who will they cast in the inevitable recast
reminder that Chris Hemsworth is considered a "Hunk" for a majority of the female and male moviegoers
Hemsworth wants nothing to do with Larson
Other urls found in this thread:
Beta Ray Bill?
Or maybe just crash the franchise completely by passing the mantle to nig Valkyrie.
Yeah larson is a sjw self important bitch, you can tell she pissed the og avengers off and is not let into there clique. Cringefest all round
>Chris Hemsworth was thrilled to be cast as Terry Gene Bollea in the upcoming Hulk Hogan biopic
hes secretly redpilled
i thought it was a meme
he actually hates her?
Where did this woman even come out from? She looks so utterly plain and boring. She feels like any random person you'd bump into a supermarket or whatever. Totally forgettable.
She won an Oscar or something.
Stories about the existing actors not liking Brie or wanting her as the New Face of the franchise have been around for a while.
I was just looking at her profile and what the fuck even are those movies and series she's been into? A bunch of literal who stuff and then there is this oscar in 2016.
Is she the daughter of (((someone))) powerful or something?
If dubs Hemsworth will play Batman
Would an user mind sharing some?
>Is she the daughter of (((someone))) powerful or something
Wasn't she one of Harvey's concubines?
She used to be cute
Is she? That would certainly explain things. The thing is that even she legit feels like an NPC in the sense that literally anyone could fill her role just fine. It's almost as if they were looking for the plainest person possible when deciding to cast her. Her acting is unremarkable, her body is completely unappealing, she has a blocky minecraft tier butter face and suddenly she just gets thrown at the very top of the avengers just like that? This is just too weird.
Why is this website so obsessed with Brie Larson?
I genuinely think she has a defect like aspergers.
If you are down to eat weinstien type asshole you get whatever role you want
Source: My Ass: The Thread
If that's true, the reason why is that she's never given him signals that she's attracted to him, and that's unheard of for him and it offends him.
Also that he has a little crush on her particularly because he thinks he can't have her.
I get the vibe she’s an annoying bitch and he is snarky around her 24/7 because he’s to dumb/ to chad to get the whole women’s liberation thing. Everyone else seems to be quiet around her and kiss her ass
Nah, he definitely understands how bitchy she is. He just doesn't give a fuck. Should he stop making jokes just because some cunt takes offence to them? No. That's Bries problem if she gets triggered by stupid shit.
Guys dont care if a girl is annoying if she's pretty. If she pays him the kind of attention he's used to then she can do whatever the hell she wants - he wont care about politics or personality.
If the guys are put off by her (I'm talking Evans and Hemsworth) 99% it's because shes not responding to their usual shit that works on all other women. It confuses them. Theyll think shes cold or a bitch and ultimately theyll conclude that she must be a lesbian, because no straight woman EVER ignores their charms like that.
if only they did it the easy way
She was great in that movie... Playing an unlikable cunt. Wasn't to much of a stretch for her tho
that would be so sick. If this was all some long game to get us interested in MCU X-men, then we good lol
It would be hell to live around a person like that really. Why do Marvel decide to let toxic personality like her in is beyond me.
The Thor / Captain Marvel rivalry is obviously viral marketing, and is actually genius considering they are the two most powerful Avengers.
Nah, it's just Team Incel continuing their gossip-level agenda again. Every little grimace or expression on an actor in an interview gets this grand conspiracy built up around it supposedly about a division between Larson and the rest of the MCU cast.
All wildly autistic speculation arising from a single source that's been dumping on the Captain Marvel movie since it began production.
Harvery's girls often turn ultra feminist after they become famous.
Watson, Lawrence, Larson
hey man, don't shit on spergs like that.
It's the same faggots behind those endless anti-CM youtube videos constantly spamming their crap everywhere in hope of actually hitting double figures of outraged people.
>they are the two most powerful Avengers.
That's Wanda
Explain tranny
Sorry, I should have said most powerful living Avengers. spoiler: Scarlet Witch died in Infinity War. Not sure if you saw that.
If Hemsworth wants a career he better be nice to her
After the smash hit of Captain Marvel, Brie rules the MCU and makes the rules. With a snap of her fingers, Hemsworth would be kicked out of the industry
Brie and Chris exchanged some banter and sarcasm with eachother. Of course for the autists who don't know to interact with other humans in a meaningful way, this must mean that she's a nasty SJW and that the Avengers cast hate her.
God damn, anti-SJWs are so fucking irritating.
You're reading too much into what she and Hemsworth say, and getting it wrong. You're seeing things that aren't really there and appear to be unable (or unwilling?) to separate fact from your own imaginary fantasy. A lesser form of political conspiritardism that Alex Jones and co. espouse.
In other words, you're over reacting like some tumblrina - you've whined and bitched about the SJW's so much over the past two years that you're turned into one.
Chris very clearly hates her from the clips in this thread alone and he isn't doing much to hide it. There's a difference between banter between two friends and jabs between people who hate each other, you would pick up on it if you weren't an NPC
I honestly think she's the most exciting part of the MCU honestly. I don't really understand the hate she has received.
>Incels are triggered by Brie Larson Thread#16976972
For fuck sake. You guys need to seek mental help
Cool projection mate
>n-no u
Every time, without fail
>no u = calling you out on your shitty projections
he wants nothing to do with a coalburner? good.
What about Hawkeye? Why was the interview with Renner so bizarre also?
"Projection" is literally just "no u" dressed up for pseudointellectual use, so yes. Epic Reddit meme by the way.
>Projection" is literally just "no u"
Is english your 4th language?
>"No, you."
is a lame ass childish retort.
We're directly calling you out on your projection - it's not a retort. You are deliberately misreading what is said and conjuring up this idea that the MCU cast hate her, with only a few videos of interviews, edited to take things out of context, to back your supposed point up.
These arguments just keep getting better and better. Yet another excellent plebbit meme to boot. Unless your next reply is worth the bits it's written in this is your last (You).
It just sounds like you're a fucking moron who literally doesn't understand what the term "projection" means dude.
It's fabricated drama you fucking retards
imagine being this triggered
I didn’t see that. Post link?
Bried and Larspilled
>y-y-you guys are autist it was a joke!
>everyone laughed at those hilarious jokes
>isnt like the entire youtube and twitter call her a bitch, its just Yea Forums i swear :( h-h-have sex
Just like Brie
>recast because someone that is done with capeshit after endgame hates her
>dude our billion dollar actors hate each other
>but if you watch the movie we're marketing you'll never know cause they read prewrote parts
What's the advantage of this. Turning fans against each other? Huge sales of behind the scenes footage?
Nah annoying / bitchy women that are pretty don’t get a pass they get pumped and dumped and/or outright ignored
His sister-in-law is Mikey Cyrus, he knows the end result of womans-lib.
The 'have sex' meme has never been more relevant than with this thread. When was it that /r9k/ took over 4channel?
Fucking retards it really hurts knowing you're full of shit and those rumors are fake when I want them to be real so bad, stop making those threads
who the fuck are you? what the fuck are you even talking about? You have never in your life, never not once met these people
Jesus I honestly don't even want to know what you look like
im just wondering what kind of person would write something like that - and actually think it too.
And no, i don't agree with most anyone in this thread. Most people here are dumb dumbs
Wanda will return. Lord Chthon has foreseen it.
He'll also give Vision a new soul in the Disney Plus series.
I think the cast may be annoyed with her, but I doubt they passionately hate her.
There are three main factors to this.
First of all, you have actors that have been working together on projects for a decade that have formed their own work cliques and Brie had the misfortune of being cast in a solo film with no sidekicks or team to speak of outside of the designated friend character and a magic cat. Samuel L. Jackson is the only carryover to other films but someone like him isn't in the business of paling around with women several decades his junior.
Second is the office politics angle, Iger outlines it right in his Tweet. Disney, Marvel, and Feige want to shill Carol as hard as they can to turn it into the female Black Panther in terms of viewership. They want her to be the new face of the MCU when Iron Man and Cap inevitably die in Endgame, and Carol Danvers will do what Carol Danvers does best and kill all interest in the property by being aggressively feminist and turning everyone hardest SJWs off the franchise.
And the final piece of the puzzle is Brie Larson herself. Since minute zero she has been adamant about how she doesn't care about your white male opinion. She's an aggressive, high strung personality in a franchise where everyone's just trying to have a good time and get paid a fuckton doing it. Even Michael B. Jordan, her closest analog, was surprisingly tame during the Black Panther press tour, and even in his more #woke moments he never said white boys shouldn't see his movie. Brie Larson desperately wants to be the star of Black Panther for women, because those are social justice points she can cash in for the rest of her life, and Marvel wants it too.
So that pisses people who've put a decade of their lives into this project right the fuck off, because not only is she being courted by the studio and given top treatment despite being the newest addition, she's also a colossal bitch on top of it. It's a TLJ tier recipe for disaster!!!FACT!!!
>Where did this woman even come out from? She looks so utterly plain and boring. She feels like any random person you'd bump into a supermarket or whatever. Totally forgettable.
This slag was homeschooled which explains why she's an autistic bitch. She's NEVER faced adversity, been challenged and had everything handed to her. So she expects everyone to kiss her ass and when they don't she turns into a cuntish brat. Her parents also divorced when she was young which explains why she's a "feminist" (all of whom hate Daddy aka "THE PATRIARCHY!!!") and fucks niggers.
Furthermore, Hollywood (((executives))) have been fucking this skank since she was a child which is why they've been relentlessly shilling her. They tried to make her a TV star, then a popstar, now they gave her an Oscar and a billion dollar grossing movie as the new lead of the biggest film franchise in history, all unearned.
Seriously, she must have MAJOR dirt on some powerful people because she's a complete and utter zero charisma non-entity!!!FACT!!!
>That's Wanda
They should have kept her alive and used her in place of Captain Bitchface. They have the same powers, more or less, and she'd be, you know, AVENGING the death of Vision. NOPE. Cast ugly block head scowling cunt whose personality is soo shit it oozes out of her feet!!!FACT!!!
God I hated this film so overrated I thought the girl playing his sister was the best
Why not just have Rogue steal her powers?
Haha two hunks who could have any woman would give this Norma a second look
>You're reading too much into what she and Hemsworth say
Look at EVERY SINGLE INTERVIEW where the regular cast are together and they get along great. But the second this fucking slag is on the scene you get an intense vibe that they hate her fucking guts because they know she's going to say something cuntish which she always does. Why do you think NONE of the women in the MCU want anything to do with her and don't do interviews with her?!?FACT!!!
brie is not cute.
Samuel L has been in several Brie Larson movies and the two are friends. Shit he was in that awful Unicorn Store movie just for her.
Everyone fucking hates her. Just watch their interviews together.
When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside
the black guy reeaaallly hates her
>"don't touch me! what did i say about touching me?"
I thought there was a genuine event or something but it's just usual drama queens talking out their ass apparently.
Agree, she seems to always cross the line of acceptability in little ways.
That's not how it works at all m8. Good looking guys don't give girls any leeway, they drop them the second they turn bitchy.
That's why the girls bottle it all up and vent their bitchiness on someone else so they don't combust.
I get the impression from that interview that Don Cheadle hates her more than Hemsworth, he is shaking his head and giving her disapproving looks throughout the whole thing
>imagine being this triggered
You literally see don cheadle tell her no touching. You can't be this willfully ignorant
>Samuel L has been in several Brie Larson movies and the two are friends.
She's fucking him because she hates her Daddy like all so-called "feminists"!!!FACT!!!
maybe hemsworth is close to done with avengers
and gets replaced with beta ray bill
....or brie larson femthor...
Could have been, should have been Olsen in Endgame instead of Captain "No Fun" Fungi!!!FACT!!!
>brie is not cute.
Indeed and she never has been!!!FACT!!!
lol this attempt at sounding like a man isn't working there femcel.
Haven't the comics replaced Thour with Lady Thor now?
They could could give the thor series the shot in the arm it needs if it was now Emma Watson running around in "empowering" skimpy armour.
all female MCU would be fatal to it.
post feet, Brie.
I don't know why you guys keep posting Chris's video when Don reaction is much more clear that the cast doesn't like her? Even a black guy want nothing to do with her.
>ywn be creepyincelman
Gives me an extra boost when I see Captain Marvel threads.
I honestly don't know how he lives with himself, he's so delusional I think he needs professional help.
>Literally just re-signed his marvel contract.
>Done with Capeshit.
Based retarded Brie shill.
>this is what ugly annoying bitches actually believe
Toppest of keks
every hero is slut bait since suicide squad, bend over bitch
why would you use diversity flag there
>implying any of these actors would care about her
She's a 5/10 at BEST and they can get pretty much anyone and will have had girls leagues ahead of her in personality and looks
>no-no that's why they want her because they cant have her!
Nah mate, I have a girl mate in our group who is about as attractive as her if not slightly better but she is an absolutely insufferable cunt. Therefore extremely unattractive to everyone. Get out more faggot.
>it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for a woman to have an offputting personality
>it's all men's fault
listen to you
Imagine being this dumb.
>Imagine being this dumb.
I'm sure you don't have to imagine.
Also, to those of you who support Captain Marvel, what do you think has been accomplished? It made money because morons like you were suckered with political propaganda used to shield a shitty movie from criticism.
You're soo fanatical about your ideological dogma that you give Hollywood multi-millionaires even more money for paying lip service to your causes.
You hate white straight men because Daddy didn't hand you a trust fund while you add nothing to civilization and bring it to ruin.
Captain Marvel making money doesn't change anything while you wallow in your own stupidity like pigs in shit!!!FACT!!!
Literally just banter
>Yea Forums is still obsessed with Brie Larson
She's bragging that her character is the strongest like some autist lmao
Imagine how much jew cock she must of sucked to get where she is, considering she is ugly af.
Realistically they need to get rid of her and make goth titty monster Rogue the new lead.
>Guys dont care if a girl is annoying if she's pretty.
lol you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
>>Yea Forums is still obsessed with Brie Larson
Briefags hate their Daddy who didn't buy them a pony!!!FACT!!!
Meanwhile in real life Chris Hemsworth could probably lift her off the ground by the neck with one hand.
People need to remember movies are make believe.
>When you are an autist and pretend to understand social cues
Jesus christ this is real
>all this textbook projection
you just switched the names
Tell that to the actors
>it's real
Holy shit what the fuck
I don't think it's unreasonable to say that marvel would sooner burn through their entire wealth of cash than commit an act of misogyny
A woman typed this
>using gay as a slur
fuck off to /pol/ you nazi. i hope you and your family die a horrible death.