In the end, this was the most important moment in the series after all

>in the end, this was the most important moment in the series after all
how does it makes you feel?

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>actions have consequences

Nah it’s still Jon Arryn dying

Actually, if Hodor didn’t have dreams about holding a door, Bran would’ve died and everyone would be clueless about the night king

Goes back even further.
LF convincing Lysa Arryn to kill her husband and then blame the Lannisters for it.

That didn't happen in the series, it happened before. Otherwise, the Doom of Valyria would be the most important moment

Actually the giant Makumba opening his eye for a really long time is the most important event in the series.

I just want it to end at this point. Last couple months of seeing everyone and their brothers doing shitty youtube breakdowns on their pet theories has become an embarrassing shit show.

not that important

This was retarded. So he wouldn't have become the three eyed raven if he had working legs?

yes because the circumstances that led to it would never happen

unironically yes

so the whole series is a Jacob's Ladder dream from Bran's perspective?

Would this be a good ending?

>final episode
>characters realize they can't beat the night king
>bran goes back in time, decides not to climb the tower, convinces his father to stay in winterfell

Yeah. If Jon didn't die than the King would've never traveled to Winterfell.

>voyeurism leads to no fap
>no fap leads to godlike powers

Attached: The-More-You-Know.jpg (600x400, 33K)

No, it's Rhaegar eloping with Lyanna like a retard

they wouldnt have been needed

old dude would still be 3 eye and NK would still not know where he is

how many times does bran watch people having sex now that he's an autistic wheelchairfag

John was dead before the first episode

I do honestly feel it's nice that this scene has an enormous weight to it that carries on to the final season, rather than it being solved by season 5.

Pretty sure his dick doesnt work


Not a 'moment' in the series.


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>the two most beautiful people to ever grace planetos
>cast those two
who's siblings or kids were those

old dude would surely be whithering and becoming night king or some shit

the previous hand of the king

>no Jamie joking about pushing Bran's wheelchair

0/10 episode, D&D had one job. ONE JOB AND THEY FUCK IT UP

they should have cast some turbochad like dolph lundgren to play rhaegar

>literally spoiling Jaime and Theon's deaths for next episode
this Bran shit sucks, not to mention telegraphing Grey Worm's and Brienne's deaths

>Ned Stark, I've come to bargain

I'd say Jamie giving Tyrion the whores made him want to get some, leading him and Cersei up that tower.


well yea no shit, been a theory for a while. after the prelude chapter, bran was the first chapter in the first book. bran will most likely be the last chapter in the final book


Learn to be patient and stop being such a sperg. There's at least 2 large battle sequences in this season.

It took you eight seasons to figure that out?

can you link your thread about this subject pointing that out?