Movies to watch high on shrooms?

Movies to watch high on shrooms?

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It Follows

Super Mario Bros.

Paris, Texas

annihilation bru

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Nothing. You don’t watch movies on shrooms. Save that for weed or acid.

Alice in Wonderland (1951)

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>Wasting shrooms on a movie

Go on a hike/explore the city with friends, it'll be an infinitely better experience.

>caring how someone spends their time high

This guy gets it.

Aladdin (1992)
But yeah, go outside

Enter the void. Go deep. Fuck the pussies who say to avoid that movie when tripping.

I'm taking 11 grams, I don't know if I'll be able to walk

Then you may as well just go McKenna’s heroic dose and kill the lights and lock the door. Godspeed user.


watch some psycho-horror and report back how it went,
i wanna know if it adds to the realistic experience

do yourself a favour and listen to this when you peak, even if it's not your style normally it will feel good


>doing psychedelics inside and alone

Never worked out for me. I don't get absorbed into the story and cinematography, it just glazes over and I see a television with flickering lights. Then I think about all kinds of horrible shit for a few hours until I finally can fall asleep.

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Speed Racer

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Best movie i ever saw on shrooms was history of the klu klux klan.

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fucking go outside faggot and do it during the day.
also nature docs.

A Field in England so you can all trip together

good luck trying to pay attention to any movie on shrooms

This. Unless you’re just taking a gram or so you’ll fade in and out if the movie

Did mushrooms affect your mental health?
I have read something about it effect on depression and anxiety treatment.
I was wondering if it has an isolated effect or it is just part of treatment just like ssri.

>Johns Hopkins Study of Psilocybin in Cancer Patients
>Summary: This study showed that psilocybin produced substantial and sustained decreases in depression and anxiety in patients with life-threatening cancer, and that mystical-type experiences on session days mediated the effect of psilocybin dose on therapeutic outcomes. Participants, staff, and community observers rated participant moods, attitudes, and behaviors throughout the study. High-dose psilocybin produced large decreases in clinician- and self-rated measures of depressed mood and anxiety, along with increases in quality of life, life meaning, and optimism, and decreases in death anxiety. At 6-month follow-up, these changes were sustained, with about 80% of participants continuing to show clinically significant decreases in depressed mood and anxiety. Study participants attributed improvements in attitudes about life/self, mood, relationships, and spirituality to the high-dose experience, with >80% endorsing moderately or greater increased well-being/life satisfaction, which was further supported by community observer ratings showing corresponding changes.

this is just one study, only way to find out for yourself is to test it user. i'd say it has a good chance to help you if you're struggling with finding general purpose but the effects obviously need to be supplemented with lifestyle changes if you want to stave off depression/anxiety long term

your moms vhs sex tapes with your first step-dad

But isn't that danger?

lol, fuck the tv, just look outside

literally me but it was my dad/step mom/step mom's female friend

holy mountain

We get it, you do drugs

Even a single dose can remove depression for months or years. Even non-psychedlic mushrooms can help treat depression because of vitamin D and chemicals that mimic serotonin.

For me it was Lawrence of Arabia

The End of Evangelion

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How can people stay focused enough to watch stuff while tripping? I manage to listen to music (with some sweet bone conduction headphones, to be fair) pretty easily but actually paying attention to a full movie is something I've never even bothered to try.


I once dropped acid and play rogue squadron that shit was cash

dont do that

Mars Attacks or any of the Alien series. One of the only couple times I took shrooms I came home and someone had left the tv on the sci fi channel. I took it as a sign and watched those 2 movies and it was wild

The Wachowskis' Speer Racer. The visuals in that movie are fucking amazing for tripping. Highly recommend.

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The fountain you fucks

Don't. Listen to music and walk around outside.

You could just watch a wooden door then.

Clouds in the sky
Bugs on the ground
Ferns and lichens and mosses
Animals of any kind
Flowing water
Flickering fire
Anything outside of your stationary air conditioned zogbox


You should seriously consider taking a lower dose

pic related. only movie i've ever seen on shrooms and it was pretty perfect.
>in college
>take shrooms with 3 friends
>dark and raining out so we decide to watch a movie instead of doing outdoor shit
>flipping through some girl's dvd collection
>bunch of trash
>see rocky horror, heard it's a "trippy" movie
>didn't know it's a musical
>black and white opener while shrooms haven't kicked in yet
>some random girls from the dorms join us to watch
>brad and janet go in the castle
>shrooms are kicking in HARD
>Time Warp starts
>insane colors everywhere
>intense awesome song
>feeling like i'm brad and janet
>look over at my friend
>he's grinning like the joker back at me
>other friend runs to bathroom to puke, has awful trip
>me and other friend are sitting on a couch with 2 ugly chicks having the time of our lives
>girls don't know we're high as balls but they are into the movie too
was a fucking good time

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34:44 No.96203
Quoted By: hop in

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>lmao dude just go outside and be with nature!

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what's the most you've taken before? at 11 grams you won't be capable of watching a movie, like your conscious framework of perceiving time will not allow you to focus on the image of the tv and absorb any kind of narrative, if any thing you probably want a visualizer but I'd think at 11 grams you're taking a trip down the rabbit hole of closed-eye visuals into your own mind not giving a fuck about your surroundings.

why would you take that much?

You're going to lose your mind dude. 11gs is Guaranteed psychosis

Same I think I'm just too paranoid and anxious to enjoy experiencing it


You don't really get strong visuals with shrooms.

>my first time seeing a true bait post

d By: *squat*
*Oh no... Not again!!*
*WHIIIIIRRR-RRrrrrrrrrr r r r*
*walks away*
Anonymous Thu 22 Mar 2018 03:02:25 No.96247692
Quoted By:

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what's the most you've taken before? at 11 grams you won't be capable of watching a movie, like your conscious framework of perceiving time will not allow you to focus on the image of the tv and absorb any kind of narrative, if any thing you probably want a visualizer but I'd think at 11 grams you're taking a trip down the rabbit hole of closed-eye visuals into your own mind not giving a fuck about your surroundings.

Tell you what though, for most drugs where you want to chill and watch something I recommend the 23 short film collection Science is Fiction. They're recordings by this french scientist Jean Painlevé and his underwater organisms large in ways you've never seen, some at the super microscopic level, and he uses lots of trippy music and editing. It's really chill and fascinating.

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The empty ceiling of your bedroom.

god I wish I had some azzies

just fuck my mind up

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Can be, knew a guy that tripped at the park and ended up jumping in the river that runs along side it, got arrested and everything, but that's why you have a trip sitter, especially if you're out amongst the public.

Seriously though unless you have some insane tolerance from dosing all the time you should really consider scaling back to like 8 or 9 grams IF you're trying to get obliterated and go through ego death. If you just want to have a good time with friends 3-5g.

Nothing, you should meditate and improve your soul. Not even kidding. Bring paper and pencil, and water.
