Why'd he fucking do it?

why'd he fucking do it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


He was a homeless artist that gave speeches at the local pub to convince the young nazis to give him free food. Then they made him into a politician and he had no choice but to follow through with all the bullshit he told them.

ignoring his war record

syphilis induced dememtia, just like the orange pussy grabber

I was just giving a quick, brief summary of why. I can go into it more, but that'd take effort.

He was right, look who owns all the media and the state of society, because of porn and media consumption.
This society is sick, and someone needs to fix it.
Using any means possible.

Even fucking communism would be preferable to the current state of affairs.

>why'd he fucking do it?
Do what?


Attached: der angriff.jpg (1280x720, 36K)


He was just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe.

Have sex.

drunk on power. high on drugs. insane enough to not want the bubble to pop. a weak electorate that let him get away with it.

>orange man bad

>he had no choice but to follow through with all the bullshit he told them.
sounds like the plot to a Curb Your Enthusiasm Episode

why is german grammar so weird?

He was gay af

Attached: gaydolf.png (1352x1071, 745K)

Already had it, quite hedonistic and wasn't with someone I love, don't really recommend it.

>Le Hitler was based XD
>because he killed jews
>nobody killed jews, it's a hoax

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Every single thread.

One day germans just woke up and voted literally Hitler into power for some reason

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you're weird

If you think transgender shit was a major (or even minor) reason the NSDAP had electoral success you're actually retarded, the German population had more important concerns than some delusional fuckwits pissfarting around with their genitals

>be me, war veteran
>now homeless and have to make money off of selling shittily made postcards
>bunch of teenagers in town start a political party
>they call themselves the National Socialists
>they hang out in the pub all the time
>go to pub, walk confidently up to faggot looking kid
>start talking shit about jews
>sit down with them while continuing to bullshit my way into their group
>they order food for everyone, including me
>hell yeah, free food
>a while later
>they somehow vote me in as a politician
>I guess I'll take this chance to clean up some factories using this cool new chemical, Zyglon B
>Head of state dies
>I end up as the leader of Germany somehow
>I have no idea how to lead a country, all I've done is clean factories so far
>blame everything on the jews so I don't have to take responsibility
>everyone wants the jews gone
>send jews to camps to comply with demands
>camps start getting dirty
>tell some dude we should clean things up over there
suggest using Zyglon B since it worked pretty well for the factories
>get report that they have succesfully been gassing the jews
>what the fuck?
>capital gets attacked
>shit, I don't want to take responsibility for this shit
>shoot myself after killing dog and waifu so they don't have to suffer

for the lels

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>more important concerns
Yeah kikes

and it's accurate every single time

They were all trannies like him

who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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He was going insane at that point, still thought the war could be won.

you ever meet a jew
just some typical self-hating jew behavior

Jewish Bolsheviks killed over 10 million Christians in the USSR and wanted to do the same to Germany.

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He wanted to unify Europe. It's been the dream of all great men since time immemorial.

I agree. Hitler was likely Jewish. He did benefit the jews immensely and killed mainly europeans.


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he wanted to unify europe so he could have sex with a man from every nation*

Attached: gaydolf2.jpg (727x604, 253K)

>muh 10 gorillion christians
where are the bodies?

Attached: Jewishbolsheviks2.jpg (1515x5000, 1.82M)

I've heard literally everything about Hitler.
He had all the stds, he was an alcoholic, he was a pedophile, he was into incest, he routinely raped women, he was into all the drugs etc.

Bullshit, no man has all those fucking vices. It's literally just propaganda.

This unironically, he was making Germany great again, and did, if only he didn't go full retard at the end, it's amazing how he got their shit together and pushed everyone's shit in in the span of a few years.

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maybe it's accurate? Maybe the world isn't conspiring against your idealized version of him?

he was fucking shit up p early

foodstuffs were much rarer in germany even pre-rationing than they were under Weimar.

He basically needed a giant war to destroy germany before its economy imploded

Attached: muhnaziutopia.png (740x581, 76K)

>tfw starving art school dropout who LARPs on pol

holy shit, I'm modern hitler

seething homosexual lover

Attached: gay nazi.jpg (2048x1476, 743K)

Not him, but that's not remotely believable.

Das Juden were invading nations like cockroaches, pushing degeneracy, ideals of diversity as to dilute the purity of a nation which would make it easier tl manipulate and control, wherein they would impliment usury and money lending to enslave the low classes in debt.

Basically exactly what they've done to the United States.

Many other countries like Spain expelled the "wandering jew" during the Spanish Inquisition.

They were seen as vermin not just in Germany.

Attached: EwigerJudeFilm.jpg (268x371, 31K)

>posts with the filename ‘gaydolf’.
>144 results found.
Just yikes


he was an inbred atusti who weak ass conservatives and leftists in germany underestimated because they were worried about the soviets.

Most men don't do this shit. It's not idealization, I've literally never heard of men doing this, not even well researched serial killers do all the things they say he did.
I doubt anyone that's read Nietzsche and basis an ideology on his writings does this shit.

Meat consumption wasn't down that much.

With everything destroyed and bastardized by the allies and the jews, there is no way to tell what's true and what's not, but I'll believe the side that has nothing to gain from rewriting history and faking crap.

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His grandpa was gassed in auschwitz, he's still butthurt about it

I heard he wrote an entire book about it.

If you had sex your angst and obsession with jews would go away. Trust me

You're a fucking liar. The mere fact you claim Hitler was part of a soviet in 1919 shows what an egregious liar you are just spewing lies to justify your "muh jews dindu nuffin" claim

When the USSR invaded Poland in 1939, Jews were helping the soviets all along the front, helping them attack Polish villages and police stations, and even ratting out Polish resistance against soviets.

During the 1930's almost 50% of the NKVD officer's corps were Jewish.

dilate tranny

Attached: gaynazi10.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

There's plenty of evidence Hitler was gay. Mostly from documents and witness testimonies. Also he surrounded himself with Homosexuals.

It's mainly just bitter cope why you fags deny it.

Attached: gaydolf3.png (630x521, 58K)

Probably because the Jews started a civil war in 1918 that killed 2 million Germans then proceeded to push degenerate shit like adultery, Transgender and pedophilia on population till they snapped.

Maybe not transgender stuff specifically, but once the nazis rose to power, people were allowed to trash stuff that they felt was degenerate or un-German. Many books and art pieces that were progressive and liberal in nature were destroyed and the general population were the ones that decided that they didn't want that stuff around anymore.

Reminder that we'd have a saner, safer, and more just world if Hitler had won.

We've been living in a dystopia since 1945.

>When the USSR invaded Poland in 1939, Jews were helping the soviets all along the front, helping them attack Polish villages and police stations, and even ratting out Polish resistance against soviets.

>talking about spartacist revolt
>starts screaming about poland and NKVD like a harpy
not an argument

and you're denying most nazi's were trannies. Fuck off liar.

Attached: gay nazis4.jpg (636x382, 47K)

idgaf if he was tho, nothing wrong with the boi puss, in fact fuck the walking fish holes.

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>2 million died in spartacist revolt





Are you talking about the real Hitler or the character portrayed in the movie?

most nazi's were trannies. It's a jewish myth that the nazi's disliked gay/trans/pedos

Attached: gay nazis5.jpg (780x585, 75K)

Do any of these links contradict the statistics given in that infograph? Post the passages, if so.

t. candace owens

literally ask any polish person who's over 80 years old.

so no proof then just "trust me brah ask this person that I don't even know"

>why'd he fucking do it?
because someone had to.

>ask for proof
>get anecdote

Read them yourself, they have data and statistics highlighting the role Jews played in the bolshevik revolution and later in Stalin's NKVD

The US pushed Germany's shit in in an even quicker time span tho

Somebody post that screencap from wikipedia that shows 80% of the communists leaders in the german revolution where jewish

It's funny because you mutt incels would get the gas

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You keep spamming this at every mention of Hitler in every thread, user. Your propaganda won't work even with the spam. Try this over at Reddit where they would actually believe you.

Oh so this link disproves that of the 42 members of the first Soviet Central Committee, 7 were Jews? Where.

I'll take that as a "no" then.

So basically you refuted nothing. Not gonna do your own work for you.

Americans deserve to be gassed

Those were probably the jewish nazis they talk about


>"The Jewish population," writes Strzembosz, "especially the young and the urban poor, participated en masse in greeting the entering [Soviet] army and in introducing the new order, even with guns in their hands. There are also thousands of testimonies to this: Polish, Jewish and Soviet, there are the reports of the Armed Combat Union commander-in-chief, Gen. Stefan Grot-Rowiecki, there is the report of courier Jan Karski ,there are accounts recorded during the war and in the postwar years.

>What is more, the "guards" and "militias" springing up like mushrooms right after the Soviet attack were in large part made up of Jews. Nor is this all.

> Jews committed acts of revolt against the Polish state, taking over towns and setting up revolutionary committees there, arresting and shooting representatives of the Polish state authorities, attacking smaller or even fairly large units of the Polish Army (as in Grodno). . It was armed collaboration, taking the side of the enemy, betrayal in the days of defeat."

>So it was in the first period, when the Polish state was still defending itself, when our army units were fighting and it seemed that not all was lost. The Jews then played the role of a "fifth column." Later, things became much worse. Strzembosz cites the conclusions of Dr. Marek Wierzbicki as to who implemented the Bolshevik terror - of course the NKVD and, before that, the Red Army, but the miscellaneous guard formations and militias played a decisive role on an everyday basis. And their ranks were primarily filled with Jews. "Polish Jews in civilian clothes, with red bands on their arms and armed with guns also play large part in arrests and deportations.

not my fault all these pics exist lmao

Attached: gay nazis8.png (1100x577, 456K)

What about all those Nazi submarines that surfaced in Argentina after the war with their cargo missing?

A footfag and animaniacs patrician

dutch neo-nazi pic related. Little better

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>you people who don't exist yet would get the gas lol

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Nice try, Mohammed.

Cool. Any account from this that's not an incel live journal?

They held Hitler's gay porno collection.

>Regardless of the exact makeup of the first Soviet government, “there was great and undeniable enthusiasm among basically all the elements that made up Russian Jewry during the revolution,” said Gorin, who runs the $50 million state-of-the-art museum that last year won an award from UNESCO for its promotion of tolerance.

Though the first Soviet government — the Council of People’s Commissars — was mostly non-Jewish, Jews did occupy very prominent positions throughout the Bolshevik and communist chains of command vastly disproportionate to their percentage of the general population, Gorin confirmed.

Leon Trotsky (photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Leon Trotsky (photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Jews in the top echelon of the Communist Party during its early days in power included Yakov Sverdlov, its executive secretary; Grigori Zinoviev, head of the Communist International; press commissar Karl Radek; foreign affairs commissar Maxim Litvinov; as well as Lev Kamenev and Moisei Uritsky.

Always report his posts. They're obvious spam.

They look like they're poking fun at americans in that pic desu

doing gods work user.

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I'm not into Hitler and am not a nazi, user. I'm just pointing out your blatant propaganda.

>some angry neo-nazi blog
not very good source there brah. If I quoted jewishvirutallibrary as a rebuttal you'd chimp out, yet you do the same with your own side.

Thats the military flag of the german empire user

The allies did, if Hitler didn't fuck Russia over and played his cards correctly he'd be all up churchill's ass, and we wouldn't be living in this clown timeline.

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>n-no i don't like these sources
>i only trust yad vashem and simon wiesenthal

>Though the first Soviet government — the Council of People’s Commissars — was mostly non-Jewish,
oh cool, I'm glad you admit it! Yeah, there were some jews in the soviet gov but it was mainly non-jewish

we can move on now


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jannies are discord trannies, they deleted a innocuous comment about Jesus being killed by Jews yesterday in an Easter movie thread, while leaving up all the kike comments


stfu schlomo

>P-please stop bullying hitler UwU

lmao /pol/ are such snowflakes

Okay if we're gonna play that:

>Jewish Bolshevism, also Judeo–Bolshevism, is an anti-communist and antisemitic canard, which alleges that the Jews were the originators of the Russian Revolution in 1917 and that they held the primary power among the Bolsheviks. Similarly, the conspiracy theory of Jewish Communism implies that Jews have dominated the Communist movements in the world, and is related to The Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory (ZOG), which asserts that Jews control world politics.[1]


my source says it's a conspiracy canard.

how is simon wisenthal any less objective than incel125 white power blog?

that's not even a polish site christ you're dumb and don't know what Cyrillic looks like.

Also there's tons of self-hating slavic neo-nazi's yer. They're low IQ countries it's not surprising.

Was Hitler the first LGBT activist in history?

Attached: gaynazi13.jpg (1562x1171, 154K)

Hitler was a shit general. Even if he made strategic blunders, his tactical mistakes were what cost Germany at least a draw. It was never going to happen.

>hundreds of posts with same filenames
>not spam

Why does the white nationalist community have a problem with homosexuality and general sexual degeneracy? I've noticed a lot of white nationalists end up being exposed as homosexuals and vice-versa. For instance a gay porn actor recently revealed he was a white nationalist and got arrested for selling drugs (Cameron Diggs). Another prominent white nationalists (Kevin Alfred Strom) was convicted for molesting young boys.

Some food for thought:

rationalwiki.org/wiki/Jean-François_Gariépy (Has sex with the disabled)
archive.is/3GH45 (Mike Cernovich discusses having sex with a man)

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literally posted it with same filename from another guy because I found it funny. Stop being so butthurt about hitler being mocked.

I don't have a problem with people hating on Hitler. I just don't like propaganda and lies about history. If you want to shit on Hitler, at least try to be accurate like these posts

that's what my objective source says. What's the problem?

Jews literally did call for Christ's crucifixion. That isn't even remotely antisemitic.

The German Revolution was actually homophobic jews standing up to proto-nazi trannies

Attached: gaynazis13.jpg (1200x1581, 244K)

The only source on that is jews tho and the jews always lie according to you

dilate some more and think about that whilst doing it

You don't have to put words in my mouth.
I've seen multiple threads just like these, hitler or nazis being the main topic, then dozens of posts saying things like
>lol nazis r gay
>responded? guess i'm living rent free haha
It's like some sort of tranny defense force
>inb4 nazis r trannies
Yeah and niggers are good bois

I'm not even talking sides here. There's something legitimately wrong with the modbase on this site if they're going to delete inoffensive comments that break no rules because it mentioned that Jews killed Jesus.

They look like they're dressed up as characters
What is even the problem with this

The "German Revolution" was basically uncoordinated efforts by 4 groups:

>Spartacist League (largest)
led at the time by Karl Liebknecht (not Jewish) and Clara Zetkin (not Jewish)

>Revolutionary Stewards
led by Richard Muller (not Jewish)

>Kiel Free Sailors
led by Karl Artlet (not Jewish)

>Bavarian People's State
Led by Johannes Hoffman (not Jewish) and Kurt Eisner (Jewish)

>German Communist Party (smallest)
Led by Rosa Luxembourg (Jewish) and Franz Mehring (not Jewish)

There were 2 Jews among the leaders I guess but no reason to chimp out this bad over it 100 years later on a malaysian cartoon board

One autist thinks people getting annoyed by daily spam that's been long since dismissed is the same thing as triggering the alt right. You're looking at modern avatarfagging. You know what to do.

The jewish role in communism, cultural marxism, the media and bankers, its all a conspiracy to you?

Attached: muh stab.png (1280x3527, 2.32M)

5 groups*

Sources say otherwise user, there is no reason to lie like that

Imagine getting this mad over bantz

It's almost hit it's hitting a nerve. Rly makes me think that maybe nazi's were trannies...

I mean the jews have higher IQs on average which is why they do well in most things. I don't think that should be seen as a negative tho.

which sources? Inceltimes1488?

Attached: loyal heinrich.png (867x657, 606K)

>straight up admitting to bullshitting
>to a post that wasn't even talking to you

Attached: disapproving_look.jpg (350x253, 21K)

>Hitler on tons of drugs
>confirmed gay
>dies suspiciously
was it AIDS?

Attached: hitler druggy.png (1679x649, 82K)

>Jewish Bolsheviks killed over 10 million Christians in the USSR

>and we wouldn't be living in this clown timeline.
what makes you think a Nazi victory in WW2 wouldn't have resulted in an even worse timeline?

He still hasn't explained how it's physically possible. If Jews killed 100 gorillion christians...where are the bodies?

nazi victory = we're all gay or tranny today

nobody gots AIDS

Attached: hitler btfo.png (853x480, 545K)

>Das Juden were invading nations like cockroaches
I think you got Das Juden confused with Das G*rman

All of the jewish roles that I mentioned had a negative or are having a negative impact on the western civilization and its people, this is not about their IQ

most male vegetarians are gay. Just sayin


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maybe if you weren't dumber and drowning in opioids and corn syrup, you could compete?

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I have to admit it was very progressive of Hitler to put a Mongolian man in charge of the SS. Respect

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Wikipedia you jewish rat

The main political parties in the Weimar Republic were:
1. Communists, who were hated by everyone who wasn't a communist, and who openly made it clear that they didn't give a shit about democracy and were hellbent on the dictatorship of the proletariat
2. Socialists, who spent most of their time trying to distance themselves from the communists and who were incredibly cautious and unimaginative from a policy perspective (think Clinton and Obama's embrace of neoliberalism)
3. Monarchists, who probably had the most popular social and foreign policy slates, but who were not trusted by many commoners due to them blaming the Hohenzollerns and Junkers for WW1
4. Catholics, who were still butthurt about Luther and Bismarck

Anyways, national socialism combined the best parts of 2 and 3 and managed some support from 4 as well, giving people the socially conservative, economically left policies they wanted while staving off the communist revolution. The SPD had been too afraid to piss off the allies or take chances with economic policy to try and improve conditions during the Depression, so when Hitler told the allies to go fuck themselves and dragged the economy out of the gutter by spending like it was nobody's business, which is what had been demanded all along, it cemented his popularity. Unfortunately, he turned out to be just as arrogant and immune to good council as Wilhelm II, and led his country into the exact same disaster they suffered twenty years earlier.

It's not the jews fault you're a tranny

Attached: gaynazis11.jpg (2500x2456, 376K)

He also charged literal goblins with his most important tasks


Attached: auschwitzguards.jpg (1858x1116, 193K)

where on wikipedia does it say all the leaders of those groups were actually jews? Linkz

Aryan or honorary

because he already admitted to inflating numbers timesofisrael.com/remember-the-11-million-why-an-inflated-victims-tally-irks-holocaust-historians/

Underrated dubs.

This is actually pretty good. Why didn't you post this instead of all that bullshit about nazis being trannies?

I also hate america, its literally the perfect example of a nation corrupted by liberalism and jewish propaganda

he got sick of people on Yea Forums sneedposting

>Eye Tone, if the Nazi's hated fairies so much...why was they always dreassin up as broads?

Attached: gaynazis15.jpg (304x166, 8K)

>he thinks these things are exclusive to the white race
Get out facebook faggot

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>so when Hitler told the allies to go fuck themselves and dragged the economy out of the gutter by spending like it was nobody's business, which is what had been demanded all along, it cemented his popularity.
The German recovery was mostly fueled by armaments spending. Military spending comprised something insane like over 10% of the German GDP during peace time. If the Nazis didn't go to war the economy would've collapsed hard making the Great Depression look like a cake walk. Wages of Destruction is a great book on the matter

nothing in here says the number of jews killed in the holocaust was fake. It talks about the issue of including non-jews within the overall figure.

Did you even read the article you posted?

not the tranny poster. He's based tho.

>implying you're not some half-arab half-hispanic in gibscity LARPing as an aryan like the rest of your kind

Attached: Pol in real world.jpg (1374x1031, 125K)

>projection with gaynazi image #11
Try not to show off your double digit IQ points so much

You're a Belorussian in 1944 and this guy burns down your village. what do you do?

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-S73495,_Oskar_Dirlewanger.jpg (472x785, 50K)

europe is p shitty too user. Don't be too hard on america. Whites everywhere are jokes =D

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Not a fan of him. He spams his shit so much that it has lost it's humor for me. Got anymore stuff like the comic you posted though? OC would be preferable.

Tri-daily dilation does make one angry I bet

you gotta fight fire with fire user

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I got a copypasta and pic related

>Destroy Roman Empire after subverting it from within
>Europe enters dark ages of misery and woe
>Fall under control of Charlesmagne which allows for Europe to prosper again
>Be controlled by Holy Roman Empire and Hapsburgs, things are pretty good for Germans
>Be series of divided weak city-states, things pretty good for Germans
>Still chimp out and lead the burning of Constantinople, which cripples the Byzantine Empire and allows for the spread of Islam
>Introduce Protestantism which divides the Christian world and ferments civil war, allowing for the spread of Islam and the undermining of the original Church of Christ
>Germans chimp out in Thirty Years War, burn down the continent and cripple Christendom forever
>Post-Westphalia become even more independent and divided up states. Things pretty good again
>Germany unifies, burns down the continent and themselves few decades later in WW1
>Conspires with Lenin to give birth to the USSR, which spreads communism (itself invented by Germans) all over the globe
>Become dominated by Britain & France, Germany grows during the roaring twenties (don't believe the Nazi propaganda)
>Elect Hitler, a little over a decade later they've burned down the entire continent and themselves again
>Be dominated by the US/USSR, the US side prospers and is pretty good
>Germany reunifies but remains neutered under US hegemony, things stay good
>US power wanes, Germany reasserts itself in foreign policy
>European continent is again being burnt down

bout it

Attached: eternal kraut.jpg (454x381, 81K)

is that way my kind sir

There are more effective ways to fight fires.

See, this is what I mean. This SS commander led an entire unit of homosexuals and pedophiles.

To date, this is the ONLY all-homosexual unit in military history.

How freakin progressive is that? hitler was ahead of his times on LGBTQ rights

Attached: gay-nazi-flag.jpg (425x320, 26K)

Worthless post

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>someone who lies about goy numbers for more attention for kikes couldn't possible lie about kike numbers

how retarded are you? double digit IQ moron

Google the bio of everysingle one of those leaders for fucks sake

To save the world from jews.

My question is why not go after /pol/?

was Oskar a cunny poster?

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