For reasons we cannot explain, she has lost the will to live

>For reasons we cannot explain, she has lost the will to live

So if Star Wars women are suppose to be so strong and independent, why did Padme just give up? It is literally the closest thing to suicide Star Wars will ever get.

Someone explain this.

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Roasties are incapable of truly experiencing depression.

Lucas doesn't understand women

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Palpatine refused to allow her to live.

Palpatine drained her of life to birth Vader. It's in the movie, just pay attention and stay off your phone.

>Star Wars women are suppose to be so strong and independent

The major female characters of Star Wars:
>slave sold to a lonely incel farmer, gets kidnapped and raped to death by “sandpeople”
>choked to near-death by her abusive husband, dies immediately after fulfilling her biological imperative
>general who gained power through her daddy’s last name, led the resistance into utter decimation
>Admiral who caused 90% of her fleet to die before killing herself
>cockhungry orphan who constantly throws temper tantrums

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This was literal poetry on George Lucas's part; foretelling of Leia (Carrie's) real mother's death in a similar fashion over a decade in advance.
Once again George is a visionary prophet

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>So if Star Wars women are suppose to be so strong and independent

Who the fuck said this?

Vader also dies like a bitch in ROTJ. He gets his fake hand lopped off and gets some jolts from the Emperor while tossing him down the pit and that killed him, eh?


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>that scene where she is chained to a pole in the arena
Boners were had

You misheard the line

>She has lost the Wiltehl Iv

It’s an organ most SW humans have that is vital and is around your neck (it’s why they can breathe in space). Anakin broke it when he chokes her and she only had enough time to give birth.

That's not how the force works.

Why couldn't the robot tell why was wrong with her?
You're telling me a highly advanced space-age droid can't diagnose simple pregnancy complications?

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>Someone explain this.
Bad writing that tries and fails to live up to the setting presented by the original trilogy.

*what was

>just gave birth to two children who will need a strong mother to be there for them and protect them
>"lmao no reason to live I guess I'll just die"

The droid was mechanical, and he has a limited number of prewritten error messages.

It's just bad pacing. Like he needed Padme to die because she wasn't in Star Wars, but he didn't give enough time for a proper denouement, so...

I always figured the lightning fucked up his suit. You know, the thing that's sustaining him.

turns out childbirth is still really dangerous in Star Wars and most medical droids are shit at it. This is why Anakin starts freaking out from the moment he realizes she's pregnant

no, because it's spiritual complications
Star Wars is nature vs technology

Palpatine memed Anakin inti draining her lifeforce, go rewatch the scene.