Actors whose presence alone convinces you to watch something

Actors whose presence alone convinces you to watch something

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Jake g


ROb Schneider

Watched a most wanted man do to this guys magic spell.

Literally one of the worst movies I've ever seen

God I miss him so much.

Jack Lemmon
William Holden
Marcello Mastroianni

Christian Bae

based and bobpilled

>wowie this worthless junkie fatfuck is pretending really good! omg wow it's like he's really angry and sad omgggggg :-O

Shut shut shut shut shut up

>not appreciating the craft
>unironically pleb and proud
go make a boondock saints thread on reddit

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By order of the Peaky fookin Bloindaz

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Colin Farrell
Brenden Gleeson
Daddy Gibson of course

i thought it was alright, i love spy movies though

Never seen Boondock Saints, faggot, I bet you have. I watch Brakhage and Bruce Nauman, you watch PHILLIP SEYMOUR HOFFMANNN PTA WES ANDERSON pleb shit. Neck.


Ummm are you aware that this guy is dead?

I watched Before the Devil Knows your Dead recently and honestly PSH was one of the greats he basically acts everyone else in the movie under the fucking table. Marisa Tomei, Ethan Hawke, who aren’t anything to scoff at themselves.

Nic Cage, Sam Niell

You're sad and lonely. It's okay.

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These and also
>Joaquin Phoenix
>Gary Oldman

Made even this movie watchable.

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did you like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy?

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Jake Gyllenhaal

Homer Simpson live action when?

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Kino scene-stealing in The Talented Mr Ripley.

Paul giamati

>57 bags of heroin

agreed. what films is he in this year?

Dude on the left, of course.

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but right nonetheless

if you haven't seen "Breakdown" check it out, maybe my favorite kurt russel movie.

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I was really pleasantly surprised to see him in Red Dawn

and maybe Buscemi

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