What are the qualities that make a film so bad it's good, as opposed to just being bad?

What are the qualities that make a film so bad it's good, as opposed to just being bad?

Attached: The Room poster.jpg (439x570, 33K)

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its not so bad its good, in fact its pretty impossible to watch


Fucking up so bad it becomes funny


If you watch it with the right mindset, it's a hysterical film. That's all besides the point, I had to pick something for the OP image. Here is another example.

Attached: Samurai Cop poster.jpg (1200x1600, 1.65M)

>right mind mindset

Conversely, what are some examples where filmmakers set out to make a so bad it's good movie, only to fail?

cult following. meme culture
Hop! Narainai!

the really long sex scenes are what makes the movie so uncomfortable to watch

Sincerity and incompetence. Good bad movies are born from an enthusiastic director with a vision but not enough technical or logistical knowledge to competently realize it. Regular bad movies are born through the dunning Krueger effect, where amateur film students try to riff off of their favorite directors and fail.

Is this movie worth watching? I see it mentioned everywhere.

the AVGN movie
Return to class of nuke 'em high 1.

yeah it's kino.
the sex scenes are long, but the way Tommy laughs and moans during them is so strange it's almost worth watching them. Most people skip them after they get the idea.
The film itself is alien. The main character has a thick accent and poor English, and the rest of the characters are American. All the acting is horrible, but the clash of foreign bad acting and American bad acting creates a weird atmosphere like you're watching a movie from another dimension.


>Most people skip them after they get the idea.
What faggot friends are you watching The Room with? The point of watching these movies is that they're a kind of endurance test.

You have to watch it with someone else to truly appreciate it. I remember watching it alone the first time and I lost interest 20 min in. But when I watched it later with someone else it was fucking hilarious.

I think it's about sincerity, "good" bad movies are always funny because of how unintentionally shit everything is and bizarre decisions like the Room's CGI skyline and the entire Chris R arc

Something uniquely bad. Not just standard bad, something which stands out as being the kind of bad you don't see very often.

In The Room's case, it's someone making what they feel is a very sincere art film with a high production budget but not a single good actor in it, disjointed narrative, no story really, no themes, and an unnecessary overuse of green screen. If it was cheap, nobody would care. If it had at least a story to follow, nobody would care.

This. Sincerity is a core element

This is a quintessential so bad it's good scene:
You can tell that the actor is really trying, and other people in the scene seem to be genuinely amazed. This is countered by (among other things) the bad dialogue, mood whiplash and the general awkwardness of the scene, which ultimately makes it unintentionally funny.


>Aguirre, the Wrath of God
Something with that minimalistic aprroach and main cast with serious mental issues....

Attached: Don't judge a man by how he looks.jpg (640x640, 90K)

Kung Fury
Turbo Kid
Everything Syfy produces

But that movies great you retard.

Everyone should watch My Best Fiend to get a clear picture of exactly what this guy was like to work with

Werner Herzog really does have the patience of a saint.

He's a fuckin legend



>My father was black american
Fucking kek

There's no such thing as "so bad it's good", things can be good, bad and everything in between, but never does a thing become so bad it's good, sorry

An obvious failure to rise above its budget
Big name actors and effects, but utterly terrible editing and direction
A director that was either too up-their-own-ass to listen to criticism, or a huge director vs. studio vision feud that results

Perhaps a better way of putting it would be, "so bad, it's enjoyable."


The bad qualities being legitimately bizarre and disorienting instead of purely lazy.

I find it more engaging than any capeshit I've ever watched.

>What are the qualities that make a film so bad it's good, as opposed to just being bad?

Time and chance.

Any random person in the future may like whatever film is considered the absolute worst now.

So I guess that means there is no such thing as a bad movie. If someone puts their heart and soul into something and creates it then perhaps it's always worth at least that.

Class of 1999 and (especially) its sequel.

The Room references are so overexposed and overdone that I can't laugh at them anymore.


>Kung Fury
I know this word has basically lost all its meaning by now, but fuck me, is there a more Reddit movie than this?

Underrated post


Somehow Kinski worked in over 90 films so it’s not just Herzog who dealt with him.

During the filming of Fitzcarraldo, the locals who were helping with the film apparently offered to kill him for Herzog.

By the time they finished filming the locals threatened to kill anyone in the film crew if they ever returned.

Heart. If the effort is genuine it shows.
The Room. Plan 9. They were real efforts by talentless people at making something real to them. They are badly executed and badly written, but they still have a vision.
Think of them as naive art using the movie medium. The people making them don't have the skills, but they have the heart. They actually try their best.

Manos is the movie that influenced my life the most. Not kidding.
I watch it at least 4 times a year.
In the case of Manos, the answer to your question is a dare and manure.

Space Cop

You are a fucking idiot. "So bad its good" movies are like car crashes. They are terrible but you watch anyway.

Anybody can find the same film either garbage or great.
This whole thread is pointless.

Like Kristen Bell said. You could literally get all the greatest film makers on earth together and they couldn’t create The Room.

idk they've been trying a lot in the last 10 years and are getting closer and closer to it
the new Hellboy is almost so bad it's good. Almost.

Me too.

Attached: 1531409275658.png (1185x103, 8K)

Spbp. Every other movie that tries to recreate the room, even from wiseau himself fails miserably.

Honesty is a big one. Ed Wood, for example, really thought he was making legit great movies.

Its a meme film that people pretend to like in order to fit in with other people that pretend to like it. It's essentially a ponzi scheme, you buy into liking it and your goal is to find 2 more people to like it so you can stop pretending to like it once your liking it is validated.

Iron Sky

not everything is a conspiracy user

Cringe and yikes

I saw the movie at some local theater 12 or so years ago. This was before reddit and basedboy memes, but the entire theater was filled with faggots screaming "spoon" and getting up and waving at the screen during certain parts of the movie. I was there with my girlfriend who's pussy used to stink so bad that I'd have to wash my cock with soap in the sink after i fucked her. She didn't shower often, but i think her cooz stunk because I used to fuck a lot of whores and I passed something to her. She had some weird thing wrong with her spine where she couldnt put her ass up during doggy, which was a travesty considering how nice her ass was. She was a rape victim, but never told me the story so I just had to masturbate to what I thought happened instead of what really did happen. We lived with eachother for a few months. I made her sign the lease and put everything under her name, then i poisoned her dog a few times and she didnt want to live with me anymore. She left her furniture at the apartment, and I started fucking random sluts all over all the furniture and came all over it. Knowing that she was poor, and would want her furniture I took a supplement called "High Volume" by PES that created large loads so as to cover the furniture in cum. I also bought some earrings and put them under the cushions so when shewent to clean the cumstained furniture, she'd find jewelry that wasnt hers and know that I was fucking on her furniture. I installed a keylogger on her computer while we were together to get her email passwords, and still read her correspondence to this day. Thanks for reading my blog

Can't say that I really blame them. Based on what we know, it sounds like the film was hellish to produce.

just skipped your post to read the last sentence. don't mention it.

Good work son

Tommy Wiseau is funny for the same reason Ricky Gervais is. I'll give a clue: we're not laughing with them.

I never watched the room and never will because it is in fact without any doubt a reddit golden egg. Change my mind

>"There's a lot of excitement, there's a lot of buzz and it doesn't make a lot of sense to me because I have no interest in intentionally shitty movies. The best bad movies are the ones where the people making it didn't realize they were making a bad movie."

- Jay Bauman (director / star / producer) of Space Cop on Sharknado

After hearing the stories about what it was like on set I can't watch this movie anymore. I just imagine the crew tired and frustrated, feeling embarrassed that their name is going to be attached to this strange mans "film".

Entertainment value.

>what are some examples where filmmakers set out to make a so bad it's good movie, only to fail

All of them. You can't actively make a so bad its good movie. So bad it's good movies are almost universally passion projects by incompetents who lack self awareness. When Rian was making TLJ, he genuinely thought his ideas were funny or cool. Being aware of how stupid or nonsensical your script is and embracing it just leads to bland and unfunny movies like Space Cop. Just look at all the recent sequels to older SBIG movies like Deadliest Prey and Samurai Cop 2; the same directors and actors could not replicate what made their dumb movies hilarious.

If it makes you feel better, they are probably much more comfortable about being involved with the project now, given it's cult status. One of the main actors, Greg Sestero, even wrote a book about the experience.

This is too vulgar a read for an r/Yea Forums screencap and too long for a post on here. Gotta meme smarter m'lad. 7/10.

I agree with almost everything except the implication that The Last Jedi is a so bad it's good film. Most of the film is just plain awful. While there are a few moments that can be laughed at due to how bad they are, such as the, "not fighting what we hate, saving what we love" scene, even those usually come across as painful to watch, rather than unintentionally funny.

Birdemic. The Room is sincere and idiosyncratic, if not incredibly misguided. But it ultimately is fun to watch with other people and riff on it together. Birdemic is just an awful movie that tries hard to be awful for the sake of memes, resulting in just a stupid movie that is a struggle to get through, whether or not you're watching it with a group of friends.

>Turbo Kid
Fuck off retard

Turbo Kid is great

I unironically like the cheesy songs during the sex scenes in The Room. They're fucking hysterical, especially when you not only see what the hell is going on in the movie, but hearing about what it was like on set.


Not even memeing. The only thing I made up was the masturbating to her being raped, I typically only masturbate to latinas and she was german.

You mean to get a clear picture of what Werner Herzog wants you to think about him. Easy to talk shit about a dead guy.

that's what makes it funny

Google "Awful Fantasy". Therein lies your answer.

The sequels to Human Centipede. The first one was more about the buildup and word of mouth of people talking about just how batshit crazy the premise for the movie is. The sequels are absolutely retarded because they became self-aware and self-referential, and tried to be funny about it and just going for shock factor bullshit than building any suspense or anything worthwhile.

This. It was like if you took Saw and made its canon sequels into Scary Movie parodies.

I wonder how Wiseau felt when the serious autobiographical drama movie he spent six million dollars on was treated as a comedy

no that gook is an idiot who wanted to remake the birds

Attached: bidemic.jpg (401x301, 41K)

Birdemic 2

He at least seems to fully embrace it nowadays.
