GoT: talk about a lopsided battle

how the fuck are they gonna win?

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they dont win

>dude let's just have Bran sit next to the tree to lure the Night King to us
Jesus Christ, I don't know what I expected but I was hoping for something more interesting than that.

then what will we watch during the last 3 episodes?

A-10 Warthogs in scaly form

They have the high ground

>tfw the night king just sends his dragon and burns bran down

Does Jon snow really own a giant tabletop board in which he places many figures for military strategy?

they wont

Do we get to see zombie Tyrion and zombie Jamie dp the still alive and very pregnant Cersei? Also, can we get Peter Jackson to direct that episode?

Why are they on an open field instead of inside the fort? What kind of retard would do that?

why aren't they accounting for the ice dragon lol? it's the entire reason they destroyed the wall and marched on them. they don't even have a stone for it? why didn't tyrion build them a land to air crossbow thing?

its especially retarded cause if the night king just wipes everyone out then the cripple in a wheel chair is surely fucked, no need to kill him early on in the battle

Why don't the white walkers just run around and attack the back of the castle? They have no supply lines or formation problems, so they can outflank any human army in seconds.

It seems like their army is too big to fit entirely inside the castle. They've got probably tens of thousands of soldiers.

Cersei fucking everyone in KL for 2 episodes and then getting raped to death by NK in the finale.

Wtf kind of formation is this? Like who in production put this together?

Also, why bother lay blocks down for the horde of undead. Other than to spoonfeed brainlets that the nk's army is SO HUGE

So why the fuck are they fighting on an open field? Retreat to better terrain.

They can win easily. It's just chaff. There is not enough DPS with the white walkers.

Why don't they stay in the castle? Isn't the whole point of the castle is to defend against larger forces?

Because they can’t all fit inside. They should be trying to hold the outside of the castle while those within hit em with arrows and catapults

ITT: we devise a plan for them to win.

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How do you propose they feed the army once they separate it from the fortress?

You guys aren't looking carefully enough. They are going to roll giant candles at the knight kings army, it's brilliant.

Yeah that looks stupid cause the Night King could easily convert all those forces to wights and just have all of them topple the castle walls. Would be better if they all stayed in forts and the castle and wait it out instead.

When shows for adults become popular amung teenagers, they have to dumb things down for their new audience.

They're assuming that the night king even wants to attack solo at Bran in the first place. What happens if we throws his army at them and waits, I mean, Bran is a fucking cripple it's not like he's going to get far.

The white walkers can literally, LITERALLY wait it out

Arya is pretty OP now, she can probably take on half the army herself.


Someone do the math. How many wights are there actually? There’s like 20000 Unsullied/Dothraki.

Considering a hand full of them surrounded on a tiny little island were able to kill hundreds I’d say they are gonna rape the NK and his army with minimal effort

considering the leaks have already been proven false, I'm sure there will be some kind of random mcfuffen with Bran that helps.

Fortresses don't produce food. They store it. Food that is stored can be moved.

NK also has dargon

Go back in time to stop the retards from going behind the wall, thus making sure the NK doesn't get a dragon and keeping the wall intact. Problem solved.

why did they actually bother putting all those pieces down individually like that? How many is that? Hundreds?

They could create a battle plan with like 20 pieces representing the enemy army. This is goofy as fuck.

I'm not sure what happens. Unless they can retreat or some bullshit swoops in to save the day, they might actually all just die. Wouldn't leave enough content for the remaining episodes though so probably some random bullshit swooping theory is correct

what are the triangles meant to be? i hope they're not planning a cavalry charge against an undead horde

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they're cant be that many right? just wildlings, and nights watch?

>be the NK
>have the ability to siege anywhere for literally forever
>Jon and Bran, who should know better, think the NK is going to go directly for Bran who is of no immediate threat

move to Dorne

>dude lets not mention the undead dragon at this war council lmao

They have a fuck ton of plot armour assembled

>that shot of the bridge “trap”
Absolutely pathetic

And spooky scary skeletons

but death is like forgetting user dont you see?! the ice niggers want you to forget so instead of killing everyone at a leisurely pace they'll kill bran first so you forget 5 minutes sooner or something

>any knight can make another knight

I know it's saying a lot but I think that's the most retarded line in the entire show.

They are planning to break their morale with shock troops

Wtf why didn't they just take the few weeks or days they had and soak the earth in front of the castle with oil and pitch and other flammables. Then when the WWs come set that shit on fire? Might not work for a standard military foe but since the zombies are highly lightable it would at least decimate most of the Walkers.

How about we take winterfell, and push it somewhere else

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They ought to at least deploy to the sides of the castle rather than in front of it then.


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But the show forgot they had 100k Dothraki.

>who is of no immediate threat
Maybe he is tho? they’ve all been pretty fucking vague on what exactly his role is supposed to be

Ramsay Bolton and 20 good men against the NK's army would be a clean sweep.

I can only assume the castle of one of the great houses of the land would have that sort of thing available.

Did they just completely abandon the Lord of Light bullshit?

Better question. WTF happened to the thousands and thousands of Dothraki?

All I saw setting up were Northerners and Unsullied, with not a single Dothraki on a horse. Did they all leave at the end of episode 1 or something?

yeah they should had made some excuse that Jamie is royalty and he can do it right there instead of any knight can do it.

But that's how its handled in the books, user. Jaime wasn't knighted by a king, dummy.

I meant the only spooky skeletons they have are whatever wildlings and nights watch they killed

Idk man, most adults are fucking retarded too. A lot of dumb people watch the show now

to be fair varys needs something to do, he probably spent all week working on that

then Bran is a fucking asshole and being tactically useless for not telling them what he is to the NK

I was seriously hoping we'd get to the end of the episode, everyone would be gearing up to fight, then the WWs just don't show up.
Final scene is a cut to the undead marching on Moat Caelin, implying they were just going to bypass Winterfell and keep heading south for more zombos.

Why doesn't the night king just fucking starve them out?

This desu, why are they acting like there's zero hope? The night's king must has a couple hundred thousand max from the barren wasteland beyond the wall, and it's not like the North had many people left north of Winterfell. Plus wights are fucking useless now since they just die to dragonglass ex machina. Would it really be that hard for all their elite troops to kill 10 or so skellies each, with the benefit of a fortified position?

why does no one question bran's magical powers?

He's coming back. I can feel it.

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the night king sent his 20 good men to sabatoge the horses

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Depends how far gone a corpse has to be before the NK can’t revive it anymore.

It's called a war room. Most castles had them.

Do they even know Dany's dragon got raised as undead?
I don't remember them bringing it up ever.

They are going to attack Undead with Cavalry aren't they .... Then the Cavalry will get stuck and they will send the Dragons in to help and the NK will one shot a Dragon out of the sky.

Because lighting 100s of stuntment on fire is too hard to do.

Just go back to the marshes of The Neck and establish layered defenses while supplying from the south. Beat Cersei's ass with your 100k army and get all the rest of the seven kingdoms into full mobilisation

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2v1 dragon battle

Arrow barrage until wights engage in close combat.

Fight close combat. Zombies are not that capable.

Keep main dudes in back and wait for night king. Slay with Valarie steel

>Water balloons filled with anti freeze

He's bored of waiting and wants a good fight.

This. All they'd have to do is set their camps and food stores on fire and it would be a mop up.

Bad news my man. They can't wrap up every characters story in a well thought out manner. Half the cast is about to die.

Bran wargs back in time to save Stannis

Maybe telling would fuck everything up? You have to remember this fucker can see everything all throughout time

Well it's still fucking retarded, if any knight can make a knight everyone should be a fucking knight since it's so fucking easy

Ive played enough Total War to know that the night king has the easiest hammer and anvil strat right in front of him. Are they even trying to fight back?

Bran literally lets out an autistic screech to her about it, its the first fucking line he says to her when he meets her in the courtyard.

Dany, meanwhile, has yet to comment about it. Also the faggy Brotherhood retards saw it take down the wall, they neglected to share that with anyone.

Why did no one go... "Hey. Lets see if we can have someone make some Wildfire or something."

Also, Dragonglass Shrapnel? Why not?

I hope the Night King kills them all at Winterfell and the final episode of the series is a hardcore explicit pornographic scene featuring prolapsing, piss drinking and breath play with Cersei and the Night King. In the final few moments, Cersei reveals she had dragonglass up her ass which cut the Night King, defeating the dead.

Also where is the Arryn army that are loyal to Sansa? Their commander is at Winterfell, but I haven't seen the army or even single person holding the sigil.

Why didn't they just make armor for the dragons and burn all the zombies

Why would knights knight everyone you fucking tard?

Why bother waiting when you have an unlimited supply of undead soldiers? Every single living being that dies can just be brought back to fight on his side

They realistically should be having this battle in the Vale, the mountainous terrain would render the Night Kings numbers useless as a few well placed shield walls would funnel their numbers in quite easily. the natural protection of the mountain passes would also render his dragon less valuable and more easy to deal with compared to an open field.

Imagine if there's just a mass grave that they tossed all the Baratheon bodies in. It would be near Winterfell, so theres a tiny possibility


probably because its all bullshit in the books and the red priests/melly is a fraud (minus thoros)

Where's Melissandre? I think the lack of her appearance yet is proof that they LOSE the battle at winterfell and will retreat south, where they will meet up with smelly melly.

Only realistic way is to build another defensive wall around the castle. It's actually retarded to take such an offensive position against such overwhelming numbers when the enemy has enough force to occupy all three flanks and still have enough left over to route not only your forces, but also the castle.

Basically Bran is the last remnant of the Children of the Forest the ones that created the White Walkers and obviously NK wants to convert Bran to a WW but yeah he was fucking vague as usual on what the WWs really want. "The rape Jon the rape of Sansa by the Night King was beautiful"

>Why did no one go... "Hey. Lets see if we can have someone make some Wildfire or something."Also, Dragonglass Shrapnel? Why not?

Or even how do we stop the Night Kings dragon. No one has addressed even how too get the Night King on ground level so they can kill him.

What shitty writers for the past 2 episodes. All they have done is shown reunions.

But undead are weak to blunt damage, cavalry are their natural counter

Didn't all the original Winterfell townsfolk get massacred in season 2? Doesnt this mean the commoners living in Winterfell now were originally from the Dreadfort and Bolton lands and they only moved in after Roose&Ramsay took Winterfell as their seat?

How do these Bolton peasants feel about Starks and Targs bossing them around?

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What do armies even eat anyway?

this is some sun tzu level of retard hand holding

>Enemy is coming directly for you
>Sortie out of your castle to face a superior force

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Trying to apply logistical reality to this show is a doomed effort. The only reason it had a hint of such thought in previous seasons was because it was simply copying the books.


Why didn't they just block the hole with a big rock?

First off, the retarded battle formation has to go. They need to have already dug deep trenches along their flanks to protect them from wights.

Second, the cavalry need to be on both flanks, the unsullied carry the center and deal with the brunt of the force of wights. The unsullied wait for the wights, and then counter attack, while the cavalry flanks from both sides with the regular westerosi infantry holding the flanks and supporting the unsullied center.

Meanwhile, the dragons both drop flame to clear paths for the cavalry as well as destroy the wight rear.

Then they just wait them out until they are out of food

How did the undead horde get farther south than hardholme? Jon and gang sailed away on boats, across a large body of water. Was there a land bridge somewhere far away for the undead to cross?

I think they showed and hinted in the first seasons that the NK was resurrecting super old corpses and skeletons to join his army of Wights which is why the Wildlings and the Night Watch were getting fucked before the majority of the White Walkers got there.


Why wouldn't he? Stannis had an even bigger one in Dragonstone.

they got murdered by the greyjoys and then by the boltons. i doubt there is any real winterfell citizens left

So the only thing the Night King has to do is let his overwhelming wave of zombos easily body the living army, stay back, and siege the castle. He doesn't need to show up himself, he can easily wait to finish off the army before he goes for Bran, the odds are stacked 100% percent in his favor if he does what anyone would logically do with his odds.

And somehow, someway, D&D are going to have him baited into the battlefield and killed in order to get out of this corner theyve written themselves into.

Fuck this.

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They can't. They're up against a numerically superior magical opponent that doesn't need supplies. Their only shot would be to try to assassinate the NK via dragon but we've already seen how well that will work. Their best bet is to hit and run with mounted archers to whittle down their numbers. While digging in at the Neck to funnel the larger force into a choke point.

Instead these retards are planning to take them head on in an open field. They're going to get their asses handed to them, retreat to the city and realize they're being seiged by an immortal force that doesn't need fucking supplies.

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The Dothraki are gone, and the writers didn't even bother to tell the audience where they went.

they are going to do some cliche shit like

>NK kills Gendry

>Arya kills NK cause she fucked Gendry

Let's say most knights are honorable and would not just knight anyone, but at some point someone is going to knight a guy with no standards of what a knight should be, and that guy would do the same with more people, and them with even more people, and so on. It's like viral knighting

wouldn't make sense usually, but the horde serves as its own seige engine with zero morale, normal engagement strategy doesn't work

They will pile enough bodies against the wall to walk right over.

They have enough bodies to pile and smother any fire.

The Night King could do this now too. He has as much time as he needs.

God damn you people and lack of military knowledge. AHHHHH.

The NK has a ton of calvary. He can use his meat shields to clog up the main, front line, and hammer and anvil the sides while using the dragon as a hit and run. AHHH

Did you miss season 7?

>mounted archers
lol the fuck is that going to do against zombies you dumbass, they barely do anything to armored people

This is what I was thinking. There's no reason why they can't simply put Winterfell under siege. Its not like winter is going to end anytime soon, and the living have no way of leaving their fortress.
They could just surround the place, and wait like a week for the 100,000 people to run out of food. Its truly ridiculous.

Thanks for a hearty laugh user. I can imagine Lena delivering the line.

> With the help of Qyburn I managed to secure a small piece of Dragon Glass in my anus so that when the Night King sought to penetrate the Lion Queen, his life ended, along with the war.

*Camera pans*

>She's talking to Littlefinger and Stannis, who has agreed to marry her.

>She BRAAPS and black dragon glass dust covers the screen going to black. GoT music at max volume.

>dragon glass arrows
>give to Dothraki

There, I just saved Westeros.

the real question is will we get the ice spiders

>numerically superior magical opponent
Yeah but they have women, which count for about three millions regular soldiers

Why don't all the soldiers in the battle stab themselves with a tiny shard of dragonglass, so if they do end up dying they are instantly purged of the night kings powers and thus can't be reanimated?

dragonglass is rare and doesnt do anything to zombos also there is like a billion zombies

Their entire strategy is pants on head retarded.

>glue bits of obsidian to everything
>meet superior force in a flat open field so they can easily encircle you
>place key asset (Bran) in a barely guarded place (Theon is going to guard him lol) even though the main badguy has a dragon that can swoop in and burn the entire location in seconds
>night king is the enemy's weakpoint so naturally he'll expose himself immediately instead of sitting like 5 miles away from the battle
>not packing your troops inside the castle or behind it if they can't fit and simply torching the white walkers with dragons all day long
>not using obsidian to make arrow tips which you can mass produce and simply fire off at all enemies apparently disintegrating them instantly

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Night king has a literal zombie dragon that can ravage the whole fortress by itself.

He's fucked on the air tho. Drogon is way more powerful than the one he has and Kit can ride the other one now

>NK can revive the dead

first for zombie Stannis crushing the dickless army

It is an ode to Brienne's great-grandfather, Ser Duncan the Tall. He was knighted by his hedge knight mentor right before the knight died of illness. He later went on to be the leader of the White Cloaks for Aegon V.

The knights don't go around knighting just anyone.

something something jamie is Azor Ahai

Also equpping the Dothraki exclusively with dragon glass arrows is the smartest play, have them form mongolian death circles and round up as many wights as possible, while trailing them along so a flank by the best mounted calv in all of westeroes(the knighs of the vale) can sweep the flanks and let the protect the keep from inside. They have to use the dragons to tie up the NK and viserion but other than that they could have a pretty easy victory.

Nope, spider budget had to be spent on dragons.

This week on "nothing happens of thrones"

how many whites are even there, again? cant be that hard to kill them all with 3 dragons and dragonglass arrowtips

Halo chaingun and gauss warthogs. Could the master chief take out the Night King (without Dragons)?

If only there was an entire island made up of the fucking stuff

Yeah but a white walker tossing one of their ice spears seems like a simple and effective way of killing those last two dragons. He killed Viserion on his first try.

>zun tzu

I'm enamoured by basement neckbeard strategists like you

What bothers me the most as an autist is that I don't know who is commanding what where. Who is the Commander here? Jon? That'd make the most sense since he knows the terrain, the enemy and so on. Or is it Dany? Does Sansa command troops? What about Arya? Which units are where? What the fuck?

wont be any after dany sets up the dothraki interracial breeding grounds

no. No. No no no. I had better not get to the end of this series without seeing pale spiders as big as hounds.

Melly saw him fighting on the battlements at winterfel

>Drogon is way more powerful

Yes, but there are two things going for him. One is the surprise of the undead dragon because in the show so far they have NEVER mentioned a huge battle piece. We don't know how the other dragons will react.

Second, the NK still has the ability to launch the spears at the alive dragons, which counts largely for AA.

As a third, if you will stretch it to that, there is 'magic' too, but I disregard that because magic so far is unknown and works wonky.

Alright boys get ready, we are going to do this the old fashion way.
>0-2 I do it
>3-7 I dont
>8-9 I do it

Who are we rolling as

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>doesn't do anything to zombos
Yes it does

Easily. Swords and daggers won't do shit to that armor.

>who's the commander

the queen with two pet dragons bro

Plot armour prevents that

so, they are going to have arya kill the night king with her stupid spear, aren't they?

There is, fucking moron.

what game/mod is this?

whatever chink, tzu belongs in fortune cookies

Wights can be "killed" by dragonglass. How that functions is ???
since some of them are zombies and some are basically fucking skeletons.

pick Dany and fuck everyone else

>pulls brightflame from reanimated Gendry
>arya is azor ahai

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if we're to judge by the latest two episodes, something something telenovela style...


Bottom line is that the battle will be decided based on which dragon goes down first.

If the undead dragon goes down first Dany's dragons can torch the entire opposing force by themselves in a matter of minutes.

If Dany's dragons go down first (unlikely) then everyone's fucked unless some bard or something can fling a dragonglass shard with a balista or something.

Either way it all depends on the dragons.

Havent finished the episode. Going out on a limb here, fat gilly and fatter Sam defeat the white Walkers and Cersei through plot armor and rule the 7 kingdoms

I know that's why I brought it you autistic dolt

>not packing your troops inside the castle
sounds like a great plan against fucking dragon zombie

Is there a way to get un-knighted? can knights un-knight each other. seems like they'd have to sneak up so as not get get unknighted first

Lol, wights are gonna pile on to each other like in World war z to scale the wall

>there's dragon glass on everything, even the little wooden barriers
I don't know why this made me laugh as much as it did.

It's so fucking stupid this is all that's been seen on screen regarding there being a fucking undead dragon for the NK to ride now...

>nothing happened again
They should've just made a two hours long movie. Now we'll get a two episodes long battle, just thinking about it is tedious.
>knights don't go around knighting just anyone
In an ideal world, they don't. But this isn't an ideal world, if you believe that wait until you've heard about Daenerys' tax policy.

If the night king can 360 noskope one of Dannys dragons with 1 spear, imagine how fucked Drogon is gonna be by 100+ white walkers holding spears

just equip the dragons with armor lol

one will go down.
Then someone will do exactly what you said. Dragonglass arrows that won't be mentioned until that exact moment.

I want to think Danny will lose a dragon but at the same time I feel like both will somehow make it through

I forgot about the spears. Was it the Night King or a random white?. Does he need to ride the dragon or does it fight autonomously?

I really doubt NK will die here. More than likely this will be a loss for the living, with a handful of main characters escaping on dragonback, probably after losing the other dragon that isn't the meme machine Drogon.
NK will still act like a fucking dumbass next episode, but he's not going to die until the end through some insane deus ex machina bullshit.

They're going to send all the little girls onto the frontlines and they'll win because FEMALES ARE BRAVE AND POWERFUL FEMALES ARE BRAVE AND POWERFUL FEMALES ARE BRAVE AND POWERFUL

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Tywin time

Anyone else smiled when they saw Ghost? Even if it was for 2 seconds.

right they changed that bullshit
which is blocked by Euron now or should be anyway

How likely is it that Tormund Giantsbane kills an Undead Giant?

Why not just pour a shitload of oil in a line, and then set the line on fire with the dragons, and then use dragon glass arrows while the zomboes dink around

I still can't believe they didn't think to do that on Wun Wun

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Crusader Kings 2/A game of thrones mod

It's almost like you have to spare dragons to counter that with.

It's obviously a mat you fucking idiot fucking look. look at the table. when war happens they get the playmat and roll it out on the table. did you even look at the fucking table before your posted? it's clearly a mat. A separate object from the table.

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Pick a better era and play as Bobby B in his prime

>using dragons against railgun-man waiting in the backlines
time for 2 zombie dragons then

THIS. Of all the weapons we know of in the upcoming battle, the dragons are by far the most decisive. If either side's dragons are eliminated, they are done for. That said, NK has already killed one dragon... who's to say they can't do it again?

arya has that meme javelin weapon

watch she kills a dragon by herself, because plot armor

the more they go to the south, the more cities the dead destroy and the larger their army becomes

At least one dragon needs to be alive for Dany/Jon to use it against Cersei.

There has to be a scene where a dragon is flying over king's landing signaling that the Targs are back.

the dragon glass. the dead just need to get touched with it and they die vs them being mostly unarmed.

Plant tomacco seeds

The WW can just toss another spear and take down another dragon, though.

Also the whole premise is retarded. Sansa said that they don't have enough food to feed everyone. If the WW would do an actual siege instead of a Hollywood battle around castle walls they would win within a week or two and get everyone as a free corpse.

Why should the White Walkers even attack Winterfell? Just lay siege to it
>Surround Winterfell
>Brutal winter starves them
>Night King can just fly around all of Westeros hitting villages making armies in the South
>Literally nothing in the South can hurt him

Why are they making their last stand at Winterfell instead of at Moat Cailin? Just put some salt into the swap water so it doesn't freeze, boom

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Did you know see that ALL of the walkers have the same spears NK used? Dragons should be 100% fucked

why didn't jaime think to bring the dragon fire over to winter fell. why didn't tyrion think to tell jaime to do this? hello? tyrion is a horrible hand and dany has every right for execution

>>not packing your troops inside the castle or behind it if they can't fit and simply torching the white walkers with dragons all day long
how did using dragons agianst them work the last time they tried?

why the fuck would you put cavalry in front to be raped by spears/arrows

night king can freeze the water duh

I figured they’d need 2 so they can show them laying eggs and shit meaning dragons are back for good

How to waste resources and become surrounded in the first 10 mins of battle the picture.

That took me out of the fucking show more than anything. How can they be so bad at fucking planing. What happened to the tyrion who saved kings landing with his crazy plan? What happened to not being retarded.

and in the last shot where the FUCK did all the trees go that surrounded winterfell

The queen who has never commanded a battle before?

>Having a Castle
>Stationing the bulk of your army outside of the walls

I don't think this is how castles are supposed to work

what's the one piece in the castle mean with a white tree on it? Is that Jon? does the king get his own piece?

All these tards thinking that either of Danny's dragon can do anything against the army. The moment they get within fire breath range of the wights/walkers, both dragons get speared out of the sky by the 100+ white walkers.

>GoT music at max volume.
>not "And who are you..."

Brienne is commanding the left flank

If the Dothraki were armed with obsidian tipped lances they might actually be extremely effective against the horde.

But you know what, the Dothraki are going to be armed with retarded looking sickles, and they're going to charge straight into the horde and die like every other cavalry charge in this fucking show.

didnt stannis's lads get killed near winterfell?

>mfw zombie stannis leads the NK army

tywin would unironically be the best king

the Warhammer: Total War version of this episode is going to be great

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Cool. Age of Sigmar

is there any dragon-on-dragon violence in the books? how do these fights work?

Aren't there more experienced generals still living? Jon got his whole army fucked when he was in charge last time.

anybody else think the candles on the map are kinda dangerous? also was that REALLY necessary to lay out the blue parts just to show how big the zombie army is? like wtf, can you imagine Jon just sitting there for an hour laying down all those parts autistically and everyone is getting impatient around him

they should be using bows and picking off wights and running away repeatedly while the unsullied act as a sandpit and the vale flanks

Nah, they show the balista that kills dragons in the intro sequence in King's Landing.

One dragon will survive to King's Landing and then Qyburn will use the balistas to take it out.

In the end there will be no dragons because a point needs to be made that people follow Dany even without dragons.

>he comes back from the dead to end the crazy women's reign of terror

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dany will kill jon snow, reforging lightbringer, becoming azor ahai, and the rightful queen of westeros

Why can't he warg into the future?

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They'll win because the Night King lets them.
>it's a hard-won victory, the dead retreat
>they all think someone else killed the Night King
>they all reconvene in the godswood
>"but I thought he would've come here" "he must've stayed behind the lines"
>bran says "he was never here at all"
>they piece together that Winterfell was nothing but a diversion to keep the army & the dragons distracted
>final shot of the episode is Viserion flying over KL


It's Easter and wishes just happen to be horses today, mine fren

he was never truly gone.

Why cant he warg into Ramsay and rape his sister?

I bet she got pregnant and now has Robert Barathean's bastard's baby in her.

What's supposed to be in this? It's the 2nd image from the original opening. The first one is the Doom of Valyria, and the one that follows this one is Robert's Rebellion.

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Only in the spin off books I've not read. There is a targ civil war and they clash mid air.

Tyrion will do something clever involving Bran. They spent all that time setting up how Tyrion is intelligent and then he sat down and learned Bran's story.

Remember, Melly saw his victory in the flames

No one's ever really gone

Is the show Israel Friendly?

Yeah but that would be boring so they won't do that.

>implying he didn't

this is what pisses me off, all these stroy lines,prophocys/hype/forshadowing that could of had a nice conclusion have now been scraped and everyone just killed off, just becuase they cant be arsed and we get a 6 episode season that took 2 years with minimal payoff

Shouldn't they just craft bow and arrow tips of Dragonstone? Wights literally disintegrate with it, Dany or Jon can take care of Viserion with a dragonstone spear or something.

You have a thing called the Neck, it was the only thing that stopped the fucking Andals
The North was lost the second the wall fell

looks like some people with a dragon, your retard

What am I looking at in this pic?

Left flank - Brienne/Jaime
Center - (Jon/Daenerys?)
Right - (Mormonts?)


No they don't.

All 3 dragons will be killed, signalling the end of the old.
Jon will also dissolve the concept of the iron throne.

WWs have to eat too, and they cant waste the upkeep money

>order some rando squire or house help to find 300 little blocks of exactly the same size
>make sure they're painted light blue
>no, not that blue, the other light blue
>no, THIS light blue
>do it all over again
>the light blue he chose does not look accurately light blue with candle light
>do it AGAIN
>arrange them all evenly dispersed
>okay, the meeting can start now
>hours wasted on blockgate

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No. Westerosi don't worship brown people.

Bronn could do it for shits and giggles.

Aegon the Conquerer taking over Westeros

>Shouldn't they just craft bow and arrow tips of Dragonstone?
but they are

This would be genuinely more kino then whatever we're gonna get

god you are stupid

>hurr the rape
Why do we meme this so hard. You faggots do realize he is talking about a future wedding of Sansas when all this shit is over with right? He is probably going to end up sacrificing himself, so he wont be there for the wedding hence why he told her.

With that said. Who do you guys think she marries in his vision?

they're dothraki...they demand to be first in battle and I don't think you'd convince them otherwise. They're proud and hotheaded, they want to be the tip of the army saving the world

The concept of the iron throne was already dissolved during the war of the five kings. It's fucking retarded that anyone even thinks they can unite the kingdoms still.


They haven't shown the Night King with those other white walkers, even though it was the perfect opportunity to mug for the camera.

He's on his way to KL while this is going on.

That way the allied forces win in the North, but then have to retake KL, where NK is sitting on the throne.

Melisandre saw his victory in the flames, she just didnt see he was dead before it

He cant see into the future you fucking sperg. Only the past.

>Night King breaches the gods wood, kills theon and co
>approaches Bran in his chair, faced away from the camera
>forcefully spins him around
>to his surprise, it's Tyrion wearing a wig holding bran's severed arm and a crossbow
>"Ice to meet you" he says, as he fires a dragon glass bolt into his heart
>"and who are you"

Obviously, but the writers are complete hacks.
Also mouthbreathers actually think the show will end with Jon on the throne so they will try to usurp that

I think you've nailed it. They need winterfell to have a battle, but without winning or losing, and they need to get Cersei involved somehow.
They'll head south to kill more people and expand the army of the dead. Maybe they'll attack the citadel given all the talk they did about destroying the memory of humanity or whatever.

Brienne/Jaime will be the left flank, Grey Worm the middle, and right will probably be the Vale guy or Jorah

Better question is. How does Dany know Theon and his sister? They've literally never met.

is this ion some youtube channel? link?

It's obvious as fuck that Dany is going to return to Essos to rule there while Jon is going to choose to dissolve the Iron Throne and the seven kingdoms.
The North already pretty much declared its independence and there's no way that can be reconciled.


yeah you're probably right, they might go for some democracy faggotry

They literally did you dumb ass. Theons sister is the one who helped ferry her to westeros.

they are going to wipe out the NK in 1 episode cause they have so little time left to deal with the other giant fucking fleet + Cersei story that has not been advanced at all.

>All 3 dragons will be killed, signalling the end of the old.Jon will also dissolve the concept of the iron throne.

Yes and invite the whole population of Essos over so everyone can be diverse. Within 100 years Westeros will be clown world.

NK wants Bran
not kill him
but to free him of the curse
this is what NK has wanted all along

faggot ass 3eyed raevens tho dont wanna give up sole access to ancient internets tho so they been avoiding him
Brans already disgusted with himself to how many faps hes had over Sansarape
and now having access to Arya porn is too much
so hes gonna give in and free the NK, eliminating the dead army

but after he saves copies of Sansa rape and Arya sex .mem files onto his Hordor drive

Edmure Tully will ride with his army from Riverrun and save the day

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I have a question for bookfags.

Did anyone bring up the parallels with the Mountain getting zombified and looking and acting very similar to the white walkers?
Did Qyburn use ancient magic to keep him alive. It seems like a very odd coincidence that he's revived and looks and acts in a very similar way AND will be defeated by fire.

Send Jorah, Jaime, Theon, and Beric against the night king. One of them will be revealed as the Azor Azhai and will end the war while the other three die.

They couldve just given everyone at winterfell one of these things, then they line up making an impenetrable wall. All they have to do is keep thrusting the things simultaneously since all the walkers can do is walk up to them, since they dont have bows or anything like that

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Well, Game of Thrones has a lot black comedy after all

Fucking THIS. There is 3 episodes left and ALOT of ground to cover. I have a terrible feeling these last few episodes will feel rushed as fuck. Even worse than they have been here lately in general. And if thats the case i have a sneaking suspicion even normies will pick up on it and the shows reputation will be trashed in the very last season.

That would be more retarded than all their other ideas combined.

They declared independence and then the king in the north bent the knee to the dragon queen.
That's pretty reconciled unless Salsa decides to take control after it's revealed that Jon is a Targaryan and has no claim to Winterfell.

More importantly, where the fuck is Cleganebowl?

first he bathes in a lake and shows his cgi penis

but its a nonfactor cause marc antony already showed his in a previous episode, no cgi


Azor Ahai is bullshit, all you need is twenty good men.

Magic vs Science

The Maesters are more scientists and doctors.

essos is unironically more civilized compared to the degenerate inbreeds of westeros

NK heads down to KL, wipes out the ironborn fleet (which has nothing to do anyway) and attacks King's Landing.
Brings the winter there (as per Dany's vision of KL being snowed in and abandoned) and sits on the throne.

That way we can get an epic melee combat between him and Jon in the throneroom in front of the throne.
I bet the NK also dies by being impaled on the chair.


>3 episodes left
Isn't this a 6 episode lot

Episode 6, it's the true climax of this season

Fuck off with your autistic drawings arya

Please, please, please let this be so

well after this ep, it's ep 4 of 6.

that gives them 2 episodes to deal with the golden fleet and Cersei before the finale. and to resolve the throne situation.

there is no fucking chance this fight lasts 2+ episodes.

>If only Kircheis was here

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Pretend that all characters from S1E1 are still alive. Pretend that all characters are united in fighting against the undead and there are no politics/egos involved.

Who are the commanders you will put in charge of the army?

Commander-in-chief: Tywin Lannister
Strategist: Tyrion Lannister
Left: Stannis B.
Center: Robb Stark
Right: Blackfish
Infantry captain: Selmy
Calvary captain: Drogo

>sneaking suspicion even normies will pick up on it and the shows reputation will be trashed in the very last season.
user I have yet to see a show with more than 5 seasons end in a way that people actually universally praised.

They always end with people saying "well that last few seasons really dropped in quality"

this is worse than capeshit

Fuck my bad for some reason I was thinking this was ep 3. But even still 4 episodes to wrap this shit up

what if the Night King finds the graves of Ramsey and his 20 good men?

it's kinda like lost. all that hype for it to be "it wuz alla dream lol"

Every WW has a spear meaning dragons are screwed.

fire bad

the undead can use weapons, no reason they wouldn't have bows

Stop speedwatching you fucking moron

Why doesn't Dany just brap in the dragon's face and then have it spew fire to make a huge brapsplsion in the direction of the night king?

They all die there is no way to beat the Whitewalkers since they have superhuman physical abilities.

Ros is best for every position.

*anime laugh*
you think that can against me? -night king

Why didn't they just dig a moat of dragon glass?

Have you actually read the Art of War?

Sansa is not having any of it and once Dany loses her dragons AND most of her dothraki she has no way to project power. And she's definitely not savvy enough in politics do dictate terms.
Dissolving the seven kingdoms is already a done deal. The only thing Dany can do to save face is to return to Essos and rule there, where all those brown people worship her anyway.
She literally has no sway in Westeros and now Jon is a superior Targ anyway.

Is this some Matrix Revolutions bullshit where he has to be absorbed by the dude to truly beat him? Cause thats what it feels like.

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Calm down, Illidan.

technically John still has some claim to Winterfell and the North since he's also half Stark and is the oldest male alive of the Stark line after Rob died

unless women can inherit winterfell too if that's the case who gives a shit

not really no

Night king avoids Bran, goes to catacombs, takes little Sam and leaves.

night king is going to raise the dead from the crypts. The madman will finally kill fat gilly and get craster's last son

I love the constant...
Shit's not gonna happen. They're not gonna do it, because there's been no lead up to it. Screencap this, prove me wrong at the end of the season.

You get attainded by the king or his hand. It strips noblemen and knights of rank, land and income. See when Ned Stark is in the throneroom just before Robert dies and the Mountain had just attacked the Riverlands.

yes really

>dragonglass kills Walkers because in the ASOIAF universe, obsidian is like crystallized magic flame or some bullshit and the antitheses of crystal magic ice people or whatever they are
>dragonglass does not kill wights because they're simply animated corpses, extremely dangerous because the only way to kill them is to completely hack them apart or burn them, and there are untold thousands of them

>dragonglass kills wights because ?????
>not really elaborated on how it works, or how hard you need to hit them, like do you need to scratch their bone marrow with an obsidian knife or does touching them cause them to ragdoll

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>Essos is civilized.

You must be watching and reading something different to me.

>Slavery is legal, where in Westeros you lose your head for slaving
>Dothraki roaming around killing and pillaging what ever they can
>(((Bankers))) hauled up in Bravos, protected by assassins and armies, while they fund wars all over the world
>Bunch of people worshiping demons and sacrificing children's penises to them (Varys)

Westeros might have wars going on, but its still more civilized.

What is the Night King's tax policy?

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No matter what happens, most people will be disappointed. That's why this is the best season.

He's half Stark, but that half didn't have a cock so nobody cares. Only the father's name matters.

>If the night king can 360 noskope one of Dannys dragons

>imagining the NK glitching out spinning in circles darting around the battle field chucking a zillion spears and 1 shotting all the main characters

why dont they just make dragonglass white phosphorous using a catapult and crushed glass

Ramsay has to be pieced together from dog shit so he can only come back as some clayface-like entity.

The Mountain's "revival" only comes up at the very end of book 5, and no one really knows about it yet.

There's no way this won't be cringe as fuck, right?

Muh 10 gorrilion years

LITERALLY because lighting stuntmen on fire is too hard/expensive and having dragonglass kill them is easier to film.

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She can't return to Essos, it was retaken in the books and returned to slavery. They won't mention it in the show cause muh slavery is all.

They're fuckin zombies, too retarded to use bows,

What happened to Rickon, anyway?

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I'm fine with dragonglass killing wights. Just imagine that the dragonclass dispels the invisible magic animating the undead.

>Jon gets executed by Daenerys
>survives the dragons fire
>pulls out a sword

>"There will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword."

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please go back

>Be slave
>white woman shows up and frees you and says she will protect you
>white woman soon leaves
>Be slave again but now your mastery hate you more

Kind of a science utilizing magic I think. GRRM stated he wants magic to be "logically coherent" as opposed to most works where it's literally pull bananas out of your ass because you said magic words.
Qyburn has been murdering people (pregnant women in particular IIRC) so presumably he's figured out some of the blood magic bullshit and transferring souls into the mountains half corpse through sacrifices.

Fuck em till they're dead.

>>Jon gets executed by Daenerys
>>survives the dragons fire
Ok now that would undoubtedly be fuckin kino, they don't have the balls to do that

>Ramsay comes back as an undead pile of dogshit and fucks Sansa again

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That didn't stop them from hacking down wights by the fucking hundreds at Hardhome with completely mundane weapons.
Tormund and Karsi literally just stabbing them to death while all the dragonglass was in the hut.

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I feel like from the start the should have fled back to the twins.
> #1 Natural barriers
> #2 Its warmer and the Night Kings power is weaker
> #3 Possible fall back option for continued resistance
> #4 Supply lines and possible more reinforcements

Possible issues with falling back, that might not have been covered.
> #1 Magic Tree might be too important to abandon
> #2 Cersei would have a more easy opportunity to hit them from behind, although i doubt she would do it before they had a fight with the Night King
> #3 River Land people might be bitches
> #4 it might have been hard to evacuate some people south in time or something

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Keep wishing.
At this point, they've shit over all the good stuff the books set up.

You know she will say something snarky to Jamie about it too.

It almost like A Song Of Ice & Fire

Would've worked if Jon hadn't already told her his birth name. If she had just betrayed him because everyone wanted him to be king after he kills NK or something. Too late now

>Its warmer and the Night Kings power is weaker

Winter and darkness follow the Night King everywhere he goes tho.

Riverrun or the Vale would have been the best place to fight. Riverrun is surrounded by a moat, and those niggers cant swim. Only worry is the NK's Dragon.
Vale is similar where the castle sits on top a mountain, and there is only one way up.

Anyone got that Totally Accurate Battle Simulator and some high end PC?

Attached: totally-accurate-battle-simulator-08.jpg (1920x1080, 339K)

>they piece together that Winterfell was nothing but a diversion to keep the army & the dragons distracted
>final shot of the episode is Viserion flying over KL
But this doesn't really make sense either. NK doesn't need a distraction to take out KL. He would just go and do it. Its not like anyone could stop him, and its not like Dany would be able to watch him / fly there in time

its the new gods. •The Father•The Mother•The Maiden•The Crone•The Warrior•The Smith•The Stranger. the new gods are/were real people. the heroes faded into legend from the last long night.

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If they are cavalry, what the fuck are they doing front and center of their formation? They're boxed in and can't do shit there, cavalry are for breaking the enemy flanks

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Pussies. They only have 2d6 defence, man.

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Did you forget the battle of the bastards already? According to D&D
>send the cavalry in first as the opening to any engagement
>nobody ever uses traditional cavalry weapons like lances because horses are literally only used to run people over
>a cavalry charge, especially if it's nothing but light cavalry, can easily break through and overrun a static defense of heavy infantry armed with pikes and spears

Yes but your forgetting about ser bronn

That is why I suggested the Twins, its the edge of the Riverlands with a natural barrier. I would likly try to see if I could kill the night king or pick of wights but not hold too hard. Then would prefer to fall back to the Vale if it goes to shit, but The Westerlands has some good options.

I understand darkness fallows the night king, but he made his move when winter came, so I would assume that hs is weaker towards the hotter places of the world.

>death and taxes are certain
>therefor no taxes, turning westeros into a fridged ancapistan

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Quick, try to match the gods to the remaining characters.
>The Father
>The Mother
>The Maiden
>The Crone
>The Warrior
>The Smith
>The Stranger

That was the best I could do, but only a few really fit.


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Wouldn't the stranger be more fitting to Bran. Since he is not Bran anymore but the 3 eyed raven and hence a "Stranger"

That also kinda works. Like I said there are only a few real fits. I went with Arya because it's unclear whether that's really Arya or not.

Speaking of which, when Arya took her shirt off they seemed to be drawing attention to some scars on her side. Is there some significance to this? Did Arya not have these scars implying it's not Arya?

Didn't she get stabbed and nearly die in Bravos? Its probably just scars from that.

I don't really believe in the theory that Arya is someone else with her mask.