
Memes that btfo tv-oids

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im not reading all of that shit

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wtf why would jontron say that

Jontron didn't say that

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He did

Everything he describes is legitimately more entertaining than modern movies.
Such a shame.

>Pewdiepie and Jontron included
Adding these 2 to the list when they don't even make political content tells me you're a retarded tranny.

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Why are leftists obsessed with e-celebs that have opposing political views?

This was made by an assdamaged leftist.

I am 100 percent certain jontron never said that


canadian is siege pilled as fuck

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>someone was insecure enough to write this whole hateful rant up
>literally nobody but equally sad hateful self-loathing people will ever read it
>they convince themselves they’re targeting a vulnerable group of people st their lowest and harassing them isn’t far more pathetic than someone brave enough to live their best life, despite their lashing out

The fact that trannies are obsessed with trying to be attractive women and killing themselves at high rates when they inevitably fail to do so tells me it's just a fetish or severe mental illness.

based jontron

t. ranny
Get some help before it's too late

You will never pass.

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>live their life
For like 30 years.

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It is. Trannies are more likely than not to have autism. they get so fixated, and obsessed with the opposite gender, like an autistic does on things, but they are destroying themselves.

>Being an autogynephile

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why would he say he doesn't want to get pozzed when he's already a documented POZ member

>the truth is edgy

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>outing yourself like this

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N-No.. He'd never say... Right bros? :(

Not really centrist, but rather sane, un-radicalized human being starter pack. The guests are always the same because everyone else is too radicalized to associate with anyone with a slightly different view on the world.

>spewing cowardly hate speech anonymously is just the TRUTH
Whatever helps you sleep at night. A-hole.

Based feminists slowly realizing that trans shit is the ultimate mockery of their gender. Literally a "blackface"-level parody of 50% of the population

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It's things that need to be said.
The person who wrote this is a great humanitarian

The thing is it seems like it was written by someone who tried to be a tranny but ultimately realised how futile and mentally ill it is.
Hopefully he got the help he needs.

Why are trannies so angry and edgy? Is it because nearly half of all trannies kill themselves?

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lol tranny, pewds doesn't do guest appearances for anyone under 90 million subs

>I am not fully sure if transition was the right choice
>It is done, and I have to live with it
Imagine if they just exercised that mentality about being born a man.

wtf thats literally me

Do you people browse reddit all day for anything negative about transsexuals to compile this poorly edited compilation? And for what purpose? To validate your own life choices? Weird as fuck, even assuming you just downloaded all this off /pol/ to fill your redpoll folder it’s still creepy as hell.

Well also because the left refuses to have a dialogue since they have nothing to gain and everything to lose from having it.

>a bald woman dumped me Jerry!

remember when bald women were real women?

I want to go back

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>Based feminists
No, fucking stop that.
They are literally just female incels

We've got a life one.

>peterson pictured four times
jesus christ hes really done a number on you guys

Based autocorrected phone poster

>They are literally just female incels
Okay, double based

You couldn't just call me an asshole? Is that a problematic word or something. Will God (female) smite you down for using such naughty language?

I unironically agree. Imagine watching media where rich people mock you? Fuck that

What is a Tim

It's there six times. I don't even like him aside from seeing one interview where be btfo some interviewer that kept trying to put words in his mouth but just how butthurt he makes trannies and leftists makes me feel like there's got to be something of value there.

Honestly, I was gonna type asshole but somehow knew a-hole would trigger you more.

I... uh... I meant to type that...

>a bunch of fucked up degenerates from r9k represents all trans people

he's pictured 6 times actually

They're probably on the saner side of trannies desu.

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They hate Peterson because he's not racist or sexist and never slipped up with anything of the sort, so they can't do their normal shame campaign against him.

Based ellipses-abusing phone poster

When it comes to movies the only one that fits into Redditcore on that chart is TDK and Harry Potter
The rest are Yea Forumscore

Why not? You fags represent all right wingers by a bunch of fucked up white people on cringey messageboards, fair is fair

Trannies legitimately feel threatened by him for some reason. Him just telling people to have individual responsibility and wash their penis is enough for them to obsessively hate the man.

It's weird.

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>by someone who tried to be a tranny
You'd be surprised how common it is, or at least how many guys dabble with the idea.

>Buying the rightist propaganda

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Oh dude I got trolled XD.


Surprised or saddened?

>Not really centrist, but rather sane, un-radicalized human being starter pack. The guests are always the same because everyone else is too radicalized to associate with anyone with a slightly different view on the world.

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What propaganda? Seriously why does Lobsterman threaten you trannies so much?

>meme thread designed to make you seethe
>you seethe anyway and type "tranny" and "dilate" over and over
How is it possible to be THIS fucking thin-skinned?


Based based abusing poster

Seems like the only seething here is being done by trannies.
Your post is deliciously ironic.

>along with the evidence of common sense, researchers have proven scientifically that dogs are all one animal... the color of their ancestors fur and ultimately my dogs fur and your dogs fur is a consequence of ultraviolet light, of latitude and climate, despite our recent sad conflicts here in the US, THERE REALLY IS NO SUCH THING AS RACE. Dogs are one species. Each of them much, much more alike than different. They all come from Africa. They all are made of the same stardust. They are all going to live and die on the same planet, a pale blue dot in the vastness of space. You have to sell me that Samoyed for $250.

ahhhhh what's going on here???

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