Where does this all lead to?

where does this all lead to?
> Every metropolitan area with over 10% blacks is experiencing ridiculous violent crime explosions.
> City officials, for fear of social justice backlash of a perception of racism, lay on their Police leadership to be lenient on "the community".
> Bureaucratic police hierarchy will do anything to save their sweet pensions, comply.
> Low-level police officers needing easy prosecutable cases, go after white citizens with petty citations and ignore major crimes by blacks because "no one saw nuffin, anyway".

In the 70s when crime (coincidently) rose in cities, a "get tough on crime" approach got many politicians elected with zero-tolerance policies.
In today's world, Its a crime to be white. Any policy that is unnecessarily harsh on "the brothers" will be deemed barbaric and require the Feds to step in with Consent Decree reform.

How do you think this circus will end?

Attached: 1555863621666.webm (300x532, 1.95M)

Other urls found in this thread:


you sound mad

What's the context of the video?

The people in red are clean up workers on a strike. Basically they let trash be on the floor until their employer gives them a raise.

Niggers being niggers

It's South Africa

>Every metropolitan area with over 10% blacks is experiencing ridiculous violent crime explosions.
Crime is doing nothing but falling and despite being subhuman, niggers are doing nothing but becoming better citizens.

>where does this all lead to?
Ideally into the world going up in flames and society comes to hold commonsensical attitudes towards race again.

actually it’s niggers being niggers

>where does this all lead to?
self policing. everyone buys their own gun and applies for conceal carry permits. unless the dems win and take away your right to protect yourself and your home.

why isn't this on /pol/?

I mean, head to /pol/ and you'll have your answer in about 30 seconds lol

for real tho, kinda agree. Spent a year in Fukuoka in Japan and it was around 2 million people in half the space of the usual american city, and yet I could walk around at 2am alone, drunk out of my mind, and with a wad of cash in my back pocket and never feel unsafe. Shit people would leave bikes unlocked outside business and no one would touch them. It was eye opening how great a city can be. Came back to america (Atlanta) and on the drive back from the air port saw a dude pissing on a street sign.

fuckin sucks

Reminder that Dallas, one of the largest cities is changing the rules and no longer charging people for crimes under $750ish if they "needed" the money.

I work in the OR in a hospital in a city that is nearly 100% black and hispanic. Nigs shooting each other weekly. Cops don't do anything, not that they could since the city is broke thanks to obvious white flight since the city is broke and dangerous and endless stream of spics immigrating to the state/city increasing the cities expenses but not the tax revenue. This city and state is doomed and I can't wait to leave.

You are projecting.

Blacks are nothing compared to Muslims. In Germany, over 80% of all crimes in major cities are committed by immigrants. There's something you can look forward to

no you

>clean up workers on a strike
>this means that they should litter
I will always hate you white fucks for purchasing those animals.

>this thread again
Listen user. I know you're lonely, I know you think black people are the root of your problems but if you stepped outside and hungout with Me, Chad and Tyrone sometime you'd see there's more to life then hate. Bro, please burn those maga hats bro. It's not getting you any pussy and the ladies find it repulsive. Come outside bro, Me, Tryone and Chad are having a BBQ. It'l be fun bro. come outside for once bro. There's more to life than your echo chamber that you live in.

Attached: fuckwhites.jpg (802x600, 152K)

cry harder, whiteboi

I'm not a weeb, although I do like anime, but this is why I wish I was born in Japan, or South Korea, or Taiwan, etc. I want to live in a city, but here in America thanks to multiculturalism and diversity our cities are shitholes. I wish I could live in a developed and first world country with a homogeneous population.


Everything is falling apart around us.

I really don't understand how people just let niggers get away with destroying everything. How can anyone be okay with the way they act? I know they can do better, but not as long as people don't hold them to a standard.

Texans need to nuke Austin if you want to save that state. The cancer keeps growing.

forgot pic

Attached: 6939.jpg (300x300, 25K)

The notion that people of the past should not have used common farming equipment is outlandish.