/got/ General RADMURE edition

fuck it. fuck it all.If D & D had kept the blackfish alive then he and radmure could lead the Tully army north and pull off some sort of King Theoden/Riders of Rohan shit and it would be RAD AS FUCK! but no! They have to be hacks! Fuck it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>High in the halls of the kings who are gone
>Jenny would dance with her ghosts...


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>make post
>nobody gives a shit

I cant believe I have to wait a month for this shit show to end.

Anyone feel very weird and uncomfortable about this?

It's like watching your little sister you grown up with fuck

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So they lose to the WW in ep 3
That leaves 3 episodes for WW, Cersei and Dany wrapup.

They can't possibly kill the NK next episode, there's no way.

>more filler
Bring the white walkers before i piss myself!

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at least ghost is off the boat

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really cool episode cool concepts cool stuff really glad this was aired nice job all involved great!

its called a general thread, go back to r*ddit honey

We thought we wouldn't get Ghost, we may get Edmure when the time comes to deal with the Golden Company.

>Euron BTFOs Yara and Theon takes the Salt Throne
Mark my words

What the fuck is his plan?

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I unironically got emotional over Brienne's knighthood, fuck off

Glad we got more song kino this season.

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Nightking ain't even been shown yet. He's gonna power stomp a dragon

its jewish subversion

Where was Ghost?


your post was shit in the other thread and its twice as shit now

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You guys realize the Sansa-Dani-Jon plot obviously is setting things up for Jon marrying BOTH Dani and Sansa.

I have a son, you have a daughter. We'll join our houses.


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Lionheart > Saladin > Wolf > Pig > Caliph > Sultan > Rat

>the leaks were true
>jon will kill dany and get lightbringer
>dragons will die and he will mount ghost

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>HBO instantly rushes to clarify Arya is 18
Fucking hilarious.

it was a good scene but the rest of muh woman power felt totally out of place

>someone taller - dany
>you used to be taller - arya
>you're a lot shorter - gendy
>He's too little for me - dany
>I saw your pecker. What kind of god would have a pecker that small? - tormund

does d&d hate kit or something?

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Reminder winterfell has no anti-air, therefore Viserion could just kill literally everyone except danny (who can't be burned)
Also, before anyone suggests the other two dragons, the white walkers actually have anti air and could knock them both down

to fuck

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You know who isn't going to die next episode?

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please dont kill edd please

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If Cleganebowl dont happen I will throw myself out of my window.

He just wants to get some work done on that nose

How would you use Bran's power to its fullest potential?

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around the fire with jon & co in some shot

The absolute mad men did it

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Why didn't they just have a mass evacuation taking everyone down to the Neck which would be far far easier to defend than fucking winterfell?

he's fucking DEAD

Based dunk would be proud

>Never got to experience awkward teenage lovemaking


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>Arya is made out to be a master assassin
>A fifteen year old girl that spent under a year doing random shit in an island

The show sucks ass

Jon = Azor Ahai

Has to happen

Is this the first time Bran has been referred to as Brandon ?

the shit quality obscures a lot, you can see some nipple in HD

>yfw the ace shows up during the battle to save the day

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Resurrecting Stannis to grant him his rightful throne

Welcome to 4channel newfriend! shall I explain to you how this works?

mfw arya is juicy as fuck

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>Show up
>BTFO a lot of characters
>Die via asspull maneuver

Guys, I found a plothole on episode 3 even though it hasn't come out yet.
We all know there's gonna be a face-to-face confrontation between bran and the night kang. The question is: why doesn't the night king just burn everything with the dragon? Bran has said his motives are simply to kill everyone, therefore it makes no sense for him to confront bran in person

What are those marks on her side? Corset?

Reminder for the confused: this is that Noah movie from a bit back. Old Testament = \m/etal as fuck. Though the weird super-long ages is probably due to idiots not recognizing a shift in timekeeping going from lunar cycles to solar cycles.

Imagine Ned and Catelyn seeing this.

Winterfell is ma home.

Where the fuck is Melisandre?

What if everyone ran to the north of the wall really quick and they rebuilt it?


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So if the NK kills Bran then he erases history. Does this mean he also erases DABID's shitty writing? Has that been his goal all along?

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Jorah getting Heartsbane confirms he is Azor Ahai

anyone got a link to the stream
last time I used torrents I got an email from my ISP

body double 100%

please not edd

>warg into female
>have sex with myself

she went back to asshai, but she'll be back before it all ends, she said her and varys will die in westeros.

You can also that it's a body double.

Is there any reason the night king can't just do the same javelin shit with the other two dragons? Will this be addressed?

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Mate he's gone

That goblin has fat tits.

pls no

so the night king has no motive other than just to kill everyone just because? sick character D&D!

Jon is the hero of the books and the series.

Dany will go mad. I read another post that said Jamie will kill Dany. That will be an amazing end to the series (Jamie will also kill Cersei)

He stood behind Jon, Sam and Ed while they were on top of the wall

Now that's meta

Ya don seem ta unda stan m8. ders a fookin armie uh da ded approachin wee do't av time fur dis idle bickeren.

>have a completely silent villain
>have to exposition dump what his goals are
Brabo Dabid

night king wants to turn bran. cant do that if bran is a pile of ash

>Kids have never seen a black person before.
>Instinctively sneer and retreat with visceral disgust.

I hope he doesn't die but I know he will.

Guaranteed ded

he could have killed all three on Beyond the Wall

Jaime is basically confirmed dead next episode

Who else is gonna go?

What would win, the Undead Army of the Night King or one (1) platoon of United States Rangers (w/ stryker recon) ?

NEXT EPISODE: more standing and smalltalk.

No you can't, you moron.

Holy shit! The Night King has been our hero all along!

>my post was so witty that i needed to make a thread about it
>so good i might even copy paste it!
>already other general already up way before it



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Because he would have to expose himself to do that, if he did that then he'd have to fight 2v1 against other dragons.

The Night Kings goal is to have people forget the sins of the past and from the ashes will come rebirth and a new beginning.

Nights King was Kino all along

Scars from when the Waif sliced her up.



i know it has to happen but i really dont want to see theon die i really dont

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>he hasn't accepted that the One-Handed King is happening
you have 3 episodes to do it, better get ready

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seriously how do they have the balls to kill the black fish off screen and than completely write off the all the lords of the vale, the reach, and the riverlands.

also where the fuck are the reeds?

on this very episode bran said nk just cares about killing him.
Of course, turning the three eyed raven would be a good thing for him but his army is unstoppable already*

*except by the cheap protagonism that's going to happen

who the fuck is that on the left

Maisie looks good for 100.

Yes. Yes it was.

hey can anyone explain to me at what point in our history women were allowed to act like this?
isn't this supposed to be a period piece

I didn't realize we were ruled by strong independent women like
countless others


does one of the rangers is on a 7 killstreak so he can get a napalm strike?

Is there anything else worthy in this show plot-wise anymore except 'who dies next' game? I mean, whats this about?
Comparing it to the books makes no sense for the past three seasons, but I really gotta say it...just what are they thinking

I think Cersei will die by wildfire. Perhaps Jamie sets it off

There should be edit of Ned and Robert's smiling ghosts standing right there next to the bed, like in Return of the Jedi

>shoot 25 zombies
>get tactical nuke
rangers easily

i think we'll see frogfu before it all ends. they're down in the neck

>Jaime is basically confirmed dead next episode
Fuck off.

Considering the fact that Muricans don't use obsidian bullets, I would say the zombies

dubs for the golden hand

Is Arya of age though?

I don't want to see it either, fren. He's my favourite character. It was painful enough seeing Ned go in season 1.

NK wants to make Bran his second in command of the Night Empire, and you cant be an emperor of nothingness.

trips of truth

Looks nice

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An entire got thread and not a single copypasta post yet. So sad

Artillery can be used to set things on fire or shatter them into uselessness though.

They brought back Ghost so Bran could warg into him before the Night King kills his human body.

wtf I want bran dead now







>EAST 500, NORTH 200, OUT.











are you retarded or blind

bran still hasnt actually explained what he can do to anyone, so he just said "yeah he wants to kill me lol" instead of explaining


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you can not be this new, im radmureposting

>already other general already up way before it
no honey, it hit the bump limit, how fucking new are you?
ah, a redditor i see

>"you get to fuck a female Stark"

>"fuck yeah, Sans-"


>his face when

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at wall with frens

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The wheel was broken

>Florence singing a song for GOT

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Thanks for answering my question. Why did you even respond to me

>NK wants to kill the three eyed raven because he knows about history
You fucking what?
Why not head to the citadel first

Hed just transfer his conciousness to some other warg if bran dies who gives a fuck

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Women are strong because it's a Fantasy ?

jesus christ gilly what did sam do to you

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>valyrian steel ar15s
>obsidian bullets
>kill 25 zombies

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Night King going to Kings Landing with viserion and will wipe out the Golden company and euron while his skeleton crew fucks up winterfell

exactly and that's why my dick was diamonds

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>have 3 fire breathing dragons
>turn into a wolf instead
is bran a furry?

Arya is 18 according to GOT twitter. They made that very clear a few hours ago for some unknown and mysterious reason.

How will your artillery defend against the ice dragon?

>she's actually an ancient dragon loli

Who will answer the horn of Gondor?

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unironically kino

The Night King is immune to dragonfire. Just watch.

That makes sense.

northerners are stubborn as goats

can you even warg into dragons?

I did and it was honestly not that great, i was literally shaking like a faggot hyping the moment and came after like 3 minutes in

the dragon could fly without him, while he waits with a spear in hand to provide surface to air support

where the poop is victarion

Hmm yes why did they do that


Bran is going to knot Sansa.
It will be beautiful.

quit moving the goalpost, sport

wasnt there a plot point that in the old days the starks had a friendly relationship with white walkers or was that bookfag details

Fuck you guys this episode was pure comfy.

better than that fucking weeknd song

in the book she is 14.

Why is Sansa the only one that got a Theon scene? Don't the other starks love him like a brother?

What the FUCK were they thinking when they cast Arya? The actress looks like a goblin, she never even grew up between the first season and now


Is that actually her nipples?

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If we get a concrete age of a character couldnt we make an actual timeline now?

Autists get on it

That's the books.


It'll kill the conscious link of westeros that caused the nk

i dont think we see arya interact with theon once in the entire show.

Did anyone else think the knighting scene was stupid?

Was wanting that part of Brienne's arc before?

based bale
banging goblins
melting oscars to turn into daggers

Only the incest dad had a good relationship with the White Walkers--he gave them newborn baby boys in exchange for peace.

Then the dragon would still die and he'd lose one of his most powerful units. Also to be in spear throwing range means he'd have to be in range to get attacked.

Was I the only one thinking Gendry was going to pull his face off?

That's what the Stinger missiles are for. Alternatively an old-school anti-air cannon would do.

>yfw Stannis(zombie) kills Brienne

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>Continues Williams: “Then [the scene] was rushed. We were [directed by] David Nutter, who has a habit of speaking fast anyway. By the end we’re rushing to finish the scene and David is going, ‘Okay, you’re going to come in and do this and do that and, great, take your top off’ — and then walked off. And I’m like … ’Okay. Let’s do it.”

he doesn't want an empire, Bran said his only motive is to kill everyone. Probably consequence of this being their only purpose when created by the children of the forest

so very comfy

Can he still fight though?

That's literally westeros.org conspiracy

Except for the night's king, the real night's king.

Do you think Jon feels insecure knowing that he’ll never be able to satisfy Daenerys sexually like Drogo?

DFCfags believe this.

god i wish

He gave her the fat genes.

brienne has always wanted to be a knight

to dab on the living

she's an ugly dog in the book though

>theon eatin soup or some shit with sansa
fuck yeah that's my boy

Please Lurk more before contributing to threads, understand how the website works, the memes, the threads. THEN join in so you don't shit up everything.

Loved that scene with the Nights Watch lads, reminded me of the old times at Castle Black. Feels so long ago now..

Too bad you can't do anything against ice javelins

They fucked themselves in the ass continuity wise. Now everything in TV will be measured by Arya Virgin Year and Arya Post-Virgin Year

Why did this shit tier show kill Stannis and The Blackfish off camera?

An old nights watch commander stark married an Other woman and he might be the NK

She's 22, if she wants to fuck she is allowed to do that. What is she supposed to stay a virgin forever so you can feel...idk less weird? Fuck off with that you incel virgin.

how can one man be this fucking based?

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>why couldn't they have cast someone who looks like 2B reeeeeee

>maisie actually got DABID'd into sex
that's hot

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I would be okay with this

>largest repository of amateur porn in the entirety of Westeros at your fingertips
>can't jerk off because paralyzed from the waist down
No wonder Bran's a robot, he has to be or the realization would make him kill himself

why would his dragon die? He has very good aim (as he shot viserion from the sky) so it's quite probable he could shoot the other two down before they killed Viserion.

Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't get emotional when you heard this /got/


The Neck is not defensible from the North. It's how the Ironborn fucked over Robb

Everyone might as well be dead already. In the books, you're introduced to these hundreds of side houses and settlements that wouldn't hesitate for a moment to take over regions without dominance. In the show, its like any place other than Winterfell or King's Landing is an empty field.

Dragons are made of meat. Armored vehicles aren't.

im pretty sure its not an other woman but rather a female wight

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considering he wasn't acknowledged at all I am 90% certain they edited him in later on

No pasties, that's a surprise

Based fatso using lolis like japanese isekai LN


She got cute in the later books though

If she put her hair down and wore make up she'd be passable.

Based Nutter

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fuck did the ending got leaked already?

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tormund is so cringe

Why would he expose himself at all when he doesn't have to? He can just zerg rush while replenishing his army with fallen soldiers.

it's literally CGI'd you idiots. have you incels literally never seen a tit before?

>killed a giant and made his wife his mommy
Fucking alpha male

Nutter, not D&D, he's a longtime director for everything TV

the song sounds like "once upon a december" in some parts from "anastasia", i presume that one was also inspired by another song.
is it just a general "chanty" or is there an actual source for it?

Dragon scale is thicker than armour.


Have you thanked Bryan Cogman yet for saving the season, /got/?


It's not a double retard. She even confirmed it isn't in an interview.

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that dipshit has done more harm than good

Just stop.

is this what pod did to those whores in the brothel?

me and my friends started laughing because we half expected everyone to start singing the bear and the maiden fair

why is everyone shit talking Jaimie? despite the loss of his hand his reputation was still supposed to cause men to shit their pants

yes I see, what is the problem? like i said you have to lurk on this website more. Come to these threads more often and you'll see how the memes here work and what a general thread is.

Nice projection. The casting would've made sense if the actress had actually grown up, and she wasn't deformed from fetal alcohol syndrome

the other white walkers could shoot if the kang is so afraid
Also he'll expose himself to confront Bran anyways

FUCK the only characters I want to absolutely survive are Theon and Jaime and they're both basically goners

prove it

Who would be the most based character to pull their face off and be the face guy?

does anyone actually read all the replies in these threads

Fuck off back to redd!t with that stupid immature bullshit virtue signaling, faggot.

It's super nerve wracking and it lasts all of 10 seconds, you're not missing much.

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Theon is 99% dead but i don't think Jaime will die

low test faggotry

Guys hear me out. If all the White Walker are killed in the battle, there are still baby White Walkers up in the North.

What's going stop them from retreating the whole thing a decade or so later?

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Bobby B.

I don't need to watch it or know about it you kike.

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would normies lose their fucking minds if Jaimie turns out to be Azhor Azhai? Or better yet Stannis was and now he's dead

the partyvan?

Yes, I have long flights, so I load up all the major threads on Yea Forums and my other favorite boards and then read the threads during the flight.

Don't, user, please :(

Jamie isn't there to die, he's most likely the azor ahai
Remember, d&d are stupid fucks but theyw wanna surprise the audience, and this is the perfect shit for them to pull

>why are northmen spitting on this lone lannister so far from home
besides, no reputation holds when you lose your able hand

why would jaime be azor ahai

there must always be, a lich king

Vis can't burn Joh either

Sam is the architect all along

i am the watcher of the thread
the poster that guards the realm of stannisposters

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>Fuck Naathi

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I thought they were going to shrug and sing the rains of castamere

hi r*ddit

This. Exactly how I felt. I still see Arya like I do in the books. She's a brat, Jon's little sister. A kid traumatized by the war, but still... they took it too far. One kiss shoudl've been enough.

>attention seeking faggot makes thread out of shitty post for more attention and also uses a name
like pottery

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why has tyrion been such a useless nonce for the last 3 seasons

remember when he was clever and relevant to the plot's forward movement

All I want is an ice spider

This makes the tie line hilarious, because we see Sansa have her first menses in season 3 (maybe 2 I think).
So between season 3 and 8 minimum 10 years need to have past.

Bradleys, which are considered horrifically under-armored, have a full inch of aluminum armor (equal to about 0.6 inches of steel). In front of that, they have two quarter-inch-thick steel armor plates each spaced an inch apart over the main hull.

Medieval/Swords and Horses armor, such as we see in GoT, was at most 1/32" thick steel. Some spots may be thicker around vulnerable areas, but most was actually 1/64" thick steel. It mostly provided slashing and stabbing resistance. Dragons are just durable in terms of weaponry meant to take out knights, not armored vehicles. If one got unlucky, a stone tossed by a trebuchet could cripple a dragon.

crashing these kingdoms


i was surprised when i heard they let Raimi direct this episode but when those kids started talking i saw where they got the inspiration from

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>If all the White Walker are killed in the battle, there are still baby White Walkers up in the North.
don't you remember how every white walker falls as soon as their commander perishes?

user... its a general

ah fuck it, you'll learn

>Jenny of Oldstones
Yea Forums anthem

>having to watch that disgusting goblina get naked

fuck you HBO

So wheres Daario

is brienne going to get GIANTSBANE'D?

>she's ugly faced therefore her body must be bad

Could euron still have the horn on the show?
Would d&d pull it in ep 4 (when the living are retreating and are ambushed by cersei's troops) or would they at least be honest and accept they forgot about introducing it

I assume since the Night King made all the walkers when he dies, they die, and the wights under his and their command all also die.

I thought the WW's were created by the children of the forest to slaughter the first men. Who the NK himself has always been speculatory.

What is truly fucking stupid is that the Night King is marching on Winterfell where legitimately the only army that can't stop him is waiting.

If he went down to King's Landing he'd over a million souls to harvest for his army and there would be no stopping him. He'd never eve have to get near Winterfell.

Everybody knew that the first 2 seasons were going to be like this but seeing it happen makes me wonder why they decided on only 6 eps
In fairness, so many moments in this episode could have been great scenes but everything seems so rushed. Jaime's trial could have been 10x better than Tyrion's but like everything in this season so far, all consequences are brushed off and forgotten in seconds.

100% agreed that scene is gross. Maisie is 18 and gendry is like 30. Gendry watched people change her diapers and is now fucking her? Absolutely gross

Stop posting you circumcised faggot

>Episode 3
>The NK kills Bran
>The entire show disappears from the internet
>Physical copies explode
>GOT is erased

>yfw Euron wins

post link to episode 3 download i know it's out there


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Would it be socially acceptable for a westerosi lord to marry this 10/10 mulatto?

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No? The Wights fall apart when you kill a White Walker. Nothing about White Walkers being connected.

Not all targ are fireproof, and jon has been burned before

we have four episodes left. it's way too fucking late in introduce anything other than a motivation for the NK and how to ultimately defeat him. everything else at this point falls into the missed opportunity bin.

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Samwell would never be on Jon's case to declare himself the true king at the expense of peace. He might be sad for his brother but seeking revenge is not in his character. However if you were going to go down that path, Sam should be seeking revenge for his mother. Why did he not mention his mother during that conversation with Dany? Unless she died in S7 and I forgot, this is another oversight in the script.

You need to lurk more

>faggots still believe that azor ahai shit
Like they’ll use anything normies can’t easily understand.

I wouldn't mind tormund killing a wight giant or him being killed by one, d&d could give him a decent death at-least

I think it would be a nice twist if they win the Battle, but the Night King has actually gone straight to Kings Landing

>mfw this song made me actually realize that most of the cast is about to be killed off starting with the next episode

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no fucking shit user, really? im just laughing at this faggot for using the same post

But that's horrible if true. The White Walker babies did nothing wrong.


NK motivation was introduced already by Bran
it's just to kill everyone and erase history

She's 22 and he's 31. I'm 31 and I came inside a 19 year old girl a couple weeks ago. Have sex you fucking incel faggots.

No problem
>A 31 year old pipes a 22 year old

You fucking people are literally the reason the human race deserves to end violently.

if arya disguises herself as tyrion/jaime and kills cersei and that's the "valonqar" I'm going to fucking shit blood

He can fight north piecemeal. Otherwise he would March on Red Keep and have a hard battle, and then get attacked from the flank.

>from clever and drunk philosopher to comic relief and dick jokes

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Jaime's plot armour: he has to be the one to kill Cersei
Theon's plot armour: he has to be the one to kill Euron

New thread

In the show that's what they are

In the books its super ambiguous and the WWs may be even older than the children


>take control of bran
>go back in time and abort themselves from creation
>destroy weirwood network so that time travel cannot happen anymore

>They call me Giant's Bane. Want to know why? I killed a giant when I was 10. Then I climbed right into bed with his wife. When she woke up, do you know what she did? Suckled me at her teat for 3 months, thought I was a baby. That's how I got so strong, giant's milk.

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Comfy is just a code word for boring desu.

I want to suck Edmure's dick. I want his balls slapping on my face. I want to eat his ass. Thinking of him makes my 2" dick so hard.

Jamie will live only to be knifed in the heart by Cersi (Bronn couldn't do it) as he tries to reason with her. It's GRRM's ending all along.

its in nick cages superman

>Theon's plot armour: he has to be the one to kill Euron
Yara is 100% going to kill Euron.

I take back everything I said about Stannis, this is the best ending.

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I did bro.
George must've channeled Tolkien's ghost when he wrote those songs.

if you've got amazon, the HBO free trial lasts a week and their servers are solid as a fucking rock

dw at least half the cast will be dead after episode 3 so there will be enough screen time.

>hole gets triggered at the concept of having to bear some responsibility

Bran loves to tell everyone he's the Three-Eyed Raven but the Night King doesn't actually care and he has it all wrong. He wants a supply of babies so his race can survive, he'll personally travel past the battle to King's Landing and after his forces defeat Winterfell's and Euron's, Cersei will end up providing those babies.

To enjoy the show, I have to stop using my brain. Just enjoy the cgi and the character reunions. It's something else entirely now

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>did nothing
>got raped
>suddenly is (((smarter)))

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A far better tax system

Why are yopu autists talking about azor ahai? Its not even a thing in the show, it was completely scraped, i dont think they mention azor ahai even once in the show, at best they talked about the prnce that was promissed(same thing), but that was made moot by missandei and her sjw valyrian word games. There is no "azor ahai" and there wont be. It only exists in the books and was completely disregarded by the show since the early seasons.

Because they can't write for shit

Cry more redditcuck

>bunch of undead that, at best, growl, screech and hunger
>commanded by a mysterious dude who wants to erase history and rule in everlasting night
>night king is actually a communist

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go to bed grandpa it's late

If you want to be mentally engaged, then read a fucking book. TV is was and ever shall be easily consumable bullshit for the pleb masses.

So, basically an episode to set up the deaths of Brienne, Davos and Arya, huh?

This but unironically

Good analogy, now that you mentioned it does sound a lot like marxism.

>butthurt old guy who dosent comprehend ecoomics wants to erase the historical process with an army of useful idiots

It fits 100%

Robert with his breastplate stretcher and Ned with his head under his arm.

This also undermines Danny's character and arc of trying to be accepted as a female ruler. Most of people she talked to in the first seasons laughed and scoffed at her or treated her as a sex object, in if it weren't for her dragons, fire immunity, and lovesick followers she'd be nowhere close to where she is now. It really shows how the writing has changed.

He saved Sansa from Ramsey. Jon already had a scene with him. Alfie is too good of an actor to be watered down with Arya.

These are the facts.

Remember when Dany said that she was going to break the wheel?

Don't forget, he also fucked a bear.

I wonder if pedophilia is outlawed in westeros

He neva fookt a bear

Don't be a tinfoil hat wearing faggot user. Everyone knows it's John.

its cgi

If Force ghost Eddard and Bobby don't happen in episode six I'm burning my ASOIAF copies.

no u just stop. her tits were covered for cgi. this has already been confirmed.

Faggot, she went to Volantis.

when you find out that ALL boobs in GOT were CGI.

No, you just made that up.

Youre a borderline pedophile. Not surprised given all the cunnyposters on this board. I wouldn't flaunt your perversion like that in public if I were you. Bragging about sleeping with a 19 year old at your age might seem cool to you , but most normal people think it's gross. Your age difference is way too high.

>dropped his v-card to melly sanders
>rowed a boat for 3 years with a few weeks supplies of rations
>took one for the team to dial back teen ninja angstiness
Truly the hero Winterfell deserves.

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Confirmed by who?

She's 15 in the show

>fucking doesn’t even understand basic board concepts and posts shit-tier memes
if you’re this bad at something requiring 70 IQ you should probably just end it

link a working stream

>literal savage hair

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