/Sopranos/ General, killing dragonshit thread edition

/Sopranos/ General, killing dragonshit thread edition

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You now remember Pussy the fish

Is this the real Tony?

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Meadow Soprano is too perfect, bruhs.

What's your excuse for not yet watching 6B this year?

>meadow hot
>watch it
>take it up the ass for 20 years
there ur entire general

t. BOILING /got/ditor


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been watching season 3 lately. I love the show but i didn't quite understand what the therapist told to carmela in Episode 7. maybe it was his way of talking but im unsure if he told her to be less helpful to tony or what. no spoilers pleas

>not word filtering all possible star wars shit

ur doing it wrong

The opening music remix of season three was pure kino

t. non-varsity

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Would love a full length Cleaver movie lads

gee whiz

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Why is his face covered in oil?

I mean, don't you love me?


I come to the Sopranos generals because it's an honor to be among men, and not FAGGOT ASS CORNING HOLING COCK SUCKERS LIKE OP. You should fucking die.

Implying Wobshit is better
> Gabagool!
> Ay Ton!
> I'm the BOSS!
> All due respect
> Glorifies criminal life style
> My mother was mean Waah Waah.

>Glorifies criminal life style

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>Come of Yea Forums
> See 20 GoT threads
No more a dis butchie

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You can’t even get the slurs right, /got/titor.

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David Chase's editing prowess alone, makes it so.

When Tony killed this guy it was quite the surprise.

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>opening credits have the twin towers
What did Chase mean by this?

It's Chase's way of saying Patsy had Tony killed in the end for killing his twin.


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