Manlets amirite? ahah


Do they seriously need to shoehorn a manlet joke on each episode? This has been happening since last season, it was funny at first but now it just takes you out of it because at this point it's just them taking the piss. When did GoT turn into a sitcom?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Well it's a very relevant fact to bring up. I wouldn't consider someone shorter than me to be my military leader, let alone my king. How can you be king of the seven kingdoms if you're shorter than your sister?

imagine being shorter than both Bran and Tommen LMAO

Attached: whenwilltheylean.jpg (968x1344, 176K)

They have been reclying the same jokes since forever. Look at Tyrion, for example. He has been telling the same jokes since season 1.

But at least the cheap jokes are part of Tyrion's character. All this different instances of pointing out Jon's stature came from this writers wanting to poke fun at it, its not organic dialogue the characters would normally say

I'll never be sick of BTFO'ing subhuman manlets

I wonder how Kit feels about all this. Has he ever addressed it?

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It'd be less jarring if they were doing this since season 1. But instead it's gone from his height never really being remarked upon to le ebin joke xD at least once per episode.

he fucked daenarys and sansa in real life so I don't think he cares

not a chance. ygritte at most

i hope theres a manlet joke in every episode this season

How fucking tall is Kit? 5’4”?

I'd guess 5'6.

Rose is 5'5 so he is 5'6, 5'7 at most

Below average but on the OP's pic he is posing next to exceptionally large women

Attached: Kit-Harington-Rose-Leslie.jpg (869x1024, 129K)

The only way we're getting a real answer is standing him next to Tom Cruise with their shoes off.

their actually is.

At least post the unphotoshopped image

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They cant keep getting away with this

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I shoehorn manlet jokes constantly in my daily life. It's not that farfetched

Manlets SEETHING. The more jokes the better.

According to google 5'8

Someone bigger

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I have literally never been height mogged in my entire life

The jokes go over your head

I can’t imagine you have much of a life if you use the phrase height mogged

You do realize how horribly inaccurate those online stats are, right? Especially if the numbers are self-reported. A lot of these actors add quite a few inches to their stated height to make people think they're taller as a cope


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What is it like to be a manlet?

The other day I went to fill up my water bottle at work, and the guy in front of me is a fucking giant. I mean I'm 6'1 and this guy is like 6'10+. Completely towered over me. And not some lanky dude either, he was fucking massive. Someone 9 inches shorter than me is 5'4, aka average woman height. Crazy to consider being a woman, and like 15% of the male population is that giant to you. No wonder women are afraid of everything, if the average height was 6'10 like this dude walking down the street would be terrifying. Then, I thought about turbo manlets who are also this height, and couldn't stop laughing about what they go through. I guess you learn to cope, can't imagine looking way up at an average height guy.

>be 6'2 240
>play college football
>linemen are all god damn giants
>tfw look like a dwarf in all our pictures

Attached: 1508491286760.jpg (985x865, 190K)

Imagine the only good quality about you is being 6’1. You’re not interesting, youre not smart, youre not strong. You just throw height stats around on Yea Forums to feel cool AHahahahahahahahahahahahabahahahahahhaha

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But I am 6'1

Why is this the truest meme I've ever seen about male height

I played college football dline

Nose tackle masterace

I really think this might be true

(RDJ, Tom Cruise, that GOT guy...)

Again, imagine having to showcase that on a Mongolian cartoon board to feel self worth.

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5'7 gay boy here.

I would give up an inch of my huge cock to be even shorter

I love to feel smol

This guy gets it.


now imagine the outcry if it was weekly jokes about:
>"HAHA "%EMPOWERED_FEMALE%" is fat!!!"
>"HAHA "%EMPOWERED_FEMALE%" is flat-chested!!!"

Ok, and you are the same except you are a tiny manlet. What is it like going through life looking up at 70% of people? Would you be willing to put a go pro on your for head and walk around a city so I could see what it's like?

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>weak side linebacker master race
>never get blocked
>when I do it's by running backs
>only have to cover slot receivers and running backs in man
>zones are always filled with late passes and easy open field tackles
>get the coolest numbers (52)

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I actually don't reply on grindr to guys who are too tall. And tall bottoms in general are just a big yikes

Jealous I still got 57 A’s jersey but

>nose tackle ona 3-4
>always get double or triple teamed
>have to cover A gaps on stretch at 6’3 290
>coach will always yell at you if you don’t get any pressure while being three manned

Jealous desu of lbs

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Anyone have that hot webm where she's pushing and pulling him around?

but im a top

Women believe their height in heels is there actual height. No joke. If I were to start wearing cowboy boots with 4 inch heels their minds would actually be convinced I grew 4 inches in one night.

>Short top

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womenmores are disgusting

manlets, when will they learn?

height is overrated though. women would much rather fuck a good looking dude who is 5'9" than an average looking dude that is 6'3". i speak from experience.

>not wanting to make a 6'3 muscleman submit to your superior cock and have him spoon you after

>NT in a 3-4

literal cannon fodder

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i think the whole " i want to die as an 80 year old man with a young girl's mouth on my cock" was a callback to season 1 and not just them reusing the same joke over again because they ran out of ideas.

tfw king of manlets at 5'11" and 7/8
I just lie and say I'm 6' even though I know I'm just a manlet
it'd feel terrible to be anything shorter like I couldn't honestly imagine it
no one takes you serious at all

Imagine going against guards and centres that are both 6’5 320 at 6’3 290 and they’re drafted that year in the nfl I was concussed for 5 years lmao

The upside is that you probably didn't have to be on special teams. Half my concussions came from fucking kickoff and kickoff return

Actually I was on punt return and kickoff return for a few games the coach though I could cover edge gunners on kickoff return at 290 and they’re dbs that run 4.5

that's called recycling you retard

great post

As a 5'10", I can confirm this

>When did GoT turn into a sitcom?
when they ran out of original material and had to come out with theirs
showing once again that jews most generally lack any manner of talent, and understand even less about Mankind

He looks like a fucking mongol in this pic

>start youth football as a kid
>offensive/defensive lineman
>always laying a smackdown on these knuckleheads
>height peaks at 5'6"
>watch as everyone surpasses 6' and gets stronger
>too attached to the lineman life to venture anywhere else
>retire before high school ball and become a concussed insecure loner that fits nowhere

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too old

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Well me and that linebacker college football player can be concussed adults you’re honestly lucky you didn’t play later especially that small in hs I would dummy small lineman in practice and games literally the only thing I’ve been good at

>felt the need to point out that he is a "normal sized bloke"

Isn't 5'8 average?

Your entire life is a collection of memories crammed into an organ that is capable of computing information derived from those memories.

Why are YOU recycling, retard?

You should have taken up wrestling

She’s literally his wife I hope he’s fucked her by now

what's going through his mind in this moment?

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Unless you were born in a shithole country, or you're 60, no.

Only if you're Mexican, average height for Anglos is 5'10

>my legs hurt
>why can't I stop sweating
>I hope the fangirls still think I'm hot after this

I thought about that too, but never committed. I felt too short and inadequate despite being able to stand my ground fairly well.

How tall and old are you today just become a bouncer

dude how is that different 1 or two inches to you?

are you fucking retarded? that's like 4 inches so he's about 5'9 maybe 5'8 min, max just under 5'10

still 5'6 and 19
Never really worked out so I never exceeded 150 lbs.

I am surprised I haven't heard any allegations after seeing this gif

Only a manlet would hone in on the line and make a Yea Forums thread about how seething they are over it.

Stay seething manlet fag.

What the fuck? Jason is a pedo?

Fuck you’re still got time imagine being plus 30 just start working out man don’t get xbox huge but in shape and up to 175 you would look good

you get banned for posting it on gaydit or such things
even here, already took bans for it, or that other one
it's prbly because estronaut jannies want to prep him

they all are, user

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Alright then. Appreciate it.

you're acting like 5'8 is absurdly short compared to an avg of 5'10 though.

that's like saying 6 feet is massively different than 5'10 and extraordinarily tall.

Ever heard of Napoleon?

>that's like saying 6 feet is massively different than 5'10

It really is

Attached: 1555740450228.jpg (477x476, 22K)


6'2 here

you're never gonna make it


That's fucking disgusting.

such is life, in Kali yuga

This poster is unironically a woman and this is literally how they think, it's not just jokes on Yea Forums

Perfect height. 6'0-6'2 are known for their loyalty and strength of character. 6'3 is a sign of faggotry.

Short men tend to be better leaders. Lanklets are followers.

Bro I'm 5'8 where does that put me in the 5'7 Chad club?

What was the joke?

>Shorter than your sister
Sansa is not his sister. All of his immediate family is fucking dead
Does anybody even watch the show

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Its such garbage, you can tell the writing staff has way too many women

Who cares? Jews and woman can act like children and throw playground insults. I'm not concerned.

For some reason 5'7" is peak male vitality/creativity/energy

All the traveling across the continent in a day or two is really pissing me off

Its called homage

How tall was Alexander?

It kinda helps when everybody you know that is 6'0"+ has some kind of joint or health problem

Daenerys: "and I know he is true to his word, he is the second man in my life I can say that about"
Sansa: "who was the first?"
Dany: "someone taller"

You were molested as a little boy


no, sorry to break your narrative

Maise got a little work done on her face

You were

keep them coming

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whatever you say

no offense I know its outside of your control but I can honestly not take any man below average height seriously. I try to check myself because im not an asshole(or I try not to be) but I just cant help it

You're just shallow and vapid. That's ok, most people don't take your type seriously either.


This is missing 5'8" and it's chapping my ass. Are we invisible?

why does he always look like he just got done crying?

Does he has something in his pocket or is that his dick?

Meanwhile, Sophie Turner is dating Joe Jonas who is the same height as Kit.
The hottest fucking bitch in the whole show.
Tall, hot, redhead, sexy, elegant, gawdess.

>someone taller - dany
>you used to be taller - arya
>you're a lot shorter - gendy
>He's too little for me - dany
>I saw your pecker. What kind of god would have a pecker that small? - tormund

does d&d hate kit or something?

Attached: landscape-1474904970-hbz-jason-momoa-kit.jpg (1988x1000, 198K)

He's not a closed faggot disappointment like Yea Forums so he probably doesnt give it much thought like you.

He’s married and rich, you think he gives a fuck?

>exceptionally large
Shes my height and i assure you i meet people higher than me every day.

Gwendoline is so fucking tall that it makes me feel funny.

With heels on she must be like 2 meters tall. Holy fuck.

>With heels on she must be like 2 meters tall. Holy fuck.
She's so tall that I'll have to go up on her.

How does she feel knowing that 2 Jews are making fun of her husband's height on one of the most popular show on TV right now? Do u think she laughs along or do u think she has morals and will protect her husband? Asking for a friend.

Well if she's your height she would still look taller than you in the picture manlet

5'3 here and I get pussy on the daily
Height is meaningless

What happened to 5'8?


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You should have been a gymnast

I remember hearing a story about how a lower ranking officer told Napoleon something like "You're Napoleon? You're shorter than me for an entire head!" and Napoleon responded "Then we will shorten you for a head" and executed the guy.
Funny stuff, wonder if it's true

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>the virgin of the north

If it's like that, you might as well go all the way and be tyrion.

>Funny stuff, wonder if it's true
Probably not, Napoleon being short is a myth. He was average height of a Frenchman of that time. Also he was such a great leader because he was respected by his men.

Manlets ALWAYS give a fuck about that. Its like a splinter in their ass that they cant get out.

I do and I am 5'8

The show is only made for women now, who make fun of manlets, so yes.

i haven't seen a new movie or television show in about 7 years

keep going

Short people already live stream their lives, user.
If you weren't a retard you could observe this already.

Getting enough oxygen up there, tall guy?

And you can do nothing about it its sad but true!

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Holy based.

>All this manlet cope

>Has he ever addressed it?
He married Rose Leslie, he can deal with it.

Attached: kit-harington-rose-leslie-wedding-spl-ftr.jpg (620x352, 173K)

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Why isn’t heightism considered as evil and abhorrent as racism and sexism are? It is prejudice against people over something they have no control of. Jokes about short guys should be considered hate speech.

In case you're shocked and think he's really a pedo just go watch the original vid. This one's zoomed in to make it look like the girl is pulling away from being groped and then pans up to make it look like he's nervous and then it cuts.

In the full vid he's innocently got his arms around two girls and the one turns to look at him like asking a question and then goes back where she was. Its hard to explain how just zooming changes the appearance so much but just look up the original.

Plus he's in the middle of having his picture taken by a hundred people why would he choose that moment

Looks pretty big but its because his legs are so small

left - virgin zoomer
right - chad boomer

Attached: 1506130794547.webm (360x360, 826K)

>Plus he's in the middle of having his picture taken by a hundred people why would he choose that moment
because he's an absolute MADMAN.

crazy how the actress playing daenerys is commentating on the actor playing jon snow's stature in the universe of the show unrelated to the character itself

whatever you say Aquaman

haaawwwt. You just know she wants it

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brutal mog

>to yourself
holy fucking cringe

>he even has heels on in this photo

Not fair. I want to be #metoo'd by giant woman

Attached: 50foot woman.jpg (922x525, 37K)

she's really ugly. I get why they're together now.

Bc you're a faget

at least the nibba doesn't wear clown shoes to try and be taller

>6'5 250lbs
>drinking at bar
>tallest guy in the room, pretty quiet night though
>suddenly a whole group of fucking giants walk through the door, some having to duck under just to get in (probably 7ft+)
>learn throughout the night that they're a basketball team or something
Felt weird. They seemed uncannily tall. Like they didn't belong in this world.

wooooo another brainlet who doesnt even know the image he just saved and posted is edited. and while youre at it please post the webm version

>Kit Harington: Handsome, rich, beloved by millions
>Ugly lanklets, both inside and out, whose only redeeming quality is being tall: NOOOO, THIS CAN'T BE. FUCKING MANLETS THEY SHOULD KILL THEMSELVES RIGHT NOW. MANLETS ARE WORTHLESS SUBHUMANS

5'5 italian ravioli here. Been the short guy literally all my life so it never has an effect on me, i'm actually considered tall in my family which is funny. i lost my virginity to a girl that was 6'2.

now that it think of it, holy shit it probably sucks to be a manlet if you're not italian. when you're italian you have that joe pesci/mob vibe, and if you're funny it's a bonus. I can't imagine being some nordic manlet, there's no cliche to help you. and if you're a manlet spic you just look smelly.

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open a history book, brainlet

>be 5’7
>get my pick of 5’0 girls

Why does it upset you?

>Thought I was a 5'8 manlet all these years
>Measured myself recently and it turns I'm about a centimeter shorter than 5'8 and am part of the 5'7 master race

There are tall chads, and there are lankletfags who are ugly on the inside and the outside and use their one redeeming quality to shit on manlets. You're the latter.

>I wouldn't consider someone shorter than me to be my military leader, let alone my king. How can you be king of the seven kingdoms if you're shorter than your sister?
Pretty much any great military leader or king in the past was a manlet. Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler. Look that up.

>every day.
that's basically impossible. maybe 1 in 100 people are that tall.

>Was 5’3” at age 15
>Was 5’6” at age 18
>Was 5’8” at age 21
>Am 5’9” now at age 24

What the fuck is wrong with my body why did it take so long to squeeze those last inches wtf

Everyone has looked napoleon up and it’s horseshit. Stop being wrong on the internet

>Everyone has looked napoleon up and it’s horseshit. Stop being wrong on the internet

He’s getting five mil and episode and fucking a cute ass ginger cunt I bet he don’t give a fuck

Julius Caesar was 5'9".
I doubt Genghis Khan was tall as well.

He’s a delicious twink you retard

He wasn’t short.

She's his cousin.

>be me 6 ft 4 chad
>be 5 inch dicklet
>girls constantly mirin but I never sex them because of the inevitable look of disappointment when they see my pen0r
feels bad men :(

5'7 asian manlet here. height is not really a problem for me especially when most women in asian countries are shorter than 5'5 and most taller women here are always hapa

Napoleon was 5'6-5'7.

yeah well at least you're tall enough to get girls to mire you, girls look in my direction and laugh

Told by my Dr when I was 19 I was 5.75 ft tall.
Learn that 5.75ft is actually 5'9

No longer 5'7 master race. Feels bad man

Is this real?

In my shithole we don't measure height in feet, foot, hands, head, heel, so 180cm is any good or cringe?

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thats actually a boy

Neither do you

the unzoomed vid shows the exact same thing
really kill yourself, you revulsing piece of shit

no, just zoomed
you will hang same as khal pedo, wannabe bullprepper

It's barely the cutoff separating gnomes from actual humans, so pretty cringe

>immediate family
Not many people know this term. it's fine if you don't

Tom cruise and Brad pitt basically


He's rich and drowning in pussy, why would he?

All the small things
True care truth brings
I'll take one lift
Your ride best trip
Always I know
You'll be at my show
Watching, waiting, commiserating
Say it ain't so, I will not go
Turn the lights off, carry me home
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Late night, come home
Work sucks, I know
She left me roses by the stairs
Surprises let me know she cares
Say it ain't so, I will not go
Turn the lights off, carry me home
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Say it ain't so, I will not go
Turn the lights off, carry me home
Keep your head still, I'll be your thrill
The night will go on, my little windmill
Say it ain't so, I will not go
Turn the lights off, carry me home
Keep your head still, I'll be your thrill
The night will go on
The night will go on
My little windmill

>t. manlet


Coz it’s fake you faggot

that's nice, girls don't look at me at all, feel like a ghost


there's always someone bigger, the final redpill is that we're all manlets

>he is living the literal dream everyone here can't even imagine (finding your perfect waifu while filming tv kino)
>meanwhile anons here try to cope by calling him a manlet and making fun

It's fun don't get me wrong, but at the end of the day he is still far above us all

genghis khan was described as very tall for a mongol


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>Be 6'0

>also get my pick of 5'0 girls

>but at the end of the day he is still far above us all

Not in height he isn't.

Napoleon wasn't short, you fucking retard.
He was literally of average height for that era.
Enjoy being fed British propaganda.

That's his own kid you retard. Will you always pay attention to hover-hand over your child and being paranoid not to appear a pedo? Cringe.

He's one of those pretty manlets who appeals to a girl's maternal instincts.

fuck off Momoa, your Conan remake was shit

Hitler was a manlet.

That's because its nothing and those are his kids. Will you always pay attention to hover-hand over your child and being paranoid not to appear a pedo? Cringe.

what!? He overachieved. He's handsome, fit and makes millions.

Also married his show waifu, while fucking Dany and Sansa.

He's "5'8" but probably closer to 5'6.

Still dont get it Eh Manlet? Its ok to make fun of you. YOU ARENT PEOPLE. Your seething is entertainment for normal sized humans

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I think they did some poll with women and it was pretty much if a man was under 5'7 that women considered "short" since most women are under that number

No you're just pathetic. No one thinks about these things as much as you do

>That's his own kid
so, you pedo bullprepper?

>"Would you date someone shorter than you?"
>polygraph moves


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she was just nervous. it didnt move enough for it to be a lie

Julius Ceasar was 5'6" but was tall for his time when average Roman male was like 5'3"

Shit this gives me hope. I'm 5'8" at 19 and I hope to reach 5'10" in the next years.

God the whole cast of the show is so fucking short except for the blonde woman.

You won't

>rose leslie
u wot m8?

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Yes he has. He has fun with it. He once joked how he was in a club with some friends and some girls recognised him, but they thought he was from LotR instead of GoT. Harrington then had a good natured laugh about how he's so small he got mistaken for hobbit instead of Jon Snow. I seriously doubt being 5'6 bothers him that much considering everything else he has in life.

>Sophie Turner
>The hottest fucking bitch in the whole show.
Imagine unironically believing this.

You bring up a good point. women this fucking tall, whats the point of wearing heels? They're not sexy on giants.

sure, mamoa...

>he fell for the late growth spurt meme

most bitches in the whole show are ugly, so there's that

Why are so many actors manlets?

He's 5'6-5'7 (so short but not ridiculous like 5'2) but stood next to a 5'9 girl in heels and, even worse, a 6'3 woman in heels. It's really a unfortunate set of circumstances that got him meme'd so hard for being a manlet. Like how the reverse was true for a guy like Meeks. One incredibly fortunate photo got him meme'd as the perfect man.

too much makeup

based and redpilled

too much idiocy

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Most notable leaders in history were average at best when it comes to height. Kit himself is average even, at least in the US.

>be 5'6''
>gf is 5'10''
Sometimes it's not so bad being short.

Attached: always-warming-up.jpg (780x439, 56K)

based american education

Grenn tells a story about a fan meeting Kit and not believing its him because he is too short
Everyone laughs

because height has nor correlation unless your a midget or lanklet
tormound gets it

easier to fit them in the same shot with their co-stars

Why is this so sexually arousing?

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If you know you're on the low end why would you attend a premiere next to two giant bitches and allow yourself to get photographed by their side?

Attached: average height world.png (6300x3095, 1.33M)

Hitler wasn't a military leader at a time where battles where still fought with horses and swords you idiots. He never mounted a horse and charged at the enemy. Perhaps battles in 3019 will be fought with supercomputer brains the size of an USB stick but is it relevant here?
Napoleon, Alexander, Khan and so on could be valid counter arguments but again those were average or above average height for their time and place.

Jon is NOT above average for his setting, being towered by his own sister and the average grunt soldier.
In a setting and especially kingdom (the North) which greatly respects combat prowess, so obviously his height matters, in context.

I dont get it. Why would I be friends with 5 7 manlets specifically?

What's up with Bosnia and Montenegro? Why are they so tall?

>be 5'10''
>gf is 6'1''

Can't go back to short girls, went from 5'5'' to 5'9'' to end up with a 6'1'' now. Wish I wasn't a manlet so I could go even taller, I'm afraid this is the maximum for me.

>I wouldn't consider someone shorter than me to be my military leader.

spinners aren't for you manlets, anyway

Haha how funny would it be if a manlet had a bigger cock than me and bullied me despite me beinh twice hos size every other way lol

>all this manlet cope

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jeh such cope haha
manlets when will they learn haha
no girl wants them haha

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I always found him ugly but theres something about this (lack of)height thing that makes him sort of adorable

Attached: kitty.jpg (719x960, 59K)

Nobody said manlets can't get laid. You're just not respected.

t. toxic 140 lb. lanklets

>tfw 6'2
>not tall enough to be tall
>too tall to be teased by a cute girl for being shorter than her
Same applies for my benis

>5’-10” but my completely fucked posture makes me look 5’-8”

>tfw 6'
>don't feel tall
>people say I'm tall all the time
I feel like I'm being patronized.

kek are you a teenager?

So far, the only folks i have seen absolutely obsessing about hight are on Yea Forums. And since this is alt incel HQ..

Seeth harder

Attached: 1503587767090.jpg (392x461, 25K)

cope moar, marmoset

Average today is still a little on the short side, not even considering the past's average.

meant for

You are my brother

6'4" guy here

dear manlets: kys


if every manlet followed your advice, it would kill off most of the third-world population. why would you-


if every manlet followed his advice he'd be the new manlet
>the 6'4" virgin vs the 6'5" chad

Wow, this is me at 22

ever been to scandi? there are plenty of nords under 5'7 and they don't give a shit, because they're nords and not pathetic and paranoid, get out there and live your lives and stop listening to maggots

They really go out of their way on the show to make Brienne unattractive.

>marry your sweetheart from the show
>still fuck instagram thots all day long while binge drinking
>Yea Forums is obsessed with your height
Yes, I agree. He can most definitely deal with it.

Yeah, my gf jokes about my height from time to time. Though I joke about her being a wolanket as well. Have to admit head pats are nice, and she seems to enjoy getting dominated by a shorter man.
At least I'm strong enough to lift her when I need to bang her against a wall or something.

>tfw below average height male
>have average size dick
I may be short but I'll bang you harder than a hammer on steel.

Attached: bangbang.jpg (750x528, 78K)

>Be me, 19 years old
>5'11 for over 6 months, think its all over
>Not even 2 hours of grow grow grows per day helps
>KHV, always shut down by girls
>Store personnel always ask me where my mom is
>Get forced to party by friend one night, probably out of pity
>Agree to go just because he's in my guild
>Try to beg my dad for some vodka, he just laughs and tells me its not gonna help but gives me some
>Walk 1,5 hours to party since friend forgot me
>Arrive but nobody notice, one girl just says "really" as I enter
>Sit there rest of the evening just warming a drink in my hand
>Chad walks by and drops 7 used condoms in it
>Stand in the corner bobbing my head to the music instead
>Suddenly feel like I'm standing in a tower, people below me look small
>5'8 friendly guy I talked with earlier walks past me hissing at me and mumbles something about lank
>All the girls look at me as if I just came into the room
>Nearest girl starts talking to me
>Sounds almost like flirting
>I respond automatically with witty comments, woo-ing her somehow
>Watch as my new self effortlessly talks her into a quivering mess and kiss her
>Bang her upstairs
>Get high fives from every dude in the house as I come down
>Chad gives me a football
>Another girl starts hitting me up that same night
>Leave with several new phone numbers and a huge grin on my face
>Cab comes around and drives me home for free

>Next morning, still smiling from the night before
>82 new friend requests on FB, people I never met
>Message from Brad telling me to stay away from Chad
>Dozens of commercial mails about condoms in the inbox
>Go to eat breakfeast
>Bang my head in the doorway, need to crouch to get through it
>Mom says I look great
>Dad tells me I'm the man of the house now
>Cousin feels my abs and says solid

Turns out I turned 6'0 right at the party and finally made it, t-thanks fit

Yeah by marrying one of the hottest girls on the show who also happens to be filthy rich and has a fucking castle. I'm sure he's just devastated.

Repeat this post to yourself, slowly.

my keks runeth over

tyler is clearly all about kit in this pic, you guys are all liars

He was average for his time

>people who are taller than me frighten me, i hope i frighten people who are smaller than me
staggeringly pathetic from all angles, your life will be hard

Attached: 1.jpg (618x769, 130K)

To be honest everyone is a shortie in front of Gwendoline.

Attached: 0d9455e6c3d92f9f890d23472a170078.jpg (750x499, 82K)

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>people unironically think Maisie is attractive
people unironically think Daisey is attractive

the absolute state of women in modern media

Jesus look at those tree trunks.

Attached: x2z2qk5.jpg (634x953, 80K)

Attached: tumblr_ovxdijEOiP1r8q56qo1_1280.jpg (1000x668, 70K)

Even Nicole is beaten.

Attached: tumblr_oqf7jdQMYa1qcpno5o1_1280.jpg (662x993, 84K)

GoT is now a manlet filter

Attached: gwendoline_christie_041.jpg (2258x3000, 489K)

My ex is 5' 9"
I want those long ass legs back

Attached: 1519771517878.png (640x717, 144K)

>Napoleon, Alexander, Khan and so on could be valid counter arguments but again those were average or above average height for their time and place.
That's a fucking meme. What, you think 2000 years ago people were 4'10 on an average height? The average height for males has always been 5'7 to 5'11 depending on the race. Maybe I can buy that height has increased by an inch on average since Rome's days, but nothing more. 5'10 or whatever may be the average, but it is still manlet status. Those men, by all accounts, were manlets.

Very few great men in history were above 6'0.


with each passing year I am more and more impressed by how being short affects the Manlet's brain so entirely, is it a victim complex like niggers have where they blame everything unpleasant upon the fact that they are short?

>British "people"

Only if they let it.
It's the same way the lanklets that can't get slizz based on height alone attack the manlet.

Run with what you got, stop being a bitch. It's that easy.

manlets have a smaller brain too, so that's likely


Look up that article about the English chad trainer who hanged himself for being short. Fuck you I won't look it up for you you can't make me lalalalalalalalalala

5'7 manlets are based desu
>Tom Cruise
>Brad Pitt

very nice
how do you meet them?

Attached: 67oxkZQm.jpg (512x512, 45K)

>5 7
>Zack Snyder
>Jesus Christ

Attached: Zack Snyder Serb.png (831x465, 661K)

The show is just going hard on the acceptable low hanging fruit
-short guy == lol he’s inferior, society thinks it’s ok
-woman == must always be smart/act like an uncaring asshole to show how “empowered” she is and told so every possible time

Nothing boundary pushing, and everything acceptably safe to mindlessly follow. The show is normie trash.