Where's the outrage?

Where's the outrage?

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Wrong board faggot

>caring about easter worshippers

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television & film

>Dead Sri Lankans
When has anyone ever cared about some shit like that?

Easter Worshipers btfo

No outrage for easter worshipers

We had this thread earlier today, everyone was sufficiently outraged Sergei.

No one cares about shit skin countries. It has to either be a Muslim killing white people or a white person killing muslims in a white country for peeps to care

does someone send out a memo literally the instant shit happens or something


Fuck Easter worshipers and tourists

>pan faced jungle gooks die
Who cares?

>easter worshippers
I understand what they mean but it sort of sounds like they're saying the people worship easter

It’s literally on the news on most TV channels

>easter worshipers
>east worshipers
they're killing your own kind!

Sri Lankans are pajeets, moron.

Give me ONE reason I should give a flying fuck about filthy, stinking god damn Easter worshipers.

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Your shitty thread JUST got deleted. That's not an invitation to make the exact same one again, dipshit.

This is a sign from the Easter Gods, they are not pleased with Easter worshippers, they must take a sacrifice.

i think they were trying to kill pic related

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Create the headline if it were 7 white nationalists shooting up mosques in accordance with each other.

No one know were sir Lanka is, and they thinknl it is part of india

They are deliberately avoiding the word 'Christian' why would they do that? That's kind of wacky isn't it?

Muslim Terrorism Happens
1) "Not all Muslims"
2) "Pray for (insert city/country)"

White Mass Shooter
1) White supremacy is a problem
2) Repeal the 2nd Amendment

1.) It used to be called Ceylon

2.) It is officially a "Democratic Socialist Republic" but today is in truth more of a nationalist military regime by the Sinhalese majority.

3.) It faced an armed rebellion by the Tamil Tigers from 1983 to 2009, drawing fierce condemnation from the Obama Administration and EU for its human rights during the final stages. The final victory was only made possible due to large amounts of imported Chinese, Indian, and Israeli weapons and even Israeli advisers and rumored mercenaries

4.) It was one of the founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement, and maintained friendly relatios with both the US, Soviet, and Chinese blocs during the Cold War. This was in stark contrast to the other non-aligned members, who largely pivoted to one side or another eventually

5.) India sent over 200,000 troops to aid them against the Tamil Tigers in the 1980s but they were eventually forced to withdraw in an Indian version of Vietnam

6.) Its largest arms provider is Israel, followed by China

7.) It was under a de facto arms and trade embargo under the Obama Administration for human rights abuses against Tamil and Muslim minorities. Trump quietly reversed this policy.

8.) Currently is simultaneously allies with India, Pakistan, China, and Israel.

9.) It has been invaded and put under Indian rule over 12 separate times in its history, stretching as far back as 380 BC

all those lying Christians btfo when they claimed that churches are targeted by muslims when in reality only easter worshippers are getting attacked.

Easter worshippers btfo

Indian Subcontinent has its own issues, but incels/far-right/whatever are certainly the biggest domestic terror threat in the west atm.

>sri lanka
literally who?

Either way, the less shitskins the better. Loving jesus doesn't magically make you white

It's like the media is doing everything possible to not immediately blame Muslims, when it's pretty damn certain that they did. Picking Easter to do this is an obvious attention grabber.


liberalism is a fucking mental illness

Duck Easter worshippers. Cultists through and through

Compare the # of people killed/wounded in terrorism in US in last 10 years for incels vs. any other group. It'll be higher


Oh no, not dead christians in Sri Lanka.
Say it ain't so.

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is incel an official "group" now? i really doubt it.

Why'd you make the thread again? You know it's just gonna get deleted.

without it you probably wouldn't even fucking exist you piece of shit parasite

Yes. They all coordinate. It's been shown time and time again.

I will never give a fuck about dead brown people. Stop pretending you do OP, its dishonest and distasteful

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i know but its just crazy it happens so fast

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it literally isn't

even canada isn't this evil and this guy is supposed to be a globalist puppet

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Trudeau also wished everyone a happy Easter where as trump wished everyone a happy pass over on good friday

Get the fuck out with that shit. The biggest threat to the west is refugees that are being pushed in by Liberals and being accepted by Liberals. Fucking retard!!

Their thoughts should be about keeping this shit from happening in their own country.

>fear the foreign invaders
What a fucking cliche.

You can thank right wing capitalists for all that lol. Moron

>at churches and hotels
but not elsewhere?

It's a cliche for a reason. It happens all throughout history.

>caring about the massacres in Sri Lanka

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Without it we wouldn't be in this fucking mess.
The equality meme comes from it.
The high centralisation and state social engineering from it as well.

Liberalism as rotten every Western Nation.
>Lets promote gays
>Lets welcome muslims
>Muslims start rejecting gays and trannies
>LiberalValues.exe has stopped working

Not an argument, there is a dedicated news board.

But Bryce is the guy who thinks Sri Lanka is an important issue though, should be Bateman in that image

>You can thank right wing capitalists for all that lol. Moron
>Implyng the Left and right haven't joined.
They are all liberals.


please explain


Incels really don't even count as human. They're a repulsive genetic off-shoot.

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I'm outraged

why do you call people incel when you're one?

the cops can test for virginity? does it have anything to do with penis inspection day?

jesus christ