Why are Hollywood actors so generic looking these days?

Why are Hollywood actors so generic looking these days?

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wasted desu

The capeshit race

Because they're all from the same crypto-jewish dynastic families.

Or did you think they "became famous" because of their talent? lol

Is it me or does Evans look like shit now, just compare him now to what he looked like in the first avenger

good looking people tend to share similar prominent features which make them good looking. Brow, jaw, eye tilt, cheeks etc etc. You've picked 3 guys who are good looking, of the similar background wearing similar clothing, with similar hair. Evens is no doubt good looking, but looks like a troll next to pine who is exceptional.

chris is pretty based desu


>tfw ywn be handsome or good-looking

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I see what you did there

You have autism.


I want to rest my head on this generic Hollywood actor’s thighs.

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>ywn be as cool as Chris Pratt
and not as tall or fucking chad looking, fuck. I wonder how manlets feel about these guys

>hard core christfag

lol na

>telling people they're responsible for their own actions and to take care of themselves is "hard core"

he's almost 40 dude

Same with the others.

What's it like to be attractive, bros. I'm almost at 1/2/3/4 and I have a real haircut now but once in a while I see myself in passing in a reflection or picture and I still look like a dutch peasant.

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Why is Captain America so pale?

Which Chris, there are 2 of them.


I feel the same about british actresses

Having borderline autism, it's a blessing and a curse. Girls try to flirt with you but then give up after a minute because you literally can't communicate properly, so you feel even more awkward. Sometimes you'd rather just be ugly and ignored.

pine > pratt > hemsworth > evans

i'm seeing double, eight chris's!

It's great. Girls are attracted to you and you know it. You can easily identify the girls that would be attracted to you, and they're the best looking girls in the room, and knowing that makes you feel special and powerful in a way.

BUT it still takes some overcoming of your own demons (social anxiety or whatever you have to deal with) in order to approach a girl and talk your way into her pants. In other words, just because you're a hot guy doesnt necessarily mean you're swimming in pussy. It takes effort and some luck just like anyone else.

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Sometimes I see my reflection and start masturbating because it's unbelievable how handsome I am lol

You're making a joke, but I actually do masturbate to videos i shoot of myself.

I have a nice body and looking at it turns people on, and it turns me on.

Are those all the same guy?

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Shut up wang Lee!

Because everyone else is too lacking in talent and aesthetic to deserve to be on screen.

In a year theyll all be trannies

cringe and retardpilled
based and redpilled

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I wasn't joking... I'm sure it's normal for handsome people to turn themselves on, I mean... I can't help it, I look really fucking seductive. It's not like I'm the only one jerking off to my genes

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God he is the perfect husbando

cringe. you have to go back.

>it's another retarded "handsome" 4channer chimes in about how his good looks aren't synchronous with his autism

you look like fucking shit, stop kidding yourself. fake chads like you pipe up in every fucking thread like this

Look at those fucking veneers on Chris Evans kek how embarrassing he’s honestly trailer trash

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Chris Prine and Chris Pratt are old-style Hollywood handsome. Could have been in Westerns and Gangster Films in the 1950s

Chris Hemsworth and Chris Pratt are new-style overly buff good looking

I made videos when I was a hot slutty teen and I still fap at them.

Tom Hardy could kick all their asses tbqh

chris is a bad actor
chris is a bad actor
chris is pretty decent if he's in a good movie
chris is a bad actor

and surprise surprise. the only one who isn't shit is JEWISH!

>The capeshit race

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I too watch Rick & Morty.

>all this projecting

I always wondered...if you’re gay (male/female), wouldn’t you just be fapping in front of a mirror allday? Why would you need porn If you could just strip naked and see the real thing...

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I too, worship a foreskin eating kike.

Just put some effort into it, but don’t look like a tryhard. You’ve already got dubs, bud. You’re halfway there.