole thing ass-backwards
That's why I stopped masturbating and now do heroin instead. Feels better, lasts longer, you can do it in public
They must be the best books ever written then by how long it's taking
GRRM is a hack, he wrote an interesting concept that he can't finish because his story has no point, the hard thing about finishing a story with no point is it has no where to go
It totally was, wasn't it? That was really uncanny valley for me.
It should be HBO tied to the stake. How many times did GRRM sit in on a production meeting only to be voted down by a panel of pharisees. He concocted the coldest revenge possible: he said ok, do what you think is best.
I'm pretty sure than Lil Bran enjoyed the scene
Based kot
it's how women think. IF i manipulate images of me that's how i look!
>*record scratch*
>freeze frame
>"Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how i got myself in this situation."
where is a nipple?
this thread is full of virgins that would fuck Maisie Williams.
Sup Maisie
oh yeah. her hair makes it stand out even more
Have sex.
Will he be the one who delivers the nudes?
The way I see it, Maisie was asked on set how much she would want to show. She probably said something like "oi, just shaw me saadbewbs just a littu m8. and ye can show me asscrack just a littu bith mate, becaws oi 'ave noith bums from me ballets lessions.
And then they hired some intern who spent 20 hours on faking the shit out of every frame, jacking off between them. Then they saw how shitty it looked and remade it in a very short time, so it looked even shittier.