Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't get emotional /got/
Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't get emotional /got/
first for dont pirate the show
are the leaks true? will he show up during the battle?
>EAST 500, NORTH 200, OUT.
Anyone seen any ice spiders?
Jaime's plot armour: he has to be the one to kill Cersei
Theon's plot armour: he has to be the one to kill Euron
The mad men did it
>no previous
I hate arya so much
I hate sansa so much
I hate arya so much
I hate daenerys so much
Reminder d&d are hacks and there are better fanfics than what is being pushed out by them
where can i read the leaks?
I wish Tormund would kill my husband and suck on my tits
nth for pirate jesus
>Fuck Naathi!
>Theon's plot armour: he has to be the one to kill Euron
Ahahahahah no his sister will steal that kill from him just like how Sansa stole Ramsay from him.
Is the only value of this episode the memes it has provided? When you only have 6 episodes, why include a fan service filler?
Sounded better sung by Pod desu
So is the the LotR ending actually gonna happen where they kill/disable the NK and all the wights fall over?
And she never wanted to leave.
pirate turbo jesus, you mean. Jesus came back once after three days, this fucker has a 60 second rez countdown at most, and did it almost 20 times.
are those scars actual continuity from when the slag got stabbed by the loli in the middle east?
I smile every time this guy is in a scene
What a champ
The Dany/Jaime confrontation was so underwhelming. None of these actors have emotion in their voices or body language anymore
>minding my own business in Winterfell
>suddenly some goblin starts randomly throwing stone knives at a wood post next to me
what do bros?
Next week is the longest battle sequence in film history surpassing the record set by Battle of Helms Deep in 2002.
Imagine how big Tormund would get if he killed Danny and sucked dragon milk.
Reminder that half of Night King's army is headed south and he will glass King's Landing with his ice dragon. Cersei and Euron narrowly escape and head to the Iron Islands.
Have sex
some of the actors are still as good as ever. The hound, sam, tormund, etc
but I agree, dany/jon sucks. hope they both die next sunday
Pod's actor killed it desu, I'm sure i'll get shit for this but it was almost Tolkien esqueu
>Browsing got threads for the last hour.
>not a single Maario post.
Imagine being Joe in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your pudgy body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Joe Dempsie and not only sit in that chair while Maisie Williams flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her splotchy leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, as she seizes on top of your body. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's SOOO HOT and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to lay there and feel her mannish fucking gremlin face contort press against his. Contorting into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of sluts and instagram models since you were FIFTEEN. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out between her asscheeks as she thrusts and writhes suggestively as she kisses you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to lay there and make out with this girl of statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the off season. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could strangle this bitch before studio security could put you down, but you lay there there and endure, because you're fucking Joe Dempsie. You're not going to lose your future hollywood career over this. Just bear it. Close your eyes and bear it.
The war council was once again a complete bore because there was no energy, no urgency, nobody even fucking talked over one another they just all took turns listening to a bunch of kids spout poetry about memories an shit.
But she was stabbed. Not slashed. Her wounds should look more like Jon's.
The Arya=Waif theory continues to be held.
One does not simply kill Beric Dondarrion. You can only camp his spawn point...
>WW are mysterious and ancient, perhaps even predating the children
>theyre in a lot of essos religions
>and they're just another analogy for nukes LMAO
I'm surprised d&d would put that much effort into continuity compared to the writing of this season
>The rape Jaime
>It was beautiful
>the whole fucking boring scene with Brienne getting knighted
Yeah Theon's role is being a permanent servant to women now. He's basically the left's ideal version of a white male at this point.
someone could just stream the witcher games and it'd have better pacing than this dogshit show nowadays
>in the middle east
braavos is pretty clearly supposed to be spain
Imagine being Joe Dempsie in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific bugeyed quasimodo face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously, imagine having to be Joe Dempsie and not only sit on those sandbags whilst Maisie Williams flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her scars and pimple ridden skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that undressing scene. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's SO GROWN UP and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking troll face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of fangirls and strippers and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the arsecrack of Nottingham. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe Dempsie. You're not going to lose your future Bond career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it..
He's not wrong, if Jon made a joke about Yrgitte being thinner than Dany twitter would have lost it's shit.
Are those nipples shopped?
Hold up, Ghost made an appearance??? I missed it
Nah you right. Martin's songs are really good, they add a lot to the books and show.
holy fuck this
That was no loli, you never see her cracking pair of tits?
If Bran can warg into any living organism... does that mean he can warg into sperm and experience conception from its perspective?
Run away because you see her lurking around all day and heard she baked people into pies and ate them
Dany and Sansa was worse by far. It was fucking painful to watch.
I'm fully expecting a line about how he only felt like a true man after losing his dick. Great way to pander to the LGBT demographic.
Nope, they're hers
braavos is florence
I miss these niggas like you wouldn't believe
Never go full retard
im cringing right now it's clearly venice, italy
Braavos is Venice you mong. Dorne is Al Andalus, aka medieval Spain.
it was like that on purpose, like a tribute
the director said the winterfell battle parallels helms deep
Whats the matter bro? You don't like it when actors stand still while talking stoicly?
Bigger than I expected
First laugh today.
That's enough Yea Forums for me tonight.
Post zombie cameos you want to see
>zombie Craster kills Sam
>zombie Ygritte kills Jon
>if Jon made a joke about Yrgitte being thinner than Dany
Oh god imagine the salt
its cgi. shes wearing tight coverings, and they just cgi'd over it. badly.
bros everyone at my bar got CHILLS hearing pod sing and all those loved ones part ways, this show is fucking AWESOME
Whens littlefinger
I love him so damn much
just b urself
Who gives a fuck you pathetic numale?
>bran and the 3 eyed raven viewing the past
>bran yells something out and ned reacts to it
>bran fucks hodor up from the future
>this is never brought up again
sure would be useful if bran did that crap again
finally someone mentions venice
So that's what this obese nerd is doing instead of writing
Both of them would have burned.
She... was slashed. When the old lady came rollin' up, she slashed at arya first, then stabbed her twice.
based LCG poster
Zombie Stannis sits the Iron Throne
Um no it isn't cgi lmao.
zombie stannis kills everyone in episode 3 and pontificates for the next 2 episodes.
audible kek at that webm ffs
>Bran looks at Jon
"Your was beautiful"
He could've done a page a week and would've finished it by now he isn't writing anymore.
GoT already had some based fat hating though, don't you remember lord Bolton's disgusting boar wife?
>the only based character left is going to die next episode
Why even watch
>Hurr who cares about a character suddenly disappearing
>man, this battle planning is gonna be tough, i don't think any of us have actually ever planned out a real engagement before
>hey guys, did stannis survive his attack on winterfell? we could really use a strategist with his mind right now, i didn't hear that the boltons had captured or killed him
>Ghost is extra small to match Jon
>Is the only value of this episode the memes it has provided?
That applied to the last 3 seasons of the show
Were the leaks true after all?
Fucking keked at the imagery and webm
Also is that the house that Mike lives in from GTA V?
It's going to be shit. They are hyping it to be the battle of helms deep for GOT but this build up episode just lost my faith.
that's not jaime, euron or bran
stannisfags still seething kek
You just made that up
why does kelly c still love her rapist? is height all that matters to women?
Why was everyone so cool with Yara "just reclaiming the iron islands for you"? She's being a fucking coward and avoiding the main fight
Even the CEO said how piracy helped them. Stop hating on GoT.
Theon killing Euron would be a total fucking joke. It'd be more fitting if Euron does some cray shit that gets him killed.
The suspense was really nice but the dragging on and on and on while talking about the past was boring as fuck and the singing felt like a lotr rip off. Plus Arya wanting to fuck came out of nothing. Plus still no new information since the end of last season.
Hes small because they just scaled up a green screened wolf and didn't spend money on a cgi direwolf
We still have a lot of shit about Valyria to be explained, the deep ones, the drowned god, what actually is stoneskin and quite a few other "mysteries" that were left to wonder.
Will d&d give us a quick rundown of them all or will we just get 4 episodes of yas queen?
How are they going to resolve this? Obvious way forward is they beat the Night King over the next episode or two and then the final act is taking on Cersei. But no way they off the 8 season built up apocalyptic threat before the final ep or two right
aside from the amount of deaths, i hope this battle lives up to the hype.
I really hope they have both versions on the soundtrack
It really reminded me of the Edge of Night which Pippin sang in the Return of the King.
Both versions make me all teary eyed and shit. I cry over nearly anything artistic or pretty though so fuck me
Check this out then.
>Battle of Winterfell stalls
>turns out the Night King slides his entire army into Kings Landing
>Kings Landing falls and Night King has unstoppable numbers to take Winterfell and kill Bran
>Brans like I'll let everyone in the past know to gank Night King before he gets to Kings Landing
>final FINAL battle is the Battle at Sea, where the last great navies fight
it's such a clear narrative decision. it's like obvious the survivors are heading to dragonstone after the battle
when's melisandre
Episode 1 and 2 were supposed to be together, right?
When D&D say each episode was supposed to be movie length, this is what they mean. 1 hour 45 minutes. Possibly shorter with filler shit cut out.
1+2 was supposed to be a single episode. This season was supposed to be 5 episodes.
Have sex
I'd fuck her stupid six ways from Sunday
Danny is still running with the assumption that the Battle of Winterfall will be won and the Lannister army will march north to clean up whats left. Danny will need a fortification that isn't right next to King's Landing to hide out for a while.
She's giving them a tactically sound place to retreat to. Not having any sort of backup plan was retarded of them.
Because he was attractive
Thats how women rationalize it
does any single person on this earth besides fat american woman give a single shit about greyworm or his girlfriend
The main fight is against Cersei, Euron, and the Golden Company retard. Thats why they are taking care of the zombies first
how can anyone in their right mind still thing the books are getting finished
we have 3 episodes left
3 episodes of this show
Looks good
I really doubt any of that will be answered at all. No mention of reason for doom of Valyria either. Shouldn't Bran know.
It was hilarious when Jon dropped the "i'm a Targaryen" bomb right before the big battle. This is going to cause a rift between them.
>Look at us, we're all battle-hardened!
>Davos, you've fought two battles, you've fought a few Jaime, and Brienne, uh...beat some wounded guy, well done Brienne! You get to command the army!
was the same soundtrack repeating throughout the whole episode?
We have another big battle at Kings Landing aswell.
and neither jon
none of that is going to be in the show friend
there isnt even characters like young griff
None of that actually matters to the story dumbass, they are just for the lore and mythology of the world
i wanna shout out Dany for the fact that even though her character is beyond saving now, she still looks good. Sansa and Arya are both grotesque and unbearable.
i haven't read any of the "leaks" or anything but there was some hints in the episode about the night king heading towards kings landing taking on cersei's army, i mean we didn't see him in the preview episode.
I bet theres gonna be a time jump
4 you idiot.
Episode 3 is 82 minutes
Episode 4 is 78 minutes
Episode 5 and 6 are 80 minutes
based MW2 Battle of Northern Virginia radio chatter poster
no but they have to meet the darkskin quota for the season
Shes commanding a distraction army and everyone knows it. Its why they wanted to get her spirits up because she will probably die out there.
>no Meera or Howland Reed
Jon's going to get torched by the Night King's dragon and prove he is a Targ
Dany kills Jon then herself out of regret. Thus ending the Targs.
Tyrion dies under a pile of bodies and Arya takes his face, kills Jaime and Cersei.
Theon kills Euron after an unsuccessful nut shot.
Jon marries Sansa.
The Hound dies but is resurrected by Qyburn to fight in the Cleganebowl.
Melisandre uses Gendry's blood to resurrect Stannis.
It actually somewhat kills the hype knowing they set it up so that Cersei and Eureon are going to remain a threat. On top of the fact they are clearly posturing for more internal divisions and politics. I'm not really sure how I feel about the fact that the final battle is going to be between men.
at least he wont have to worry about getting a hard on for that scene.
but it shoots ice
Dude I feel you, movies and shows do shit to me, I guess it's a part of getting older. Fucking Star Trek Enterprise's final made me cry.
I've been rereading AGOT and when I rewatched the Tower of Joy in season 6 I started to choke up.
I know, seriously, WTF was he thinking? is he too retarded to realize that he probably just jeopardized the entire operation (which has somehow miraculously gotten all sorts of historically enemy fighting armies to work together) by tapping into Dany's somewhat latent Mad King jealousy/rage genetics? seriously man. hes a big retard for that and deserves to die
Im really fucking glad that this last season is exposing the last few GoT seasons as fucking horrible
sansa and arya are unbearable. horribly written child actor leftovers
I can imagine the books explaining Valyria through Euron's tales, but I don't see any way the show could pull it off UNLESS they have euron show up with the horn and then follow from that
Which is why the spin off show is set in Summer Isles,Essos and Dorne and over 60% of the cast are either mixed race, arab or west african.
Filming begins shortly.
i think this might not be the show for you lad
he's a stark, so he has immunity to both
If Podrick dies I'm gonna be real sad. The only character left on this show with no real ulterior motives, he just wants to live.
Its called Game of THRONES not Game of zombies and dragons. Its meant to be
>>Melisandre uses Gendry's blood to resurrect Stannis.
>ressurrecting a living man
I'm not glad, I wish they were good enough to half fool those of us who checked out several seasons ago
wtf lemme see this character sheet
I know they don't, but I wanted to hear about them. Is that too much to ask?
>The Hound dies but is resurrected by Qyburn to fight in the Cleganebowl.
Nobody would love a dickless man. Based Varys knows what to do with such a situation. Greyworm is going to die a tearless death and Missandei is going to get a proper dicking.
Dany is being set up as the Big Bad. This has been building up since at least season 4. Euron is a red herring and won't amount to shit
Top fucking kek
where is rickon
honestly I thought the Bran lines about the Night King were really cool, the idea that he's the Akashic Records of Westeros is neat and something I hadn't thought about before. no need at all for Sam to say that weird touchy feely shit afterwards though, no wonder his father hated him.
Congratulations, you're attracted to botox.
I hate how GOT has become this kind of show. I literally skipped the whole brienne scene because it was so cringe. I get that its 2019 and women power and all that, but I just want a show about dragons and zombies not about leftist agenda bullshit.
The drowned god and Valyria are mentioned to a certain extent in the show, enough it would be expected at least some more shit about them.
the deep ones are just wishful thinking in my part tbqh, but I find them to be cool as fuck
Ghost's first appearance this season was really just him chilling on the parapets huh
He's small cuz he was given the runt of the litter
Mario naharis.
holy shit, based.
Feminists are already seething
>talking about strategy
>what does the enemy want
>what are his numbers
>how do we position ourselves
How come nobody told that fat faggot to shut the fuck up?
They knighted her because her legend will be Knight Brienne Defends Winterfell instead of Some Family Friend Defends Winterfell.
>jon loses at winterfell
>cersei loses at king's landing
>bran's last words are "at least the deep ones will protect essos"
>screen cuts a shot of the sea, starts zooming down
>eventually reaches bikini bottom
>spongebob intro starts
This is the ending I'm hoping
I actually agree with feminists
He’s been dead for like four seaosons dude. In the books he’s chilling with cannibal savages on Skagoos
>I literally skipped the whole brienne scene because it was so cringe.
It was actually a pretty nice scene if you still care about the characters.
The bearloli scene was as insufferable as ever, though.
>I just want a show about dragons and zombies not about leftist agenda bullshit
This shit really isn't that bad outside of a few lines, but those lines still mostly make sense for the character that's saying them to think that way.
If you really want to see a progressive garbage trainwreck, just wait for Netflix's Witcher series.
The hound is objectively shit and contributes nothing to the story. He's hodor tier at best
>ah fuck off cunt x100
I used to think I wanted to know what happened... now, seasons and years of my life later, it's all so so tiresome
He’s been dead for like four seasons dude. In the books he’s chilling with cannibal savages on Skagoos
is it even worth it at this point to continue getting pissed off about how terrible of a show this is?
Should i just lay back and enjoy the fire?
Madness, my lord, absolute madness.
Either they shopped that or it's a body double
uh oh, looks like ol Jorah's going to have to marry his cousin to maintain the Mormont line!
Gods no amount of got shitposting will ever compare to the glory that was twin peaks shitposting
>If we take out the leader all his minions die
So tired of seeing this trope couldnt they just make his army smaller so they could just have a proper battle?
>the idea that he's the Akashic Records of Westeros is neat and something I hadn't thought about before
It's peak GRRM, though. So much of his writing is about collective memory.
>Sam giving his father's sword to the bodyguard of the woman who killed him
whoah... d&D thought of everything...
it helps that she is literally the only character in the entire series with a unique outfit now
>everyone is in black
>cersei is in autistic edgy black qween gear
>her qweenzguard are wearing jrpg tier retard helmets instead of the classic kingsguard armor
>everyone in the north is in black or furs
>sansa is wearing dominatrix gear
>even jamies red is heavily subdued maroon in comparison to the lannister crimson of the early seasons
>unsullied all black
>every single advisor all black
>brienne of the sapphire isle of tarth in all black
>even the fucking WHITE walkers are wearing black armor
>only exceptions are wildlings in furs, the golden company, dany, and bronze yohn
Seriously the costume design has been a joke the past few seasons, they just stopped giving a shit
>This show is so shit even the Feminists are making valid points against it.
more like the last 3 seasons
Or it's just her.
everyone should be in furs
>implying ah fuck off cunt x100 isn't based and redpilled entertainment
Yeah, Bran's little speech was the best part and it's really a shame Sam immediately turned it into something cheesy.
god i want to fuck maisie williams pussy i want to fuck her pussy so hard all night long
Reminder that next episode the red woman will return to cast magic spells at the white walkers like a fucking dnd mage
We're supposed to love sam and hate his dad but he really is a boring kid. I'd have disowned him just the same - specially since sam doesn't want to be a warrior and the tarly family is know for their warring abilities
it's basically what im doing
Fuck off. "freezing" temps just means 35F and lower. 35F is nothing, it's basically summer. Are you some sort of Southwest/Deep South bitch? Upper Midwest here. My blood literally comes from Scandinavia, and not the warm parts either. Fuck no there's no need for fur and only fur. Fuck no you don't need a helmet all the time, you CAN take it off and have a pleasant conversation with someone.
Ending leak when
Wow. Nothing happened again lmao wtf.
that's more exciting than most of the shit I'm expecting desu
You missed nothing.
Its indeed awkward
so uh, are they forgetting about all the fucking maesters and all the fucking books
It's not like anyone cared about the legitimate history of the first men and the white walkers before this
Jaime is going to die so bullshitly
that acting on dany when jon told her about his ancestuhz was fucking ridiculous
So...was the Arya scene legit?
have sex
>when you realize Bran is just Index
too bad he stopped being a shota
>implying hodor wasn't one of the best actors on the show because he completed his role perfectly
paint is too expensive, let's just roll with everything black
>gf is 18
>im 22 and just lost my virginity
>mfw I didn't miss out
so long suckers
just got done watching the episode
parts that i liked
>jamie and bran meeting again
>the drinking party
>podrick singing
parts that i didn't like
>everything else
tbqh with all of you, this episode actually had me feeling some sort of dread for the battles to come. unironically one of the best episodes this show has had in the last shitty 4 years
that makes sense actually.
at least make him live to the second last episode please
fuck i hate the show
months ago
She just fucked off for a while cause she had to train to 99 magic and get enough runes for the battle.
Fucking retard, it's not 35 degrees it's much less and could be below zero with the ice mist the ice walkers bring with them.
i liked this episode but come on, there are 6 episodes this season. 1/6th of this season was this episode. nothing happened. what was the point
fucking based
everyone saying "we're all gonna die" doesn't create dread, it's just dreadful writing
Jeor Mormont was more of a father to Sam than Randyll Tarly ever was. It makes perfect sense.
>Old spinsters not understanding that the threat of death often makes people incredibly horny
it's deep winter, and it gets colder around white walkers.
They should all be freezing, even the ones with heavy fur
Dany has no reason to care about the incest thing with Jon, but Emilia Clark spoiled that shit in an interview and was like "lole she's not cool with incest" when the Targaryans are fucking famous for incest, hence white hair, and she grew up thinking that she would marry her brother.
Jon has a valid reason to not be for incest, Dany doesn't, so I really hope they don't fuck the lore
>how do you know there'd be an afterwards
sorry i meant dread as in dread for the last remaining characters that i like
The only evidence we have that it's cold is the snow and ice, hence why 35F at least is plausible. There's no evidence that it's any colder. And if there was that could easily be explained as magic ice that can expand in temperatures of 35F.
>this episode actually had me feeling some sort of dread
This, i really liked this episode
I hope there is no chosen one
no azor any fucking body
you fucks are almost as bad as stannisfags
fucking god
>...he was a good father figure
Get your eyes checked.
she was banking on mana pots desu
anyone else here forget that it's still easter?
I thought it was just a copout to put the "kill the boss by tricking him" strategy into play that Hollywood loves so much. Making Bran out to be this living extension of the planet just gives him more plot life, since his part in the story is effectively finished.
I think Cersei's clothes are fine. They are meant to be imposing and its her way of channeling Tywin. The queensguard armor is definitely fucking gay and over the top though.
Imagine being Joe Dempsie in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific bugeyed quasimodo face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously, imagine having to be Joe Dempsie and not only sit on those sandbags whilst Maisie Williams flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her scars and pimple ridden skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that undressing scene. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's SO GROWN UP and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking troll face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of fangirls and strippers and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the arsecrack of Nottingham. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe Dempsie. You're not going to lose your future Bond career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it..
>really hope they don't fuck the lore
Do you know what show you're watching
This. She and everyone else knows that bunch in front is just a bunch of expendables to buy some time.
>Arya is supposed to be this badass bitch who isn't afraid of anything
>Backs out of a potential threesome with Beric and the Hound
Small time cunt.
i can't stop staring at the wobbly fat beneath her chin, sorry. doesn't help she's dressed in a form fitting BDSM trash bag most of the time.
the real azor ahai were the friends we made along the way
>fuck prophecies
index is shit
touma & railgun forever
Why the most handsome character is married to such a goblina? jesus
fuck user i almost spat out my tea
>im.... something else
>im something.... else
>im.... different
>Im not................ bran anymore
>im not bran....................... anymore
Just send him flying over the wall with a fucking catapult
more like janny of oldstones
It kind of reminded me of the pre-battle scene from Henry V, but it's weird to me that they have so much to wrap up in 4 episodes that they chose to devote a whole episode to that. After the big battle episode next week they're going to have three episodes left to tie the entire story together, and I can't imagine any way that it won't feel even more rushed than last season. If they had more time I'd consider it a good episode, but it seems like bad planning given the constraints.
Feminists have disliked the show for ages.
>The Fandomentals chicks got triggered as fuck over D&D aging up Tommen so they could immediately throw him in a sex scene
>This whole fucking thing:
Cgi. The motion looks slightly off.
he's studied the ways of the architect
anybody catch those bitch ass lil pieces of dragon glass on the top of the castle walls?
One scene where he was mad doesn't mean he wasn't a good father figure.
Shortly after that, he forbid Sam to die. If he didn't care, he could have just chopped him up for food on the trip back to the wall.
Baratheons don't take sloppy seconds
She wasn't raped.
>The only 2 blonde kids in the entire north
>Muh racism insert
Literally fuck D&D
>going from Carice to Maisie
>soft Euro voiced goddess to "Oi Bruv, you right gunna luv dis sweet meat, now pull out your wanker and give me the old in and out!"
would be funny to see greyworm and theon fight side by side.
But what about Saten? How does she fit into all of this?
yours is the song of ice and fire brapgon targaryen
Anyone else thought Davos was hallucinating that little girl at first?
Is he even that handsome? Like would people notice him if he was an office worker?
i hope they slaughter a fuck ton of characters next episode
nice ass for a skinny girl. would endlessly plow her doggystyle and empty buckets of seed (formerly testicly housed) into her.
she went to essos to complete desert treasure
GoT will be like Lost.
DnD have no clue what to do so all the mysteries will to unanswered. The lord of light will have no part.No prince that was promised. This show has turned into zomg zombies!!1!!1 XD and reddit fan service
No because MUH SYMBOLISM burns and RAWR BATTLE LOLI #2 are both shit I expect from this show.
hope they at least get rid of greyworm and brienne, but not jaime.
i thought it was shireen until i remembered they melted her. fuck this show and all the gay ass characters. does anyone remember renly or his flower knight child? no.
but i'm glad we've received 3 scenes with bedric bombadil flamewarrior
>Outside the blacksmith station, sparks were flying in Game of Thrones Episode Two. Theon Greyjoy returned and had a lovely reunion with his fellow House Bolton survivor, Sansa, followed by some prolonged eye contact over bowls of stew. Brienne is currently stuck verbally sparring with both Jaime Lannister and Tormund Giantsbane, with all the sexual tension that entails. This fan fiction writes itself.
>Dany and Jon, are, well, probably no longer fucking. That's good; one uncomfortable sex scene per episode is more than enough.
I'm just imagining everyone alive being relieved, Cersei is dead, NK is dead, someone human is at the throne and winter is over
>Then it just shows Arya dead on the floor, but it's not in Westeros, she's dead in some shack in Braavos and is in a later stage of decomposition
>The waif just smiles and rejoins whats left of the living
FUCK, D&D would instantly become god tier in a minute
>NK pricks his finger and explodes into dust
Yeah that stood out to me too, I guess if they start climbing over they might prick themselves and immediately shatter. But I feel like if they've gotten that far the castle would be done for.
Been watching Dragon Demands?
This coupled with Spartacus seasons 3-4.
>Hey okay we're going to have a final ALL OUT WAR ya?
>lol jk two buildup episodes then one major battle at winterfell, don't worry we're never leaving location
He's the embodiment of alpha
This kind of thing is insulting to Lost, they answered pretty much everything. It was definitely rushed and badly done, but GoT will manage to be both of those and also fail to answer anything.
>How dare Game of Thrones have a sex scene
Have we really reached this point?
I thought it was Sansa talking in the beginning until she mentioned killing her dad, and i was like "he wounded him, and wasn't there for the execution, the fuck is this"
>Akashic Records
t. preston
a tad late. you're slipping, friend.
Headless ned goes on a murder spree in the crypt
>jaime immediately cucks to brienne
i don't like TV
>the big bads are a couple incest kids turned into ice monsters
Nice dude
One of my favorite characters.
Feel bad for him. It's like when Notch moved and just sat around and did nothing in a big house. I'm always afraid that if I become rich, I'd be like this. Sitting around by myself doing nothing.
+hair, jaw, nose, black hawk down role
Dude. Re-watch the scene. Ghost is flat out checking out Dolorous Edd. Imagine how many furry fanfics are being written right now about a Ghost/Edd shipping.
Nah, the two dragons burn every living being in King’s Landing to prevent it from happening.
couldn't they just grind up all the dragon glass into a fine dust and shower it down on them so they die when a microscopic mesothelioma causing particle ensnares itself into their icy skin membranes?
Yes, I don't want sex scenes in the few hours we have to tie up the entire fucking story
Feel pretty bad for Grendy desu.
Imagine going from Melisandre to Arya.
>zombie baby Sam strangles Gilly
Joan of Arc was never a knight. And yet she's still a very well recognized historical figure. There was literally no need for the knighthood scene, only serving as agenda to show that women can be anything now.
What is it with him and little girls?
what the fuck else would there be to do
The problem is that the sex scenes' quality has dropped the same as the rest of the show. I mean come on we had a Quasimodo sex scene and it didn't even show the sex part, just partial nudity
What would you say to someone hours before an army of hundreds of thousands of dead and nearly invincible white walkers arrive to attack the castle you are staying in?
a baby cant strangle gilly. nobody can strangle gilly at this point, her neck is too thicc
Notch is the living embodiment of those statistics that you get more depressed when you get too rich. This is what will happen to pretty much everyone when they have ridiculous amounts of money.
he has chad warrior teeth
Based runescape boomer
they shouldve written off his character after arya left him for dead. I guess he's back for cleganebowl.
He just thought it was shireen because if her burn mark
Joan of Arc was sainted. Thats a big part of her legend, that her actions were worthy of sainthood. Saints don't exist in Westeros, so the next best thing is knighthood.
I mean they even yell fuck tradition, it's clearly a fanservice for SJWs
I honestly had to google it to know what he meant, but it kinda fits.
Literally what was the point of Shireen 2.0.
He was practically Shireen's dad because Stannis was autistic and Selyse was a giant cunt.
>Any knight can make another knight
Since fucking when
stannis was based
Thats because Notch didn't use his money to better improve himself. He just stayed himself, and used the money to magnify his flaws. Money is a means, not an end.
Yeah this episode was good for me simply because he was in most scenes
probably so davos can throw away his life to save her or something
calling it right now:
The "cleganebowl" will be a 5 second back and forth with the mountain swinging at the hound, then the hound quiping some retarded shit thats probably a quote from arya, followed by a decapitation of the zombie
dude hes experiencing PTSD before the BIG WAR, is this depth lost on you? I get why, GoT is such a deep show
Its possible they used a body double. Cersei's walk of atonement was done with a body double.
tfw people think having dragons in a show is reasonable, but editing someone else's head on another body is outrageous and impossible
It was clumsy foreshadowing of his allegiances for the next episode where Mellisandre shows up again and he doesn't want to help her and Azor Jon anymore.
>imagine going from a disguised 300 year old witch to some assassin virgin woman closer to your own age
Melisandre may have painted the house but the inside is still creaky and dusty as fuck.
Since s8e2.
it's in the books
surprised the writers even remmeber that, guessing they just took it from some reddit post though.
Beric says it in the books and the Hound makes fun of him for it iirc.
in your opinion, which character was flanderized the most?
Damn right. Pretty much saved the episode single-handedly.
Jamie lied to make his ugly friend feel better
Ser Jaime the Kingslayer himself was knighted by Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. it's a westeros tradition
They'll kill each other. The End.
I don't remember that. I recall them needing to do some religious shit like staying awake to guard a sept for several days straight.
>fucking kek
What's there to Uhhhhh? Ghost is obviously once again checking out Edd. It's happened a few times in previous episodes.
Did they even bother proofreading that shit?
Arya then Sansa recently
>yes yes, very busy can't write
>stop asking or i will kill another stark
might be wrong but im fairly sure that's for when the ruler of the house dies.
jaime does it for tywin, but he also recalls it on another occasion.
Yeah, but Melly S never shrieked, "Oi Bruv, take your todger outta me slit and shove it in me fartbox!"
Tyrion is the correct answer.
Arya for sure
Went from an assassin aspirant who left after being half trained, aka getting her shit rocked 20 times, into some ultra murder machine incapable of fear or error
read a book, nog
Barristan tells Dany that there was no greater honor than receiving your knighthood from Rhaegar, and Beric says that any knight can make another knight when he's talking about the Brotherhood.
Kill them all resurrect Joffrey and ramsay and have their gay incest child sit the throne for all i care just finish the shit
Fuck everyone who says Tyrion, he's bad, but he had god damn nothing on Arya. She has been a one character trait pony for nearly three seasons.
definitely arya
She was a normal girl who enjoyed fighting and now she's the edgiest fucking person in TV's history
OP girl looks like a full white Missandei, ie inferior.
>she was a normal girl
>tomboy who wants to stab things like her daddy
Well of course, but why'd you respond to me.
she'd probably shapeshift herself to be as tight as she wanted.
Or what, you think she'd give stannis shitty sex?
I think the problem is that Tyrion was such a great character at the start and now he's just shit
Arya was always shit and then became even more shit
Tyrion was literally the main character before. Now I dont know what he is
not even remotely similar you faceblind shitskin
S1 arya was just a tomboy, but definitely not the thing she is rn
It would be absolutely based. Tasty mayocels tears all over the site.
>felt emotional during pod singing jenny's song
what the FUCK D&D, stop trying to bait me away from the writing you faggots.
serious question. from the battle plan jon lays out it looks like his force is primarily melee focused rather than ranged. is this fucking stupid? the wights are shown to be a primarily physical force, meaning that they'll overrun and kill every melee fighter in the field, and then raise those fallen soldiers as wights to turn on Jon's army. am i missing something? wouldn't we want to have an army primarily comprised of defensive units?
To be fair, Tyrion was good at politics, not warfare, he lucked out with king's landing because Stannis was cocky as fuck and expected Joffrey to be a retarded leader
Everything afterwards was him being a bitch
Zombie Hodor carries away Bran to the NK
>master strategist
>loses his only two battles
based pod actually making the episode somewhat bearable
>seething while going extinct
enjoy oblivion, whitey.
Pre-Bravos aria was THE shit my man
The animated lore bits that come with the dvds remain the best things about this show.
Dany alpha widow confirmed
whats an arrow going to do to a skeleton, user?
lol the world will be a firey hellhole by the time whites stop ruling over you, silly shitskin
I agree, but I think for most people money will give them the temptation to indulge their flaws and lead to depression. It's harder to confront your flaws when you have an endless supply of wealth.
they dont have enough dragonglass for all those arrowheads
They gave Pod a great moment so people will be extra sad when he gets killed offscreen in the next episode.
It's probably a matter of resources.
You can use an obsidian sword, spear, or axe as many times as you can swing it.
You can shoot an obsidian-tipped arrow only once.
No conventional strategy will help them. They will be sieged at night, so ranged attacks will be wildly inaccurate. They can't let the undead get to the walls, but they can't attack the undead until the Night King reveals himself. So at this point, the only strategy left to Jon is to show the Night King the menu and hope he tries one of Winterfell's delicious meals.
>Where's Pod, Brienne?
>He died fighting my lord
I seriously feel like Jorah gets cucked every single time he's on screen. Actually thought he was gonna give the valyrian steel sword back to Sam because "it wasnt his to take"
every single battle was a shitfest, strategically speaking. I dream of the day they'll use cavalry for flanking
and don't get me started on logistics
>sansa points out they can't feed the army
>conversation gets dragged away
>everyone forgets, and the army is magically fed
you just know he's going to die but fucking brienne and greyworm and all these other shit characters will survive
>whites ruling anyone in the age of the jew
lol no, white people 2.0 have already replaced you lot.
Actually I do enjoy oblivion, that is Oblivion: Elder Scrolls
Apparently it's for both.
>Knighthood is partially a religious matter, as it is usually open only to followers of the Faith of the Seven.
>There are several variations of ceremonies. It is customary to stand vigil in a sept the night before one receives knighthood.
>This vigil is carried out before the figure of the Warrior. The sword might be placed before or upon the figure, and the armor in a pile at the statue’s base.
Will it be explained what the Night King has been doing for idk centuries?
jews can't even rule their own country nevermind the west, that is just a shitskin cope
stay seething
Arya guaranteed to survive
I feel like Tyrions story just ended once he killed Tywin. After that there really is no point in keeping him around
The last battle that made any goddamn sense was the siege of King's Landing. And that siege would have been saved if anyone fucking bothered to suggest to put forward an advancing screen of gunboats.
Ser Lyonel Baratheon knights Ser Raymun Fossoway right on the spot in The Hedge Knight
Sleeping now shut up and chortle at the quips
Did anyone like the part where nothing fucking happened?
It's obliviously a setup for Dany sacrificing herself because now she knows her house could still get the throne even if she dies and for her love for him. Also now he trusts him with her dragons and allies even more. Another clue is that she's seeing that the nord hates her, but Jon could unify the nord with her house after her passing.
What's Daario up to right now?
Didn't Stannis do that? His entire plan was to sail ships up the Blackwater to ferry troops across the river to get them on top of the city walls while he landed troops elsewhere. Then he got half his shit blown up and the other half got smashed in the side by Tywin.
>trump literally throwing money at israel while the UK holds europe hostage and you think you're in control of your country
yikes. Don't know what you in the baiter are arguing about but you're nuts if you think you're winning anything over the jew.
joining the golden company to come to westeros and kill dany for leaving him behind
Or point out that he hasn't forgiven himself for shireen's death yet.
sure but shouldnt they have a shit ton of archers with fire arrows prepared
Bull fucking shit. Dany has nothing but contempt for the people of the North, especially after the way Sansa shat all over Dany's friendly overture. Dany is the one with the plan she wants to see through on the Iron Throne, not Jon. If anything, Dany might let Jon die out there (and ofc Jon won't die because he literally cannot die).
oh my god lmao shitskins are fucking stupid as shit
no wonder whites conquered you all so easily
Well these are high rolling actors now. Back in season 1, they were cheap and easily replaceable.
Stop being stupid. The show is weak. writing is bad. its sjw. But Jaime can knight whoever the fuck he wants. Any Knight can do in theory. The only difference is pratical matter. For example, Knighting someone who doesnt deserve or a woman will reflect badly on you. In real life (Which i can not guarantee is the same thing as GoT) there would be the fact that a knight has to have a horse, weapon and armor, all those cost money. If the guy you knighted does not have that, you are supposed to sponsor him. Meaning most of time, no one actually knights no one.
the vigil and all that shit exists, but it is reserved for more prestigious knigths. Sir Jaime was for example knighted in the woods by the Sword of the Morning after a battle. A King would probably make vigil in the Sept of Balor. and deserving or not, he would be made knight due to his status.
Even if there was an arrow for every zombie, the archers would get tired within the hour.
>Dany sacrifices herself
no way. for all her supposed virtue, we've also seen an equal measure of self interest and covetousness towards the throne. she's obsessed with the throne
Why havent they sent the dragons to harass the column the last few days.
Just fly by flaming
>want to show that women can be in control of their sexuality
>don't want to show anything that men might actually enjoy
This shitty Arya sex scene is the end result.
>tfw your shitty bait post sucks in someone to argue for you
>wanting to lose your virginity before the day you day
>irrealistic and unnecessary writing
???? Wanting to get laid or do crazy shit before the apocalypse is a well established trope
Greyworm is basically dead.
>Yeah dude when we retire let's go to the beach
Classic death foreshadowing.
>get javalined, lose another dragon
t. book lorefag
>Night King doesn't just starve them out
imagine giving your enemy THREE undead dragons and you with none
>Using Ice Barrage on White Walkers
What the fuck happened to the Dothraki?
From what limited intel the Night King has gathered, he knows that the enemy is in possession of dragonglass, knows the means to resist him, and has massed at Winterfell to campaign against him. If he can break this army, he knows he has Westeros won.
Isnt there some book gradeschool kids are forced to read where some faggot is a human archive of memories
Choosing from two wrongs doesn't make the decision a right one.
lads, that scene with pod's song was absolute kino
Right i forgot the living dragons cant fly fast enough to break the sound barrier like viserion can for some fucking reason
theyre in the background
he;s going to die isn't he
Viserion doesn't feel pain and doesn't even have sentience. The better question is where the fuck does it draw unlimited blue propane?
The Giver?
if you think I'm a shitskin you probably voted in the MIGAtard. Enjoy your tax dollars going to netanyahu while SJWs consume more media. but yeah, you're the master.
How the fuck has no one said Tormund yet?
seething shitskin with an inferiority complex
All the more reason to not fight them.
Just sit around and they all starve to death or leave their walls to fight him in the fields.
Option A) Fight them and potentially lose.
Option B) Sit around and they all starve to death. ggez.
YES i've gone years without thinking about this book/ movie they made later
The Undead Hound vs The Zombie Mountain
>or leave their walls to fight him in the fields
He's in luck then
Is that what you think you're talking to? I offer you a redpill and you go "nah that's for niggers." ubermensch give to israel. It's pathetic how easily you take jew cock. you're not white.
shitskins trying to be smart is fucking cringe
Thats literally the point of the ground formation. Its all bait to bring the Night King into the trap.
I am smart, nonwhite jewslave. Wish you knew that feel.
The battle formation was already decided before Bran said he'd be the bait.
why do shitskins make posts like this?
how do they know the nightking will even show up /during/ the fight? if they know that he's the key, wouldn't he wait for this army to absolute blow apart winterfell and afterward pursue Bran when he has no army to defend him?