Brie Larson is cute! C-U-T-E!

Brie Larson is cute! C-U-T-E!

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she is. I'd fuck it easily


Off yourself.

You guys have horrible taste.
She's not cute at all. Stop trying to force the meme.

You only think she's unattractive because of her political beliefs user. I actually disagree with what she says but doesn't mean I don't think she's a cute.


Brie Larson is cunt. C U N T

except she is. You can call her brain dead all you want, but she isnt ugly (on the outside)

No incels allowed in this thread. All hail Queen Brie!

No, I think she's not attractive. Her face is square, her body has NO curves, her hair is stringy and thin.
Objectively, she has nothing going on physically.
Her comments and opinions are a whole another thing.
Don't tell me what I think, retard.

You're so full of shit you just dislike her because of the political shit she's said in the past. That's why. Don't bullshit yourself. She's cute. Deal with it incel.

lol, whatever. Your brain clearly melts down when your narrative isn't adhered to.

no idea about the actual movie, but captain marvel is certainly the most fun Yea Forums has been in years

But she objectively is, this is peer-reviewed.

Why do white people have red fingers?

Sycophantic echo chambers aren't "peer review"

Not to mention them toes. *Shudder*

she should smile more

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I'm still not convinced those pictures are real, hence I exclude them from any critiques I give her.

>to the tune of Foreigner's "Hot Blooded"
bolt on tits
it's a piece of shit

We stole them from the injuns

Cunt! C U N T*

From all the blood that is sucked from the lesser races. Satisfied?

There's nothing more pathetic than retards who convinced themselves she's not pretty because she's a raging cunt. Imagine having a brain like that, that contorts reality. How can you live like that?

>There's nothing more pathetic than retards who convinced themselves that people believe she's not pretty because she's a raging cunt. Imagine having a brain like that, that contorts reality. How can you live like that?

stained with the blood of the disenfranchised

Someone post the pics of her damn fungus feet to prove this shill wrong, please.

Of course she looks good. She's a Hollywood actress. They're expected to.

this bitch looks like a methhead....why was she pushed to the top of cinema.


Look she's a 7/10. Would bang but I wouldn't worship the ground she stood on. She pales heavily in comparison to the usual babes in Hollywood.

I see Brie Larson as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - her exterior AND her personality - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly.

That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.

I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what Brie Larson is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to.

I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.

Yeah. I reckon Brie Larson does it for me.

Bri Larson is a 6.5/10 at best. She's definitely not "pretty", which is solid 7 territory, but still somewhere around "cute" (at her best).

she's gorgeous, and probably could also beat up any Yea Forums incel on a 1-1 fight

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yep he is

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does anyone else think Brie Larson is the type of women who only dates hype beast sun glass wearing hood niggers who hang around expensive shops but never buy anything?

Hard to say...don Cheadle doesn't like her but seems like Sam Jackson does


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yep he is

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looks like methheads ive seen hanging around.

Wow the app that makes people uglier made someone ugly. Really made me think.

Lmao what are you talking about

Her face looks like pic related

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This is causing me to have some sort of medical seizure. These images are not acceptable. They are just not and you should feel ashamed for posting them.

Attached: bitch got gollum feet.jpg (2092x2860, 1.05M)

What happened to her feet?

yeah the real world agrees she's cut and not the echo chamber of tv

it was the accident user....
>nah she just nasty

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>u-u-u lie! don't bullshit yourself. She's cute. :.(

why are you so emotionally invested on her?

t. closeted homos

ive never understood the appeal of showing your feet in public. those stupid straps do nothing to make that mess look any better.

dude just accept it, its getting embarrasing for you

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it doesn't make men uglier. check mate roastie scum


yuck! Y-U-C-K!


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Gonna have to pass on this goblin woman, and I find Daisy Ridley fucking adorable.

brie is not cute. daisy is cute. gal gadot is cute.


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