Rome Thread


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Early stages of shitposting! The sneed threads had not yet begun.

You stupid slut what where you thinking

Atia should have been Octavian's first instead of sending him to a brothel

What was the best bromance in the series?

Vorenus and Pullo
Vorenus and Antony
Octavian and Pullo

Vorenus and Antony vs Vorenus and Pullo is a tough one.

Gaius Julius Caesar and a consul of Rome

It comes down to those two for me as well, although Octavian and Pullo were there for the sake of completeness.


It would have to go to Vorenus and Pullo.

Vorenus was a loyal soldier but I don't believe he would have willingly broken sacred Roman Law for Antony (Crossing Rubicon didn't count because he was injured). Where he jumped in a sanctioned death sentence for Pullo.

Shame, shame on house Sony

How was the reunion of Brutus and GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR in The Terror?



Attached: vorenus dab.png (617x422, 414K)

Every second of The Terror was kino

Attached: The Terror Episode 1.mkv_snapshot_03.57.065.jpg (1920x1080, 271K)

They were both degenerates though.

If there were to be a Rome sequel, what would be the best time period for it to take place in?

Barbarian invasions

The Punic Wars following Scipio Africanus would be kino

They should do one about Justinian in Eastern Rome.

The age of Constantine
Crisis of the Third Century would be kino but would be too much of a clusterfuck

The Byzantines were pretty wacky with their habit of chopping off people's noses and ears.

Yeah and they had massive riots over Chariot races, the Empress was a whore, generals off larping in Italy, plague, religious zealotry, great timeline for a series.

Was Belisarius /ourguy/?

>Crisis of the Third Century
>The Crisis of the Third Century, also known as Military Anarchy or the Imperial Crisis (AD 235–284), was a period in which the Roman Empire nearly collapsed under the combined pressures of barbarian invasions and migrations into Roman territory; civil wars; peasant rebellions; political instability with multiple usurpers competing for power; growing influence and Roman reliance on barbarian mercenaries (foederati) and commanders nominally working for Rome, but increasingly independent; plague; debasement of currency; and economic depression. The crisis began with the assassination of Emperor Severus Alexander by his own troops in 235. This initiated a 50-year period during which there were at least 26 claimants to the title of emperor, mostly prominent Roman army generals, who assumed imperial power over all or part of the Empire. The same number of men became accepted by the Roman Senate as emperor during this period and so became legitimate emperors.

My first thought is what the fuck. My second is that it would be make for some great television.

He would have conquered Italy if it wasn't for the peasant shits