Who is the closest thing to Andy Kaufman we have now?

Who is the closest thing to Andy Kaufman we have now?

Attached: andy kaufman mighty mouse.jpg (630x420, 130K)

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Donald Trump.


Thank god cause he sucked

chris chan

Unironically Sam Hyde.

Nathan Fielder

Eric Andre


Norm spending 20 minutes telling a lame old joke and making it funny.

Andy wasnt funny and if he did the same shit now only unpleasant hipsters would go to his shows

Came specifically to post this. Tim and Eric try their damndest but they don't have the autism Sam has to pull it off.
That's my problem with Tim and Eric. They act weird and you can tell it's an act. Kaufman was just fuckin weird.

>got worked by Kaufman's feud with Lawler
You mark lol

Sam Hyde regrettably wins by default
I can't think of anyone who is doing outsider comedy right now to the point where it's literally ruining their career

Pupinia Stewart, except she doesn't do too much these days.

Attached: pupinia.jpg (1080x1080, 91K)

She any relation to Natalie "Milo" Stewart?

Attached: Natalie 'Milo' Stewart.jpg (600x800, 50K)

Goodness gracious no.


Lil B

Basically every internet troll you meet.

Man on the Moon and The Great Beyond are great songs tbqh

Tim & Eric

the answer is clear

Attached: TallBriefFanworms-poster[1].jpg (1280x720, 34K)

Coppercab constantly reinvents himself with new storylines, and people continue to fall for it.

Attached: coppercab.jpg (480x360, 17K)