say something nice

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Other urls found in this thread:

Her ancestor Ser Duncan would be proud.

>say something nice
Dacey Mormont sounded very friendly

The Whole point of briennes character is the injustice that she can’t be a knight despite being the embodiment of every principle a knight should have. They unironicall just ruined her character for a gurrrrrl power moment

based retardo

She's a big lass, good fighter, deserves the knighthood. Should have yeeted the fuck out of Arya in that fight last season tho

Then they're just paving the way for her to die of course.

Was I supposed to know that she wasn't a knight and it apparently being a big deal before this episode? That whole scene seemed forced and cringe. And I like Brienne.

literally the most retarded character in the show

It wasn’t a girl power moment. They all think they’re going to die and it was a heartwarming moment of fulfillment for her character. Quit finding shit to bitch about.

Unironically the only good scene

She's earned it but my fucking GOD there's a lot of forced female empowerment in this show. I wish the show would highlight their accomplishments and merits instead of the fact that they have vaginas.

I liked that scene, though honestly Tyrion being named Hand of the Queen felt like a bigger pay off for me back when that happened

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Lol they finished her character arc. She can do whatever now, and it doesn't really matter cause her development should be basically done.

they should've made her uglier

The whole series, people mistook her for a knight. If you didn't see this coming from the start, you're just a pleb.

Brienne being knighted was unironically the best scene of the season so far. It actually felt earned from a character standpoint, unlike 99% of the other stuff in this shitfest

>why wouldn't they leave a character unchanged from their first appearance after years of plot progression????

I suppose Eowyn should have stayed in the kitchen too eh?

You must be fun at parties

>last virgin left on the show

This but unironically

>Was I supposed to know that she wasn't a knight and it apparently being a big deal before this episode
Basically every fucking scene with people calling her "Ser" had Brienne explicitly stating that she's not a knight. Podrick kept calling her that when they first met you autist. The series is shit, but this was the one thing they did right.

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yes you literal tard. its been the basis of her character since day one

Only Kings and Queens can make Knights. Jamie just did it so he could make someone he cares about happy before they all die horribly.

That was a great scene and was well acted and I'm glad they added it.

>she earned it but this felt arbitrary and not as if she earned it at all

Imagine being offended that a fantasy Yea Forums show with dragons, wizards and ice zombies also has women.

The ironic part is that these are the same people saying that anyone who isnt an altrighter is an easily offended pearl clutcher


Meh. I liked that scene. Jaime and Brienne have good chemistry.

No, they just completed her arc you braindead fucking monkey.

Stunning and brave

i always liked brienne

sad thing is now that her character arc is completed she will probably die in the battle.

Was anyone else pleasently surprised by the Brienne and Jamie scenes? They weren't just cheap quips, and there was actually some emotion packed into them.

That's objectively wrong

>Now she actually is what people thought she was the entire time and the show is ruined and I'm a faggot who's bloodline should be purged to prevent further degeneracy from spreading.

But for real, how could she be in Renly's Kingsguard if she wasn't a knight? That seems like shoddy writing. Reminds me of how the writers of TWD completely forgot that Beth and Maggie were sisters which was evidenced by Maggie demonstrating literally zero interest in Beth's whereabouts or condition once the gang was finally reunited.

Fuck all the faggots and niggers on twitter with their woke identity politics shit.

But there was literally nothing wrong with this scene.

That's bullshit, im not sure what the case is historically speaking, but in the ASOIAF short stories a character named Dunk is knighted by his old hedge-knight mentor.

is being in renly's kingsguard not being a knight or something. show is for retards.

This scene was only good because of Jaime. He somehow makes scenes good. Brienne has been a terrible character in all other instances.

Not in this universe. Jaime was Knighted by Ser Arthur Dayne you dunce

>Fuck tradition
I stood up and clapped. It really cannot be said enough about how our traditions - and cultural values! - are just holding us back and need to be thrown aside if the downtrodden in this world are going to be given any chance of rising up.

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It wasn't so much a guuuurrrrl power moment as it was a Brienne moment. She had already accepted her lot in life as being the out-of place combat lady, but being knighted symbolically acknowledged all of her effort and accomplishments.

This. I actually liked the scene but it came in an episode that has not one but TWO fucking little girls ranting about how they want to fight fucking zombies.

>make a scene mentioning giant breastfeeding
>never see female giant tiddies
the most disappointing part

>being surprised by Brienne/Jaime scenes
They're legitimately one of the best scenes in the entire show's run from start to finish. Jaime, who has had BY FAR the most character development on the show, has basically had Brienne right there to foil him the entire time and make it realistic instead of fan servicy. She's the only truly talented actress on the show besides Gilly.

it is if you're a woman

This unironically. There were actual girl power moments in the episode but this wasn’t one of them.

They just finished her arc so she can die in the next ep, Ep 4 at the latest, aside from a few scenes with Jaime

That scene was great. The whole episode was really good. Best episode since season 6.

Honestly one of my favorite scenes in the entire show now. Beautifully completed her character arc, especially love that it was Jaime. Their relationship is probably one of my favorites in the show. I'm surprised they pulled off such a good scene this late in the game. Everything else is mostly pleb-tier.

You're a retard.

This was a good scene too, but Dany is kind of shit so it ruined it a little.

Episode 1 - Reunions

Episode 2 - Prepping for war, waiting for death

Episode 3 - War between living and dead part 1

Episode 4 - War between living and dead conclusion

Episode 5 - War between Cersei and Jon/Dany

Episode 6 - Cleganebowl and conclusion to story

Sound about right?

>not seeing the irony of a wildling who follows the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and a literal King SOUTH of the wall to defend a crown's territory using the words "Fuck Tradition"

Christ this show literally does cater to the dumbest bottom of the barrel trash of our society. Its like I'm surrounded by niggers.

It's because she won his tournament. She was put on the Rainbow guard despite the fact that she was a woman because Renly wanted the commons to love him.

That was my thought. She’s going to die honorably next week, likely saving Jamie or Bran.

I know they're some of the best scenes, I meant I was more surprised that they're still good. The writing quality just isn't what it used to be.
I mean look at Theon. One of the besr characters, and he's given less than a minute in each episode now. He's on Arya's list but didn't even get a scene with her.

Rape is worse than being MAULED ALIVE BY A FUCKING BEAR IN A PIT.

I hope she fucking dies.


Based anons telling the truth.
>That bath conversation scene
>Bear fight
Never mind the fact that all Jaime ever wanted to do was play muh honorable knight, but gets haunted by the most noble action he has ever done.
>Rainbow guard
Even Brienne knew that a faggots word holds no weight.

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Why is it so rushed? They had fucking 2 years for this shit and I'm not seeing the fruits

Both episodes were about 50 mins

based retard poster

This is GOT. Needs more wieners.

>A tertiary character's character arc completes near the end of the story


If only the entire show was written and acted this well.

Here's my review on the episode


okay but why was Gilly so fat

Theon's value to the story stopped as soon as he freed his sister. Everything else he says or does from this point forward is fan service and this is from someone who also enjoyed his arc. He'll either die tragically in a way fitting a traitor and child killer or he'll die heroically trying to protect Sansa or some other gash and everyone will feel good about it. His meaningful contributions to the story are done.

>implying anyone took that to heart instead of realizing it's just the conclusion to her arc
>inserting your fears and getting triggered over a dumb show
So you'd be the guy who'd get his boipussy passed around prison eh?

Stealing soup from children

honestly this was the best episode in 4+ seasons. wrapped up several characters' arcs very well and perfectly set the stage for the battle to come. I was disappointed in the first episode but this was great and anyone who disagrees is just a contrarian redditor

>gets butthurt over the words "fuck tradition" and is completely incapable of understanding the context of how and why it is used
>calling other's snowflakes
Go back to plebbit kike your 'kind' isn't wanted here.

>no exercise of fending off/being daily raped by father
>eating fatty foods instead of stringy Northern rabbit stew
>feeder/gainer relationship with the fattest man in the Seven Kingdoms

It was inevitable.

Fully agree

I'm not mad about the line dumbass. Take your brain pills. I thought it was the best scene of this boring season.

So who dies next episode? my money's on

-Ser Davos

basically anyone that isn't a Lannister, Stark or Targaryen. Jaime MIGHT get it.

It's our fault, we spent centuries telling women that if they ever get raped that they'll become used goods and no decent man would ever want her afterwards.
They simply can't get this one core idea out of their heads so to a woman rape is indeed the worst thing that can happen, far worse than death or mutilation.

>Theon's value to the story stopped as soon as he freed his sister.
That's one of my major issues. He was given so much time in the season 7 finale for this, and it's resolved in 30 seconds of the first episode of season 8.
He's just being left behind unfortunately.

oh, I forgot Theon, he's 100% dead

My money is on anyone who said they will see their loved one after the battle. I think Jon dies fighting the Night King. Would be a good end for him. He has no desires to sit on the Iron throne.

sure. It's probably feel good after awhile and I'd be alive.

Go back to re/d/dit faggot

I didn't get that vibe. This is some incel shit. It really was a pleasant scene. She's earned it. It's not like the rest of the realm will acknowledge it; however, it's enough for her and the crew for her to be recognized.

People said if you're a whore you'll be used goods. I don't think rape ever worked that way. There is the concept of victim blaming if a women puts herself in a stupid situation because men are shitty.

But yeah.

There will be nothing but stronk Wamens at the head of all the houses by the end of the next episode.

Jaime has a 0% chance of dying, he has to be there for Cersei's death.

He's a wildling idiot. He couldn't appreciate it even if he tried. It's like a Muslim trying to figure out why Easter is important so they shoot up a Church.

so what are the odds that the dead just fuck their shit up??? seems like thats what is gonna happen. I can see alot of characters dying the next couple episodes and plz dont spoil it if you shitz have already seen every episode

ideally Jon and Dany would both die and Gendry would take the throne but alas we have D&D running things so obviously Dany will win with GURRRRL POWER, I was thinking they'd both survive and she would let Jon remain King in the North but you're probably right.

but now she's part of the kings guard.
>Jaime not using his title of Commander of the Kingsguard

Best scene in the episode, and one of the only good ones, you incels need to stop hating anything with a strong women
It made sense for both her character development and for Jaime's character and for the atmosphere of the episode. It was heartwarming and well acted

nah, only Tyrion does. I think Jaime and Cersei have largely resolved their arc, it would make sense for Jaime to die on a battlefield

That is the exact opposite of what "ruined" would be

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so Stannis is gonna show up as a white walker right?

Protect this smile!

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yeah could you imagine how bat shit crazy Cersei would be if she didnt have that last lil bit of love for Jaime, I think thats what keeps her from being Mad king tier crazy

hideous yet kind of cute, it's almost an uncanny valley effect. weird.

she has alot of lunch lady and librarian roles coming after this lol

well I mean she just sent bronn to kill them both so...

besides, she's already Mad King tier crazy, she literally blew up a religious citadel in the middle of the capital city

Sorry, you're right, the term I meant to use is 'damaged goods'.
Like some men can be fine with a woman whose been broken in already but a rape victim could have her PTSD triggered at any time or freak out and start screaming in the middle of the night because your smell reminded her of 'Him'.

It's just a genuine smile user.
People don't tend to look photogenic when they experience real joy.

looking like franklin with that skinny neck and fat head

Dumb niggerfaggots think Brienne wanted to be a knight in the first place.

Much like the Hound, she didn't give half a shit about being a knight, because the entire institution was corrupt and without honor.

>this is your brain on /pol/

Stannisposting never dies

in my experience rape victims are really good in bed.
Just saying.

>everything I don't like is /pol/

This. She wanted something, worked hard and earned it. Fucking incel faggots.

Are we just going to ignore that a huge chunk of Jamie's interest in her is that she completely embodies what he must've been inspired by in his younger years? Her behavior pretty much causes Jamie to reevaluate everything, and sort of believe again in all the things he abandoned before.

It was a nice moment.

she told herself that because she figured she would never be a true knight, but it was always secretly her dream to be one, she carried herself like a knight and fought like one. To think otherwise reveals your ignorance.

So cute

she's the purest character in GoT, it's legit gonna be heartbreaking when she dies

Literally the introduction of Brienne is her asking to become a Knight in Renly's Kingsguard
And then she only serves Lady Stark when she makes her swear her into service
You truly, honestly 110% have no idea what you're talking about

I've seen some dumb shit in /got/ before but this is quite possibly the most retardedly wrong statement I've ever seen in my life. you don't deserve dubdubs you fucking waste of a post

Brienne probably dead now that her arc is completed. Your list looks pretty good but I have a feeling Sam will live. Just a hunch.

Also 100% convinced both Tyrion and Jamie will make it through the battle now. They need to be there towards the end to see the completion of the Cersei storyline + Bronn with crossbow

>destroying the core of a characters isn't ruining the character

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I totally agree. Girl power moments are when Daenarys blames Tyrion for everything because she's too stupid to figure out anything for herself. This was a genuine moment of comradery and one of the few things that felt actually good and enjoyable to watch during the entire episode.


I don't mind that she's goofy looking because it's part of her character. What bugs me are the other female characters that act like they're beautiful qweens yet look repulsive. Brienne, Cersei and Gilly are the only good female characters left.

Yeah, that's why it was perfect for Jaime to knight her. She's like the only true knight with honor he knows and she embodies what he always dreamed about being.

Gwen a cute

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This was one of the only good parts of the episode, though the cheesy clapping was really unnecessary

Whole fucking episode is about gurl power. Only good parts were Sandor insulting arya and Dany getting pissed.

You are fucking retarded.


Let me put it this way, brainlets:

"Brienne, being a knight means nothing and you embody all of the best characteristics of knighthood more than any knight that ever bore arms. Knighting you at this point would actually be an insult to the paragon you have become; other knights should aspire to your model in order to re-establish the honor and weight the title should confer."

"ya but i wan b knight tho"

You deserve this show.

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Anyone have the Bran/Jaimie beautiful rape webm?

Sandor was made a Kingsguard despite not being a knight

She's a big gal. She deserves it.

>yey! let's clap for this woman who did something that men have been doing from centuries


>/r9k/ and /pol/ bitch about a good scene because it involves a woman not getting raped

god damn these thread really bring out the lowest common denominator brainlets who lack basic cognitive function to follow plot lines.

>hahahah let me just disregard actual points that refute my flawed logic and paraphrase shit to sound like im right (but im not)

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Esta, it was earned over several seasons, not Sansa being word of goded into the smartest person in winterfell like last ep

I believe Jaime will die in the arms of the woman he loves. That woman will be Brienne though.

Have you never gotten drunk with friends?

Next 2 episodes are supposed to be around 2 hrs

Well she contrasts Jamie well in that she's the embodiment of a knight who's honorable and good but looks like a horse and Jamie who looks like a how a knight is supposed to look, but he really couldn't be further from the title.

I did address them, you prolapses were talking about character arcs, when the only appropriate thing for Brianne to do, given the evolution of her character NOT BEING WHERE SHE WAS WHEN SHE WAS INTRODUCED, would be to spit on the floor at the offer of being knighted, because she's so much more than that now.

Like I said, you deserve this show.

She still retains her honorable attitude and reputation. Compared to Little Finger losing 50 IQ points, this is a very nice scene.

It's actually one of the good scenes in this episode.

This. I like her, and I always thought she was badass regardless if she's a woman. I didn't think this was a feminist bullshit moment, but an act of kindness between Jaime and her.

>Was I supposed to know that she wasn't a knight and it apparently being a big deal before this episode?
Did you start watching last season or something?

You are fucking retarded.

It was the best scene in the episode, you incels. It may be female empowerment but she earned it. Shit, even the Sansa/Dany scene was good because Sansa seems to be the only one who recognizes yas kween for the smug cunt that she is.

I do want the little Mormont girl to get absolutely destroyed next week though. That meme character has worn out her welcome a long time ago.

Incels are retarded and pathetic

Gilly got fat

Brienne is literally the only female character left in the show that even remotely feels human.

It was so fucked up that she got cast as Captain Phasma, too look cool and do nothing., Then a few movies later they make Gina Corano a Mandalorian. The race known for being 7 foot tall warriors.
I don't even watch them and that decision still annoys the shit out of me.

The entire point was that being a Knight was totally meaningless. Brienne is a just and capable person who is traditionally not allowed to be a knight, yet she's more "knightly" than most of the real Knights. In the books she's incredibly insecure and desperately wants to be seen as a real knight, and it's a character flaw because it doesn't matter if she's labelled a knight or not.

The Mountain is a Knight, yet he's one of the most sadistic characters on the show. Jaime is seen as a poor knight for doing one of the most moral things he's done in his life, killing the king. The Hound outright refuses to become a knight despite being one of the best swordsmen because he recognizes how pointless and hypocritical the whole title is, given that his brother is allowed to be one.

So yes, making Brienne a knight as if it's some big deal does go against the spirit of the books. A natural conclusion of Brienne's arc would be her realizing she doesn't need to be a knight to embody the principles she desires-- it doesn't matter.

>Brienne carries a mop and cleans floors better than anyone else
>"you will never be a janitor!"
>less competent people become janitors, despite not trying as hard or earning it
>Brienne still keeps at it, mops and sweeps better than anyone else
>Brienne slowly realizes that janitors make messes just like everyone else and rely on other people to clean them up
>years pass, Brienne still not a janitor, but learns to not mind so much, because she's been doing janitor work the whole time and the title doesn't really mean much
>then effectively on her deathbed, Brienne is finally made a janitor, while americans clap.

There, let me illustrate how retarded this scene is with an allegory a bit more suited to your intelligence and prospects in life.

he's still alive retard

> They all think they’re going to die

> Instead of doing something so they don't die, they talk and quip and makes eyes at each other for two episodes.

i would ser her duncan if you know what i mean

It still seemed like she would eventually get there in her arc.
Her eventually becoming a knight doesn't change what her story was or what it meant

i don't get how people miss the concept. The Hound and Jaime outright have monologues talking about how shitty and pointless the concept of knighthood is.

"And then they all clapped." I shuddered a douche chill. It reminded me of a fucking disney movie. Brienne is the worst example of the show's flanderization of the female characters because women stronk. The whole point of her character is that she's a goofy parody of a chivalrous knight. She was never meant to be the greatest fighter in the history of westoros.

>Jaime has a 0% chance of dying
you seriously underestimate D&D

It does though. The entire point is that the title of "Knight" is arbitrary and doesn't hold any real meaning. By having a scene where her becoming a Knight is painted as some great uplifting moment goes against that idea.

But it was important to her.
It doesn't matter that it is a meaningless title.

Except you're forcing your view that making her a knight somehow lessens that point.

In their possible final hours, she becomes the thing that so many others in recent times have failed to be. You see it as against the spirit, others see it as reinforcing it.

What you're failing to fucking consider is that she's knighted by Jaime, you dipshit. It's a personal, private moment between people who all believe they are about to die. How the fuck are you people this dense.


It means something because Jaime is doing it.

It is uplifting. To her.
That doesn't change that her arc is about it being pointless. She never saw it as pointless, and it never stopped being her aspiration

I kind of want her to die next episode. It will inspire Tormund to go out swinging with all he's got and for Jaime to truly complete his change.
Nothing should hurt more and make him hate Cersei more than the person he knows deep down is his love (or should be the one) dying. A person who completely remolded his essence.

>But it was important to her.
Yes and that's her character flaw, placing such a high importance of something that's meaningless when she already has everything she needs. Getting over that flaw would be her realizing she doesn't need to be a knight at all.
>Except you're forcing your view that making her a knight somehow lessens that point.
The point is that being a knight is meaningless-- making meaning out of her becoming a knight is completely contrary to that point.
>she becomes the thing that so many others in recent times have failed to be.
No, she already was that thing, she has been for the entire show. That's the point.

I'm not arguing that the character's actions don't make sense I'm arguing that it's completely against the theme the story was previously saying about knighthood.
>She never saw it as pointless
yeah, which was a character flaw.

And her getting what she wanted doesn't lessen that point at all. Still forcing your point of view here.

These posts were made by women.

>character's whole motivation is this goal
>throughout her travel has to deal with the fact that any time she gets close to her goal something or someone fucks it up
>devotes her life to numerous lords because even if she can't accomplish her goal, there's still a sense of merit and integrity
>Finally achieves her goal after seven seasons of doing this.

Nigga, what else was she supposed to do? Her arc wasn't some "YASSSSSSS" thing, it was a conclusion to her arc.

not in this setting

Her arc tells that story, she doesn't need to make the realization herself. Those two things do not have to be interconnected.
>yeah, which was a character flaw.
Then you admit that her realizing knighthood is pointless would be out of character?

Very probable
Very probable
He will survive everything
Maybe late in the battle. Otherwise, he may survive.
I don't think he's fighting. If Arya is pregnant, maybe.
He will outlive us all.
>Ser Davos
He might, and it will suck.

I just pointed out how it does. I'll requote.

"The point is that being a knight is meaningless-- making meaning out of her becoming a knight is completely contrary to that point.

Can you explain how that's false?

Let me rephrase this for nerds, Sturm Brightblade > Brienne of Tarth

My niggga you gets no pussy

>Her arc tells that story, she doesn't need to make the realization herself. Those two things do not have to be interconnected.
Yes, and it's lessened by the end of her arc being her becoming a knight.
>Then you admit that her realizing knighthood is pointless would be out of character?

No it's what you'd call character development.

Because you're confusing what your takeaway from a character arc should be and what the character actually believes.
They don't have to be the same.

If she lost weight, tanned, wore her hair down in a feminine style, and stopped scrunching her forehead like that, she'd be cute.


You haven't yet explained why it actually lessens the point, despite your insistence it does. Despite it being meaningless, it's meaningful for her.

You're basically the single only person who seems to think this is an issue, so the rest of us are sort of wasting our time humoring you here. I don't know how many times you can repeat the exact same thing over and over again, and still not see that it's just your personal point of view.

>Because you're confusing what your takeaway from a character arc should be and what the character actually believes.

The scene of her being knighted was clearly painted as a meaningful moment, when ASOIAF is very critical of the concept of knighthood as meaningless, and perhaps even dangerous.

>point of the character is that anyone can live and fight as if they were a knight
>she literally does not need validation (ie being knighted)
>knight her and completely undermine the message of the character
You shits are retarded. Her character is literally "I don't need the approval of men to be a knight". Lo and behold she sells out and you shits are celebrating. Fucking stupid.

It was a great scene. Especially since I expected them to pull some stronk woman bullshit like:

>I'm a strong independent woman, I'll not kneel to a man, nor do I need validation from men

But instead, they showed her vulnerable, teary eyed, and HUMBLE, so she knelt and received her long overdue and deserved knighthood.

THAT'S how you do a good female character properly.

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>Yes, and it's lessened by the end of her arc being her becoming a knight.
Maybe. But it makes more sense than her awkwardly never being made a knight just because it reinforces that the title is meaningless.
>No it's what you'd call character development.
She maintains the belief that a knight should be a paragon of justice and virtue. Not every character has to be a cynic and believe everything is pointless and stupid

This is all opinion from your POV. Both the mountain and Jaime were accomplished fighters and whether you like it or not a Knight's highest priority isn't "being good" it's doing what is expected of you by your King. Both Jaime and the Mountain handed Robert Baratheon the crown on a silver plate and helped him keep it.

Brienne getting knighted was significant specifically because she deserved it.

>You haven't yet explained why it actually lessens the point, despite your insistence it does. Despite it being meaningless, it's meaningful for her.

I legit did. It lessens the point by making what should be a meaningless, and perhaps detrimental title, into a moment of triumph and meaning. I'm not sure why you keep insisting I haven't explained that. Is there some way I can clarify?
>you're basically the single only person who seems to think this is an issue,
I'm not the same poster in the thread who started this so it's clearly not just me.

>nstead of doing something so they don't die,
Like you what, you stupid faggot?

>The scene of her being knighted was clearly painted as a meaningful moment
It was meaningful.
To her.
>Her character is literally "I don't need the approval of men to be a knight"
No, what?
> Lo and behold she sells out
She always wanted to be a knight

>it's clearly not just me
uh huh

Thought they were going to mention Stannis. They didn't. What the fuck bros...

Nothing wrong with this scene you tourist

This was actually an excellent and heartfelt way to finish a character arc. Of all the actual feminist BS in this show and you pick the only shit that actually makes sense.

Absolutely abhorrent post

Agreed. It would have been more appropriate for her situation to have Jaime balk at her comment of being knighted, and ask for her to re-knight HIM, and I'm not a feminist or show cuck. This would have been an incredible capstone to her arc.

Look, you're not wrong, but there's nuance to the significance of knighthood which make it inconsistent with how the status has been presented across the whole story. I thought Brienne would have been above that by this point.

I hate women and I didn't hate this scene. Brienne is basically a fucking dude. I much prefer this route to some
>hurrrrr wamens are knights now
shit edict from queen Dany or Cersei. This was presented as a one-off essentially. Brienne had earned it.

It was a moment of triumph. For Brienne. Her dream was to be a knight.
She accepted that she would never have the title and persevered to be all that a knight should be. But she never stopped wanting to be a knight.

>This is all opinion from your POV.
Of course it's my opinion, but I think there's reasonable evidence to support it.
> Both the mountain and Jaime were accomplished fighters and whether you like it or not a Knight's highest priority isn't "being good" it's doing what is expected of you by your King
It's both. I don't have a quote on hand, but Jaime goes on his whole rant to Brienne about how a knight swears to defend the people, defend the king, do what's right etc. But what do you do when the king is trying to kill the people or the people the king? Jaime is sworn to defend both the King and Queen as a Kingsguard but is left at a loss when the King is abusing the Queen.

>female character is smug and need no man
>waahhh stronk wahmen character pandering pandering!
>strong female character becomes vulnerable and humble and needs a man for an instance
>lol that's stupid

No, YOU are the fucking retard. Nothing will ever make you cunts happy.

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i thought this bitch died, who even likes this character? she's like a fucking fanfic oc and its cringeworthy to watch

You don't have to be the greatest fighter ever to be a knight, so what is your actual complaint bitch?

She's shown more knightly behavior then almost every other knight in westeros. Why exactly should it be sacrilege for her to be knighted by her close friend?

>It was meaningful.
>To her.
And the audience is expected to feel triumph with her. Why have a glaring character flaw only for it to be rewarded?
Yeah I'm aware, but I believe a more triumphant moment would've been she already was what she wanted to be the entire time, and didn't need to be a Knight. It would've been actual character development. The books are completely critical of Knighthood as a very concept, so it feels against the theme that a character becoming a Knight is painted as a good thing.

Nah fuck you. That was the best scene tonight by far. She deserved it and it was a good callback to her and Jamie's relationship.

that's just the caracter arc coming together in a satisfying way

lol all you fucking smug idiots who can only think in terms of cliches are so pathetic. completely blind to what is actually happening because you're always looking for cringeworthy "gotcha" moments.

Jaime asking her to knight him would have been a better moment.

but this is Yea Forums and she's a woman so its gotta be bad someway

She's the only woman on the show who isn't cringe. She gets fucked up more than wins, but she's 100% devoted to a goal that seems impossible.

Her devotion to those that she's promised also highlight the femininity that she so desperately wishes to erase.

She's a white knight done right. She has complications but never does the full edgelord route. She stays true to what she knows is right, and in a show where everyone is trying to kill each other over some petty shit, she stands out.

>And the audience is expected to feel triumph with her
Because we aren't sitting going
>booo knight is a meaningless title I don't care that it's important to her I'm unable to sympathize with her because I'm a cynical bastard boooooo

I thought they were going for that too and was pleasantly surprised at her being knighted. She’s one of the boys and wasn’t just throwing her vagina around.

There's not a single woman on the show that's "cringe." The only ones who were were the sand snakes, and then you alt right shitters were btfo when the writers proved that was entirely by design after Olenna insulted them and Euron destroyed them.

that wouldn't make any sense, because he's already a knight. sure, he's not deserving of it (like most knights in the series), but it would've just come off as super awkward

idk what you're talking about man but her entire plot is her miraculously finding people she has no business finding, and then executing people to show how badass she is. she isn't some cold blooded hard-ass in the books like she is in the show, the first time she kills someone it takes a serious toll on her. i don't dislike her because of "muh SJWs and feminists" or whatever retarded incel shit but they botched her story imo.

Not that guy but getting assblasted because of that scene really is pretty /pol/

>because we aren't sitting going booo knight is a meaningless title I don't care that it's important to her
Right, which is my point-- the theme of books being incredibly critical of Feudalism, and by extension knighthood as a concept isn't carried over properly to the show. In the context of the show I guess it works, but it's shallow in my opinion and just a basic "she worked hard at it and she proved them all wrong" theme when I think the books had a much more intriguing message to say about it.

You talk like reddit, don't ever respond to me again.

shes dead next episode

Of all the characters, after Dany, this bitch is the one I wish a violent, unceremonious, almost joke of a death upon. Bonus points if it happens in the middle of one of her stronk little girl spiels.

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Tormund's a veteran bullshitter

It would have been a sweet moment juxtaposing their positions, while also simultaneously putting her in a position greater than that of a mere knight. It also shows Jaime's rededication to his duty, AND you have the "yaasss qween slayyyy" brainlets satisfied in one fell swoop.

Daenerys is objectively a terrible person and shit character.

Arya is a stereotypical chaotic neutral rogue created by every 14 year old DND player.

Sansa is too dumb to still be alive.

hello kike

The message is still that it is flawed and a meaningless title.
But the character is supposed to be the embodiment of the perfect knight. And she is descended from another embodiment of a perfect knight.
Her never becoming a knight would have just felt like it was being forced to get the medieval world bad meme message across

I agree with you but I don't think the knighting angle would've made sense. Maybe Jaime just saying she's already a better than any knight he knows would've been more fitting.

>But the character is supposed to be the embodiment of the perfect knight
Right, without being a knight, illustrating the pointlessness of the title.

>And she is descended from another embodiment of a perfect knight.
A character, by no coincidence, lied about being a knight and wasn't actually knighted.
>Her never becoming a knight would have just felt like it was being forced to get the medieval world bad meme message across
The one of the most major themes in ASOIAF is "medieval world bad".

thank god, she's fucking disgusting. its easier to fap to the mountain than to her

she's not a knight
i don't care that she was knighted
she's a retard

>Right, without being a knight, illustrating the pointlessness of the title.
Point was made.
Them never becoming a knight just looks like you're forcing something that shouldn't happen because you think this one message is the only thing this character is good for.
>The one of the most major themes in ASOIAF is "medieval world bad".
I didn't say it wasn't, what is your fucking point? Grrm likes realistic depictions of events that fly in the face of what a fantasy novel would traditionally do, in many cases at least. Her never becoming a knight would just seem equally unnatural and forced because you are trying to force a message.
If anything that would only serve to undermine the message you were trying to make in the first place.

>Point was made.
It was made, and I feel lessened by having a scene where she actually does become a knight.
>Them never becoming a knight just looks like you're forcing something that shouldn't happen because you think this one message is the only thing this character is good for.
No, but I think the scene could've been handled better and should've. Again, you bring up Dunk as her relative but it's no coincidence that this is a character who lied about being a Knight and wasn't actually a Knight.
>Grrm likes realistic depictions of events that fly in the face of what a fantasy novel would traditionally do, in many cases at least. Her never becoming a knight would just seem equally unnatural and forced because you are trying to force a message.

And the traditional story is to have the character that wants to be knighted so bad end their character arc by getting knighted. GRRM is an anti-war boomer, he's not celebrating the concept of a title earned by being a warrior and killer. He's completely critical of the title throughout the entire series. I don't believe he'd write Brienne being knighted as any sort of powerful moment.

>It was made, and I feel lessened by having a scene where she actually does become a knight.
Boo hoo. The message never changed, the character just finally achieved what they were working towards their entire life, even if it was a meaningless symbolic title.
>And the traditional story is to have the character that wants to be knighted so bad end their character arc by getting knighted.
The realistic story is not having a character that wants to be knighted and does things that warrant being knighted for the entire series never be knighted because you want to force a message.
>GRRM is an anti-war boomer, he's not celebrating the concept of a title earned by being a warrior and killer. He's completely critical of the title throughout the entire series. I don't believe he'd write Brienne being knighted as any sort of powerful moment.
George glorifies war and combat all the time. His works are not 100% an anti war circlejerk

have sex

read the broken men speech you brainlet

Why did you ignore the entire rest of my line?
>The realistic story is not having a character that wants to be knighted and does things that warrant being knighted for the entire series never be knighted because you want to force a message.
How is it any less realistic for Brienne to come to the realization she doesn't need to be knighted?
>George glorifies war and combat all the time. His works are not 100% an anti war circlejerk
When does he glorify combat and war ever? ASOIAF is completely anti-war and he's gone on record multiple times about how opposed he is to war.

Found the roastie

I said 100% of the time you illiterate retard
>Why did you ignore the entire rest of my line?
It is of no consequence
>How is it any less realistic for Brienne to come to the realization she doesn't need to be knighted?
She already came to that realization.
She still wants to be a knight and believes in what a knight is supposed to stand for
>When does he glorify combat and war ever?
Every time you write a well-done fight or battle scene that is "cool," you are glorifying combat.

Agree with this list. I hope that if Davos does they tie back to the death of his son or something.

>It is of no consequence
It's completely relevant. Do you think Dunk not being an actual knight is coincidence then?
>She already came to that realization.
She obviously didn't if it was so meaningful for her.
>Every time you write a well-done fight or battle scene that is "cool," you are glorifying combat.

Alright point out some battle-scenes where he's painted war in a favorable light. ASOIAF is an entire anti-war circlejerk I don't know what stories you've been reading. As mentioned there's the Broken Man speech and Martin goes into extreme detail on how war has effected the characters and countryside. Brienne's entire story in the books is her going through the Riverlands and seeing the toll the war has taken.

The guy was an active pacifist and conscious objector. If you really read ASOIAF and don't think it's completely anti-war or trying to glorify knighthood or violence in any way I don't know what to tell you.

However Davos dies, I will be prepared for it, yet still sad for him.

I am very happy for her desu

have sex

His death will hurt the most.

>Do you think Dunk not being an actual knight is coincidence then?
Been a long time since I read any of that, but most of the beginning feels more like a reference to A Knight's Tale
>She obviously didn't if it was so meaningful for her.
See, this is what it comes down to. You simply can't comprehend that she can recognize that it is a meaningless title, and still believe in what it means to be a knight and desire to personify that meaning as well as bear the title.
>Alright point out some battle-scenes
I said combat. I don't remember battles too well outside of the preview chapters for the battles in Winds, but they are usually pretty brutal.
Duels however, may be brutal, but they still glorify the characters.
Last one I read fairly recently was Barristan Selmy arresting Hizdahr.
You can't tell me his duel with the champion doesn't glorify combat.
>If you really read ASOIAF and don't think it's completely anti-war or trying to glorify knighthood or violence in any way
I didn't say that. But if you think it's a ham-fisted circle jerk that never glorifies combat, I don't know what to tell you.
Way I see it, Brienne achieving knighthood is one of the few happy moments I can see happening towards the end of the series.

No. You can fuck off.

Podrick has a lovely singing voice

My dude, the character arc is for the CHARACTER. Not you.

Grey worm is 100% dead. "We will travel after this battle" is the biggest deathflag that exist

>and then everyone stood up and clapped
It felt like a bunch of drunk people sitting around bullshitting, shooting the shit, having a good time, and knighting her on a whim. Because that is exactly what it was. The entire context lacked gravity. Jaime just knighted her without any sort of voiced pushback from her, surprise, or doubt from her... without acknowledging any of the conflicts she might feel. The entire scene had the feeling of being the only sober one around a bunch of drunk people (or did she drink too? I actually forgot) and one of them writes you an I.O.U. of $10,000. Jaime also didn't name each of the 7... the fuck is up with that?

Are you saying this isn't real life?

>let's go back to Naath, I can protect your pacifist people
The people there are pacifists because foreigners get sick and die if they stay on the island

Some of the characters have the darker view of knighthood, while she doesn't. She wants knights to be as she lives, honorable and respectful. So, it might be a flaw, but it is her characters motivation. It isn't truly a reward, it is bittersweet in thatt they are now probably going to die. Titles are meaningless when you die.

What mattered is she resolved her character arc.

It's good that Brienne became a knight, because that opens the future way for BEAR LOLI KNIGHT

can you handle it?

Sup Big Perm! I mean Big Worm

Playing with my money is like playing with my emotions

She deserved it to be quite honest

Brienne will die protecting Jaime, Tormund saving Jon from the ice zombies of the free folk, Gendry helping Arya, Davos saving the little girl and Gilly from a white walker that reached Winterfell

>Been a long time since I read any of that, but most of the beginning feels more like a reference to A Knight's Tale
I don't think he made the main character of "A Hedge Knight" and ideal of a knight not actually a knight as a reference. Do you think it has no relevance?
>You simply can't comprehend that she can recognize that it is a meaningless title, and still believe in what it means to be a knight and desire to personify that meaning as well as bear the title.
But she doesn't recognize it as a meaningless title if she desires it and is emboldened by it.
>I said combat.
Okay, combat then.
>You can't tell me his duel with the champion doesn't glorify combat.
How does a scene tht ends with a child crying in fear and grotesque detail about a man being disemboweled glorify combat exactly?
>I didn't say that. But if you think it's a ham-fisted circle jerk that never glorifies combat, I don't know what to tell you.
When does it glorify combat? You haven't provided an example.

>Defeated Jaime
>Defeated Sandor
>Killed Stannis
Tarth has the best combat record in the show.

Character arcs are for the viewer. You think when writing stories authors want to tell a good story because it's good for the characters in them?
>Some of the characters have the darker view of knighthood
The books themselves have a dark view of knighthood.

Davos is my absolute favorite character in the series and I realized long ago it was never going to end well for him :(

meant to reply to

At the very least, he died trying to save humanity, and not trying to help a mad king like Stannis.

Best scene for years

The op is what happens to your mind on a diet of Sargon of Akkad and /pol/. Very sad.

yikes @ this thread

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You unironically sound like you post on tumblr

I don't even know what that's supposed to mean

It is meaningful to her because she is finally being recognized. Retards.

>Brienne will die protecting Jaime
Extremely likely, and I think Jaime will survive this war only to die at Cersei.
>Tormund saving Jon from the ice zombies of the free folk
>Gendry helping Arya
I don't doubt he would die, but I don't see why he'd be in the frontlines when he should be producing more weapons.
>Davos saving the little girl
I think the little girl will be Lady Mormont though.
>Gilly from a white walker that reached Winterfell
I'm not so sure about this one.

You as the reader/viewer should feel satisfied in the resolution of the arc, but yes a writer will write a good story for a character, in so far as it follows that characters arc. Literally everyone here is telling you that you are interpreting it wrong, and that this scene shows a resolution to Brienne's arc. That's it bruh.

A good story is one that makes sense. Just because something positive happened to the character doesn't mean that it spits in the face of the message that war is bad or whatever. A soldier can get awarded a combat medal, and still know that all his friends died for oil and shit. The good doesnt erase the bad.

She became a knight, something she longed for her entire life, though it doesnt erase that its just a title, and that people are still shitty and dishonoring said title.

Jaime was literally knighted in the field by Arthur Dayne. Fucking show fags.

It means you have to go back.

>You as the reader/viewer should feel satisfied in the resolution of the arc
But I don't, so I don't believe it was a good arc.
>yes a writer will write a good story for a character,
Yeah for the purposes of satisfying the viewer.
>iterally everyone here is telling you that you are interpreting it wrong, and that this scene shows a resolution to Brienne's arc. That's it bruh.
But I don't believe I'm interpreting it wrong. I understand what they're going for but I don't believe it was a satisfactory conclusion to her arc.
>Just because something positive happened to the character
I don't dislike it because something positive happened. I think her realizing she doesn't need knighthood is an equally optimistic ending.
>A soldier can get awarded a combat medal, and still know that all his friends died for oil and shit
If an anti-war movie like Full Metal Jacket or First Blood made a big whoop about a character getting a combat metal then yeah I'd think that was a shitty scene.
I don't have a tumblr account.

bitch is gonna knight all the based females now

I meant that Davos is the one dying trying to save the little soup girl and Gilly, but yeah don't quote me on that one.
I hope the little bear girl dies just to show how war is



I know who you meant. I'm just saying I don't think we're seeing that kid again, and instead, Davos will die for Mormont.

well he is azor ahai so that gives him rights to knight her

>Old God follower

According to the leaks baby Mormont and Jorah die together holding off the NK's army while everyone else humps it to the Eerie.

>her face when she read the script Phasma for TLJ

Her realizing she doesnt need knighthood would be meaningless. She already lives that way, and tries to put up a front in believing that. The fact that she got knighted was a confirmation to her, a reassurance, that her good deeds were in fact noticed. She isnt cynical, and it would be out of character for her to be like, "Oh, fuck it... I dont wanna be a knight anymore, yall are dicks."

>And I like Brienne.

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She has the strength and the skill. It’s rare from a woman but she earned it

That scene wouldnt be bad if it wasnt for the SJW stuff in it. If the frame were something more like ''the efforts of the most unlike individual transcended any social boundaries and are deserving of recognition''', that scene would not only make sense, but could also be a cozy and emotional moment. Instead of that, they have to imply that the only reason she didnt get recognized was because she was a womun, making every reasonable person hate that plot.

Cause it makes 0 difference to the story that brienne's a knight now, not that I didnt enjoy that scene

Its the middle ages... that was literally the only reason people shit on her.

It makes 0 difference Arya got fucked too. Every development in the show isn't for the sake of plot, character moments drive the characters to continue the plot as well.

Why can't people let this user have this opinion? It's like it's "not allowed" or something, there is no objective stance on this matter

>fuck tradition

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Because when someone pointedly declares their opinion as fact, it incites people. That's usually how arguments happen.

If they shared their opinion with like, "I feel" or something, people would be less spergy to them. Its because they declared their opinion broadly, as if everyone else should just agree.

I mean you're right, I was just saying that the reason the payoff was bigger because it happened to be for the sake of plot that time

and YOU get knight status, and YOU get knight status, hey you over there? do you have a vagina? COME GET YOUR KNIGHT STATUS.

I guess so, it's just dumb that it spirals into the same old EEEEEENCELL/CUUUUUUCK routine

Ehh, that's just the internet in a nutshell, sadly.

Or a white guy so inbred that he doesn't understand why ṣalāt al-jumu‘ah is so important so he shoots up a mosque. Oh wait that actually happened.

I want to go back to the newgrounds days

>calling other people inbred

top laff

(((cultural marxist))) propaganda to condition the masses into accepting a matriarchal society.

anyone have a working link?

OK I dont fucking believe it not for one second. There is NO WAY an actual muslim guy is sitting there, like with a turban and shit, posting in a Game of Thrones thread on spontaneously defending some recent mudslum terrorist attack .

And if so, it really makes me think, who IS the person sitting there

>oh, I forgot Theon, he's 100% dead
I hate everything about that limp wristed twat. Literally the weakest piece of shit in the series.
I also hope others die as well, including:
>The imp
>Samwell fattyfatfat
>The little mouthy cunt from bear island
>Grey "nonuts" worm
>That nog language expert/advisor
>The rest of the Frey house
>Robin of the vale
Basically everyone but Jon, Davos, the hound and bronn.

Found the involontary celibate.

>but she earned it.
She failed to deliver Sansa to winterfell.
She failed to protect remley.
She failed to protect cat.
She failed to get Arya from the hound.
She failed to get the Tully troops.
She failed to protect the blackfish.
She did manage to kill a wounded stannis...yay.
She fails at pretty much everything.

But she's a knight! Bravely doing what men have done for centuries.

That's the problem with most of the characters in the show. Since D&D gave up on their arcs in season 4 and 5 most of them have jsut been fucking up for 3-4 seasons and doing things that should get them killed. But hanks to plot armor they don't, because they're shit writers, but they know the destination.

>plot armor
Yeah, plot armor can cover up thousands of errors. Even in a setting where the tiniest mistake cost you your head.
Let's face it, this seasons writers are literally shit.

well if that fat fuck actually wrote faster we wouldnt have gotten the shitshow that we have from s4 onwards

>this season
I was getting bored in season 5 user

>Or a white guy so inbred that he doesn't understand why ṣalāt al-jumu‘ah is so important so he shoots up a mosque
Except he shot the mosque up on their Friday prayer, clearly he knew why it was important and the message it would send.

You mean 3 eyed raven?

Bran died a few seasons ago bruh.

It's most likely the last few moments of her life. I don't think any of them care.

No you dumb nigger thats only the hound
View about being a knight brienne always had that honorable attitude and perhaps jamie put those old traditions into perspective when he told her about the killing the mad king but thats it .

She never won a fight against her opponents while they were at full strength.
She's the biggest jobber in the series.
I hope to see her impaled or ripped open.

Hold my hand user its ok...

Bran has worged into countless men that are fucking women. What the fuck do you think he's going all day?

because she's gonna die next episode

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