Bad... Really bad.
How the fuck can they look into the mirror at the end of the day?
Bad... Really bad.
How the fuck can they look into the mirror at the end of the day?
Other urls found in this thread:
i can't tell if this is the best line of the entire series or the worst line of the entire series
>They call me Giant's Bane. Want to know why? I killed a giant when I was 10. Then I climbed right into bed with his wife. When she woke up, do you know what she did? Suckled me at her teat for 3 months, thought I was a baby. That's how I got so strong, giant's milk
top tier, actually made me laugh the first time this season
I think the dragon was trying to tell him that’s his aunt fucking sickos
Jamie Lannister would never fucking say "I'd be honored to serve under you" to anyone. All to make sure everyone knows there are strong womxn
Tormund Redditsbane
This is so pretentious! Infuriating to say the least. How could be the thought of dying in battle be new to any knight? Jaime was looking at Bran like a scared child.
>How do you know there is an afterwards?
i was really hoping jaime would get to winterfell and win everyone over by being an arrogant prick and pointing out stupid tactical mistakes they were making.
The show has been made for women for the last 4 seasons my dude
I guarantee you that the battle of winterfell will be quips galore
>I did not sign up for this
>we’re gonna need a bigger dragon
Wouldn’t surprise if lyanna or the night king ssuddenyl started cracking jokes
Why are all the main characters wandering aimlessly the whole time while everyone else's working on something??
Did you guys notice that every conversation starts with someone bringing up a petty grudge even if it's completely out of character?
>things I do for love
>When I heard you named Tyrion your hand it broke my heart
>Bran is confronted by the Night King in the God's Wood
>"Ice of you to stop by"
was unironically a pretty funny moment.
But they had to go the extra mile and have Redditmund spilling his fucking drink and Davos quipping to the sound of a missing laugh track
>The elite do nothing while the peasants do all the work
Do you live under a rock?
This was one of the only good comedic lines in the past two episodes imo
The was the ONLY good line in this season
You have to realize normies don't rewatch anything and obviously don't think about anything after its went through one ear. So any writer who knows their audience knows they need to sort of retell the story at every point.
Take the jorah scene for example, Great example. How many normies completely forgot about Jorah, let alone that he was dany's right hand man who was effectively replaced by tyrion.
did you forget the whole part of his character arc where he gets humbled by losing his hand?
here's every scene ever this season
>it's been a while
>you were a different man last time
>many years have passed
>things have changed
>here we are now
he tells more of these kind of tall tales in the books
he told this story before. a lot of the shit this season has been on the show before. like the writers were super fucking lazy about writing new shit.
i dont recall him telling this story. the only story i recall is the one where he fucked a bear
I know, but the situation and reactions of the people contrasting with how proud he is works really well
You're forgetting the only real option
So you’re saying that it’d make more sense for Jamie to get to kings landing and boss people around who don’t know/fucking hate him and his family rather than offer advice and be humble to those who had already personally fought the Night Kings army like 4 times?
Are you regarded as a retard in your day to day activities or just online?
So fucking bad. These kikes suck.
>I hated you but now we need to work together
Bravo dabid
Winterfell *
>cool party
if hes pointing out massive fuckups on their part then yea theyre going to realize they need him.
he doesnt seem to be giving anyone advice, hes just there... he should be giving jon and dany tactical advice, not sulking behind brienne
>"Long time no see."
>"Heh, long time no see."
>"What a long, strange road it's been."
>"Tell me about it."
>"It's a long story."
>"I've got time."
>"Time is running out."
>"But at least we'll always have tonight."
>"Yes, truly, this has been a Game of Thrones."
>[Closing Credits]
Pretty much.
The only true king of the seven kingdoms, jon sn*w is a little bitch
danny should have instakilled jamie, no trial
they killed littlefinger for less
You realize the night kings army is just a horde of zombies that have no tactical or traditional battlefield planning. Essentially the NKs plan is to Zerg the fuck out winterfell to kill Bran with the unexpected undead dragon distracting the real dragons? What the fuck is Jamie going to suggest to change anything? He already lost to a dragon already last season and he had a dragon killing crossbow. Jamie is essentially nothing more than a propaganda tool for Dany/Jon after the battle again the NK. That’s all he’s really good for with one hand and no supporting armies or funds.
you know what? I wouldn't even be mad
Littlefinger did more to rescue Sansa and her family than Jaime even
Uncreative D&D ran out of source material from the actual mind behind the worldbuilding, resort to stupid nostalgia tropes that contrast horribly with the first few seasons. Honk honk.
>I'm not spending my final hours with you two old miserable shits
It wasn't funny, it was very reddit.
>he should be giving jon and dany tactical advice
Jaime can fight, but as a commander he lost to fucking robb
That line from Arya about faces of death was some real Coldsteel tier shit
jaime has fought in more wars than all of them and nearly won last season against dany. he would have plenty of advice, and just because zombies dont use traditional tactics doesnt mean the living dont need tactics to beat them
>instead of an ice wall, just dig a huge hole cutting the continent in half, and let it eternally on fire
Would this work?
>le non sequitor sex quip
unfunny and trite like this entire reddit series
The incest, Jon. It was beautiful.
Why didn't the wildings just light the woods on fire when the walkers were in there?
I really hope some of the main characters die off in a gruesome way next week.
Feels like since season 5 they haven't had a single "oh shit" scene. Hell, they didn't even show the final blow to Stannis.
They are tree hugger hipsters, that's expected.
Normal people shouldn't have that concern tough.
i feel like none of the death will be surprising since there are 4 episodes left
whenever two female characters have a scene the past couple of seasons it's always the writers shoehorning the same agenda over and over again instead of making them open up about stories or details about themselves to make them a lot deeper
the walkers and wights cant swim so just dig end to end until the oceans connect to each other. seems much easier than making a huge wall
based Illyn Payne finished off the faggot northener
Did Illyin just dissapierd from the show?
Yes, last seen in season 4
someone get him on the boat
An aunt might as well be miscegenation for the Targaryens
>Davos has to rise up to defend the women and children
>"I'm getting to old for this!"
>night King and Jon face to face ready for the fight of all fights
>the night King pauses, apparently to utter the first words he has uttered in centuries
>I thought you'd be taller
Literally done to appeal to roasties who fuck in front of their dogs despite dudes requests to put dog in the other room
He told it in the books, not the show
>He is my son
>My first son
Really? way to state the obvious. Is that really the best writing you could come up with?
Is this a thing?
Yes people have sex in front of their pets.
i would be satisfied with at least 30 min of intense dialogue regarding the preparation of the coming invasion.
1) how to counter the undead dragon
2) setting up reserve troops (most likely Calvary) to flank
3) apparently they are using bran as bait. how exactly would they use him and why would the night king go after bran first when he can just annihilate the castle (he's in a wheelchair after all)
4) castle defense
etc etc
Dude, I put my cat out of my room when I go masturbate. What kind of sick fuck have sex in front of their pets?
Youve never been with a woman?
this guy
Women do, regardless of how uncomfortable it makes you.
>can we put your pitbull outside so he doesn't bite my nuts off because he thinks I'm hurting you?
>oh it's fine don't worry
because the dog helps with licking
This scene unironically justified the entire show
>two characters finally meet
>some kind of confrontation happens between them
>que horns
>"lets talk about this later"
It's actually taken from the books.
oh god this scene, I felt like I was literally watching a soap opera
line of the show really
>night king captures Sam
>"give me your dragonglass dagger"
>and your other dagger
Is this a female power move?
You forgot:
>We're strong women ruling over men
>Strong....and wise
>faggot male characters:You are my queen my only queen and you are strong willed and can slay the entire army of the dead with just your stare and beauty
>We are women and women only will lead
>We women give orders, men are so brutish and stupid and easily manipulated
How much can you pander to stupid women?
No, women are just idiots.
Drop kick that dog out the door and rape her poontang
Why are you here and not preparing a new bingo board for 600lbs life? Its the season finale, man.
My thoughts exactly man
Did you miss the part where he retrains himself to fight and gains back his bravado through hard work?
guys. he died irl and non-book fags don't even know his name.
Davos will probably say "I'm getting to old for this". Oh wait he already did
Pretty amazing how women have completely taken over Star Trek, Dr. Who, Star Wars, Marvel and GoT all within the same year
Imagine how great the sex would be though
>he died irl
No he didn't you retard. He got cancer, actually fucking beat it, and petitioned to get back in the show which didn't work.
they already changed actors like with darius and mountain, and its not they not have extra money to cgi someone head
no way this is a real dialogue
kino headsman outfit
This shit is so fucking annoying. The "rule" was added by some dipshit American woman in the 1800s, and nobody gave a shit. Still, nobody gives a shit. Rules are added to language to make them clearer. This makes nothing clearer. It is totally fucking useless, and most people don't follow the "rule" anyway. It serves no purpose but to make people feel superior.
Fuck GoT for popularising this shitty rule. "10 items or less" is grammatically perfectly acceptable.
You fucking tards get so triggered whenever a woman is on screen. You can't even enjoy a fantasy show because everything just reminds you that you can't get laid
you forgot
>and who are you...
well i would add
>we are all going to die
and you are pretty much done
those times are over incel.
have sex
It's directly from the books. He changes his backstory a couple times kind of like the Joker explaining his scars in TDK. I thought it was a good piece of comedic timing in the episode. Also clearly they are telegraphing Jaime/Brienne feelings. The ONLY reason this Tormund/Brienne ship thing is happening is because they threw in a few flirty looks in Season 6 because Tormund's actor ad libbed them and it tested well with audiences, so it's kind of an improvised running gag. There is no thought behind it and anyone who seriously thinks Tormund/Brienne will happen is retarded
You think he’ll come back with his army from riverrun and save the day?
Longsword never used a sword in his life, har!
this is pure based man
t. obvious slayer
What's so reddit about tormund?
>I'm not the red woman take off your own pants
Literally makes no fucking sense in context. She diesnt know what happened between him and Melissandre.
>if you want me to apologize (for attacking Ned Stark), I won't. We were at war
Except you fucking weren't.
Eh, you could argue that capturing Tyrion was a declaration of war. Still a bitch move.
Bran probably casually mentioned it while wheeling himself to his next location to conveniently intercept someone.
Based Fitzjames always does what's right
Gendry said that the red woman stripped him down. Did you even watch the episode? The whole scene was super cringy but this is shitty criticism senpai
Died he die on the show?
Eh, it'll last two more years and then gays will infiltrate the media zeitgeist which will ironically piss off most of them as we return to traditional male empowerment in 2025
Why is everything lacking any kind of emotion in these episodes? These reunions had zero impact and the only thing that has gotten any response out of an actor was Sam crying over his brother. It's like all humanity has left the characters for no reason at all when it should be the opposite at a time of certain death.
ok, but
they do
he's dead now though.
Bad nu-male writers. These fuckers are so out of their depth with fatty's material gone. I thought Cogman was a bookfag but even his episodes come off as blatant fanfic now. .
I started trying to rewatch GoT before this season hit and really only got in a dozen episodes, it's hard finding the time to marathon the entire series to keep everyone's names straight.
>Women are strong and wise
>Still make stupid decisions
>Even dumbed down men make better decisions at this point
The writing is this retarded
Nah, he was last seen letting the Lannisters into Riverun after Jamie threatened to kill his newborn son.
So the show just forgot him aswell. Great. You'd think atleast Sansa the brilliant tactician would remind everyone her uncle is Lord of the Riverlands with a considerable host at his disposal.
I love when they get Tormund right. And Edd to boot!
>Why is everything lacking any kind of emotion in these episodes?
You are seeing the actors not the acting doing stuff.
the dragon demands has good videos on this.
I also hate how much they've botched Jon's grand reveal both to him and also now Dany. Literally the same exact exposition drop and some light reactions and end scene. No emotional weight whatsoever. No proper build-up. Jon could've told it in a way that Dany would've herself figured it out when he said Lyanna had a son with Rhaegar. Or atleast already suspected something was up with him when he effortlessly RODE A FUCKING DRAGON.
Bullshit. The actors are fine. But when your material is shit, there's only so much you can do. Just compare S1 Dany where it's clear what the script asks of her and now this confusing mess with Emilia lost on the shit writing. Same applies to Kit Harrington who always played it close to the books but is now losing ground to stand on.
>Did you bend the knee to save the North or cause you love her?
>What will happen to the North?
>That will make you the last male Targeryean heir
>[horn blows]
We can't have dialogue with actual substance. Let's just end every scene before the writers must come up with some proper characterization.
Also, notice how this episode near completely lacked battle logistics? Less depth than Rome Total War logistics.
I don't think you comprehend my post because you ultimately agree with what I said; when the plot is so shit, and the character development is as bad as in GOT, Actors start Emoting; that is that the audience starts seeing not the character, but just the actor doing stuff on screen time.
My plan years in the making has came to fruition. The Gendry Costume is Ready as are several Nerf Barathian War Hammers and I can quickly make the rumored Nerf Dragon Glass hammer.
At the cons they always make the on screen couples pose for pictures, reenact scenes and hang out together
Gendry may be the Hammer of the Waters, I'll be The Hammer of the Hymans,.. all the tiny, tight and tender Hymans and the Arya Cosplayers
That's cause it's basically a book line. In the book sometimes he's also called Tormund Giantsbabe.
That's because Stannis is still alive.
Ok I agree with that. I don't think these actors are playing their characters anymore because the writting is so poor and fanservice-oriented now.
Because they stopped journeying anywhere.
It wasn't about characters going somewhere as they all were in the same place (for the most part) and there wasn't any fighting.
It's harder for them to come up with drama or at least an interesting story around a bunch of characters that are just middling about in the same castle. Made the scenes by the fireplace honestly a highlight, as it was like a nice highlight reel of where these various characters had come from to get you caught back up while also indicating to the audience who was going to be around for the big battle in the next episode.
Like in the first season with Dany you had her introduced as needing to start traveling, then they're with these nomads traveling from one place to another. The effect of this being that they don't need to work as much on why the characters need to interact since it can be justified as them all having to travel so they're just riding alongside each other.
You can see where the storytelling gets weaker when the characters have to operate in the same setting for very long, like when Dany is stuck in Meereen. Like when some unsullied got attacked there you have to wonder what part of town it was, why did people side with the attackers, how did average people live and so on. With King's Landing you could fill in these blanks by saying it was like medieval European society since you could recognize architecture as 'good' or 'bad' for an area.
My cat literally climbs on my chest and watches me stroke my dick sometimes if I jack it in bed. It’s sort of annoying, but not weird at all.
>That will make you the last male Targeryean heir
Big emphasis on "male." First it was"fuck tradition" to make a female knight, the same progressive attitude about destroying norms and tradition will be brought up to make Dani ruler.
What would have been funny then? If he went on a rant about Iceniggers?
That's pretty fucking strange.
>but not weird at all
That’s a big claim
for you
>the dog pops a boner when the girl you're about to go down on goes on all fours
Mine does that too. It's just an animal; not worth getting ED over.
user, i...
lol he read books, what a nerd
I never realized how shit this show was until I came here
Not a line but the whole scene where Tyrion and Jaime get shitfaced and pretend to knight Brienne for the lulz and she gets all emotional about it like she hasn't learned a thing from Renly and his lords fake falling in love with her. Made me cringe because you know everyone will pretend it was sincere.
>i was enjoying this media until i let others opinions on it sway me because i am weak willed and now a sad individual
>thanks Yea Forums
how is Jaime going to die? Pic related
anyone else unable to watch this cringefest?
Seriously, bookfags are the worst. They're never getting another novel so all they do is spew hate at the show since its conception.
Granted, it's currently deserved. But stop watching if it makes you seethe so much! Bookfags are like white supremacists who can't stop sucking nigger dick, complain about it, and keep on suckin until all that black sperms plugs their brain.
More like
>I swore to kill you next time we met
>Well here we are now
>Unrelated side character, what do you think?
>We need every man
Seriously Preston Jacobs hit it on the fucking head when he introduce the shade of the lamp in his reviews some years ago.
in real life when people meet after a long time they do all their catching up in a small number of conversations that can last hours if necessary (and normally will). that doesn't work on screen.
you could compare with sitcoms. because they're about telling jokes rather than drama or plot advancement they only need one setting and maybe half a dozen main cast members.
GoT has far more than that and yet everyone is already bogged down. it's particularly pathetic because we have a couple of major love stories which could be paying off yet they've not been used to add anything to the characterizations.
>nigger can't read a book
What a surrprise
When who introduced the what?
Imagine being this mad about a single word uttered by an imaginary character on TV like 5 years ago... yikes.
Fuck, that's awful.
>two characters finally meet
>says something
>Other one looks gloomy.
>Gets interrupted / walks away
I mean, I kinda loved this episode but choose any fucking scene and this is how it worked.
>You have to realize normies don't rewatch anything and obviously don't think about anything after its went through one ear. So any writer who knows their audience knows they need to sort of retell the story at every point.
Hoy fuck that group therapy scene.
> You did this this and that!
> Yes, So did you
> And you, you did this!
> Aye but i did this as well.
I will grant them this though: It gave way for 3 best moments so far, Jaimie knighting Brieanne, Pod singing, and Tormund scene
This whole thing between fuck tradition because stron wymyn can do anything on the one hand and trying to build tension through stuff like Jon being "legitimit" on the other hand is one of the worst aspects of post S3 GoT. We have already established many times that nothing means anything and things an just happen because some character simply says so. Why do they still try to build tension then as if the world would follow any rules of logic? Just show tits and CGI dragons eating side characters.
>having sex with pitbull owners. That's bestiality. Or at least the equivalent of having sex with a retard.
>finishing this conversation ends the plot
>should we write more?
>nah, just have an interruption
Really shit writing. I mean, imagine seeing someone, you hadn`t seen for very long time and only heard half rumors about what they are up to.
What will you discuss when you meet
a) The stuff you`ve been up to, and what are you going to do
b) Common people you now know.
c) The thing that happened the last time you saw each other.
Sans him spilling his drink that went a couple of seconds too long, the story part was perfect.
Imagine being such a retarded burger that you confuse swearing and genuine anger.
Brienne: you’ve never gone 10 words without insulting me
>stronk wahmen
yeah thats funny
pets are not people
Grew up loving sci-fi tv shows, the nufem takeover that started around 2012 has made so many shows seem jarringly fake and pretty much unwatchable... and this is coming from a chick who also liked top model.
>pushes him off a building
>petty grudge
my dude you're watching a fucking tv show, we have seen all this they don't need to say all of this in front of us. You know they have spoken about most of these minute details in between scenes. You didn't see Jaime introduce himself, instead the episode starts with him in front of them. Did you need him to go down the entire line "Tyrion you are my brother I have not seen you in several months how are you ok next brienne it is nice to see you again we have developed affections toward each other but there are many more to get to hello jon snow we have not seen each other since you went to join the night's watch how did that go? you will have to fully explain in detail the battle of the bastards and everything that happened leading up to it how was the commanding officer there was he kind because i heard that he was not did you meet any wildlings and fall in love oh really how did that go did it go well what did you learn from your various experiences"
For every single crossing character in the entire show? That isn't a series I want to watch.
best line but it was followed by a god awful davos quip
It makes no sense for Bran to mention it, especially because in the next dialogue with them he says that he's angry at no one and that Jamie is still needed.
>What do you want Lannister trash?
>Any news from other parts of Westeros?
>Nothing i care to talk about
>Be seeing you
Used to be top tier character, and now she can’t go 1 scene without some weird shut. The writers think they made Batman but what they did was make a neckbeards inner monologue come to life
>so what do dragons eat anyway?
Such a weird and unnatural question that only exists so let epic million yard stare ice queen could deliver her epic bazinga reply
How’d they get the dragon, bucko?
Fuck the whole scene of her busting his balls was so hard to watch
based kid on thot patrol
the writing in this show is almost as gay as thinking the source material is a sacred cow worth defending
fantasy is bad gay faggot shit
>Yea Forums
Jon's sex shouldn't actually matter honestly, he'd still have a better claim to the throne than Dany if he had been born female
He's the king's firstborn's child, that comes before later-born children in most forms of succession law including Westeros's
God, if they make it a whole plot about how only sexist men are against Dany inheriting I'm going to be so pissed off
nah man im still watching the trainwreck, just's gay as FUCK to defend the books
the most emotional scene for me so far this season was sam giving his family's sword to jorah
it reminds me of black sails after season 1, it's like they just need to fill 30 minutes of non plot so they just make the interns fill in the dialogue with the most tripe shit they can think of
Based retard
He mentions it because he just fucking remembers.
He did the same shit with littlefinger. Having both of them in uncomfortable positions. The dialogue so far in this season has been quips though
this scene is probably one of the few that actually made me laugh in the entire show
Good. It's character continuity.
Before they attacked the wall, Ygritte yells at Tormund for attempting to tell a story about the time he fucked a bear. She calls him out for the story being bullshit. Tormund telling the Giantess titty-time story is a continuation of him being a world-class bullshitter.
shitty writing & directing them to act "serious" the actors have no gravitas so everything just falls flat
Take Ghost out we just saw him in this Episode
based zoomer retard incapable of reading a book
what happened to melisandre?
definitely the best
i thought it was alright honestly, much better than the rest
As many times as they mentioned her and the lord of light i expected her and the Firery hand to show up maybe next ep
Wilko Johnson is not dead.
She'll be back. She told Vaerys that she was going to Volantis, but that she'd be back because she has to die in Westeros.
reunions between hodor and any of the stark family would've unironically had better dialogue than the ones we've seen, if he were still alive
I liked this line but it kinda came out of nowhere, it would have been a nice touch to make him tell one of these stories each time he had a scene.
Maybe in the middle of the battle they look off and on a hill 1001 flaming sword appear
lmao this is accurate, tonight's episode was fucking tragically bad. Had to force myself to finish it, I very much did not even want to finish watching to the point where I just don't care what happens anymore
horrible writing, horrible pacing. Just everything was so goddamn bad
imagine all the people living life in peace
jesus christ guys be nice to each other it's just a shitty show
In all fucking honesty this was the only thing that really pissed me off, this is just so low tier I don't have any example to compare it with, this would make anime harem shows look like literature masterpieces in comparison.
Every scene with Arya is fucking anime-tier. And not the good kind.
he *literally*
and I mean *LITERALLY*
tells her what the red woman did to him SECONDS before she says that
Why does she hate Beric again? I forgot. I also don't get why she's still such a bitch to the Hound after everything he did for her. Even in season one as a child she defended Clegane, saying it was the prince who ordered him to kill the butcher's boy, then all of a sudden she hates him.
Isn't that how most real life conversations start?
>defending modern penny dreadfuls because they're better than the current TV show writing
>non sequitor
Keep on using terms you don't understand.
I hated this line so much
But source material really is a sacred cow, compared to this steaming pile of dog shit that we get from the show
>By the old gods,i was only one day away from retirement
>oi m8 u gonn put ur lil wink in me er wot
Imagine if they bring Arnold for him to say his ice puns
This is blatantly not true. The distinction is inherited from English's origins in Proto-Germanic. It simply became a part of our standard later (but the standard is ever-evolving and wasn't very standard at all until recently). It is not made-up. None of these rules are just made-up.
Furthermore, Stannis is supreme.
>Be bongs
>get raped by the vikings
>get raped by the French
>Bong genes are so strong you're still hideous
How much rape does it take, guys?
it's like her nose is glued on
>>That's because Stannis is still alive.
Let go, user
the show would unironically be better with oblivion voiceacting replacing the dialog
Convinced me that Tormund spinoff is the only option.
The british empire ruled the world, nigger
Unless he was lying.
What language does the world speak again?
That fireside r3ddit chat is the worst thing so far
too bad it became pakistan in a few decades
American English.
>using Yea Forums memes as an argument
Go away nigger
Who created America again?
Based milk and tendys poster writing for the show
Absolutely so powerful.
Which is English. Britain created the modern world.
>Women can't be knights
>Why not?
>Fuck tradition
>Men do stupid things for women. They're easily manipulated
Coming from the "stupid little girl" that was tossed around like a crackwhore throughout the Seven Kingdoms and that betrayed her own family because she believed Joffrey and Cersei.
Let's not forget the reminiscent lines of:
>"Remember when we used to do this? Remember when this happened? Newfags are watching, we have to remind them what happened in the previous seasons"
I absolutely cringed at every line of dialogue. The show is so fucking bad, it continues to disappoint me even though I have no expectations for it after 4 shit seasons.
Literally fast forward through the whole disgusting Arya sex scene.... I hope she dies what a horrible petulant character, loved by normies.
This is so fuckig retarded I don't know where to begin. I hate this.
wish it were true
Uh a ragtag bunch of colonists who BTFO the world's most powerful empire.
No faggot. Italy did.
>be British
>step outside
>instantly teleported to Pakistan
>Bran says something cryptic for no reason instead of giving a straight answer
>Nobody ever asks him what he actually means
because hack & hack a long with their majority audience are pic related.
wow wtf I truly hate got now
Not alive but he'll walk again
I was so glad when Tyrion pulled up a chair to have that conversation with him.
Then so sad when the scene ended without anything more than an implication.
Does Tyrion know now Jaime pushed him?
Who knows, certainly not the viewers.
>gaslighting this hard
I bet you vote lid dem
Just like you treat that autistic relative or associate who gives you a cryptic answer and you just think to yourself that it's not worth your time to discuss anything with this waste of time
Was that is way of coming onto Brienne?
>Nobody knows the Night King, but they all seem to know his name like they know him personally
>The Battle of the Bastards (and the name of that episode) is now the official name of the battle to retake Winterfell... why? And why does everyone go with it? I'd think Jon would be a little butthurt to be called a bastard.
>non brits can't even teleport
Yeah, wish they didn't just drop the scene. Was interested to at least hear part of it and Tyrion's reaction, he's been given so little worthwhile screentime recently
it was fine. if he said anything else then it would imply that the writers have no intention of ending the show with everyone dying.
>army of the nightking
>one roman cohort in testudo
>simply walk to him and kill him
Medievals truly were brainlets
Man /pol/ and Sargon of Akkad have absolutely wrecked your mind. Pathetic.
>continuing to watch a series you hate this much
what a retarded thing to do honestly
Probably because if you die in this one,you come back as a zombie and help wipe out your entire family and loved ones
>use a formation which primary use was in sieges against missile
>against undead that have no fear and claw through wooden walls
>When Stannis, a supposed military genius, charged his cavalry directly into a forest full of wildlings
Its literally a siege fucking retard
So his brain is so fucking massive that it collapsed into a blackhole?
You, gotta rethink that meme...
I did too but I was kinda tipsy and my roomates were gone so I felt comfortable laughing
Technically time is relative. So the meme is still kind of valid.
Turns out Cercei, Joffrey and Tywin were carrying the entire cast.
Fuck this shit is unwatchable at this point. Just fast forward and let me know if Cercei fucks them all up in the end. Would be a kino ending.
>implying a sword can penetrate a literal box of shields
Fucking fool if theres no holes in the shields where would they go through. Jon snow can just stand on top of the testudo sniping all the top bosses
Guys its not edgy anymore to criticize GOT dialogue. Stop u make me cringe so bad.
Who are you quoting, retard?
Radmure maybe
In this episode I only cringed once. And it was Emilie Clarks lines with Sansa.
First episode was the worst, every third line was cringiest of the cringe.
Fuck off reddit
Bravo. Bravo.
cope harder with this sihtshow tranny
Pathethic,step up your cringe game
maybe not save the day but he's confirmed to be in this season
I just want Azor Jamie that the other user wrote about.
That's how manlets become fucking Chads. Giants Milk.
>half decent joke for a change
>wasted by shot of him drinking for 20 seconds
>Ser Davos quips
must they ruin everything?
Except it worked as the Wildlings have no experience fighting cavalry
Only good lines in the episode
he sold gendry to the red woman
this but unironically
one of the worst lines is the shameless "callback" to Conan the Barbarian, which they used for retarded comic relief
also here's comfy conan travelling with subotai scene
a reminder that game of thrones will never have a scene like that because it's fucking trash
the last time D&D did it, media was in awe talking about the lack of boring old men sitting on the table discussing strategy.
Literally the next episode half of the strong wymyn was killed or enslaved by a single chad lel, mostly due to their shit strategy and careless navigation. I hope this happen again
I know it's stupid but Brienne being knighted was wholesome as fuck.
digits and melly sanders saves winterfell gandalf style
Kek, i thought the “bad, really bad” line was fucking awful as well. It was like the writers had no idea what to do with that scene
That line only works because the actor is naturally fine and can deliver it perfectly
What's with that little cunt Lyanna Mormont and her "defiant" attitude? Are we really expected to believe that a 10 years old girl would be allowed to attend these meetings, talk down to her elders and ride into battle with virtually no experience? Isn't there supposed to be regency councils for underaged children? Or are we supposed to believe that feminism is the cure to all ills?
They ripped pod singing directly from LOTR
I wanted to see the night king put one of his sticks through her but D&D won't let that happen for obvious reasons
Hell i wouldn't be suprised if they actually kill all men in this show, leaving only the piggy to live as a token white knight
Or Jamie and Tyrion suddenly being buddies again even though Tyrion murdered their father in fucking cold blood.
Jamie enabled it though
>everyone loved the sassy 10 year old
>how about we put her in every episode now putting men in their place
>oh and she's so awesome that people will let her fight zombies
>character meets other character
>20s chit chat
>someone says something important or controversial that'll elicit a reaction
>tension builds in anticipation for the reaction
*knocks on door*
>sorry to interrupt you my lady
>*something something next scene*
literally this x10 all over ep. 1 & 2.
Haha based Joffrey. The king Westeros didn’t deserve.
Somebody please post the "user goes on a date with Maisie" pasta
Think of the smell
and when I do that I go to jail
based Joffrey, even though I would rather see his head on a spike if Stannis could be king
but if they did all that shit we wouldn't have got arya's sex scene
>how did you survive a knife in the heart?
>I didn’t
>what do dragons eat anyway?
>anything they want
>I don’t know how to ride a dragon
>you don’t know until you ride a dragon
>what do I hold on to?
>anything you can
>keep your Queen warm
And that’s just from the first episode this season
I bet ygrit taught him well