Loli arya edition
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Loli arya edition
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2nd for dead starks rising in the crypts
Didn't all the original Winterfell townsfolk get massacred in season 2? Doesn't this mean the commoners living in Winterfell now were originally from the Dreadfort and Bolton lands and they only moved in after Roose&Ramsay took Winterfell as their seat?
How do these Bolton peasants feel about Starks and Targs bossing them around?
The Night King is bringing back his waterlogged, maggot-ridden corpse to fuck with Arya
I can just feel it
what happened to the iron bank
there is nothing to worry about. it is safe in the crypts
Goose Bolton
I'm gonna grow up to get my butt and surprisingly decent tit out, how about you?
Admit it. This episode was pretty good.
Somebody post the damn larping chart template before I piss myself
It was a snoozefest.
only scene I really hated was dany and sansa
>loli arya edition
watch as this thread gets deleted
hes right btw
she should have had a REAL MAN
Have they ever had a character who was a little kid on a show grow up during the show's tenure and then do nudes?
First for Tormund "Outriding an ice dragon doubled up on a horse and beating the undead army to Winterfell" Giantsbane
>No elephants
>well that is a disappointment
> not pissing yourself to get the chart
Sign me the fuck up.
>people complaint about fuck tradition
Are you retards seriously going to argue that Tormund the mountain nigger gives a fuck about dumb westerosi customs?
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel with your complaints here
> the implication that Arya knows how to fuck
99% she just sat on Gendry's dick and he did all the work
go watch marvel then if all you want is cool action scenes, it was a good episode giving us final moments before some characters are going to die. and setting up the battle.
Is there a strong male rolemodel in the show?
The Wintertown only really comes to life during the Winter, everyone is in their fields, harvesting and seeding during the summer/sping/autumn.
But it's more likely D&D forgot about it existence when Boltons/Ironborns ruled the place.
I REALLY liked Davos with greyscale girl scene
I REALLY fucking hated Davos just chilling and laughing with the woman who murdered Stannis
This. Grey Worm throwing the racist white kid off a mall balcony was justified too.
1/3 of the fucking season is filler episodes fuck off baitmaster
If all the good content will be in the remaining episodes and the first 2 were just to set everything up then they served their purpose.
Post yfw we'll never get a sex scene with this Arya
Say hello to your new Azor Ahai.
There's a reason Sam gave him Heartbane
>They actually got her to go nude
They did their best to hide it with her outfit but it wasn't enough
She better be pregnant or have some form of rare cancer. No other excuse
So why are they all acting like there's no hope again? Wights are fucking useless since dragonglass apparently kills them easily, and the NK can't have that many of them. It's not like there were millions of people in the barren wasteland beyond the wall.
we can’t meme her into doing it like we did maisie by calling her ugly because that’s clearly bullshit
Didn't she always have an eating disorder?
>not being able to understand how a small group of men would be able to outside a steadily marching army
just think about it my man
not today fag
Why did Ramsay's right hand man, Twinny Goodman never get screen time? Will he make an appearance in the battle?
Obviously. They're Jews.
leak of the surprise cameo next episode
yikes, they fed her well at the citadel
>ahhhh liking something i don't like = reddit
>ahhhh it doesn't have cool dragons blowing shit up = filler
you are the cancer killing Yea Forums
So you're the king of the zombies right? If you go down, your entire army goes down or something. But you also need to kill a little boy who can't do jack shit to you. So what do you do? Send your infinite amount of zombies including the corpses of the people you're fighting OR go directly to the boy for some reason?
I liked it. Dany basically being a fake bitch trying to weasel her way to Sansa's good graces and she shut that ho down quick.
Nigga what
I'm pretty sure that was a burn scar or something
Watching that sex scene kinda feels really weird, it's kinda like watching your little sister you grown up with fuck. Is this a sign of incel?
Naming your swords has got to be the gayest thing known to mankind.
I neeeeeeeeeed it
Well in the show she was anorexic, i think that's the right one.
press f for things that will never happen
Pippin rip-off.
Not kino.
1-2 so far are pretty fucking bad.
jon, the halfhand and the rest of his men weren't able to outrun them, and the wildlings weren't even undead.
No one thought this would actually happen
Ser Twynty will be serving to guard Bran with his new liege lord Theon
NK has a dragon and every person that they dies can be res’d to the NK’s army, it’s literally sharks n minos
It was a good episode
or, better yet, without the growing up part?
They passed them twice user, on the way there and on the way back. It's Varys teleporting tier bullshit.
*unsheaths Kokujinkiri*
*teleports behind you*
Say that again, I dare you
Bonus though is I like big[ger] Arya too.
the dragon isn't fucking racing them to reach winterfell, moron
That Arya sex scene is a great example of how the "feminism" of this show is put out by privileged white dudes.
Really? That's the culmination of Arya's arc? Settling for fucking Gendry? Dude is just going to die next episode anyways. Also stop trying to humanize Arya, she's supposed to be a fucking monster.
They have 2 dragons
wait, is arya 18 already?
>dude wheres the action fuck this is boring
3 of the people I watched this with tonight were incredibly bored. I think I was the only person who knows that the final act of a series is for people to have resolutions/dialogue/interactions with eachother after years of their own journeys. I didnt think they were that bad.
>“A great battle is a terrible thing," the old knight said, "but in the midst of blood and carnage, there is sometimes also beauty, beauty that could break your heart.”
what year was this?
Have sex.
you genuinely have worse taste than them
Why wouldn't the night king just overwhelm Winterfell before stepping in?
They bran bait plan is fucking stupid.
>You wouldn't send out your invulnerable dragon to burn a bunch of enemy scouts
>clearly a nod to Lord of the Rings,
>They even say it was in the behind the scenes
It was kino
No, it's kinda normal. It's a natural mechanism to defend against inbreeding to not want to fuck people you grow up around or see grow up
Reddit keeps bringing up dany being 13 when married off to drogo but they forget she wasn't played by nor was her character the same age as the books
And folks claimed no main character would be nude again
They clearly only started watching in the later seasons and probably didn't read any ASOIAF book either.
Literally being foreshadowed for 3 seasons. Kill yourself my guy
well yknow the night king probably knew they were there. There's no reason why they would set up the modern art display if they didn't think someone would see it. if NK wanted his army to kill the night's watchmen they would've.
one of the Others spared Sam a few seasons ago as well, they're big on messages
Tywin lannister
Sansha’s rape scene > this abomination
>Tormund doesn't give a single fuck about any customs south of the wall
>probably literally the first time he's heard about Knighthood
>practically begs Jaime to knight Brienne
felt out of place. On top of that, why is he in the war council room when there are probably like 5 freefolk left total? And why hasn't Dany chimped on him and made him bend the knee?
God forbid people want payoff in a 7 episode season.
You think the show runners told her to put on 80 lbs, or she did it herself?
Say that to my sword, Incelcastratrer faggot
Another terribly written episode.
its a cgi body, so it didnt actually happen
Either way it was supposed to make you think of Shireen, but for all we know it was supposed to be greyscale and like everything else on the show the makeup quality went to shit
>we didnt know what to do and every season has had a song in it so heres a song
You need to go back
this is pretty ebin ngl
At least she was 15/16
>Linda hates Gwendoline Christie
What are the Sandsneks doing right now?
They purposfully set up as many characters as possible to be Azor Ahai.
tbqh my money is actually on Theon but it'll probably be Jon
nobody who has read the books thought this episode was remotely decent
Is this recent? I hate GOT but had a crush on this bish during skins. Did she swallow an entire pig?
Anyone that is bitching about the first two episodes being too slow are children that think there has to be none stop action and dying for something to be good.
>tldr the first two episodes were perfectly paced and very much needed
>Arya ordered a spear
What for?
Bran is clearly capable of something that poses a threat to the night king
They're all just too stupid to figure out what
I really hope there is a Hall of Anal Devastation for when Dany and Jon both make it out alive
Threadly reminder the titties were real.
>one of the Others spared Sam a few seasons ago as well
actually that was just bad direction, the white walker didn't see sam.
that was a good scene, admit it
Not gonna lie I got kinobumps watchin this vid lads
>not taking the dragon to King's Landing
>burn a couple of inconsequential bums instead
why would the night King even care about Tormund. he's not even a blip on NK's radar.
Who cares how old she is when it's the middle fucking ages? lmao
>Arya: "Ooh yeah Gendry tongue my little booody. Remember when I was 11? Didn't you wish you could tongue my 11 year old boody?"
>Gendry: "N-no never milady!"
>Arya: "Don't call me that!"
>Gendry: "As milady commands! Oh gods dat boody tastes so good 'little Arry,' NUMNUMNUMNUMNUMNUMNUMNUMNUMNUMNUM oh gods you're 11 you're 11"
Why did they cut this part out?
NK is heading to KL to gain a million whores for his army, and Cersei will run away or something
Half of the last season was the same shit. THeir writing is shit, the budget for these episodes are also shit. As of right now this season is worst than the last.
You clowns always claim this
Oh right I forgot that GoT showtards are in this for the shipping and go LOOK LOOK THEY INTERACTED THAT MEANS THEY WANT TO BANG
HBO also had to clarify that Arya was 18, lmfao.
She has to kill the dragon to take its face
Last episode was a million times better. I don’t know if it was the same director but the direction this episode was just awful, legit made me want to puke. Dialogue was substantially worse as well. I was actually surprised by how much I liked the first episode and the content of this episode wasn’t even bad it just had terrible, terrible direction. Wish they just hired me to do this shit, now THAT would be kino
Brienne's knighting ceremony was certified kino
>6 episode season
>first third of it spent inside Castle Stark doing jackshit and fanservice
>the army of the dead arrives just outside of winterfell
>with it comes the NKs magic that causes the dead to rise
>cut to stannis' body still sitting at that tree, frozen, with his head nearly decapitated
>his eyes slowly open
>they're glowing red
>characters meet up again and conveniently tie loose ends again in the most boring setting known to man
>good episode
It was so boring. I'll let episode 1 slide for doing that but again in part 2? Fuck off
Plausible but this is too good for D&D to make work
She's wearing a skin tone tanktop thing. You can see the lines.
who the fuck is Linda
Unless he grows a right hand of fire he ain't killin' shit.
Fight like her old teacher did.
its the staff the faceless men trained her with but with spear tips
Its a fucking staff you imbecile
stabbing gendry for stabbing her with his dick
NK is probably unable to be killed by anything on the planet without Bran doing cripple-wizard shit
>Why would the night king care about the man that's about to relay the NK's exact position to the one force attempting to stop them
I don't understand this bait plan with Bran at all. He said he's going to sit next to the Heart tree? How is that bait? He's inside the fucking castle they're defending. Can someone who paid more attention please explain this shit to me.
She's not a NK
Two out of the three are being really hot and the other is not
Does Maisie have much of an acting career outside of Game of Thrones? Perhaps she needs to raise her profile now that the series has ended.
The only good GoT reviewer (not counting Preston).
everyone is ded except mama sandsnek, which is rotting in a cell
Why isn't his nickname Tormund Giantsmilk instead?
Perfect pacing would be exactly one episode since the director would assume the audience in the age of youtube and internet spoilers do not need the first episode to be part recap.
post the super bright version
........ damn. Gilly looks LIKE THAT?
>master assassin
>can't even take her pants off without looking
I fucking love this guy
>zombie ramsay comes back and rapes sansa one last time
Those are scars you moron
>she was trained to fight in the dark with it
>we've seen her running in the crypt
bran's just trolling everyone
Am i the only one that likes the costume contrast far better in this than the new outfit?
Where the FUCK is Melisandre?
She's been doing films and TV outside of GOT yes.
Theres been 6 seasons of these characters all interacting in one way or another. Did you expect them to all just have nothing to say to eachother? Some people want that kind of closure and its a way for DnD to throw out a million death flags so they can give you a spicy twist on who actually dies
Skinchanging- aint gotta explain shit.
How to win as Night's King
>Surround Winterfell with ice zombies, block all routes for escape
>wait them out, they need to eat, you don't
>If they send dragons, then eliminate them with Olympic javelin throwing ability
No, it and the entire episode were dogshit
sucking me off
Oh so you're a fucking moron that cannot think for yourself
>Do you think a backlash will come of this?
Maisie was like 11 when she was hired to do this show. Did they know this would happen? Did they hire this 11-year-old knowing she would do a sex scene in the future? Sure she's in her 20s now but, she's never been sexualized... like ever. She is probably the most asexual character in the damn show.
For them to give us a sex scene between these two in this episode and not any of the others feels.... weird. (They did a fade to black with Cerci and Cpt Hook.)
I sorta feel bad for Gendry's actor. He was in his 20s when he met 11-year-old Arya. I'm not sure why it just rubs me the wrong way but it's gotta feel weird for him. Doing a scene like that with her.
>yo..... is a nigga there? Call out if a nigga behind them rocks
She's weak as fuck for this kind of spear throwing.
This whole episode was “I have two days until retirement” for half the cast so all the normies get sad when they die.
my girl Alys Karkstark at the war room in tonight's episode
When or how did Arya max throwing weapons proficiency?
> Did you expect them to all just have nothing to say to eachother?
B...but user, that's what happened!
Linda is based, kill yourself.
Will Gilly eat the night king?
he's actually a lot farther behind the rock than that scene makes it seem, he cant see him
Game of thrones is a story about fucking politics... what do you expect.
You all bitch about episodes being slow, but image in we didn't get any character development or these slower episodes. Then your beloved Jaime or Theon would still be hated.
>everyone only cares about killing
>when the slow episodes build your feelings for these characters
She looks good
It's literally a trap. Bran is the Night King.
The hound throws her, she stabs it
>Game of thrones is a story about fucking politics
You wish DABID.
stop watching the show
Rewatched this a few times. The body looks suspiciously CGI. Like, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being definite CGI, I'm at like an 8. Anyone else thinking this?
She’s gonna come back to do magic shit with Bran in episode 4
jaime bestowing knighthood on brienne and her reaction to it were like the only good parts of the episode
>The condition of having additional bones in the skull leading to facial anomalies. Usually nonfatal
thank you for asking the real questions
>but image in we didn't get any character development
we didn't
>why would the Night King, an individual with the power to raise billions of troops, care in the slightest about what some retard is going to do to get in the way of him getting to Bran
NK can literally just throw bodies at winterfell for a hundred years if he wants to. He has no reason to be spooked by Jon Snuh and his army of eunuchs
The Night King
Littlefinger (funnily enough he's the only person in the whole show who shows courage/fights for actual "true love")
>Grey Worm raised his death flag
About fucking time.
You know, this could actually work.
He falls into some milk in the winter stores Sansa mentioned. It mixes with the ice in his body and he becomes ice cream. Then Gilly eats him yes.
On the contrary I thought last one was pretty bad and this one very well done.
how so
you're literally watching videos of someone reviewing a show you already fucking watched because you're too stupid to make up your mind
How about instead you watch a video with more in-depth long form analysis
tormund is a badass
>someone taller
Fuck this gay ass show
>“So I kept myself pretty private. I don’t think it’s important for Arya to flash. This beat isn’t really about that. And everybody else has already done it on the show, so… “
The people are here for the deaths, the shipping and the cgi action scenes. The actual setting and politics stuff is for smarter people to explain to them so they can feel smarter too.
what if gilly is stealing the goats meant for the dragons?
Why bother, it's cheaper for her to just get naked. Same reason why in Westworld anytime you saw a naked corpse it was a naked person.
ITT we figure out how the next episode will go from obvious foreshadowing lines
"It's safe in the crypts"
>all the women and children are in the crypts
>something starts rumbling
>the dead are rising
>it's literally only a dozen skeletons, easily cut down
>but it's enough to cause panic
>all the characters start fleeing outside
>it causes a panic in winterfell, rumors spread, people think that the dead have breached the wall
"there are a million people in King's Landing"
>the characters barely win the siege
>several white walkers killed and the rest retreat, but the NK doesn't show up
>everyone asks where he is
>bran says something like "somewhere nobody expects him and we could never reach him in time"
>final shot of the episode is wight Viserion flying over KL
Thats because the writers are hacks. In an ideal book i'd have a quarter of it dedicated to each character getting the wrap up they deserved with the people whose lives they changed/were changed by during the whole story.
You can literally see the skin tone change near the top. Look by the armpit and you'll see the line.
the writers literally dont even try
I want to see named characters die
No I cannot, it still brings me nostalgia from the season1 euphoria, ill see this through and i wont stop pointing out you plebbit newfags
Guys, here me out.
What if the three eyed raven is lying? Remember when he told Bran that you can't change the past? And then Bran CLEARLY caused Ned to react during the tower of joy. And then again, he used his powers to warg Hodor in the past.(Granted, that one makes a closed loop, but still)
OK, so if Bran can affect the past, then why can't the Night King? The both share the same astral plane, right? That's how the Night King managed to mark bran, because they both occupy the same psychic space somehow. What if the only thing stopping the night king from changing the past, is the three eyed raven.
Why doesn't the three eyed raven want to change the past? Because the raven himself, is a collection of minds of the Children. He's storing untolds amount of greenseers. Untold amount of the Children's history. Without him, their culture would be lost.
From the Night King's perspective, he needs to kill the raven, in order to have the freedom to go back in time, and change his story. Instead of getting captured by the children, and becoming the night king, and causing all kinds of devastation. Rather, he can defeat the children, and men will prosper without following the "old gods".
Watch it in HD1080 and you'll see what I mean
Ah, I've found the kino
aren't the skeletons under big sealed stone slabs? do wights have superhuman strength now?
manlet incel detected
>lel ill show him how sharp my edges are
She confirmed it's her. They wouldn't hire a body double for barely a fucking ass shot and some side boobs. Even pic related is more lewd than the scene.
Linda often makes good points because of her unique insight into the story as co-author of TWOIAF.
People need to get over their hangups.
No, already confirmed to be real
>Dempsie suggested the experience was strange for him too for given how long he’s known Williams, who’s about a decade younger than him. “It’s obviously slightly strange for me because I’ve known Maisie since she was 11, 12 years old,” says the 31-year-old actor. “At the same time, I don’t want to be patronizing toward Maisie — she’s a 20-year-old woman. So we just had a lot of fun with it.”
What did he mean by that
Look at this retard
Post a screen
Then why did they CGI the Cerces "shame of walk" scene?
I mean we already know he boned her during season 2 filming
She is only 2 years younger than me.
Lena doesn't want to do any nudity. Even the side-shot of her butt in S1E1 was a double.
There's a difference between doing a sex scene and doing a scene where you walk in the street in full daylight with people throwing faeces at you
because Cersei's actress was pregnant, they had no other choice
unironically the dumbest thing ive read in this thread, faggot
Night King has a dragon you brainless zombie
or go and seethe about the fact the books will never be finished
Im just glad Ghost showed up behind Jon for 3 seconds in one shot
someone taller
lena was pregs
Hell, even if they never get out, their whole point would just be to make everyone in the crypts panic and flee.
the dialogue is just so incredibly fucking poor
Reminder that Meera is confirmed dead.
>Tyrion showed he wasn't an idiot and talked to Bran
>Tyrion also doesn't let Jaime pretend he wasn't aware how much of a cunt Cersei was
>Jon spills the beans to Dany and doesn't fuck it up, followed by just leaving her to figure her shit out cause he doesn't give a fuck he got bigger problems
>Davos/Shireen callback
>Arya figures out sex isn't all she made it out to be
>Grey Worm actually takes the initiative and develops into someone with goals beyond just following Dany cuz she freed him
Why haven't I seen anyone talking about how there seems to be hundreds of white walkers as the Night King's front line? All of them, stretching into the distance, are on horses in this shot and wights don't ride horses.
its a fire lance
My gf thinks that Dany is an entitled hypocritical bitch and unironically loves Jaime. Should I slap a ring on it or what?
Where can I get some of this?
>why hasn't Dany chimped on him and made him bend the knee?
She has an awful body.
Would be a pretty good character moment for the NK
crasters kids
We keep getting shots of cersi looking smug about something. What the fuck is cooking in KL?
His bones aren't there right?
I hope D&D aren't that dumb.
please understand, CGI is very expensive
Jaime. His entire arc of arrogant shit to honorable man is great.
Lena was pregnant during filming for S5. Her costumes hid it relatively well but it would've been obvious in full nudity. Whether she strategically got pregnant during the season when she knew she'd have to do the walk of shame is another story, who knows. She's done nudity before so probably not
imagine being Sam?
There's nothing to discuss really
Night king has lived for thousands of fucking years and Craster was so far south it's likely there were hundreds more like him up in their actual territory giving them babies
you don't have a gf
Is this even bait?
The scene with Jon, Edd, and Sam was good too.
The fireplace scenes were the most kino thing I've seen on this show in years. Even the mandatory feminism "FIRST FEMALE KNIGHT" thing wasn't as hamfisted as D&D usually come off as with that sort of shit.
Name ONE actor who would do that scene. They literally had to get a nameless model.
>battle scene
>every shot will be pitch black
her disgusting russell crowe face makes me very uncomfortable
>the night king wants to kill the 3 eyed raven because it holds all the memories of the world
did they really just explain the motivations of the villian in 2 seconds?
is that really it?
fuck you
baelish returned them to cat seasons ago
2009 iirc
It's her. Look at the HD clip, you can clearly see it's legit, even has her nipple visible.
That's literally what the show is designed to get you to think so no it's not impressive
Nah, there's hope for everyone, dude.
According to my shitpost decoder, this means that you actually think my idea is brilliant. Thanks, user. I'm blushing.
inconsiderate joke
>why is he in the war council room
he has the respect of the Freefolk+he's a fighter, I dont see any problem at all
nights watch boys are back in town
> the NK arc resumes before the Cersei arc
Man this would piss me off so much. I mean, the march of the dead has been the major foreshadowed plot since the first scene of the first episode. It's supposed to be the ultimate and final battle, living versus the dead. It would certainly be a buzzkill to see the night king Falling before other foes and before the war reached kings landing.
It's like harry Potter defeated Voldemort and then went to settle his score with Dolores umbridge
Leave the greater enemy for the end
Shit that was Gilly?
I don't even remember that at all
it was literally a monologue about what it means to be human and alive
allows a lower CGI budget
yeah and remember when Nymeria was fucking 2 metres tall? they just can't stop dabbing on kit
"By ancient custom an iron longsword had been laid across the lap of each who had been Lord of Winterfell, to keep the vengeful spirits in their crypts. The oldest had long ago rusted away to nothing, leaving only a few red stains where the metal had rested on stone. Ned wondered if that meant those ghosts were free to roam the castle now. He hoped not. The first Lords of Winterfell had been men hard as the land they ruled. In the centuries before the Dragonlords came over the sea, they had sworn allegiance to no man, styling themselves the Kings in the North."
Bran the Builder will be the stark to come alive and attack the women and children. Should be a cool scene.
Because Arya was trying to give the Hound a bone instead.
reminder that both the next episode AND episode 5 are directed by Miguel Sapochnik, aka the giant batlte guy (Hardhome, Bastardbowl, Field of Fire)
get hype
Ironically he's probably just overthinking it
He wants to kill the 3 eyed raven because he's the last remnant of the power the children of the forest had
>Should I slap a ring on it
Figuratively? Yes, but don't buy a diamond ring, is a one hundred years old scam
LF gave his headless body to Cat a while back
I doubt she kept his corpse with her, he's probably buried at Winterfell now
it was retarded but par for the course im afraid
I know that, but I'm wondering why this isn't more of a big deal for people. Before now we've seen, at most, 5 walkers on screen at one time and they've been doing nothing but sit on their horses.
In this imaginary world of yours, a 6 episode constant battle is good?
Just stop and think for one moment.
Just think about what you're saying.
DnD been BTFO Kit since day 1 desu
shes watching GoT so no. its lik the old groucho marx joke
You seem to be confused. Winterfell will fall. Cersei will be the one to defeat the Night King.
>tyrion sounds like a south park character
i cant stop laughing
also what is with sansas dominatrix outfit?
She has eaten half of the food Winterfell was saving for winter. Half of the smallfolk will starve because of Gilly.
Wow, your gf is so woke. You got a special one. Yo, marry her right away. And name your child Jaime. You're so lucky.
/got/ help me out
dany at this point is one of the most grating characters ive ever seen on tv. everything she does is cuntish, she seems extremely insecure and power hungry and generally pisses off everyone around her
at this point im unable to tell if d&d are setting her up for a fight with jon after she goes insane or if they actually think this is ''badass female'' writing. which is it?
I have to say... i am deeply disappointed they picked her for a nude here and not the fairer sister. Hell even Brianne of Tarth with the wildling guy would have been a better nude. I just find her face so off putting. I get that story wise it might have been hard to put in here but this just sucked.
He stood out in the cold morning light, the Gods Wood, where the King had been tempted by the bait of the young crippled youth was silent, the distant sounds of the armies were only a backdrop now. For the first time in many years, the Night King would speak. He spoke with a terror that would make men quake in their boots. But the crippled boy was no man, and he did not feel such base emotions. "I have come." Bran stared, his eyes as cold and dead as the man seeing ready to end his life. "You have." The King returned the stare. The two stared. Both cold, both dead. Both saying nothing more. It was then that she stepped forward.
"Ayy yer the King wots been making the mess?" A new voice, more terrifying and ungoldly than the Kings. He shouldn't have felt the cold shiver run up his spine, but he did. The King turned, and what he saw shook him to the core. No dragon, no black glass ready to piece his undead heart. It was Gilly. Her many chins flapped like the branches of the tree around them. Her lips were chafted by the cold, small pieces of chicken dotted her cheeks, her lumbering mass rolled forward like a great wave of oceans made flesh.
"Ye can't take Sam!" It roared, once more causing the King to cower. Bran watched, he had seen it in his mind and knew what was coming. He knew the horror that was about to unfold. He should have looked away, any man would. But he could not, he must see it. He must watch it. He thought back to the night of his sisters deflowering. Would this moment be as beautiful? He hoped. He prayed.
The great beasts jaw unhinged. "YR WONT TAKE HIM" screamed the unholy creature, shaking from the bulging mass it called feet and up to the mass of wet dripping flesh that could only be called a mouth due to there being no other word to describe the pit which now loomed over the King. He could do nothing, of course. The dragon fire had not stopped her, the many armies both of the North and the East had not stopped her.
Provide evidence that you even have a girlfriend.
A picture of her with "I love Jaime" written on her tit with her holding the timestamp would be satisfactory.
You fucking moron
GoT follows closed timeline logic which the only internally consistent way to handle time travel.
Basically anything that you did to the past, the effects have already been felt. Hodor was already a retard before Bran knew to warg into him, because the fallout of warging into his past self already happened
Replied to myself epic style
Khal Drogo
That's what happens when you make a villain who doesn't speak because you think its cool.
Why does he care about Bran specifically? Killing every human will get rid of their history.
maybe true
probably false
he's pledged to jon who's pledged to her. the ones who were let through the wall via jon for the lands just south it it probably came down. plus those who survived eastwatch.
forgot the king can resurrect any dead as long as he’s in range
I didn't get this part. Was she talking about Jorah? Why make fun of Jon?
It's funny; you can watch this show from the beginning and see the decline of Western civilization in real time.
didn't we see like 12 at once in the scene where the night king makes the baby into a walker?
Also i think we saw quite a few in the background at the ice lake
>someone taller-
I miss her so fucking much bros
There we no politics. It was just "Hey remember me, lets talk about stupid shit" for the entire episode
Everyone is in winterfell and all resorted to shallow followers.
This is what I came here for, thanks friend!
user it's pretty clear at this point she's unsympathetic. She made Sam, probably the most pure hearted character, cry last episode.
Somebody post the template where you'd have your best bud and your house and castle and shit, can't Yea Forums help a nigga out
Unless Jon does something super heroic (like beating the white walkers in front of millions near kings landing), his supposed lineage means nothing in the face of several decades of anti-Tangyren propaganda and the circus that is Kings Landing during Cersi's reign.
Danny can care less, she might just want to go back to the plains and fuck horses after all this.
they are setting sansa up to be sympathetic so that they can off dany and still have sansa to be the strong female warden of the north
And Bran is too much of a troll to tell anyone about his powers... Keeping it mysterious out there boy
God forbid these people protecting his ass against the literal doomsday tomorrow are given any useful information for that fight omegaDABID
That scene was pure kino with the Night's Watch boys reunited one last time, I hope Edd lives
You're actually retarded.
She's been like that for a while
It's a parallel to how she's become like Cersei who also wears a black outfit.
Holy fuck manlets on suicide watch
Jesus christ user.
>not brainless wight
You're probably right, I think I'm just retarded.
New Thread:
how'd they get away with it
Ahahahahahaha fucking based
There's powerful magic woven into the walls of Winterfell that prevents that kind of stuff. Just liek Melisandre couldn't birth her shadow baby wihout being inside the walls, to kill Penrose.
But might be Bran's mark will nullify it. It'll be cool if Bran realizes what he's doomed everyone in the crypt to.
I hate roasties so god dam much
>literally made Sam cry
>even Jon was upset that she burned prisoners alive
>Sam straight up asks if she would give up her throne to do the right thing like Jon did
She's insane like every other targaryen.
>GoT follows closed timeline logic
No it doesn't. During the scene with Ned, it shows a very small change, where he pauses, and turns to the sound of his own name. It doesn't appear like a significant change. But it proves that time isn't a closed loop. The three eyed raven lies to Bran, because he doesn't want a kid changing time, before he's able to body snatch him.
I want to believe.
past a certain age... a woman without three children and a loving husband can be a bad thing
So basically determinism
She was talking about chad khan that raped her in season 1
i know, it seems so obvious, but in the clown world i also have this nagging suspicion they think this is empowered female writing
>They'd CGI her some better breasts
Might be pretty good.
yeah but im assuming the ancient stark tradition came out of necessity and that makes it so the night king cant rez the ones with swords?
So no ones gonna mention dubs?
I've seen some Doctor Who episodes with her in it. And her entire character was terrible, from story to actress.
Her pussy from Euron’s mega cock
they don't use cg for nudes like that
They have a civilization of sorts up in the land of forever winter. They've been turning babies to white walkers for centuries. Usually when they attacked in the past they brought only a couple guys. This time they brought all of their guys.
What happened to this guy?
Based as fuck
His accent is killer
She's going to blowup the Night King.
Is that Blake Griffin?
Even normies on twitter are saying this will happen. GoT’s recent “twists” have been pretty predictable, this is so obviously going to happen. Because otherwise you have the NK defeated already and the rest of the show spent with Yass Kween Dany vs Cersei and the Age of the Woman
any word on if Arya's scene was legit?
I wouldnt be suprised if Dany just fucked off on her dragons after Jon telling her that he's Egg. Then just comes back to Westeros when NK kills everyone
Kit’s more like 5’7 or shorter
This is too good for the series
>Ser Davos tries to bolster the men's morale in the face of such a huge gathering of the undead
>"Don't worry I've faced them before, they have the numbers but no leadershi-"
>he is interrupted by the heavy footsteps and familiar breastplate of a new wight stomping towards the head of the horde
>"dear gods he's returned to collect the iron price"
>ominous drum music kicks in as the camera slowly raises from the boots hovering for a second on the flaming heart adorning the chest piece
>an eerie smile creeps across the now undead Stannis' rotten face
>"looks like meats back on the menu boys!"
The Night King has. HER. DRAGON!
She’s gonna let him die. This was foreshadowed when after Jon basically lays down a life changing and world changing fact her first response is to say that that means he has a claim to the throne. She’s just as bad as Cersei but her MUH BABRAHAM LINCOLN stick makes her seem like she’s actually a protag. She’s not. Tyrion will sit on the iron throne when all is said and done because that’s fat fuck martins favorite character and it’s pretty clear he’s a targ as well.
Bran could be lying and the real reason might be “I’m the only way you can stop him, but you won’t like what needs to be done” or something. Maybe the Godswood is the safest place?
Was her hymen intact when you met h...bahahahahaha of course it wasn't. No, don't, just don't
>"final shot of the episode is wight Viserion flying over KL"
I can see it happening. Winterfell falling would mean that pretty much 90% of the main cast dies there. There is no plausible way to retreat and I can't see how they would write themselves out of that.
>Night King
>I saw you tied to the tree
>it was beautiful
>the rape
some people are just born ugly, you know. it's what causes a few to seem beautiful in contrast. go outside, they're everywhere.
Iron Islands is where they may retreat to for safety (women/children). Rest of army flees through crypts and regroups.
good post until you said Tyrion is a targaryen
>The hound sticks her in the jaw, bends her over the wall and sends her to pound town
>"Why are there obsidian shards way up here" is her only comment for the remainder of the 50 minute scene
What does your wife think about you watching GoT with your gf?
Why can women complain about manlets but you can’t say “no fat chicks”
anime tier
The thought behind these last two episodes are solid but the execution is complete trash. Trash dialogue, acting, and delivery
Anybody who says this episode isn't bad just revealed their low intelligence factor
>ep1 long time no see
>ep2 we are all going to die
yea dude. it really was great at showing how amazing the earlier seasons were.
>and then there is this scene and then this scene and then this has to happen
but episode 1 was just "long time no see and sansa not likey danny". yawn
its comes with the dex skill that you get from defeating the man-woman with your toothpick
I hope this is from the leak!
Who says you can't say, "no fat chicks?"
I really hope they dont kill podrick. IDK why but I really like his character. The song this episode was dope.
it has been netflix tier since s5