Anybody remember a TV show where the wife/girlfriend wants husband/boyfriend to have a vasectomy and the latter refuses just before going to have the procedure done?
Happens in rick and morty
i remember something like this happened in 2 and a half men
why would anyone do this if theyre wife wanted it. it should be your choice. if its your gf only then especially no, wtf.
modern family
Only do it after you have kids and know you don't want more.
Modern Family
Happens in Grounded for Life
They decide to have one after a pregnancy scare and they can't afford any more kids.
Dude chickens out, reconsiders, chickens out again, reconsiders again, finally then they both chicken out because they still want to have more kids.
Shameless. Based Kevin.
This reminds me of a reddit post i saw recently about a man who had a vasectomy. Didn’t tell his girlfriend until the 3rd date and after they got married he found birth control pill boxes ripped up in the bottom of his trash can. He couldn’t confront his wife about it for 3 days and posted on reddit for advice instead.
This reminds me of that time in everybody loves raymond, when raymond forgot Deborah's birthday, and had to cut his own cock off
American Dad?
Seinfeld, The Office
I think it happened in Brooklyn Nine-Nine
I would just like to urge any hapless user to NOT get a vascetomy. One of my uncles had it done and said it hurts for him to blow a load now. He heavily regrets it.
>believing everything on reddit
Really you think someone would just lie on the internet?
>duuur I’m an intellectual for not believing anything
Based retard.
but what if your kids die in an car accident or something a year or two later? you can't replace em with the same kids but wouldn't you like the option to have another?
Howard in Big Bang Theory undergoes vasectomy because his wife can't be arsed to get on a pill. Seriously.
happened on Jim Gaffegan's show I believe
I think there’s a Seinfeld vasectomy episode
i think it happened in Home Improvement. I remember asking mom 'tf is a vasectomy?'
>hurr, this thing I’ve never seen for myself and only heard about 2nd hand is fake me smart
>durr reddit man say think must be rel
I shitpost here making fake stories I hope you enjoy reading my bulshit.
>mfw people actually get invested in my story.
>baahurr me do the big lies on 4channel so everything I hear about 2nd hand is a lie without ever seeing the evidence
what is wrong with you man?
can you guys stop? the guy who said he doesnt believe shit lost
There are 2 types of vasectomy,
One, the man doesnt want kids and does it so no woman can catch him
Two, the wife convinces the man he should get one so he cant leave and effectively renders him a lesser man. Can't leave and start a new family if you haven't got balls. That being said, if you actually get convinced to get the snip by a woman, you were never really a man, so fuck it, get them chopped off.
this is basically symbolic castration
you can reverse vasectomies
It would be extremely painful
>This reminds me of a reddit post i saw recently
This is an actual quote from a Yea Forums post in 2019
It can be reversed usually. There is also a procedure to extract sperm too. Then the sperm can be used to fertilize an egg.
Don’t worry, I only saw the screenshot being posted here in a /pol/ bait thread things are the same here as 2012 when you came, newfriend
That's a fucking lie.
I know, but i think youll find anyone woman pressuring her man to do this doesn't know that and see it as a chain they can latch onto their man. so many woman fear losing their man, who would then go and start a new family.
Really its the only other thing you can do if a kid didnt work.
people like you are killing Yea Forums. go to 8
I'll probably get a vasectomy on my own. I got no intention of ever having kids, and I know I'd be a terrible father if I did. Why should I force a new human to live in this fucked up hell world?
>took him over 10 minutes to edit
And not at all obvious...
I think it was Scrubs, but I'll have to check to be sure. Thanks, everybody!
i dont sit in front of my screen you boob i'm just on Yea Forums for fun while i study
That episode of family guy where Peter gets a vasectomy and dosent feel as masculine as before as a result negelects Lois sexually.
>Lois men aren't fat only fat women are fat
Home improvement with Tim the toolman Taylor.
>muh secret club
>reee no using other websites
Trying way too hard to fit in summerfag.
>This reminds me of a reddit post i saw recently
what I wouldn't give to brutally murder you
I’d beat the shit out of your fat ugly gatekeeping wannabe internet thug faggot ass
do not listen to this post. you can look through the thread and see that its one ragey lolcow samefag poster posting in this rage style.
>muh secret club
reddit fag confirmed, you and your ilk were posting spamming this all over Yea Forums back in '07 and '08, literally neck yourself you waste of space.
I did it before having kids because I didn't want any.
I won't because I am man enough to make decisions and not double back like a waffling manchild.
I'm prefectly fine with killing Yea Forums for redditors like you who want to turn it into another shit meme site anyway.
ok mr macho, now on back to your shitty facebook meme page where you can post le ebin Yea Forums wins
stay mad reddit fag
literally r*ddit lingo, fuck off.
This. Pretty much why I got mine. I ain't got time for some whiny Gen Z retard leaving their shit everywhere, hogging the tv and wanting money to buy stupid shit.
nice arguement
Get trolled lol your sorry
Doesn't calling people a summerfag contradict your "sekrit club" arguement?
you're supposed to teach your kids about not doing stupid shit. gen z are a bunch of retards because parents let them be raised by the tv, social media, etc.
Probably not, I don’t usually admit to being wrong.
>redditor uses site for le epic trolle and not much else
>wonders why he is so reviled.
you're twisted and ive been here since 2005 so fuck off.
I used to think vasectomies after having a few kids was a good idea. Now after seeing the retarded leftist cunts fetishize it I'm wholly opposed to it.
>calls himself a man
>cant reproduce
>ah bloo bloo reddit boogyman
Sure is summer in here...
no one's falling for it new fag, go back to your containment board where you belong
god I would squeeze the juices out of a man who has had a vasectomy done to him.
I would literally suck him and ride him till his dick shrinks and fell off. Just to remind him he's a useless member of this society.
something similar happens in Flaked. Does Yea Forums like Flaked? I find it somewaht comfy.
>containment board
Oh right, it’s Easter break for you. Hope the teacher didn’t give you too much homework kiddo
Why should it be my responsibility to make sure Gen Z isn't retarded? Why can't that dipshit generation pull it self up by their bootstraps and sort their shit out themselves?
>I'm just pretending to be retarded, epic troll!
>sure I’ll keep taking the bait that’ll show him I didn’t get mad
There is a difference between "can't" and "deciding not too" you childish imp. As already discussed those with vasectomies can still have kids should the "choose" to do so.
>I used to believe in [blank] but now that [blank] likes it I dont like it anymore
way to stick your beliefs retard
they're kids. you're supposed to teach them how to sort their shit out. but don't worry, you're not having any kids so it doesn't matter
>easter break on a sunday
>lol ur underaged
stay mad retard
You should go ahead and have a vasectomy now.
californication s2e1
Home improvement is what youre thinking of
but you can't.
also known as - white people shit
IT's always white men that do this shit. Always.
You faggots, someone reposted this on Yea Forums a while back. Him knowing about it dosn't mean he went there ya know.
what's it like being low iq?
>He knows Prophet Job's story