You all claim to hate Game of Thrones, yet why do you continue to watch each new episode like ravenous beasts? I'd even go so far as to say that this board is obsessed with the show.

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Im forced it because my mom likes the show and she has been looking it since season 2 when she saw me looking it

She didn't liked it at first but she now loves it, I liked it at first but now i hate it, I have to see it out of courtesy, actually i always look to the side of TV and just listen to the dialogue because everything in the show is shit

Short answer - To laugh at it.

Longer answer - There's not much high budget medieval fantasy shows out there and it was a popular book series before the show so people want to know the ending.

Maybe go to another room? Or go for a walk while the show is on?

>B-But I on-only watch it ironically

Lmao kys.

Or he could spend time with his mother watching a show he got her into unlike your autistic lonely faggot self.

Because it's literally the greatest series of all time other than Breaking Bad

They say they hate it, but they fucking love it.
It's just the best tv in awhile in all

I do. Half the actors look like shit now and the dialogue is awful. You have no argument so just keep greentexting lies like a bitch.

Its my way of punishing myself for chosing to watch a bad show

People like to hate things they dont understand.

I thinks its gone to complete shit, but GRRM is too much of a fat lazy fuck to ever finish the books, so this is the only ending I'm going to get


>Hungarian basket weaving site with a tv section
>biggest television series in years is finally airing their final episodes
>complaining the cave paintings explode with threads after they air

Alrighty then

yeah you need to go back

It's unironically like fucking crack bro, every time I finish I'm so disgusted and hungry to find out what happens next at the same time.


sunk cost fallacy

At this point I only watch it because I enjoy this threats way better.

>I'd even go so far as to say that this board is obsessed with the show.
I’d go so far as to say you should leave this board or lurk more before posting

Boring. This year has been BORING!

> i post on this board everyday
> i represent everyones opinions


you should clearly go back to reddi.t

because there is only 4 episodes to finally end this shitshow.

Because it's only 6 episodes and it's the last season. are you fucking dumb

shut up faggot.

>you continue to watch

Yes, if by continue to watch you mean watched a free live stream. And if by watched you mean listened to in the background while I played OSRS. Coming back only to view the chat, which was legitimately more enjoyable than the show itself.

The show is ideologically poisoned now. Every other scene is a YASS QWEEEN moment.

> i have been confronted with an undeniably truth
> i will now resort to R E D D I T

neck your self

I never said I hate Game of Thrones op. Speak for yourself.

Ok Ahmed

>always look to the side of TV and just listen to the dialogue because everything in the show is shit
imagine being a child that can't pay attention to something for an hour

Just because I hate the writing and huge chunks of the acting doesn't mean it isn't a fun show to watch. 4 episodes of battle kino might make up for these last 2 of shitty dialogue.

An hour a week isn't some horrible investment of time and it's cool to see there's a popular show, and obviously you want to see how it ends after all this time, see if D&D actually have any chops whatsoever or if they've just been GRRM's buttslaves this whole time. But it has sucked fat monkeyballs since last season.

>You all claim to hate Game of Thrones
Fuck you, I loved the first seasons. This last couple are straigh up comedy.

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I dont hate it but im very disappointed in how its turning out. The quality has dropped substantially and there is lots of pandering to lamestream political trends (modern feminism, social marxism etc).

The sets are still good and the action too. But the characters are bland now.

Last year it was "but there's only two more seasons left!" and so on.

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Ya so it makes sense to see it through to the end, even though its devolved into a normie leftist dumpster fire

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Too invested in the story at this point. The first three seasons were some of the best television I've seen. The show started going downhill once they killed off Joffrey.

Showing some obsessed respect.

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>Jedi Knight Beric as a "non-major"

Fuck this Ledditor

It's so shit I believe it.

Yea I agree. Up till Joff's death the show was excellent. The writing especially saw a noticeable dip in quality once they ran out of the source material.


link to livestream?

I'm fucking bored and watching it to hate it and meme about it on this board makes me forget my miserable existence at least once in the fucking week, do I have to justify myself on this now you cunt?

because i started back in 2012 and I am not about to stop now even if it is a steaming pile of shit

Yeah I used to love this show and now I absolutely hate it but I'm riding it until the end and just shitposting to keep myself entertained.

I'll still shit on it on freefolk to annoy the shit out of those cocksuckers and nobody can do anything about it because I'm 6'4, hate minorities, and game hard.

can someone spoonfeed me the link to the latest episode?

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god if this doesnt sum up my attachment to the show at this point to a T.

Fuck my ass the non GRRM writers are fucking dedicated to dragging me through broken glass by the balls to find out how this shitshow ends though

I was already five fucking seasons in may as well find out what happens, because God knows GRRM is going to die choking on a slice of pizza before he finishes another letter on his book.

> This few of characters die and in such a meh way.

This is happening.

I'm watching to see how this shitshow will end. Nothing more, nothing less.