What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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selling out to old spice

not commiting suicide 20 years ago

They never did figure out how to be funny.

>2019... We are remembered...

Eric never did anything wrong.

Nothing, they were cutting edge and now the world caught up.

Actually their promotional stuff is great, the Gopro thing is pretty amazing

Hillary lost, Tim went nuts


tim lost his mind and went political
eric now spends his day screwing various art thots on a yacht
if they both had suddenly died after making billion dollar movie/the comedy, they'd be remembered as greats

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Tim killing all those kids at the music festival

eric started fucking underage girls in hollywood

Would Tim and Eric have succeeded without the endless celebrity guests and help from Odenkirk they had in their first few major projects?

Not much considering they are still making shows and have done plenty of ad work too. Also /pol/ was convinced that tim was solely responsible for the cancellation of a show with some guy I cant remember in this current year. This just was never a really good theory.

Their plan was outsider surrealist comedy, but they never had the autism to understand why surreal comedy works. They'd consistently do things and set up situations that they consciously thought would be weird or assumed that others would find weird.

>ad work
Like all the great auteurs of comedy

>Also /pol/ was convinced that tim was solely responsible for the cancellation of a show with some guy I cant remember in this current year.
It was actually a friend of Tim's that got World Peace cancelled, a hack actor that was supposedly hated at Adult Swim and was notoriously difficult to work with. Tim just got thrown into the fire because he tried to defend his shitty friend.

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Tim was just in the best horror movie of the woke era.

how many times has tim done blow then ironically sucked erics dick

Bret is so woke he married a bald black lady just to show hes one of the good whites

Anyone notice how both Sam and Tim are basically mirror images of each other? Both went full blown retarded over the election and just sludge around doing dumb projects and have lost what made them funny.

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>if they both had suddenly died after making billion dollar movie/the comedy, they'd be remembered as greats

if they both had suddenly died BEFORE making billion dollar movie/the comedy, they'd be remembered as greats


Was this the most kino comedy skit ever made?

On Cinema is funnier than anything Tim's done aside from Nite Live. Sam sadly peaked when his fanbase was small.

Fuck, I forgot On Cinema was still going. Is it still good?
Sam Hyde unironically made a kekistan joke a few weeks ago, so I think I'm done thinking he'll be funny again. He got lazy taking Patreon bucks just to parrot political shit every week.

>look up what Eric has been up to
>he just drinks wine and eats a ton of food
God speed, Eric.

On Cinema is the only good thing Tim has done and I hope he never stops doing it ever

they can still bring it, on cinema got great moments. E.W. is not in it but the point stand; i bet they still can come up with some fine stuff even if i doubt they will never rock the house like they did with awesome sho

Check It Out is still a masterpiece.

Tim got TDS and his constant bashing on conservatives just got boring and played out.

You do realize it wasnt just them two writing all those skits and tv shows right?

>He never watched the Trial of Tim Heidecker

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too bad this incident soured him for me, that and the little i saw of his solo work sucked or was ehh... but the first thing i ever saw him in was massive, tim and him having lunch. very good.

reminder that T&E invented shrekposting


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I don't watch it regularly but the Oscar special was great as usual. Sam getting literally whos to replace Nick and Charls sealed it for me but I'll still watch pre-WP stuff.

this is a good observation.
if he kept the political stuff to an absolute minimum i think sam would at least be in a writer's room somewhere as an outsider voice but he's made himself unemployable in the biz.

Why is Sam constantly being brought up with Tim? What was he in or what made him so famous. I saw his tedx talk that was kind of funny but that's about it

That's included in the On Cinema universe


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yea that was pretty relevant. satisfying stuff.

Bret Gelman is Jewish, though.

Their non sequitur stuff that wasn't television parody was great

Blaming anyone but MDE for World Peace being cancelled is retarded. They were going to get cancelled regardless because of the things they say on Twitter, then, even as tiny as the swastika was, it was still there after all of Sam's screeching about how there wasn't one. They should have combed their content well.

Has there been anything after the trial? kind of stopped watching since times character can get tiresome after a while. It also wasn't at all enjoyable when he played that chapter when promoting the billion dollar movie

After World Peace got cancelled Sam called in once or twice to Tim's live show and blamed him for pulling strings to get it cancelled. Tim basically took the piss the whole time while Sam was almost on the point of tears.

Is Tim still playing a super exaggerating caricature of a Trump Supporter? I stopped watching On Cinema when he started getting carried away with it because it just got old and stopped being funny, but On Cinema was great before that, but I wouldn't mind going back to watch it if it got better.

Tim's on cinema is actaul kino

Brett Gelman is not "notoriously difficult to work with." He started dating one of those ultra-woke black women and got radicalized by her.

If I recall, Sam did cry over it in one of his vlogs. He then later tried to start shit with Tim again because he was going through a divorce. Sam was officially noided.

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So Sam was gonna have his own show? But what did he do to get so famous was he a youtuber?

He doesn't really do the trump supporter so much as just being extremely toxic. It gets off putting after a while

>Sam and Rocco Botte are two of the best character bit players around
>they began to shout out each other in videos and podcasts
>Sam goes retarded during the elections
>hope of Sam and Rocco doing a bit together forever crushed

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Are there any comedians who are a good balance between Tim Heidecker and Sam Hyde? I can't stand how partisan they both are and I want to watch somebody who has a more mixed view of things.

I can't remember when I stopped watching, must have been sometime between the 4th-5th Oscar special maybe. Worth going back to or nah?

nope. Odenkirk made them what they are and hes the reason they even had the celeb guests to begin with.

Sam is an exception. Good luck finding a comedian like that who isn't a raging liberal in 2019. Even guys like Norm and Burr are a far cry from what they used to be.

They canceled based and redpilled sam hyde's epic comedy show!!!

Black comedians, they get to say all the naughty things.

Ran out of Sifl & Ollie stuff to copy.

rocco made a low key mde reference last m64 podcast and garret/charls like each others shit on twitter. i think sam just got too retarded for anyone to associate with

true story time
that was a skit and tim and eric wrote about exploring their bodies when hanging out alone with friends.
it sucked. they told douggpound to do soemthing with it and he came up with this.

>sore winners
>lost their innovation edge
>hollywood money

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If you haven't seen the segmented court clips those are worth a watch. I haven't seen the 4 hour long uncut version of it though and I'm not sure if there is anything after that?

That's a good point.

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that last oscer special really really sucked.

Eric Andre? I've only seen his show so I don't know how political he is outside of that

Is it the one where the dude died in the scuba suit?

He pokes at the far right, and there was the whole thing with Alex Jones back in 2016, but for the most part it's still funny. That Kraft Punk party special was good stuff.

Was the divorce even real or was did it have to do with the On Cinema divorce with Ayaka
The show lasted one season the youtube channel is (was?) MillionDollarExtreme

now that was the one before, this was the guy who was coming out of the scuba suit coma.

the last great one was with REAL james dean.


Hey Guys!

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took me years before I realized this guy plays neil hamburger

greggheads keep moving, Yea Forums is an anti-turkington board

Trying recreate what they had with TGttM, the only good thing they ever did

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The fake divorce. He deleted all his Tweets after he figured it out.

You got old and boring.

Tom goes to the Mayor is their best work.

Rats off to ya

I thought 6 was great

Billion Dollar Movie is 10/10. But yeah, The Comedy sucked.

sorry its the end of this one, not the other link



Tim's Cooking Tips were good too.

I mean nothing really. They’ve had insanely successful careers especially considering how niche their audience is. Also produce some of the most successful comedy shows in the last 5 years.

>t. rosetti the rat

>he hasn’t seen the newest oscar special

What's your favorite Yellow River Boys song?


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I don’t see how it really matter. David Lynch wouldn’t be anything without Mel Brooks. George Lucas wouldn’t had been the success he is today without Alan Ladd Jr. being in his corner. That’s just how showbiz works.

seeing them young makes me want to see their early work

Divorce wasn’t real he talks about his wife kids on his podcast all the time. Sam got worked.

>eric now spends his day screwing various art thots

I refuse to believe eric is straight, he exudes the essence of faggotry

Piss Pig Freak


Eric had talent, Tim didn't.


I hope you all remembered your holiday honks to kick in your Easter!

Seeing On Cinema! live at the Adult Swim festival was worth it

>100 Holiday Honks
>Does 95 honks
Honkler would be displeased

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he stopped doing it, now his character is just feuding with the Delgados

I've been binging On Cinema again, and it's great. In terms of Tim and Eric, it seems like Tim might have just been more talented and creative? Eric kind of does the same thing every time, and that's ok, but Awesome Show went downhill when it became repetitive. He hasn't had much of a career without Tim, whereas Tim's been pretty successful on his own. So yeah, I'd say that Eric is the weak link.

Eric has had a successful career directing surreal music videos.

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actually kill yourself

>Billion Dollar Movie is 10/10.
kill yourself

Cool schtick, bro.

Oh, nice! I didn't know that -- I'll check them out. Thanks!

monetarily maybe, not artistically, not comedically

Cool schtick, faggot
u been to 5 mac demarco shows bro??

Daily reminder Eric can't get hard if the girl is over 18

He went full Qanon on Oscar Special, it ruled.

definitely not bitter

Nothing until they finished the show and had nothing to do, so they decided to become cucks instead

They cancelled quall of duty

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Eric's thing is a kind of random weirdness veering on horror and/or gross-out that you can see in the things he has done with Tim Heidecker but is given its fullest expression in his solo work. It's not really my thing but I don't doubt he's doing exactly what he wants artistically.

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keep in mind they’re both making money off nathan for you and eric andre show too

Difference is that Lynch would have been famous without Mel Brooks. Same with Lucas.

Tim and Eric only got big because Odenkirk, in the mid-00s, was a bitter, vindictive never-was who's career had gone tits up and was all but officially blackballed after throwing a shit fit over how the movie version of Run Ronnie Run got changed by the studio and then denied a theatrical release/dumped straight to video, when he objected to the changes.

Also, being seething with butt-hurt jealousy that David Cross (his former partner), was a huge fucking star and famous and riding high on Arrested Development gravy train.

Tim and Eric was Odenkirk's revenge on society for shunning him, by way of pushing them as the new face of comedy to degrade the institution by pushing the most unfunny pieces of shit he could find and shilling them to his celebrity friends (and using said celebrity friends to sell T&E to Adult Swim and pervert THAT network), in the name of destroying comedy itself by enshrining mediocrity.

Note that Odenkirk severed all ties with Tim and Eric, when he got hired on Breaking Bad and FINALLY got his big break into the mainstream and all of the critical/commercial praise that David Cross used to get. Once Odenkirk got made part of the cool mainstream kids table, he refused to have anything to do with Tim and Eric and the only celebrities that would associate with them were the few that actually liked them and weren't doing it solely as a favor to Odenkirk.

Nothing. They stopped while they still had some integrity, and Tim got to be in one of the finest kinos ever made (The Comedy) while Eric got to work with various other music artists. So many people tried to copy their style like Eric Andre, Sam Hyde, and basically every other lulsorandum show, but all of them pale in comparison to the original Tim and Eric.

No, Tim actually still has a career.

cool dude, did his "Office podcast" thing break 1,000 views yet?

you pathetic remnants of tim & eric fans are pathetic. You realize everyone else outgrew their one-dimensional, hateful, "I"M BETTER THAN STUPID FAT MORANS I SEE ON TV XD" characters, right? You realize that's the comedy domain of middle school bullies, right?

Tim and Eric’s billion dollar movie was to this day the actual worst flick I’ve ever seen


Nobody knows these guys outside of US. Even then it's just people who watch Cartoon Network.

This, I was a big fan before that, too, but it just completely encapsulated their hackneyed style, just mired in their stagnant cynicism and tired ass shock value. Any potential they had just flew out the window, any good little aspects that was present in their work were gone, they bit fully down on their own turd and then cried and hid from making another movie ever again.

>cried and hid from making another movie ever again.
They intended to make a Trillion Dollar Movie as a follow-up, but B$M didn't make any money and they couldn't find funding. Too bad.

the cookoff is honestly pretty kino

>haha flyovers are stupid hahahaha

Like I said, they cried and hid, faggot.

You implied it was their choice. It wasn't. They don't control the moneymen.

What reference did rocco make last podcast about MDE?

okay well literally nothing you said there is true so i’m not quite sure what to do with that

Why did Tim steal the idea of Half-In-The-Bag after actually appearing in their show, like nobody would notice?

Tim and Eric in a nutshell. Neck Tim. Your wife is ugly.

uh Tim just costarred in one of the biggest movies of the decade

He's literally right, and you're literally stupid, and you will literally never be a literal/figurative/perceived woman. Tim and Eric shilled their videos on Somethingawful before they sent them to Odenkirk. Nobody liked them. They tried to play them on GBS TV (precursor to synchtube, before youtube existed), nobody liked them. We made fun of them like we do now. "Wow, they're humping stuff in public guys!! haha so funny XD." Odenkirk was desperate and creatively dried up. He vibed with T & E's obvious adolescent rage against da machine bitterness.

>corporate hollywood masters approve of Tim again!


Look at that. 12 years on youtube. Can't even break 70k subs.

12 years. Corporate backing. All over the most popular youth TV programming block for 15 years.

70k subs.

I'm glad his massa's let him star in a big hollywood movie though!!! YAY!!! Maybe he can use his big fat paycheck to make TRILLION DOLLAR MOVIE? Oh he won't because he knows he's a fucking hack and failure and he will stick to playing "I'M A RETARRRD FROM THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF CULTUREEE HUHUH IM A DUMB REPUBLICAN HUHUHUH" for the rest of his worthless cinco-shekel-sucking life.

Except the fact he's a faggot pedophile

Except for his body of work, and his physical body.



fuck off zoomer

If you don't have an "in" with Hollywood, you don't get "in" capiche?
>organic fame
In my Hollywood? Oh no no no

lol guy makes a good living doing various things that interest him creatively, builds a modest fanbase while doing it, collaborates with other likeminded people, and also happens to act in big movies occasionally. Yeah, sounds like a big fucking failure to me

stay mad though big shooter

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no one really cares who he is anymore

the biggest claim to fame he has is that some gen Xers find him funny and he was that one side character that had a few lines before he died in jordan peele's second horror movie

whatever happened to eric? Tim is still really active and making comedy, but as far as I can tell eric has mostly disappeared.

Just die Millennial faggot.

Eric has gone Jim Carrey and he makes super duper deep and important Fine Art wherein he expresses "FAT AMERICAN U STUPID GUN STUPID AMERICA REPUBLITARD FAT MORON GUN IDIOTS" through subtle, sublime strokes of inspiration.

>tim heidecker
Why are these two words in the same sentence?

when people realized on cinema is superior.

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But On Cinema was the best thing Tim ever did.

Tim did a reverse Colbert. Once he got rich enough to have an opinion the tongue in cheek routine went out the window. And he because an insufferable faggot. Eric is is cool, I think he's gay but not all in your face about it.

They're unironically the most important comedians of the last 15 years.

>pretentious imbecile worships pretentious imbeciles

Sneed, obviously

>tfw im still haunted from the memory of the Rug one where he hangs himself in jail
fuckn jumpscare at early ass morning when i was still in middle school

I like the veer into horror they sometimes had in early awesome show. I first seen them on attack of the show, with Tim doing a Tom Cruise impression. It sounds like cringe, but I actually couldn't understand why I was laughing at first. Half of it was feeling uncomfortable and the other was the absurdity I guess.

you mean tonight's podcast? didn't catch it on the last one up on youtube

Sam is a literal who. Tim is respected

christ, how can you normie drones be so blissfully unaware?

No, that's not at all what his projects embody. You have one huge, bizarre chip on your shoulder about these two, holy lmao

Tim was in a hugely successful movie this year and is currently doing On Cinema which is the funniest project he’s ever been a part of. Tim does some shit I don’t care about (particularly his music), but the fact of the matter is he just works a lot harder than Sam. Guy runs a production company, has a weekly podcast, is in movies, completed a television series with Fred Armisen and John C Reilly set to air this year, tours doing On Cinema as well as doing On Cinema episodes, recorded an album with Weyes Blood and the Lemon Twigs. Sam just mopes around in his car.

Who is then?

hardest times ive ever laughed were watching these guys.

Shalom goyim! Would you like to purchase some cultural experience and ves with my wife?!

Would watch Back To Squall without hesitation

>two words

>tfw kstv2 is just sam screaming like a retard and pretending to be smart

David Lynch made Eraserhead all alone. Tim and Eric only made crummy internet videos. They wouldn't have got on TV without Odenkirk


Your son is in hell Delgado!

The comedy is great, billion dollar movie is shit

This. Sam is actually a retard for becoming a maga drone.
Should've just kept getting weird haircuts and screaming at his mom.

the movie.

they could get a wider audience and it was terrible for they own standarts.

Did they ever mention Tim being in Antman 2 when he was formerly a Fantastic Four head?

Hollywood got to them

I really enjoyed his work all those years, but after he is anti trump now I hate it all.
Holy shit, people actually think like that? "too political", say people whose watch preferences are dictated by political leanings of people staring in them

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Why make up such lies on an anonymous messageboard for taiwanese bread baking?

true, such a disappointment besides the John C. Riley bit

I think E-Z Swords was the highlight of the movie though. Sadly enough they used the best bit as a trailer for the movie.



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Anyone who doesn't appreciate B$M isn't a true fan. It's just as funny as Awesome Show. So many great bits. Even Spielberg approves!

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>15 year old girls

teen girls are just cute and fun to hang out with, chill bro

I wonder how Tim being in Us is going to be worked in

you're gonna send me your dad's email address

Why would you give me spoiled meat?

Crush500 and whatever the fuck Charls is doing are great desu

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These behind the scenes of Tom goes to the mayor are pure kino

Tim became unfunny when he dragged On Cinema out when it should have ended 2-3 years ago, when he took his twitter character serious and when he co-conspired to get WP taken off the air. I haven't watched anything he has done in a good long while.

Sam might have his glory days behind him, but his Gumroad stuff is still pretty funny. It's a shame MDE fell apart after WP.