He pretends he isn't going to see Avengers Endgame

>he pretends he isn't going to see Avengers Endgame
why do you faggots pretend to hate fun so much

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Why the homophobia?

i won't because i'm not a fucking manchild like you are

fuck you queer

>fuck you queer
Do you really need to swear?

yes, fuck you bitch!

OP, I'm not pretending when I say: I've never watched any Marvel film.

I don't hate fun, I actually love having fun, that's why I won't watch Endgame.

well, i'm not going outside, if that's what you mean

I'll see it when I can download it

i’d rather watch “a vengeance for egg day”

haven't watched a capeshit since my garbage ass "english" teacher made us watch Xmen in 2001

>>he pretends he isn't going to see Avengers Endgame
I'm not a "he".


I’ll see it when there are dvd rips available.

I haven't seen any other marvel movie since Iron Man 2. Why would I start now?

I'm an mature adult who actually enoys adult things

Some of them are okay

i'm going to go see it, but i don't reallly watch MCU movies I'm just going because i need to kill like 4 hours while i use these spider bomb things on my house. i have a serious problem with them. I did it last year and saw the nun

I saw the original Avengers movie and Iron Man. That's about it. I wouldn't mind if I never had to hear about another retardhero movie again.

"Some of them are okay" - user
Truly an incentive to watch the whole thing, we need this quote on blu-ray covers asap

I'd much rather spend my time watching Tarkovsky or Kubruck

I didnt see Infinity War nor did I see Captain Marvel. just done with Marvel stuff. Aquaman set a bar for superhero movies for me (cause it felt more like an adventure movie). before am claimed to be a dcfag. hate most dc movies too.

Where in that post did I say that you should watch the entire MCU? I just watch the good ones and skip the bad ones.

What are the good ones then

This. Not for any real reason. I tried watching avengers, but it bored me. Now it's too late, I'd need to watch 17 movies to understand

I haven't watched a capeshit movie since I rewatched Iron Man 1 four months ago, and haven't watched a new one since the original Avengers when it came out. Though I've recently been very interested in seeing Shazam.

>user boomerovitch persists in his crusade

The last superhero movie I watched was The Dark Knight. I really have no interest in them and do not get the appeal.

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Iron Man 1, Captain America 1, 2, and 3, Avengers 1 and 3, Guardians 1 and 2, Thor 3. People act like you have to see every film to grasp what's going on but the only bad film in the series that you'd be at a loss if you missed is Thor 1. I don't "love" capeshit like the turbofags that make threads about it all day, but I do think they can be good films.

Okay thanks, I appreciate the recommendations.
But if I don't like them I will kick your ass.

I haven't paid for a movie since Mummy Returns.

The twist in Iron Man 3 would've actually worked if they had a more compelling villain than Flame Nerd.

Rented Iron Man from Blockbuster when I was like twelve. Thought it was gay and stupid, didn't watch any of the other ones. Don't care.

Anyone have a link to the spoiled footage? I liked infinity war and some of the marvel movies but not a huge fan, I just want to watch it because the entire media is fucking filled with pleading not to watch it. Every link I've found is already fucking dead, searched duckduckgo to no avail

Used to eat, breathe and sleep comics, but never thought I would hate most of the mcu.

Putting Whedon at the helm to start with just gave us shit third rate heroes being on the screen instead of anything actually good.

Cap and Iron Man has never had a good writer, and nobody could give a fuck less about Avengers and SHIELD. These are the creations of a 50 year old man and it shows.

Marvel films are the most entertaining thing going on in film that isn't Denis Villeneuve.