Post a movie/tv show that you're pretty sure no one else has thought about today

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I was thinking of Loopie one of these days

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Wrong. I literally said earlier today on Yea Forums that Action League Now was one of the best Nicktoons

Someone posted the melty guy from action league in the body horror movie thread earlier today.

i was actually thinking about this show about an hour ago. not even canadian but goddamn i loved this cartoon.

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Prometheus & Bob was the best recurring segment


i bet no one thought of this show today

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Also incorrect, I watched toonami promos with reboot on youtube today

Same guy as btw

You need to step up your game, thread

I first knew of this show from hentai

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Godard's Pierrot le Fou

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most popular Godard bro

thanks gonna go watch this on youtube

I want to fuck Ruri Hoshino

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Didnt think about it today but thats a pretty damn comfy show

truly based

if anyone remembers jibber jabber i’ll give them the succ of their life

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Do not lewd the ruriruri

Too early in the year for anyone to think about this

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not a chance

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I was talking to my friend earlier today about Clarence's Special Report on Compelling Television

I do, the story about pirates, but it is a very vague memory.

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