Underworld series

worth watching?

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The first one only. The second one if you're really bored. Nothing after that.

there's bloody FIVE of them?!

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1>5 >2 >meh

The original film is excellent and one of the best action films of the century. Rise of the Lycans is quite good as well. The rest you can skip, Evolution was a huge disappointment that over-explained the lore and made it all seem stupid, also too much CGI and not enough good action. It was like a CGI-filled soap opera. Awakening is just a mediocre ripoff of the Resident Evil movies, and we don't talk about Blood Wars

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only for sexy kate in skintight sexy outfit

Only for Kate Beckinsale.

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It was made for horny teenagers that like action movies. Any older than that and they all become worthless.

As movies the first two were already bad as far as story and characters but the last two have so little effort put into them that they could have been straight to video.

Not since she dated that goblino

I tried watching Underworld after I binged a bunch of other vampire films, including Blade. It's fine, but it didn't hold a candle to Blade for me, and I dropped it after the second film because it just didn't feel the same.

I watched them recently for the first time (also marathoned the Resident Evil films). Underworld 1 and 2 are decent and are fun films. 3 is worth it for Michael Sheen and Bill Nighy chewing the scenery. 4 is whatever and 5 is awful. Still you get to see Kate Beckinsale in tight latex so thats good.

First one is great, second one is okay, third is pretty good. Everything else is terrible.

The story in the original is fine. Classic movie monsters mixed with Romeo and Juliet and The Matrix. The stories in the sequels are indeed pretty bad, 2 especially.


>worth it for Michael Sheen and Bill Nighy


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>tfw you will never be seduced and preyed upon by dame kathrin beckinsale

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she looks a bit like fubuki

Her nose is so perfect.

>It was made for horny teenagers that like action movies
Every man has a horny teenager inside them. Stop repressing

Not even for the jump cuts of fap bait
Load up pornhub and treat yourself for five minutes
You'll get more out of a quick wank than you'll get from nine hours of Underworld trash.

Nah the first movie is good

All of em. Theyre bad but good. No idea where theyre going with these films though

at least 2 went out with a banging OST

Everything after the first movie was unnecessary and watered down the story. They aren't going anywhere with it except to cash in on the fans that still exist, also I believe Kate said she won't do any more.

So if there is a future to the franchise it's either a reboot or direct-to-video schlock

Kate also looked her hottest in 2. Shame about everything else

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maybe, but I like the rainy urban gothic aesthetic 9f tje first movie over the snowy Slavic woods. She loses the trench coat too soon in 2 as well. the bar scene in 2 gave me a nostalgic feel for the first time I watched the first X-Men movie(that Canadian cage fight tho)


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1st and Lycans only

Fuck you
I'm 36 today and I've enjoyed them all
You're just patheticly cynical

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damn her handjobs can bring the dead back to life

The lycans had a great design in these movies, and I appreciate the use of costumes and animatronics even if it did kind limit how much they could actually move.
Also, only 1 and 3 matter, everything else is garbage.

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Do you think they will do more of these? I really like this series.

>only 1 and 3 matter

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1 and 2, ignore the rest.

can clearly see how bogged her face became in the last one

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The last one was bad with Selene Blanco but the rest are good

First two are 2000s Beckinsale bodykino, third is absolute garbage, four is revisited overly stylized and artificially looking CGI but still lots of Kate bodykino, including some of the best close up and action shots we're ever going to get from someone this hot in a bodysuit. Five was meh.

I remember watching the second one. They were horrible. And then I knew there was a third but not the rest. Kate is a dumb bong thot who only likes big dicks hence fucking that ugly disgusting filthy SNL kike who needs to kill himself

Wrong, third one is good, second one is shit

Maybe I got my numbers wrong, the one with discount plastic Kate was garbage. I thought it was the third one.

1st 3 are alright, 4 is fucking wack and 5 idk and you don't care about it anyway


That was Rhona Mitra and you shut your filthy mouth. I've loved her since Beowulf. Also it was a good prequel

2 was shit because the story made no sense, the action sucked, the villain sucked, no Bill Nighy, Michael Sheen or Shane Brolly, etc

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I know it was and sadly she hasn't made a single respectable film aside from a really small role in Shooter. In her Underworld she was literally a stand-in knock off for Kate, both in terms of story and everything else. I know they actually had it make sense in-universe, as the entire reason of Nighy not killing Beckinsale was her reminding him of Mitra, but it just felt like a super cheap cop out when they couldn't get the real deal at the time.

She was fine in the role, and it's not like Beckinsale is some amazing irreplaceable actress. They're both just hot pieces of ass

>the one with discount plastic Kate
yeah, Kate looks like her these days and has more plastic too

>more plastic too
While I completely agree that Beckinsale has to have the best surgeons around, she neither started as early nor as heavily on it as Mitra as well as the latter starting out with pretty budget (one could argue semi-botched) jobs.

Naked Kate is worth the second

>we don't talk about Blood Wars
i liked this lady

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