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how can one roastie be so based

haha manlet jokes dude i bet the our viewers are going to laugh haha

Do manlets ever get tired of getting btfo? Everywhere they look there is someone who is calling them subhuman. It's like how fat chicks were the butt of every joke in the 90's.

manlet here. you become numb to it eventually.

>being an assblasted manlet
Lmao @ ur lyfe


5'4 here. I have let go of earthly desires except for shit posting on /t/v/

How does Jon feel that no matter what he does, he'll always be inferior to the pure Chad that is Khal Drogo? He must know that the entire time he fucks Dany she is just shutting her eyes and pretending to be railed by the Dothraki alpha that he was, right?

You just insult them back in the same tone of voice about something to do with their appearance. Depending who it is it either becomes friendly banter, they apologize or aggro kicks off.

Napoleon complex lol

t. manlet

>dies from paper cut

MARK MY WORDS: Tyrion will die in the battle, Arya will take his face and use it to go see Cersi and kill Cersi!!

That's how it was back in those days. You could be the biggest alpha war veteran but you died to a fucking cold.

I know it's fantasy but so many lines like that felt out of place. Like I could feel a quip coming, almost like a marvel film

manlets eternally BTFO

I'm 5'10 and a half, would she make this joke about me?

its an american thing honestly
never got called out for being short

Manlets btfo

I was actually "manlet shamed" once in real life by like a 5'10" guy and it was fucking bizarre

Yeah American here we obsess over race and height I understand that if you’re short you’re short but here’s it’s crazy

Anything under 6’2 is Manlet

Real tall people or people who are kind don’t do that unless you’re a good friend cracking about it but he was probably jealous or something or trying to show off

>femanist power drivel bonding inserted
>manlet jokes made

a-anything else we're missing guys

>almost like a marvel film

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Is she talking about Mormont or Khal drogo the anal rapist?

I don't even perceive this as a manlet joke as Drogo was a fucking brick wall

died like a beta faggot lmao


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You slept with your sister dude xDD
Where's the big one? :P

seriously, this show should be nuked

>someone skinner

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Something like 15% of American males are 6 feet or above. How do American women even find dates if their standards are set that high?

>How do American women even find dates if their standards are set that high?

They settle for lesser men

Those 15% of men are fucking 90% of the women, that's how.


Attached: TheyNeverLearn.webm (640x640, 666K)

Women get tons of replies from men over six feet some men over six feet are still ugly or have shitty personalities but women would take a 6’3 ugly guy who’s been to prison over a nice guy who goes to uni

80/20 pareto rule

Im so tired of all of the hieght shaming on this show. Its disgusting. Its not our fault were short. This should be criminal and the GoT writers should be charged with a hate crime.

At that time it’s when you catch a case and fight even if you do get a charge it won’t eat you up for the rest of your life



Women date up because men are the ones courting them, so they can just pick the best available suitor. Men have are in constant competition with each other so they have to take what they can.

what a chad
but a short person would be able to pull this off. it would just look weirder

Should've glassed him.

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>tfw 6'2

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Deep inside you are a big guy.

east coast american, i'm 5'9" and it has literally never been an issue. i don't understand why everyone gets so butthurt about height.

I bartended and I've seen shit like this. I just wouldn't help that guy until he was the last one at the bar.

Because they become sluts and fuck tons of guys and lose all their appeal and worth then settle for whoever will accept her.

>see black girl
>Oh no it's a racism scene
>See Arya and That lad
>Oh no they're gonna fuck aren't they
>See Breanna
>oh no they big guy made some feminist comment
>See Dany and Sanaa together
>Make strong woman comment

I expected this but still disappoint how telegraphed it was. Seem like a modern show with an old timey look now. Not how it was originally

the bartender didn't serve him anything for being a disrespectful faggot

>Tfw 6’3 but 400lbs

I still get 8/10s to fuck because I sell great coke and extascy

So I dont watch GoT but which character is getting manlet shamed, whats the context, and how tall is said character's actor?

A lot of its a meme but a lot of it is also because most people are civilized. Most women don't call out men for being short but internally they still look down on them.

I noticed this pattern in the first season. GoT is an incredibly basic bitch show.

I missed this line, was she gossiping about Jon to Sansa?

>Heightism is socially allowed.
But God forbids any "joke" on fat asses or "minorities".

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Hmm maybe 10 years ago I was a little zoomer so I didn't notice

He's not a bastard anymore so they had to find something to make fun of him for.

Jon snow, 5'7''

>look up his height
>he's as tall as me

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The plight of short men is on par with the plight of slaves in the US in the 1800s.

Jon snow's actor is 5'8 and the context is another character basically asked who her love interest was before him and she said "someone taller" which was a character played by jason mamoa

You mean almost like real life.
People joked to lighten the mood even in medieval times you fucking retards.

That will never be allowed just realize that and when someone makes fun of height just move on don’t say “we can’t make fun of women for their weight”

Ever since the series got derailed from the books, it's been slowly decaying from the anti-Tolkien story it always was into a constant attempt to generate applause. There are examples of it in earlier seasons (I'M THE KING etc.) but those generally had a thematic purpose whereas now we need to have a mic drop a minute. Cersei's line about "if you want a queen, earn her" is going to be the go-to quote of white girls on Tinder to show just how tough and independent they are, not paying attention to the fact that the woman had her holes punched mere moments later and they're just falling for the same fucking trick these hacks have been pulling since they had to write their own story.

t bh this show is probably doing us manlets a favor by calling out his manletism. This makes it obvious that he's a manlet and gives manlets media representation
>inb4 cope

She says Jon was the second man she’s loved.
Sansa asked who the first was.
“Someone taller”
Maybe, I skipped past Daenerys scenes

You’re 5’6” also? That’s got to suck.

it's just to make the most of the american population feel good about themselves without seeing the true reality of the world

see the richest people on earth, they aren't heroes at all, if people realized how rich some people are without doing any work at all but just speculating about money they would go insane and rebel

like, everyone like to laughs at autismos but see someone like vitalik buterin who already made it far bigger than any meathead cope fit wannabe

>look up his height
>he's taller than me

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why you gotta do the manlets like that bros he's 5'8 same as me

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oh ok. I'm only 5'10" so it feels to be good to be average/slightly taller than average in most places at least.

So does she not like Jon cause he's a manlet?

>Short and devastatingly handsome


>Tall and fucking wierd/ugly looking


Fuck off virgin, Cersei would have her brother killed on sight.

No, he’s 5’6” at most. His “official” height is 5’8”, which you know is Hollywood lies. Looking at him in comparison to other known actors he’s 5’6” if ones being generous.


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Come on, it wasn't as bad as last episode.

There's nothing wrong with being short

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short n ugly

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Is she talking about Mormont or Khal drogo the anal rapist?

>tfw no pocket-sized bf

Short and ugly looking

Oh wait

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>Jon is shortish in the books because Stark genes and because he's 14
>Jon's 20 in the books but they keep doing the "lol short" thing
Oh well, feels good to be 6 feet.

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I always get a big shit eating grin when i see jokes like those in tv, normies think they have a chance at life and they don't realize they will have to wagecuck for the rest of their lives meanwhile neets, autismos, loners, creepy uglies and incels are inheriting the world right now

I can't believe I've invested all this time and money into a show just for it to laugh at me. I'm so fucking done. 4 shows left. That's 4 shows I won't be watching. You've just lost yourself a customer, HBO. Fuck you.

>pure Chad that is Khal Drogo

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Fuck off virgin

You mongrel they didn't have feminist jokes back then. Sure Manlet jokes, but that big guys lines were too modern for me.

The only reason heightism is allowed is because some men are the victim of it. Never females.
No one discriminates women because they are too short.
And men don't really care to complain or whine about it, so it's totally fine in the collective mind.
And the result is this scene.
I just want to point out the double standards, I'm not short and I don't care, but I see through the bullshit of these social dogmas, i.e, "we want a society that is devoid of discrimination and at the same time practice it when it's OK to do it."
Also height you seriously can't control, weight you actually can.

i mean... bro, im against all this women empowerment bullshit, but like... you gotta admit, manlets are pretty funny

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Now listen here, Mr Frodo. Don't get short with me.

This running gag causes so much butthurt that it's unreal. D&D did it to troll Kit at first, but now the audience is the mark.

Gonna cry? Piss your pants, maybe? Maybe shit and cum?

>Be 6'1'' king of manlets
>Tell everyone I'm 6'
>mfw some manlet tries to claim he's 6' around me

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I can guarantee those dudes are probably friends and just fucking around.

I'm a 5'3" uber manlet and I've literally never been outright disrespected for my height. Like I won't pretend it isn't a big disadvantage when it comes to dating but outside of that basically nobody fucking cares.

I actually smirked and said "manlets btfo" irl when she said that

Is she talking about Mormont or Khal drogo the anal rapist??

shitty b8

She still loves him, it was just a joke but everyone is just buttblasted eitherway.

Exceot its not above average anymore

Agree and I’m 6’3 but I know no one will care because it’s oaky to shit on short men

>No one discriminates women because they are too short.
Actually I think female midgets should die as only lolis look cute at short heights.

it starts to hurt to watch arount 36s

5'10" fag here

how the fuck do you function?

>tfw 6'3" master race

I will sit on the Iron Throne and use a manlet as an Iron Footstool.

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You won’t be outright diacriminated usually but behind the doors is when people will say stuff about you especially in hiring my boss was a milf mommy and when she looked at my resume she said she expected someone tall and she said she even Wore lipstick for the interview

It's crazier once you factor in that half of those guys are ugly, weirdos, skinnyfat or otherwise out of shape. I had a buddy in college who was 6'6" but so awkwardly built and a weird face, he only ever had sex with fobby Asian girls. So it's effectively like 7% of the guys fucking 90% of the women.

Who cares about height? It's irrelevant.

Is she talking about Mormont or Khal drogo the anal rapist?

He's 99% lying. Sansa's actress is fucking 5 9 and she towers over him, how can he be 5'8"?

which guy

I refuse to believe you don't sometimes get disrespected at 5'3'', especially when at a bar. Unless you're like 14 and still growing or something.


What the fuck are they doing? The """events""" of Episode 1 and 2 could've been one episode. Not even, like half of one! There were some good scenes in them, but does this shit need to be 2 fucking episodes? The last 4 are gonna be rushed as SHIT!!!

6'1 also, so many 5'11 guys claiming I must be 6'2-3 so their 6' claim seems real. No dude, you are a sub 6' manlet.

literally the only time my height has caused me negativity was when i got cut from the basketball team.
look at the positives: you make muscle gains easier, you can sit in all cars and airplane seats with comfort, you'll be a much better wrestler (that is the sport i picked up when bball didnt happen), your dong looks bigger compared to your height... so many positives. so what if a shallow girl blows you off.

>back then when dragons and zombies roamed the lands there were no feminist jokes

God I wish that were me.

>tfw small penis

6’3 master race

Vitalik is 6’1”

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One thing women fail to understand when complaining about "short men" is that they're the one responsible for this.
I've seen countless of 6'2''+ men with 5'2''-5'3'' women and the kids rarely pass 5'9'' at most.
"Short men are a waste of space."

same but I got cursed with being a dicklet as well

So she doesnt trust her current men like mormont with her life?

there's no way she's only 5'9 she's taller than most women and men on the show and 5'9 really isn't that tall

Are you ten?

They will never accept responsibilities of acknowledge that

>looks right at camera
staged and gay

If you're bullying people you are insecure

What are heels? I wonder?


Well no and yes I just said that because that’s what people say to short men who get angry

You idiot I know it's fantasy... I don't have to preface it every time

What in the name of good fuck are you talking about? You fucking moron.

I don't know, google says she is. It's fucked up that every actor under 6 feet or actress over 5'8" lies about her height.

This joke seriously passed right over. Listening to these two bitches talk was so boring.

>look up his height
>gf is taller than him


Brianne os discriminated for her height like all tall and masculine girl.
Now that I think about it it isn't weird it's the same thing for man but for opposite reasons.

>google converter cuz i dont use dumb murican system

>5´9 = 179 cms
>5´11= 155 cms

what am i doing bad?

Don't worry. Jon will kill her next episode.

>at college
>girls on sister hall line the guys up
>tall girl walks up to all of us to compare height
>Im 5’7
>shorter than her
>qt big tiddy girl makes fun of my height too

She's definitely a tall girl which is why it seems weird, legit she's taller than a lot of men in the show at least and ~5'9 is average

Idk 6 foot is like 185 cm 5 foot is like 150. Just assume they are like 170cm tall.

Why would you let yourself be lined up at college as a man? Who cares about you being short you’re a bitch

yea but Kits face is 10/10

1’ = ~30cm
1” = ~2.75cm

I find solace in the fact that a lot of important historical figures were manlets.
The pain of being a manlet seems to enable you to do greater things.
While lanklets are slaying pussy manlets are out there changing the world.

Are you fucking stupid?
She says she only has trusted 2 men with her life you STUPID FUCK.

fuck off lanklet, 6'2 is literal perfection

>Goddess Sophie Turner dates Joe Jonas who is reported as 5'7.
There's hope for us manlets.
There are pure hearted literal goddesses out there who doesn't care if our bones are kinda short.
I'm crying.
Sophie Sansa...
You were my waifu from the show ever since you first appeared.
I love you so much...

In reality probably not, but on Yea Forums anyone who isn't 6'0 is considered a manlet

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Fuck you man let 6’3 masterace

Alright, shortround

Probably Drogo.

>I'm a 5'3" uber manlet and I've literally never been outright disrespected for my height.
That's some heavy cope there bud.

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Enjoy your back problems, beanpoles

>tfw im a loner or creeper
Lol we arent inhereting shit. We just didnt throw away what we earned, unlike normie faggots
>tfw 100k in the bank at 29 and waiting for housing bubble to break to clean up
Any minute now, housing bubble. Any minute

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Literally only if you’re fat or sit at a computer all day and don’t do basic exercise

people who make height jokes are the ones with tiny dicks, lol

imagine being 6'4 with a 6 inch dick lmao

>if they bully you, they're not real tall people!
>only short people are bullies!
I know you meant well, but tall people bully manlets all the time.

wow ur dumb af

Dont you have a happy meal to finish?

finding a mate is pretty much the point of life. you idiot lol

I'm 5'5", I'm hyper insecure about my height

I don't really outright complain when someone makes fun g my height because I know I'll get the "stop whining" line. It fucking sucks though. I have no confidence and when making fun of short guys is one of the last things that's openly acceptable, it doesn't make it any better

Tfw 6’3 with a 6 inch dick and ducked over 100 women

Imagine thinking random hookups are to please the women

Why is Daenerys even with Jon in the first place, I find it bullshit that they love one another. They’ve barely been through together.

why do they do this

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>imagine being 6'4 with a 6 inch dick lmao

Yeah that's gotta be the worst

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At what point in our history was every major house ruled by strong independent women who need no short man

Yeah it definitely feels rushed. Like they barely showed them spending time together and all of a sudden they're soul mates.

user, i hate to break it to you but women are kind of hypocrites

bloated face cunts

lmao nice stump dick, proportionally it looks stupid

Honesty if manlets really wanted to make it stop then they’d just say some shit about how it’s ableist and elitist to make fun of that because of malnourishment. Is that why most manlets are the way they are? Absolutely not. But it would get the PC train to never make fun of it

Why do the showrunners continue to make jabs at manlets?

Feels bad man.

Attached: Delete This.jpg (700x700, 68K)

That's how you catch a fucking knife in the kidneys.

Yes and they were decently written in the first 4 seasons. Now they aren't.


>the virgin metric system
>the chad imperial system
What temperature is it outside, like 68 kilodegrees? Fuck out of here with your gay shit

I wish I was a little bit taller
I wish I was a baller

>they've never fallen in love

feel bad for u guys tbqh

>guy tries to buy his buddy a drink
>guy physically picks his friend up so that he can buy him a drink instead
>they later laugh it off

>Yea Forums social recluses see this as bullying due to extreme social isolation and traumatic adolescences

I really haven’t cared st all in my life people will always find ways to try to bring me down

And she still fucks the 5'7 Chad.

Attached: 1555775487718.png (1117x634, 224K)

Feels good being a 6' 1" gay guy.

girls care about:

>finances (money)

>dick size

>facial aesthetics

(power gap)


Dicaprio isn't tall but he's going to fuck a lot more than a 6'5 ugly bitch.

>falling in love quickly like a beta male
sucks to suck

So basically, Rhaegar was a 5'4 manlet, and got BTFO by Bobby B, who was basically 5'10?

Of course a rich millionaire actor is going to fuck more than any man on earth but height is an extreme factor when it comes to mate selection

Sucks to never get sucked (this means you)

in the books they say king robert was over 6"5 or something like that, i could have sworn.

> cant properly convert based imperial system to eurocuck base 10
Here is the real conversion
6'2"> meters
All of those pics showinf the 5'9" midget and 6'2" gigachad were the actual real comparisons

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>I can be tall and ugly and get all the ladies :)


Most women don't care about height. They like confident guys who can make them laugh.


not nearly as much as people are led to believe. a pretty face beats height every time.

ya know, I'm bald but at least I'm 6'2 and I got a beard and above avg. dick size

can't imagine what it's like to be below 6' and "demand" women to respect you

>imasculating your friends in public is just banter lmao
I've never shamed my manlet friends like that because I'm not a cunt

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Dick size doesn’t matter, unless you have a literal micropenis or an Asian tier cock then you’re good to go.

I never said that

Yeah but most people on earth are average face or ugly

Arya wants the wang!!!
Dykes on suicide watch

I used to live in a manlet country where if I compared myself to other men I would be taller 80% of the times.... at fucking 5'8". I couldn't compehnd 4 chan memes where I was considered a turbo manlet.
Now that I live in a central european country I get it. More than half of the women are as tall as me or more and it's rare a man is not taller than me.

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What's worse

>hello user nice to meet you, before we proceed let measure your dick
manlet cope

just learn to lick clit and tongue fuck her pussy hole suicide fuel

>girls care about:
>>finances (money)
>>dick size
>>facial aesthetics
>(power gap)

> have good money
> dick size is pretty good, 7 in
> not the best face
> 5 '11

Still banging fatties

Balding Manlet

Attached: 4BD66C14-55F1-4415-8CA9-708AC67EAE67.png (640x400, 39K)

just start lifting

inches matter much more with a dick than height, user.

you can't literally fuck a woman with your height.

I'm a 5'7 turbomanlet, thank god i'm brazilian
At least my cock looks bigger on a tiny body

Who gives a fuck what twitter yass queens think?

try meeting cute women in the produce section at the supermarket

I'm 5'9 and I've recorded sex with at least 50 women, banged probably 100 more I don't even remember. Also my dick is a solid 8.

Balding by far. When you hit your late 20's or 30's, attractive women stop paying any attention to you if you are balding.

Literally a five inches is good to go people fell for the you need to have 12 inch dick incel meme

>Yeah but most people on earth are average face or ugly
Most people on earth are of average height as well. What's your point?

>imasculating your friends in public is just banter lmao
It's not imasculation if its banter and you arent an insecure shit

100% of women are fucking that 15% of men while the rest are incels that die without ever touching a woman, this is the reality we live in.

Good that was my point That you can be short or have a 6 inch dick and sleep with women and enjoy life without being fed he incel blackpill

If you're not a woman, you cannot be spreading lies like this. 5 inches is nothing to work with.
You cant even barely do any strokes or your dick comes out.

Thats why small dickers have to be ridden like a horse saddle

if dick size doesn't matter then why does height matter?

and why do people make fun of small dicks?

definitely bald

Then how do bald men get with hot women all the time?

>tfw 5'7 with a 8 inch dick
It honestly looks silly

I'd rather be 6'4 with a 6 inch. The average caucasian vagina is only 2.7-5.5 inches deep anyway according the only actual gynaecological research paper on it. You're gonna bottom out any chick except extreme outliers with 6 inches if you go balls deep every thrust.

At 0 degrees c water freezes and it can snow outside. 100 degrees water boils.
It's for sure clearer than your meme angloid sistem.

learn to make a woman squirt

That people redeem themselves through height or face to attract a women lucky for me I sell drugs and have neither so I fuck hot women for coke

>not the best face
that's the single most important feature, so it's no surprise.

>t. has a 4 inch peener

nah, tall with a tiny dick looks like a giant swinging a twig.

Small dicks are 3inches if you have a six inches it’s fine above average to much people watch porn

Learn to fuck

Those guys are super rich and powerful. Or they shave it and go with the futuristic look

Because height is a visual proxy for social dominance. It is something that everyone can see and a woman can use to 'elevate' her own status by being attached to you. Unless you have literal 'big dick energy', this is not possible with genitalia.

>6'3 400lbs
>I get 8/10

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Your not alone breh!

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>"if you want a queen, earn her" is going to be the go-to quote of white girls on Tinder to show just how tough and independent they are
You say this is in every single GOT thread. Are you ever going to stop crying about the big mean wimmenz?

>learn to fuck
you really are dumb.

You are a real fucking moron.

how is Tom Cruise successful if he's short then?

or Kit Harrington?

Read the rest of the post

Yeah, nah, youre a cunt m8

why don't non Americans use decimeters more?

You guys have a better system of measurement and then fuck it up by using centimeters when decimeters are more appropriate

Yeah but they're assholes, subhumans

t. 6'3"/191cm

>voluntarily destroying your legs for one inch

kek, just kill yourselves, manlets.

Well I would guess balding is easier to fix than being a manlet from a medical standpoint. LOL at cutting your leg bones in half to go from trubo manlet to regular manlet. Both are a sign you have failed genes and should stick to the hentai. That or find some 35 year old 250 lb roastie with 3 kids and you can get starfish sex 3 -4 times a year, until she divorce rapes you.

You're an idiot.
>Dude I totally do long strokes with my 4 inch penis

kill yourself retard virgin

Calm yourself, samefag

Manlets are mostly insecure little faggots which makes them unbearable to be around. Those that are genuinely comfortable with their condition are pretty based.

Because they already possess massive social status by virtue of being highly successful actors. I said that height is a proxy for social dominance. It doesn't apply under exceptional circumstances where social dominance is already extremely obvious and publicized.

t. manlet european

>claim height matters

the only time measurements matter is your dick size

you can't fuck a girl with your height, you LITERALLY fuck a girl with your dick.



>imperial system
>0 is pretty cold, 100 is pretty hot
>yurocuck system
>0 is mildly cold, 100 is everyone dead
oh wow, such a powerful and elegant temperature scale for the layman

I think it has to do with strictly first-hand perception. Like my sister for a while thought I was a shorter dude at 5'9" until I pointed out that she literally only dates super tall giraffe retards, and stood near another group of guys to show my height in comparison. The nurses where I work swear I'm at least 5'11" if not 6'0. Yea Forums sees me as a gnome. It's really as simple as how one views people. I'm nobody here, my sister's goofy brother, and respected at work.

Do you seriously think a woman would reject a 6'3" guy if his dick was only 4"?

lol @ the dicklets above saying learn to fuck as they spasm their pelvis with their dick not moving at all thinking its a good fucking

Cruiae has a 10/10 face. At that point, height becomes largely irrelevant.

Imagine thinking on a hookup your there to please a women

I'd take tall and ugly any day. Height isn't just about getting pussy, there are so many little subtleties to being tall that make life better. Clothes and muscles look more aesthetic on you, people default to you as the leader, people naturally moving out of the way for you, there is a primal confidence you get just by being bigger than other men. Its like that feeling you get in the gym after making serious gainz and mogging some dude only doing 1 plate. Just subtle monkey brain shit. Side note nothing more hilarious than some swaggering 6'2 dude meeting the rare 6'5+ guy

Imagine thinking you will ever have sex even once

maybe once he takes his belt off

Are you retarded or something?

>any girl who fucks for drugs isn't an 8/10 bro and you know it. DESU

You're basically paying for it so it doesn't count.

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>can't fuck a girl with your heigh
The manlet doesn't know about the tentacle human males grow when they reach 6'0


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what the fuck is pretty cold and pretty hot? that could mean something different to each person, you neanderthal.

This. I may be 5'6" but at least I have a full head of hair and can easily grow a beard. Everyone I've ever worked with that is balding around my age of 28 just looks like a broken man, or 45 when they are half that age.

I've been getting a bit gray since 16 and the right half of my frontal hairline is all gray making a small streak that follows the line to the temple. At least I'm not so completely JUSTED as a balding nigga, and I don't give a fuck what roasties think of my height.

You're always paying for it

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Ofc it counts you gotta have sex somehow investing time or money into women is something all guys do I nut in hot women because they want coke and extascy

You dumb fucks. Women care about dick size is nothing compared to height, status, wealth, face. Women want a guy they can show off. Unless everyone starts walking around naked, women don't care about your dick, only you do. They would rather have some hot 6'4 guy with a 2 incher than a 5'3 manlet hung like a horse. Besides, if you are 5'4 you aren't going to be showing many women your dick, while a 6'4 guy will be doing that.

>inb4 t.dicklet

for you

who said I was short?

it's literally true, you can't fuck a girl with your height, but you actually fuck a girl with your penis (which has a measurement).

One of my friends is an absolute manlet, and the greasiest beaner i've ever seen. He pulls so much fucking pussy I can't even comprehend

>Clothes and muscles look more aesthetic on you
lol what. lanklet bodies look goofy as fuck. the stocky build of an average height body is much more aesthetic.

Lol this.

oh shit
didn't realize that was a forth wall burn by the dragon queen herself

women can see if youre packing through your pants, you dicklet

Tfw have had a shittty hairline since I was 17 but it stopped now it just looks awkward especially when I shaved my head I figure I’ll be rocking that sweet frasier crane when I’m late 30s but by then it won’t matter

>I'd take tall and ugly any day
>Its like that feeling you get in the gym after making serious gainz and mogging some dude only doing 1 plate
Confirmed for ugly lanklet from /fit/ that literally nobody in the gym pays attention to.

Average height here. Girl lying beside me is 6 foot 2. We go out to restaurants, enjoy each other's company, and have great sex... She pretends to be her little sister when we fuck and is very kinky.

Why would anyone give a shit what other people think? Their opinions make no difference to your quality of life.

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>dick waving contest

Tom Cruise has fucked more than all of you combined

>but muh height!

So has Jon Snow, he actually married that cute redhead from the show.

>>someone taller teehee
>>is the last rightful heir to the iron throne

raped roastie BTFO

>tfw have high ball sack
>makes me have a giant bulge even though Im a dicklet

anybody can buy a woman. Especially today. It's hanging out there where women whore themselves as a natural part of culture now.

Making a girl give it up without spending money is what makes a chad.

This is not true. I’m 6’4 and dating is absolutely hell for me.

He's actually an asshole in person.

But women usually don't know how big your dick is unless its 5 seconds from going into their mouth??

A rich asshole with a wet dick. Honestly a good trade.

186 cm with a 16.8 cm dick

will I make it bros

There's something very weird about his face.

My fiance was the same height as me (6'2). Giant women are perfection

I don’t care about being a chad I make almost 20k a month American and creampie rich girls in my basement when they come over and eat fast food all day the chad obsession comparison is such an incel thing to do

>She pretends to be her little sister when we fuck and is very kinky.
Whose idea was that?

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>women don't check out bulge and ass

For women confidence>>>>>height>>>everything else. Too bad I lack both.

He supported Remain in the EU, so yes, a complete asshole

>10/10 face

You just KNOW that Emilia and Sophie have blooper takes of them laughing about this in full agreement.

Based Khalasar

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Literally so much people say height is the only thing or money or face or confidence just be yourself that’s the only thing that actually matters

Reminder that manlets thrive and excel in war which is why everyone is trying to maintain peace in hopes of culling them off to keep their illusions of superiority.

just build confidence and take a shower bro

It really depends on your skullshape. Some guys like The Rock, Bruce Willis or Jason Statham can look decent bald, while others are terrible.

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>She pretends to be her little sister when we fuck and is very kinky.

What is the point of mentioning it and why am I so curious

if you're fat in all the right places, you're ahead
though people will always have something shitty to say

They should go chad embrace instead

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Just get a bit fit and be confident. The only reason those people I mentioned look awkward is because they lack both any confidence and any self worth, which is kind of a result of the aforementioned confidence issue.

Just don't show your power level or be a stereotypical dweeb and you'll be fine.


Manlet. If you're balding you can take drugs to slow it down or possibly regrow, or you can get a hair transplant, or concealers/fillers, or get a hair system thing. There are options. With height there's really nothing you can do besides elevator shoes or some ridiculous/expensive/danger limb-lengthening surgery that will put you out of commission for months on end.

Oh I am I just finished college football and wrestling but it’s just weird to style when short too much men and women focus on hair or height or other things people can’t control just weird when I look at it from angles

>first man was the magnificent giant sized, horse dicked Khal Drogo
>now fucking tiny peckered perpetually sad manlet nephew

Dany misses that wild horse lord sex.

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if youre gonna troll with fake tweets dont use a bunch of roasties in the profile pics

Well we were fucking in front of my mirror a few weeks ago now and she looked weirdly like her little sister... Who isn't legal age I might add; we laugh about it and it may be perverse but it gets us off so good though.

I mentioned it to her because we can express ourselves in whatever way we see fit. Earlier in fact, she started throwing in adjectives like "Young virgin asshole" and other such creativities.

But at least those baldies had their time in the sun in their teens and early/mid 20s before they lost their hair. With manlets they were always fucked, because it's not like they were tall in their prime years and then got shorter at age 30.

What you said is true though. Balding is a death sentence if you want to get an actually fertile attractive woman. Once you're bald you're automatically "middle aged" no matter how old you really are. People will think anof you and treat you like you're in your 40s+, and no twenty-something will give you the time of day. Enjoy your post-wall roasties and single mothers and "cougars"

>slices ankle and topples the lanklet
>uses superior center of gravity to lift and powerslam the lanklet
>knees the lanklet without fear of knees giving out
>can keep this kneeing up for long periods of time due to normal heart for a normal sized body, cardio is no problem
Manlets were made to be true warriors.

Mirri Maz Duur poisoned Drogo though

pancreatic cancer


It's another "Who cares?" episode

Don't forget backs. Lanklet backs are just begging to blow out.

>For women confidence>>>>>height>>>everything else
lmao, the ultimate cope. "confidence" doesn't mean fuck all by itself. A guy acting "confident" who's unattractive is just called creepy. You can take two guys, one attractive and one ugly, and have them act in the exact same manner, but one will be called confident and the other will be called a creepy weirdo.

bump limit. lets move

Tfw I have had Kelsey’s grammars hair since I was 20 and only twice it effected me with women you literally had to know who you are

Lol I mentioned it because you make your own happiness. You don't allow narrow-minded individuals to rob you of it; enjoy life and don't let something as so obtuse as height limit your potential.

Wars a contest so that we manlets can elect our next king, remember Napoleon?

Oh wow. I'm sorry to hear that man.

I wish I had a girl like Sansa
I would call her

Two cardboard characters with QUeEENSLAy brie #cuntface on making manlet jokes. HAHAHAHAHA!

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This is the truest meme I've ever seen on height

Women care about
>General Aesthetic
>Dick size

Women like big dicks the same way men like female contortionists. It's more of an "Ooh, I'll have some of that."

Someone bigger

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