Who were the target audience for THAT scene?
Who were the target audience for THAT scene?
Other urls found in this thread:
>those hips
She has NOTHING going for her
She's fucked after GoT. She doesn't really have anything worth promoting. Maybe some lifetime movies with ugly side characters.
All goblinas of this planet, obviously?
Fantasy scene where a 2/10 gets boned by a 8/10 chad, its a fantasy tv show man, its meant to realize fantasies
Yea Forums
> Prime Masie was seasons ago, but she was "too young"
> Now she actually does look like Quisomoto
> Finally get a sex scene
It's not fair, there was time now.
I can think of a few things she could do, if you catch my drift.
who did she sleep with? I haven't watched it.
I can't, not even suited for that
With him
Its a fantasy show btw, chill your bricks you cucks
It's okay bro, some people just don't think outside the box. You don't need a beautiful girl to enjoy her, in fact a little bit of "ugly" is pretty hot when she's gagging on your cock.
Imagine being Gendry in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Arya, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 15 year old girl from Flea Bottom. Like seriously imagine having to be Gendry and not only lie there while Arya flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her unshapely figure. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone in Winterfell tells her she's SO BADASS and DAMN, ARYA LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of young peasant girls with perfect bodies shaped by working in the fields all day. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get get laid one last time and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for while baking people into pies. And then she asks for another round, and you know you could kill every single person in this castle before the eunuchs could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Gendry. You're not going to lose your future lordship over this. Just bear it. Close your eyes and bear it.
Fat, pimply, boyish looking teenage girls who want to fuck the football captain?
It’s to show how sick and horrendous medieval times could be
some people have weird tastes, whatever man
Harvey Weinstein wouldn't fuck that with my dick and you pushing.
Arya wants wang!!!!!!
Dyke cult on suicide watch!!!!!!
The angry blogs are being pounded out as we speak. In the morning wil be tasty REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
11/10 on that effort, bravo D&D, those new idea crayons payed dividends.
Jesus Christ your post oozes virginity
Have sex incel
Me. Maisie Williams is hot as fuck. Pretending otherwise is funny online, but in reality I've emptied my nuts to her more times than I can count. The fattest loads too, I take zinc supplement.s
didnt maisie fuck a ton of people when she was a faceless nigga
weird face though
Dafaq is this from?
It was an Arya moment, not really a fan service scene
My thoughts exactly. Well said user
Best copy pasta
It was a really dumb scene. Lonely incel bug men will fap to it and enjoy it, it's a fan service scene that appeals to the lowest common denominator.
have sex
You offering?
Its not though.
Arya was a dyke cult hero
Dykes have been saying shes a confirmed dyke for 20 years.
Watch what happens tommorrow. Dykes are going to C O P E
She’s a goddess with a long career ahead of her.
And here I was thinking it was to show Aryas transition from a girl to a woman
Yuck, no La Goblina for sure
are you implying the virgin mary was not a woman? sad!
I might jack off to this
but only cause I like to enjoy (imagining) having sex with very small girls
Feel bad that they burned down her cathedral
Reply to this post if you unironically jacked off to her.
Did they film this in Australia?
maisie would look 20% less worse if they gave her another haircut
her fae is so round, kinda like a soccer ball
She's a very wealthy 22 year old. I'm sure she'll be fine even if she never works again.
So how old is she? I seems like her face hasn't changed since S1 and I still see her as a 12 yo.
Muh dick
She's lying wide awake after, that means Gendry didn't dick her down properly. Lesbian confirmed!
reminder you could have this physique if you lifted for like 30 minutes 3 times a week.
Healthy kek
No one.
it's a casting fail, in the books Arya is supposed to be a near clone of Lyanna, who was hot enough to start a fucking war
D&D just happened to pick a child actor who turned out ugly after puberty, they were pretty solid with Sansa
>Who were the target audience for THAT scene?
They should’ve cast her as Tyrion. Dinklage is too handsome.
fuck this show only whores tits get shown this bitch feels she's to good to show her tits well fuck her i was gonna name mmy daughter after her but for not showing her tits im gonna name my new dog arya
“Arya Horseface”
She’s supposed to be “ugly”, just not Quasimodo doughboy ugly
They already are giving it the memes
>you go girl
these same cunts who usually claim its rape if one person is in a position of authority over the other.
Sophie Turner did turn out surprisingly tall though.
I think she's taller than whoever played Rob Stark, though she might just be wearing high heels
Only Theon called her that though
Obviously not you fucking mong, she is supposed to be a tomboy kid, the problem is that when you cast kids you never know how they will grow up.
And not every character has to be 10/10.
they knew notre damn would burn previous to this season
they banked on the sympathy points
6d (dabid) chess
The pedophiles of Yea Forums
Maisie Williams is 22 years old
Arya Stark is 18
Ugly looking girls sometimes grow up into really hot women.
My dick.
muh dick
How so? Because it teaches them kids get uglier when they grow up?
I want to find you and be your friend
you weird cunt
She was around 14 when the show started, but shes a womanlet so she looked like she was about 8 years old.
Should have replaced her creatura lookinass with Kylie Quinn
she's tomboyish and not particularly beautiful as a child but is growing into her looks and would probably be a hot 10/10 like Lyanna if she dressed properly and cleaned herself up.
She was an ugly kid it wasn’t too big a leap to imagine she might turn into an ugly adult.
Imagine being such a slag that you force the writers that already said they didn't want to write a sex scene for arya/sansa to write on for you, so everyone can see that you had a nice ass. You know she is doing it to show people once she hits the wall in a year that she had nice body
She was like 7/10, not goddess tier
Probably looked like this
I was diamonds when I realized she was seducing Gendry
>Who were the target audience for THAT scene?
My dick
body isn't even that good. notice the placed dirt to emphasize muscle/definition. that is with makeup too.
So satisfying
Fuck off back to r9k retard
His shoulders and collar bone shelf look pretty good. Clear definition between pectorals and abdomen is still better than no definition.
If you were skinny to begin with this look wouldn't be hard to achieve. If you were fat you would need to stop eating like a woman and start running a few times a week and lifting occasionally.
at least she's probably 100% female
I already jerked off to it so
Absolutely, she was really cute for a bit
Yeah, as the fire starter of the movie version of the Notre Dame fire.
She's British
god i wish that were me
Game of Bones
seek coitus
I'm planning on whacking it to it. I don't watch GOT but fuck it.
Yes because 22 year olds in the heel of a windfall know a ton about money management.
She'll be doing cons within 3 years.
It wasn't even hot. Compare
erectors cut
Goblin fanciers.
who else fapped a little to that scene??
I’ve already been banned from 3 subreddits for spamming the copypasta.
who wants to see a little girl fuck an older guy?
I hope that you're proud of yourself
I would.
I'm one of those incels you are referring to and FUCK NO, I never wanted Arya to be naked on the show. That is why she was my favorite. While everyone else stripped, she was always the innocent one. She started on the show as a kid and kept her clothes on the entire time and this fucking SUCKS. Only autistic Arya meme generatorfags in here will fap to it because they never respected Maisie like us real Arya fans did.
Is that Tommen?
Its not the training,its the diet that people cant regulate into following
Forgive me Jeff,i lost consistency and acquired no gains
Imagine hating a girl this much because none ever talk to you.
Why did it matter how many he slept with before? Was she trying to make out of if he was pure or something? That was fucked up, I can't believe they got away with that
I can barely eat 3 meals in 2 days.
She likes him and wanted to know. Have you never had a girlfriend or something?
Anybody know where the fuck this is from?
Forged in Fire audience
Guys, if there's one takeaway from this episode... I really want a girlfriend. To have that moment of shared intimacy, for somebody to strip in front of me and climb into bed, to want to be with me, and be tender... I want that. I'm going to start taking the opportunities that come to me.
I just hope she's not fucking fat.
Nah, she'll get casted as an Orc in a LOTR reboot
This. While Sophie Turner went on to play Asuka in the 2022 live action Eva and Emilia Clarke was cast as Emagwyn the Black in the 2025 LotR Sequel Trilogy, Maisie ultimately faded into irrelevancy despite a brief surge in popularity following her sex tape leak.
t. time traveler.
Pretty sure she's 65 mate.
>inb4 user gets his cock wet
>right before the world ends
you've doomed us all
The Falling
Actually, he's quite right. there are many ways to bypass the ugliness of her face. Pretty will always be pretty, but only ugly can be beautiful.
Nigga, these that ugle ass skank has skintags too grotesque even for GOT
Is maisie a muzzie?
>the absolute state of incels that still have hope for white women
The body is fairly in shape, her face is hideous though.
I believe she's currently 18 in the show, according to the fan wiki.
Those hips allow the pedofags to waifu her, so there's that.
Woman pedophiles who fetishize OMYF relationships. I remember someone posted a link on r9k to a huge archive of it where they basically wrote stories about Arya "turning 18" (because then they can legally post it without getting vanned, but it's fairly clear from reading it that it was written by lonely cat ladies who know exactly what they are doing).
I got about half way through one of them before realizing the entire site was dedicated to fapfiction. It turned into basically the exact scene that we just watched, including the "clever" quip about being a strong independent woman who doesn't take the guy's pants off for him. Couldn't keep reading after that, it felt gross then and felt gross now (although mostly because I knew this was D+D hat tipping to the desperate feeeemales).
maisie and gendry is a cute couple!
>even with her magic shapeshifting ability
>gendry chose that face
Didn’t this board cum over her 5 years ago???
yeah when she was a loli tomboy reverse trap
once they turn 18, they ALL get dropped.
here's the gothampedo's latest victim
Yeah, all the DCfags are pederasts. It's in their nature.
here here
>mfw she was going to have sex with the hound but Beric showed up
For degenerates and for women to self-insert.
fucking hell
Only incels and dumb teenagers who lost their virginity at 13 consider sex to be a rite of passage to adulhood.
Theon = Aegon
They switched him and Jon as a babby.
>Theon = Aegon
>They switched him and Jon as a babby.
In the books?
Not gonna lie my man that body is fine.
fuckin showfags
what a stupid theory and stupid plot twist to have with 4 episodes left
No, Dany is just going to kill Jon during the battle before anyone else finds out so she can still continue her quest for the iron throne. It's her hamartia.
people who always wanted to fuck Smeagol
90% of what makes her unattractive is the hairstyle. She has a good body and honestly quite a nice face imho.
>"I said CUT GODDAMI-"
>"M-Maise, why are you holding a gun towards him?"
And her fat face and her body
Disney will get around to doing a live-action remake of Hunchback of Notre Dame. It's the role she was born to play.
Didn't jack off to her but afterwards
Yeah I watched that whole gif what of it?
I did it ironically.
think about her fingering herself knowing how many people jacked it to her tonight.
>she’s fat and ugly lol
>*dies a virgin*
Typical Yea Forums
reporting in
>legally post it without getting banned
The fuck? Either you don't know what you're talking about or Ao3 is more lenient than r9k.
Not me. I looked away and waited for it to end.
I've literally grown up with her and i shamelessly fapped
your innocence is cute, you haven't lived out there yet huh?
It felt so rushed and cheap like teen sex. I mean it pretty much is exactly that but I wanted something more from the first Stark/Baratheon sex scene.
literal butter face
with the right amount of make-up and decent hair she'd be good to go
The cringe is so bad in this one.
How can you fuck up a scene so bad?
twitter whores are mindbreaking right now
Me on the left.
This was going to happen lol
>100% female
you just know
i'm sure there's a subreddit going insane
she was supposed to have the ugly duckling arc
>these are the people calling you incel
>Why It Matters If Arya and Gendry Are More Than Just Friends on Game of Thrones
Those CGI tits are pretty rubbish, they move around in a weird way.
>you'll never make her feel this good
It hurts bros
Yes, but only that scene from The Falling that was posted earlier.
Everything i dont like is jewish
Jews are why i stubbed my toe and burned my toast and even why my dog farted
>"Why it matters"
>"We need to talk about THAT"
Yea Forums
Shit, she used to be so cute. Why did she grow up looking so ugly. It's unfair.
search maisie williams on any porn site and that scene comes up, the movie is The Falling
nice thanks
Kikes ruined her. There was this cool little girl who learned to kill and stuff, and the kikes turned her into just an other dumb whore with a twitching cunt ready to throw herself at anyone. Literally the only female character that wasn't a dumb whore prior to this, now she is gone, noone left in the story is desirable other than for meaningless fucking at most.
Why would anyone want to see this? You grow to like a girl, like her for years, see her growing up through multiple seasons, then someone just comes onto screen and fucks her. What kind of twisted cuck mind could enjoy this, other than the jew who just enjoy hurting the goys.
Whole acting industry should be banned, and all movies and tv shows should be cgi only, to prevent females from whoring out themself to filthy kikes.
Just kill them all, kill all the directors, kill all the producers, kill all the writers, kill everyone who did the casting, burn this industry to the ground. All jews must die.
Hard to suspend disbeliefs of all actresses being filthy whores when they show a scene like this into your face, even if this body was cgi, directors most likely seen her naked, possibly fucked her every hole prior to season one, and no situation should be allowed where that can be possible, and if they did all that, they show it into your face, yet they deny you to even see her real tits full frontal, if not wasted away for acting, Maisie could have been one of our waifus, possibly could have had several kids already.
That's a fake tit. Covered with CG or something.
Women/girls who also read romance novels or young adult fiction.
Or a BD with her head. Same like the 'shame' scene.
why are you more comfortable seeing a little girl commit murder than share a tender erotic moment with a boy she likes that likes her back :^)
actual leaked nudes of her when?
Because I don't care who she murders, I might even approve (Freys). But I don't want her to like/be with other persons than me. Prior to this I could at least insert myself into the story during daydreaming, coming to the rescure, saving the day, getting the girl (her), but now why bother, she is used like there rest of them.
absolutley DESCUSTING
Yes and so would you if you knew how to use imdb.com
God I hate normalfags
The fall into the following categories and are not all tied to one title
>fat, scrawny, ugly, virgin, smelly, shorty, jobless, hopeless and/or incel
If only the casting director knew about Mewing. This would never have been a problem.
Fucking emcel roasties.
>arya and her throwing dagger scene
>dany: "someone taller ;)"
>gilly is a fat cow
>arya fugging
>-ladies can't be knights? -it's tradition -fuck tradition!!!11
I masturbated and came in like a min to the scene so count me in
god this looks so uncanny valley, why didn't she get nude for reals?
This is literally me
get fucked. The Knighting of Brienne was a great piece of character development coming together.
>Worked all her life to prove herself as a warrior and not a weak woman
>went through hell to get respect from people
>beat the fucking hound
And her arc ends with her getting the highest honour possible for her, getting knighted by someone she respects greatly as a warrior. One of the better scenes from the show.
for FUCKS sake!
let her hair frame her face! even just a bit!
>watch thrones with incel friends
>always make jokes at sex scenes to feel above it (danys dumpy ass, red witch’s tiny nips, etc)
>tonight’s ep
>encompassing awkward silence as this scene plays
>painfully obvious that they were all fapping over loli Maisie for years and have been waiting for this moment since season 1
>silence confirms it to everyone in the room
>talking about the episode after not a single one of them mentions the scene
>stilted awkward conversation
>so obvious everyone wants to leave and fap to their waifu getting nude
This is the target audience
You know that her beating the Hound is stupid show fan-fiction?
Yes she is strong for a woman, but had to be rescued when even 2 men attacked her in the books.
Yeah as shit as the show is this made sense for her character and the circumstances.
>muh purity
I'm really glad I don't have this form of brain damage
She's a clear case of a butterface.
books != show
Wouldn't make sense for book Brienne at all, as she's a weak woman trying to be strong against warriors. But it's clear the show and book are two different mediums with different characterisations, and should be treated as such.
>But I don't want her to like/be with other persons than me.
She's an actress, she wouldn't like or be with you either way.
Yeah. They raped the story for the show. And it should be treated as the trash it is.
People who play /weg/
>He thinks "purity" is an arbitrary meme
Maise's a fucking aberration, but non-virgin women are trash.
If yo smoke, quit, and you will eat Waaaaay more.
I couldnt only eat 1 meal a day untill I quit smoking cigs a couple months ago, now i cannot stop eating.
I'm actually getting sick of eating and am thinking of smoking again lol.
What's weird about maisie is she has a head that looks like what a 40 year old would have and then she's got the body of an 18 year old. She's basically the mountain in reverse, with Clegane's head and Joffrey's body