>another whole episode where nothing happens aside from the ending
truly amazing
Another whole episode where nothing happens aside from the ending
The milk story best part
that was weird as fuck
what has this show become?
Remember when they said "Don't worry about the short episode count, each episode will be like it's own movie"? I knew it would just be more dragged out shit with the only meaningful bits at the end. What a con job.
Milk Story is actually from the books brainlet
How do people still watch this? I got bored and stopped in season 3
Tyrion will die in the battle, Arya will take his face and use it to go see Cersi and kill Cersi!!
That was quite possibly the worst episode from the entire show.
so basically dany and jon marry or something or kill each other or something
>nothing happened
I guess, kind of, I mean they all managed to meet each other, air out their grievances, and reveal secrets amongst themselves over the course of several years in the span of a couple hours. Very rush rush.
but extrememly flawed in execution
>nothing happens
Plenty of shit happened. Do you have ADHD? unable to keep your attention up unless there's a dragon battle every 5 minutes?
Why don't you guys all just wait for the season to end so you can just watch the battles on youtube and skip everything else you consider filler?
no secrets were revealed aside from jon being a targ. everything else was forced bonding.
I thought this watching it
Some of the deaths don't happen in battles, faggot.
>kino knighting scene
Actually really liked this episode. Lots of good moments with Jaime. The Nightwatch scene was pretty kino as well. Any shit with Dany/Sansa brought it down. People would be less upset if last weeks episode wasn't garbage because this episode was actually a good setup.
Honestly the first episode was worse since it consisted of nothing but
>hey man how long it has been!
>yeah haha it was
>they both hug
>repeat ad nauseam with different characters
this episode:
>muh feminism power tripping
>jon snow is a manlet, haha!
>giant's milk, dude
>little more of feminism
>arya is a woman now
>we all gonna die XD
absolute filler, why the fuck waste 1/6 episodes to this shit?
it's fanservice.
tight, I'm midway through season 5 still need to catch up
Exactly. For instance, the show's death happened throughout all of Season 5.
I nearly turned off the TV when he was like "anyone got a song"
I'm like, damn, even the characters in the show are bored.
Without the books to draw from the shitty staff writers just have no clue. The show is now just filler, a big battle scene and then 3 more fillers until some retarded ending.
Honestly, it took them 2 years to film this shit it doesnt bode well for the prequel series
The earlier episodes where nothing happened were some of the best.
This show is shit because the writing is terrible, the storylines have converged too much, and they've decided to fill the time with garbage fan service. There's a reason why anime don't advance past the manga; when you lose source material, you're left with writers who only know an impression of someone's character, and not what it truly is.
clearly they're going to fight each other. seems pretty obvious from the foreshadowing and the fact that there are still 3 episodes left after the huge white walker battle that the show's been building towards for 7+ seasons.
Why was THE BIGGEST MYSTERY in the series (Jon's parantage) been resolved in a 1 minute scene?!?!?
He didn't even question it.
Exactly. And what the night king wants just seems such a disservice to what the intricate plot once was pre a feast for cucks.
this shitshow is dead
well the books pretty much started sucking after book 3 so it makes sense the show would too. at least they actually have written something, even if it's mediocre.
The way he says the story all serious was absurd, he should have told that story in another way, half in jest.
>DABID DABID!! Lets make that big wilding giantbane guy tell da story why they call him GIANTBANE! HA HA! All of them around fire Dabid, yea! AND DABID! HE'LL be SERIOUS telling it this time, so it's like true, not like that dirty yigrit telling him to shutup last time he tolds it!
>2 episodes of character introductions in the final season
You know it's a bad season when the only highlight is a Sam scene.
Also, no KL this episode. My leakers lied
No you're looking at the wrong details. Jon has Black hair, Dany has white hair. At the end of the series they fuse and become Cruella D'Evil thus setting the backstory of 101 Dalmatians
because its a true story brainlet
makes sense
Wait, there's dragons too?
Don’t watch it? There. Done.
also, Bran spoiled the ending we all expected with "how you know anyone is going to survive?"
everybody fucking dies and there is going to be a huge reference to climate change so that every normie gets it.
yeah but anime is gay so take that fag
What do you mean nothing happened? We got a whole episode of brave and powerful strong women breaking the cinematic bonds of the patriarchy, are you some kind of sexist?
Every season always starts slow, stop pretending.
Seething fan came to defend his soap opera
Jaime will die. Cersei would be wary of Tyrion
This. So sick of fucking dickheads saying this or shitting on every episode. Fuck off and don’t watch it then. Lots of shows I hate but I just quit watching them.
>are you some kind of sexist?
>because its a true story brainlet
Shutup David, you executed it all wrong and you know it.
It’s only 6 episodes long you fucking brainlet. They have a lot to wrap up in four damn episodes.
Can you come up with a reply that is the least bit original?
That is true but they don't make Canon episodes at this level of shit
Didn't GRRM fat fuck flip out at a convention and blurt out in front of all of them, they needed a few more ep to wrap season 8 and end it right?
I really loved the part where Pippin sung as they were getting ready to fight
You didn't rebut his criticism you just cried don't watch it like the pathetic beta male that you are
>the hound and brienne both showed detest for the knighthood
>omg sir jaime a knight? ME? *gushes*
So losers actually come on an anime board to shit on a show they don’t like.
He was spoiling Jaime's death.
Honestly, the best ending and I think how the book series will end is with the Night King purging the continent whilst the people are fighting amongst themselves. This is GRRM's anti-war message/warning but the show series is going for a (((satisfying))) conclusion with good guys killing the bad guys and coming together for the good of the realm KHALEESI FIRST OF HER NAME
>Best episode in a long time
Muhhh fights... nothing happened... better go watch WWE
>Azor Ahai next episode
they're going to fuck it up, but place your bets
Agree with this
White walkers comfirmed as baddies that are bad just because. Amazing writting.
So merely saying I am seething is a rebuttal? You’re fucking retarded.
Why the fuck is everyone drinking heavily like 2 hours before a battle?
Was Bobby B the greatest king to ever live, or what?
Most people have long ago lost track of all the plot lines going on here. Ask the average fan to explain what season 4 was about, for example, and you'll get, at best, a hazy list of "awesome" moments. They aren't going to resolve much of anything besides the most basic core story and it'll be a rushed affair after 5 episodes of filler. They should have just ended with a proper movie instead of a 6 episode "season."
i have almost no motivation to watch the rest of the show after the awful first episode.
it really is YAAAASSS QWEEN ELEVATE THE WOMAN tropes everywhere, which i've no problem with, but it's so fucking badly done it hurts to watch
did interns write this season?
Bow you shits!
I've seen you spam this and I have to say with the direction the show has gone and how stupid and poorly thought out this is I wouldnt be surprised if you were right
>beta male
So original. You realize how pathetic you sound?
If this tv show doesnt end with everyone death it will be fucking garbage there is no time for anyone sitting in the iron throne
Jenny of the oldstones was kino
Two snoozer episodes in a row. The writers have nothing to go on anymore. I predict the White Walker battle will go on for at least two episodes and maybe into even half of another episode on account that this show has been dick teasing this fight since forever.
You've managed to express something many have failed to.
>did interns write this season?
No, just a certain tribe of vindictive creatures that happen to have their claws all over every piece of entertainment media.
let's talk about the nutritional value of giant's breast milk
I have already prepared to be absolutely disappointed on this account and get no real backstory that gives a satisfying sense of what they are any why they are fighting.
anyone please has a link?
Onions. Cope harder, fuckstain.
It would be a 5/10 filler ep in an earlier season but in the final season, with so little time left there is no excuse for this amount of reintroductions, padding and exposition.
It's obvious they want to do a calm before the storm type deal with lots of heartwarming character showcases but we've already seen everything in this episode a hundred times. This season was written for normies to be able to watch without going back to watch earlier seasons.
Pathetic beta male detected
Oh? You mean like literally of single episode from the early seasons with the exception of the ninth episode
>"Burn them all!"
inb4 Bran is warging into the past and someone on the wall shouts this line
The end game
>The queen/king will legitimize Gendry, making him a legit baratheon
>He marries Arya so Storm's End has a Baratheon and a Stark
>Just as Robert said in the beginning
>Just like he was going to be with Lyanna
But that was this episode x4
>Arya hound scene
>joke, quip, joke, talk about past, joke, quip as they walk away
Basement dwelling kissless virgin detected.
Most of these people are going to die. Give them their last night faggot. Also Kys
Hot off the presses for you
>why did sam bring his wife and her son to the frontline
>why did jon tell Dany he was her nephew
>how did gendry not even start aryias toy but finish it by the end of the day
I hate this show so much
If only they pushed forward with the main storyline instead of “breaking tradition,” I wouldn’t be fucking snoring
Serious question: if you hate the show so much why bother watching it?
Aren't Targaryens supposed to be the only ones capable of riding dragons? Then why didn't the queen bitch suspect anything?
Thank you, best episode since season 5
Pretty much accurate. I liked the knighting scene though
You're fucking stupid for watching it past season 3 when it was obvious this show was 2 good seasons long
I was more moved with the giant milkies story
there's a right way and a wrong way to make females more prominent and relevant to a story
unfortunately the writers thus far have seen the direction that fat cunt martin was going for and decided on 11 levels above that, so hamfisted that even the most windowlicking mouthbreather would recognize their agenda
That was LITERALLY this entire episode.
plenty of time to tie everything up. 4 eps left man
This show is basically for chicks now. It's like watching Grey's Anatomy or the Bachelor
but that wouldn't be bravely and powerfully smashing the patriarchy user
This fucking episode was shit that didn't actually need to be shown the episode. We could have just had that song montage at the end, maybe a little longer and had the same effect.
>Trying this hard.
i assume most people shitposting did love the show once.
Jamie knighting Breinne was literally the only noteworthy scene. What a shitty episode
man... i can predict how it will end:
>last stand in kings landing
>final minutes
>cersei and tyrion are having a deep conversation
>tyrion going all wise midget guy about how cersei's greed and everybody's greed for power costs everyone their lives
>white walkers rush in and fucking everybody dies
>some cheesy reference to climate change
Hoy shit, for a second I thought I was watching Lord of the rings.
>Everyone's hopeless but hopeful
>Winterfell is basically Helm's deep, fuck they even have the crypt to peotect the women and children.
>Unlikely allies gather to battle against enemies who want nothing but to eradicate men: The uru- I mean White walkers
And most of all
>Ominous song that strangely befits the ocassion used as a background for other characters.
They didn't even try to hide it
Criticism is one thing. Merely saying it sucks with nothing more than meme responses is cuckworthy.
This is where I am. I can't tell you the exact moment it became hatewatching but I just know it has been for a while.
I was thinking back on how good S1 was and i just remembered. Was it ever revealed what Ned was saying as he died?
The walking dead school of ratings management
Actually the episode will be pretty bad if there are LOTS of significant deaths. If this happens then from one scene to the next it will be a repetitive barrage of slow pans, violins and a lot of speeches.
There's no way they'd be brave enough to kill off characters in the background with no send off at this point.
I think they'll just kill Grey Worm and give him a 25 minute character highlight as if anybody cares about that character
The show always pick up on the 4th or 5th episode.
Also, the main villain is the night king, not Cersei, so don't expect them to waste too much time with Cersei. Two hours against Jon's army, one hour against Cersei's army, or vice versa.
I figured each episode was gonna be at least an hour and twenty minutes with the ending episode being two hours long. Not the case, just boring filler 50 minute spank bites. So far its Sopranos level of disappointment.
>We're going to war, but we're going to talk about it for 2 episodes first
The """""events""""" of episodes 1 and 2 could've been half of one episode! They have no room for the last four, they're gonna rushed as SHIT!!! Fuck this show!
God, seeing Dany get BTFO by both Sansa and Jon was so entertaining. Her look of barely controlled anger was so fucking funny
Did they ever explain why white walkers are white walkers?
I loved the first season of Westworld. Watched 2 episodes of season 2. Hated it. Stopped watching it.
Absolutely this, tonight was Jamie's send off. It was the best ending to his character arc you could ask for. He went from a terrible person you despise to the best respectable character you feel for. He's done so much good now and tonight was the climax by knighting Briane. Knighting her was passing the torch of his legacy the only legacy he would ever have since he can't have land/wife and all of his children are dead.
When will the true king of the seven kingdom, Stannis Baratheon, come back?
>nothing happens
the fuck did you expect?
you all would be just as pissed off if the episode opened with the white walkers miraculously at the doorstep of winterfell wondering where the fuck they came from.
shit on the awful writing all you want - it's fucking terrible - but the setup was necessary.
reminder, Gambler/LF is confirmed
the feminist propaganda.....its all so tiresome
>Kill Greyworm
>When they've spent all this time on this stupid romance between a slave and a man with no dick to appease the black folks
Not a chance
Joffrey died in episode 2. That was great
Knighting scene was the only good scene. Actually smiled when I saw her smile.
Yeah because everything DnD writes is shit
It was interesting during season 1 and 2. Then mid season 3 it turned into a libtard soap opera
What does Gilly eat anyway?
Whatever she wants.
Seriously, I don't know how they could correctly end this whole show with only 3 fucking episodes.
When I heard about a season of 6x 1h30, it was kind of possible, but those two last episodes where totally useless and with the next war episode, they only have 3 left, it's ridicule and it's not like they don't have enough money to do it properly.
Well it's not so bad that it's unwatchable. It's still better than most of the stuff on TV, but in comparison to the first 5 seasons when they still had source material to draw from it has taken a nose dive. That to me is the most frustrating thing about it. D&D are so clearly out of their depth without the books to guide them. You saw hints of this in the first few seasons when every single thing they changed or inserted was bad. If they had gotten more capable show runners things could have been so much better.
GoT has always been "feminist," but there's no propaganda to it. You're the right wing version of an SJW.
People gotta bitch to feel like their opinion is superior.
Those elf things shoved a knife into Joe Chill, to make him kill humans. Problem is, he just kept making more like him and killing both humans and elf things
apart from jon/dany, you could literally skip this episode and be up to date for ep. 3
That's a moronic prediction, which means it might make the show.
Literally thought of pippin singing to denethor too.
Guys after this show of quality, WHOS READY FOR CONFEDERATE?!?!
She must have been pregnant IRL. They had her bundled up in loose shawls
>Arya buttcrack and sideboob
It was a good episode
This season is pretty blatant with the 'girl power's stuff that doesn't always fit characters or storyline. Sansa and Arya have both suddenly gotten 10x colder and more 'bad ass'
I'm convinced westworld season 2 was hijacked because the plot was going to focus on religion as a theme (like psychology last season) and the liberal board of execs started screeching the moment they heard that.
But then you'd be missing all the really good scenes this episode brought. Like Brienne getting knighted
You know what's crazy, right when they said song, I thought FUCK lord of the rings ripoff time? And what do you know, complete ripoff and so predictable.
It was a stand in, you fool, with her face badly cgd onto it
pls reply
I think the word you're looking for is smug
That's called a traditionalist, user.
Still waiting for Stannis to come back. How could they just forget characters like that
It baffles me that this would upset someone.
All the women in the show have more than earned their "girl power" moments, shithead. You aren't triggered because it's feminist propaganda, you're triggered because it's not extremist far right propaganda.
partisan rightard schizo here, I noticed them trying cram in as much social commentary and propoganda into this series as soon as it picked up in popularity. S1 was pure, S2 had signs of an agenda by S3 onward it got out of hand. There is one point where you can notice the transition going into full effect and it is the episode where Dany gives her "but we are not MEN" bit and there are black slavers in the background of scenes walking around with white slaves. The show never went back after that
copied scene from cat charging her with bringing her daughters home. completely irrelevant to the plot, she was already a knight in the viewer's eyes
My wife is normie as fuck and even she looked at me at the end of the episode and was like "nothing even happened, that was just filler..."
Alright what about the other important things that happened this episode
No, you're projecting your own obsession with boring, tedious identity politics over the show.
Based and Jaimie Pilled
I cried like a bitch
He literally questioned it though.
>GoT has always been "feminist," but there's no propaganda to it.
GRRM's story has always had awesome female characters but everything post-book split has been pure modern liberal-feminist propaganda and talking points. you dont need to be a "right wing SJW" to see it.
whatever she wants
name one
I didnt even think about that. I'm now dreading the next couple episodes.
That’s just the same dumb cunt face kit has done since S1. Such a bad Jon Snow.
Watching the whole episode I was thinking of how similar everything was to Helm's deep, but wondering if it was just a coincidence.
Then the song came in and confirmed it, they knew what they were doing.
Jon dropping the incest bomb. Arya ass and tits
Just to work off your point, the entire Dorne arc was "weak men will never rule dorne" and murdering the entire Martell family because Doran didn't want to kill a little girl because his idiot brother volunteered for a fight and got killed
Cersei is pregnant, though.
agreed. strong female characters are crafted, these ones have been popped into existence out of thin air
Don't bring me down man
If you don't notice identity politics and social commentary plagueing everything on modern HBO (and other networks for that matter) you are naively refusing to acknowledge it to distance yourself from people who do.
It's distracting and is ruining the entertainment industry. GoT whole tone shifted to match the industry agenda to the point where GRRM hasn't even watched the past 5/6 seasons and hates hearing about what's happened to his story
It's like poetry. Every stanza rhymes.
Oh yeah, what happened of importance?
Only thing I can thing of was Danny finding out about John. Everything else was literally nothing of prevalence.
>mah giant milky
>mah knighting
>mah goblin sex
Nothing at all. You can skip the first two episodes just by knowing
a)John finds out he a Targ
b)Danny finds out John is a Targ
c)The white walkers are coming
Congrats. You are ready for episode 3
>All the women in the show have more than earned their "girl power" moments,
because of the liberal writers who made it that way.
>. You aren't triggered because it's feminist propaganda
You admit that it is. Good. I'd rather you admit that its propaganda and you enjoy it and agree with it rather than deny that it is.
>you're triggered because it's not extremist far right propaganda.
Season 1 was relatively free of feminist propaganda and I dont think it was "right propaganda" at all.
Not nothing, this episode we learned that;
>Pod doesn't have a magic dick, he never fucked those woman but rather charmed them by singing for them
>Dany looks down on Jon for being shorter than Drogo
>Sansa wants to fuck Theon's gash
>Arya wanted to know what sex was like before she died and originally went to the Hound only to get pussyblocked by Beric, Gendry was literally her last resort
>Little girls REALLY want to fight against a nightmarish horde of zombies for some reason
>Despite women being strong and powerful and the North needing 'every person they can get', most women are still expected to hide down in the Crypts
>Grey worm is 100% going to die soon
>Dany and Sansa almost become friends but don't because of Dany's throne autism
>Dany might also be turning against Jon because he's now a threat to her claim, throne autism strikes again
>Bran and Jamie are cool now
>Tormmund REALLY wants Brienne's milkies
>Sam is on a quest to see his families entire legacy burned to ashes and then pissed upon, to achieve this he gives his house's ancestral sword to the man most loyal to the woman who burned his family alive
Lmao the women characters are just smug and God awful. I can't like Dany, Sansa or Arya anymore.
I now hope every single one dies and a bunch of white men rule the world in the end now. Thanks
i think arya and gendry might end up as the king and queen, not just the lord and lady of storm's end.
jon and dany are going to kill each other and jaime is going to kill cersei so gendry will have the best claim on the throne, bastard or not.
Don't get your hopes up, my friend, she isn't worth it
If you don't like those heartwarming goodbye scenes the joy is gone from your heart
One of the themes of the show is how the men kill each other off and the women behind move to the forefront, that's why there's more women in prominent positions as you progress through the series. Super obvious. Imagine thinking that Lyanna Mormont having a strong personality is feminist. Jesus Christ.
>don't adapt an on going book series into a TV show
Don't forget about having Gollum in it too
Remember when Euron killed the sand sluts? Kino
There hasn't been an episode where the characters are just interacting with each other in so long that I actually loved it
The lengths of each episode we're revealed before the season began. You only have yourself to blame.
book dany is much better. not that anyone reads so it doesnt matter
Gendry is dead, Arya killed him during the climax of her orgasm, that's why she's last seen laying there with wide eyes.
This, GRRM Is 100 percent femmenist. But it is fine sinc his character do not go into GURL POWAH
I feel like there was one really good episode that got split into two. Cut the stupid dragon scene, condense the Jon's parentage scenes into one big scene, cut the Dany-questions-Tyrion bits, try to combine as many of the reunion/scenery-chewing scenes together as possible, etc.
Not his legacy anymore. Its pretty clear he's done with Cersei regardless if he lives or not, he finally admitted to himself what she has become(always was?) Sure genetically its his legacy but he won't view it that way unlike the knighting.
Wow fuck off pussy
Whatever happened to just calling out bad writing?
If something sucks it’s “just don’t watch it!!”. People so scared to admit their show fucked up.
>Rock in the pool
>So nice and cool
>So juicy sweet!
>Now we wish
>To catch a fish
>So juicy sweet!
btw is it me or those 2 white walkers at the end looked awfully Targaryen? white hair, curls and all
I wanna fuck Arya tbqhfam
Another Girl Power bullshit propaganda. Watch these femnazi go ape shit when Jon kills Danny. Twiter is going to explode.
This season sucks so far. It better pick up next episode
>Arya wanted to know what sex was like before she died and originally went to the Hound only to get pussyblocked by Beric, Gendry was literally her last resort
Oh god, it could be true. Fucking kek
it was a trash filler tier episode filled with feminism and quips
>Dany looks down on Jon for being shorter than Drogo
#1 reason manlets are complaining about this episode. Don't let them make you think otherwise.
This place has zero accuracy or insight in "calling out" bad writing. It's the most delusional place on the internet.
not to that extent. Cersie is prob the only intelligent female character I see as believable and enjoyable to watch. The rest have degenerates into mary sue fantasies.
> Women not dying is a theme
I guess the red wedding, the sand sluts dying, the tyrells dying, the raping and killing by the wildlings, the wildling bitch dying, and every other chick who isnt currently alive just dont count then.
Sean Bean said in an interview tha he was saying a prayer (a personal one or something).
>low T
man up bitch
Caitlyn Stark and Cersei are examples of interesting female characters. Unfortunately the hacks killed them off and replaced them with turbo roastie mary sues.
We got to see a shot of some skeletons walking up to a castle while some really badly written dialogue was spoken inside the castle being marched upon by the skeltons!
>women not dying is a theme
but you didn't quote my post, you invented a fake one and replied to it
I'm sure it has nothing to do with left-leaning writers. That's also been hired by Disney to continue its left-leaning propaganda. Onions boys like you makes me want to curb stomp you. Don't procreate sissy
Go back please.
Nah, Gendry gon die episode 4.
Any reason why dany just doesn’t propose a marriage to her and jon?
Seems like a win win, settle the north and you keep the targeryan line on the throne.
Thoughts on the leaked pic of the finale?
idiot. dany will obliterate kings landing and everyone there. no cleganebowl. she burns the city to the ground
>Ask the average fan to explain what season 4 was about
Eh, I've read the books and watched most seasons at least twice, and I have zero idea what happened Season 4. If you told me the situation a character is in at the start of S4, I could tell you what's going to happen next and why.
Also, the average "fan" of the show doesn't even know who half the characters on screen are. They know a handful of the big names (Jon, Dany, Cersei, Jaime), and then they'll know a couple that they personally like. Beyond that, it's all just an interchangeable haze of dark-haired white people that show up for thirty seconds, deliver a joke or give a bit of exposition, and then fade back into the mist.
Why the fuck was Sansa wearing sith lord armor this episode?
It looked awful
>wait the fuck up
t h i s
if you didnt see the 21st century feminism in that clip then IDK what to say to you mate.
the reason I loved this show was because at its peak, it felt like a plausible, loosely Medieval-inspired world. Now...its turned into something else. I suppose this GRRM's fault for not finishing the books. It was inevitable that it would turn out this way when the writers took full control.
I don't hate it. Doesn't mean I can't criticize boring episodes when they are boring. I can accept expositions, but not during the last season. And not when we only have 6 episodes.
It's clear as day the writers have no idea what the hell to write about.
Literally what other reason would she have to seek him out? Even that scene where she's just sitting there quietly is clearly meant to indicate her working out how to broach the subject.
She wants to be the first feminist queen, not just the woman married to the king.
You're so insecure in your masculinity that you're triggered by women having interesting character arcs over a decade of storytelling. If onions lowers testosterone, you must be injecting it IV. All of you /pol/ shitposters are exactly the same, it's fucking hilarious. No wonder everyone (accurately) calls you out as being closeted in numerous ways.
With what? Didn’t she already use all the wildfire?
>Why the fuck was Sansa wearing sith lord armor this episode?
I could literally see the feminism coming by the 5th episode.
You're an idiot m8
>>Sam is on a quest to see his families entire legacy burned to ashes and then pissed upon, to achieve this he gives his house's ancestral sword to the man most loyal to the woman who burned his family alive
You forgot Mormont taught Sam at the Wall?
Then don't come here!?!?
lol btfo
Whatever happened to jamie wanting to kill tyrion next time he saw hin for killing their father? Did they just forget about that?
tyrion: "I wish father was here
jamie: "yeah bro, but he ded lol, lets drink!"
so this is the power of maximum-budget hair design...
they did an incredible job if you ask me
she's fucking dead tho lmfao
The CGI head isn't even the same skin tone.
Gendry's actor just seems like some lucky bloke off the street that just has to be himself and they keep throwing nude models at him
>You gave up your crown to save your people
>Would she
Of fucking course not. The look on her face when she found out she isn't the rightful ruler spoke a thousand words
Literally all the important characters are wearing some ornamental pish posh. Where sansa got her shit idfk.
There is literally zero reason Jon would fight her. Not after she saves the realm from the WW. He's never given a shit about the throne, he would give it to her on a heartbeat.
Is Tyrion fucking flossing?
dammit now i want them to live
So they're making Dany out to be a power hungry cunt right? She'll be the final villain.
about 8 years and all his children dying along with his incest sister going batshit insane
I'm surprised Brienne didn't start yapping about how the mad king was going to burn everyone alive. Mad King 2.0 already knows her father was a loon who liked killing people, how would she have reacted if she knew how justified Jaime was in killing him
It's to show that Sansa is the antihero of the group, morally gray and ethically ambiguous.
they already reconciled in kings landing last season
I saw the feminism conclusion coming since roughly season 6. It was becoming clear how much into turned into "I'm a girl who isnt polite at all I'm so tough isnt that interesting guise?"
>nothing happens
you're going to be eating crow in a couple episodes
Alliser Thorne fucking taught Sam how to fight.
That wasnt his houses sword old man mormont gave it to him at castle black
yup, she's going to turn on jon now that he has a better claim to the throne than her, even though he probably has no desire to become king.
Characters who are probably dead next episode:
Grey Worm
Dragon #2
Guarantee women are the heroes of the battle next episode. Arya will kill half the white walkers herself and Dany will swoop in to save the day
If they don't do this, the showrunners are retarded. So no. She'll probably end up on the throne.
Can Jon take control of the dragons?
Anyone have the Bran/Jaimie beautiful rape webm?
this show is so fucking dumb.
>why are they drinking before facing unimaginable terror and probable death?
Are you a soi who loses his legs after a pint of beer?
Pewds is that u
God I can see the liberal narrative coming a mile away. I hope a white man lives and saves the day now.
Something that I expect we might see is Viserion being turned against the dead after encountering his mother, and the "motherly love" idea will keep him from killing her and turn the tide of the battle at the last moment. Cheesy but not beyond these writers at this point.
You're obsessed with identity politics, which is why you saw it that way. You're no different from an SJW. Lyanna Mormont is a lord, putting her on equal footing with the other lords present. She's allowed to voice her opinions. You're essentially whining that a girl has a willful personality and calling that "propaganda" when it's actually just "completely believable storytelling."
Just like I didn't give a shit about the lottery till I won it
dynamite braid
>calls you out as being closeted in numerous ways
You fudge packers assume every male was touched by their degenerate family member at an early age like you were. Did you mom make you wear a dress too? Did it make you feel pretty? Fucking faggot.
This show was based. We had sex, violence, rape, political intrigue practically every episode. Now its a shitty soap opera with a ton of leftist propaganda. It went Woke. You people are cancers I swear man
'cause they gonna die
At this point killing Cersei will be less than a episode
Watch it be some garbage like the golden company was bought out first by Danny or some shit and they end up sacking the city when the time is right.
this is the final season of a series that has been going on for 8 seasons now. Of course they are going to have a shit load of reunions, most of these characters you wont see together again if at all. Most shows do this. Its amazing that this still surprises Yea Forums
no, it's because he came inside of her with king juice. they are having a baby, a baratheon stark hybrid.
When you lay it all out like that it's almost as if this shit is retarded.
If you haven't noticed the undercurrent of sjw nonsense in this show starting in late season 2, you are a blind nigger.
no the nightwalkers are gonna get dealt with next episode through some bran shit almost certainly at this point and then the rest of the show is aftermath and cersei
It was good to say goodbye to anyone who might die next week
It's so telling how stupid the people here are that they're complaining about this. Imagine being such an NPC that you can't put these pieces together. Imagine being that stupid. Then realize every single person on /pol/ is that stupid.
You want to know how I can PROVE that you are wrong?
Nobody in here is bitching about Brienne/her knighting scene. In fact, it's the opposite. She is a naturally strong character, she doesn't have to tell everybody she is strong without proving it. We respect her because when she says something, she can reasonably back it up.
Dany is a weak fucking leader. Sansa is a weak leader. Their YASSS QWEEEN moments serve no purpose other than to inject OUR social commentary into their fictional world.
jaime is azor ahai and still has to kill cersei so he will live. the rest of them though probably. tormund too since otherwise it'd be a love triangle between them and brienne.
You're forgetting Sansa :^)
2/6 episodes gone, 4 left.
Winter is here.
White walkers are at the doors of Winterfell.
Epic climax is about to begin...
... And what the fuck is the Night King's motivation anyways? They hyped this motherfucker for 7 seasons now and he has the depth of a first boss in any generic videogame.
They referred to the crypts as being safe about 10 times. They may as well have looked into the camera and told us the crypts aren't safe.
>Jon: I trust her, she's the 2nd woman I've ever loved for being true to her desires
>Sansa: Who was the first one?
>Jon: Someone skinnier
pornhub says otherwise
>that filename
That's fine if the dialogue is good and serves to advance the plot in some way. This episode achieved neither.
it was subtle before. now its blatant and everywhere
/pol/ is complaining about the strong women progressive shit in general (which they do every episode), Yea Forums is complaining about the filler dribble that was this episode. lurk more you newfaggot retard
Good list agree on all but Ghost (thinking ep 4)
Nah didn't you see the show tell us she's a genius? She's in the clear.
Are you one of those guys who would call the cops because a 20 year old had a beer?
>the game of thrones is getting decided by a big dumb battle against ice zombies
ALL of the asshurt neckbeards who deliberately watch a show every week that they "hate" are from /pol/. Every single bad, dumb post on this board is made by a neo-nazi.
It literally told you his motive tonight nigger
>... And what the fuck is the Night King's motivation anyways? They hyped this motherfucker for 7 seasons now and he has the depth of a first boss in any generic videogame.
Don't expect anything more than that because thats probably as deep as it'll get.
It's needs to advance plot or character development. Most of Game of Thrones is character development. This episode had tons of it.
Yeah but I was hoping it would stay somewhat nuanced and subtle. Now it's just every female character has to be a strong mary sue who knows the right move and has a loyal flock of white knights following her.
You're wasting your time on that idiot. I agree, all of the men where either turn into a Eunuch, had something chomped off to make them less than what they were, is a cuckold, or takes orders from a female. This show went so far to the left I barely recognize it anymore
Jorah is Azor Ahai. If you think someone surviving grayscale randomly isn't extremely important then you haven't been paying attention.
But the feminist shit IS the filler dribble?
I can't tell you how happy I was to see some Star Wars representation in GoT another of my favorite nerd culture series.
Ok. Does it need to take up 2 full hours of content and not move the plot along at all?
>White Walkers attack
>Tyrion survives until the end of the battle
>"Well that went better than expe-"
>Massive arrow flies through the air and impales Tyrion with such force that hurls him back and pins him hanging to a wall
>Shot of Bronn placing crossbow on his shoulder in front of a sunset.
>Credits roll
Try watching the show again, dumbass. Dany and Sansa have suffered as much as any other character. You realize they have 7 seasons of plot before this?
A 10 year old girl (somehow a lord) being taken seriously amongst lords in a Middle-Ages-esque world is believable storytelling? you must be trolling kek
Based Tormund surrounded by faggots.
No I just think drinking entire skins of wine before the fight of your life is probably not the best idea.
I'm one of those guys who don't drink at all
Imagine being Joe Dempsie in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific bugeyed quasimodo face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously, imagine having to be Joe Dempsie and not only sit on those sandbags whilst Maisie Williams flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her scars and pimple ridden skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that undressing scene. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's SO GROWN UP and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking troll face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of fangirls and strippers and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the arsecrack of Nottingham. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe Dempsie. You're not going to lose your future Bond career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it
I'm not a neo-nazi and I think the progressive agenda in this show gets more obvious every episode user. I watch it because I want to see how it ends, and then I re-watch the first season because it was so good in comparison.
jorah doesn't even have greyscale in the books though. they just gave him greyscale because jon con was cut from the show.
You had like 3 seasons to do just that as nobody fucking important died since season 4. Did you really need an extra episode in the last season of the show (which is already only 6 episodes long) just to get some fanservice and laugh at dumb jokes that completely obliterated the theming and pacing of the already weak and boring ass episode?
You know how i know youre a communist faggot redditor?
>character development in the last 5 hours of the show
This was by far a better episode than episode 1. You fucks complain too much.
Damn I don't know how I didn't see that.
When Euron effortlessly slaughtered the sand snakes I didn't see a single neckbeard who spent years whining about them being "feminist propaganda" take back everything they said.
Because the books are never going to be finished and this is the only way to see how it ends. I'm glad they're racing to the finish with only 6 episodes in the season so it'll be over with as soon as possible.
I don't even know if it's 'to the left'. It's just some kind of weird obsession that hollywood has with ensuring white men aren't ever depicted as the classical hero. It is strange.
> "only /pol/tards hate having feminist shit shoved into their faces"
Okay. Go try and do that shit to anybody above the age of 25.
>Arya wanted to know what sex was like before she died and originally went to the Hound only to get pussyblocked by Beric, Gendry was literally her last resort
She's taken seriously because everything she says is blunt fact. Lyanna never once gives her opinion, she just states hard facts about the world. That's why she has presence.
Would be fucking BASED if you ask me.
Also add Bronn eating an apple too.
suffering doesnt give you the right to rule. Theon has "suffered" more than anyone but I wouldn't want him ruling either.
They were immersion breaking girl power meme tier garbage and destroyed entire episodes on their own. That damage to the shows integrity doesn't disappear when they get rightfully btfo.
>>Arya wanted to know what sex was like before she died and originally went to the Hound only to get pussyblocked by Beric, Gendry was literally her last resort
>that filename
damn it I cant believe I got taken in by obvious b8. nice one m8
Dubs of truth
>It's just some kind of weird obsession that hollywood has with ensuring white men aren't ever depicted as the classical hero. It is strange.
It's called Third Wave Feminism. They have dominated Hollywood and Entertainment as a whole for a while now. Straight males are the enemy to those fanatics.
I'm not saying /pol/ is wrong, I'm just saying that the two boards are upset for different reasons and this retard is conflating the two.
Far better than episode 1 and far better than all of season 7. They might actually pull this off somewhat.
Assuming the Giants are a polar species, locked to the coldest reaches of the world, their milk would be comparable to other large mammals from similar regions - some of the richest milks in nature. The most energy rich milk is produced by the Hooded Seal, whose range is the Northern reaches of the Atlantic. Other creatures in this biome produce similarly rich milk, including other seals, whales and even the land-based Polar Bear. One thing worth consideration is these mammals have predominently marine diets, laden with the blubber of fatty sea animals and plentiful in Omega 3 fatty acids and many nutrients more scarce on land. It isn't clear whether the Giants in Westeros have access to seafood or even what their preferred diet is. One must assume it is rich in game, wild herbs and roots, and possible pastoral animals kept by the Giants for milk, wool and hides. This would be sufficient to produce a rich milk capable of imbibing a young man with plentiful nutrition for growth.
>A 10 year old is able to articulate hard facts about the world
Make the same character 27 and I wouldn't give a shit
so are sansa and theon going to hook up even though he doesn't have a dick? she looked really happy to see him. i guess it works for grey worm and missandei.
It's way more likely that the opposite will happen, he'll save one of them when they're about to get merced
How about a win-win-win?
Dany rules because she's literally magical and controls the two most powerful creatures alive and because almost everyone else in her family died. Sansa rules because she spent time observing and learning from the smartest, most powerful people in the realm and because almost everyone else in her family died. If you don't think their character arcs are believable or that they are in the slightest way "feminist" then you are beyond deluded.
This. There might be a little bit left to be done but you cant have eighteen loose ties this close to the end.
Meh, what are you gonna do about it?
Euron is another amazing book character that was sacrificed, likely in order to make Yara look better. Show Euron is a joke by comparison.
watch: youtu.be
>A 10 year old is able to articulate hard facts about the world
In medieval times when Kings and Queens can be 10 year olds and 14 year olds go off to war. Yeah.
>likely in order to make Yara look better
You mean likely in order to condense the story into something that can be put in a TV show? holy fuck
They're like siblings. If you got anything sexual out of that you haven't been paying attention.
Book Euron is too hardcore for the soft males and feminist that tune into the show.
Sansa is okeyish, Dany is fucking bullshit.
Actually this place has the best insight to that, and is the lease delusional place on the internet to discuss this shit.
No, that isn't what he means you faggot retard.
I am a sentimentalist. I watched the first seasons at a pivotal time in my development and while I resent what the show has become it is like an old estranged friend whom I can't abandon. Most of the cast play their roles performances with heart and if I had to give a reason why I still watch it it would be for those characters and the actors who play them.
they still didn't know shit. smarter, older men ran the country
You think this because your IQ is less than 80. Just letting you know. This site and board have long been as dumb as creationist and flat earth forums. Get tested.
Dude come on maise isnt the best looking gal, but to call her a skeleton is going a bit too far
> Dany rules because she was given things.
This is the best reason why she shouldnt rule. Being given shit turns people into brats (which I suspect she has become). She will want the crown and she will die fighting Jon Snow because at least he knows how to use a fucking sword.
The world is going to end for all they know. She never knew the love of another man. Theon can still eat her out and finger her. I would if I was him.
nah they're not like siblings. wouldn't be strange at all if they hooked up. she never liked theon before until i guess he saved her from ramsay but now she's running up to hug him and looking at him like he's a badass after he offers to protect bran. i think it's going to lead somewhere and of course they're going to set her up with somebody.