Neil Blomkamp's Robocop Returns

>For RoboCop Returns, Blomkamp is similarly trying to maintain “the core themes and the ideas and the tone of what Paul Verhoeven made and what I witnessed as a younger person — what stuck with me and what I [re-]watched when I was older in the original RoboCop, this Reaganomics, ‘80s, capitalistic consumption, fascist, amazing film that he made.”

>“If I can be honest to what Paul Verhoeven did and almost try to emulate that in a way,” he continues, “then I feel like it does have value and we’re not doing it for the sake of just doing it, but there’s something in there that may have value for the audience.”

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So is this a sequel after decades have passed, or are they just trying to redo the old movies. I kinda think it's a mistake to pointlessly imitate the old films just for nostalgia points, but an actual sequel could be fascinating.

But he already did Robocop. I mean, yeah, it was crossed with Short Circuit...

they'd have to tweak some of the dystopian setting.

crime is no as rampant as it was in the 80s, the police state that has evolved since then has effectively ended the threat of massive gang violence.

replacing the police force doesn't seem like a profitable venture for OCP since public opinion of cops has been hammered recently

a sequel that incorporates this would be pretty based

First Aliens Returns, now Robocop Returns?
What the literal fuck?!

why cant blomhack stay dead

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It's the fault of viewers. They don't pay to see original ideas.

Any reboot that focuses on "muh fascism" like this will be shit.

Verhoeven's talent was mixing dumb liberal idealistic anti-capitalism with pure camp. Robocop was dumb, but he played that aspect up so well it worked. He knew it was cartoony and unrealistic, so he didn't go for authenticity or realism, and just played into the comic book aspect.

It's why Starship Troopers works, even though it's shitting on what Heinlein wrote. Verhoeven camped it up in that, too. Same for Total Recall.

And gee, the reboot of Total Recall was shit, because they don't fucking get it. They only focus on the "Muh Democratics" instead of entertainment. Verhoeven laid it on thick, but it was fun to watch.

RoboCop 2 worked, because Kershner got what Verhoeven did, and played into that, with his own talents for character.

Blomkamp has an interesting style, but it won't work with Robocop. He should stick to his own lane, and just get better scripts than Chappie. His style doesn't fit with Robocop. He needs to do more work like Elysium, that are more serious and realistic.

But Hollywood won't fund new movies, only shit remakes and reboots. So fucking tired of the same shit.

what exactly was Veerhoven blacklisted for again? couldn't have just been "showgirls",i mean bad movies happen, but to *never* make a movie again? what the fuck?

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Sorry buddy smart, well argued options aren't allowed here anymore.

Where the fuck is district 9 sequel aaaaahhh fockin blomkamp

It would have to be a criticisment of liberal society and cultural Marxism

Liberals really have no idea what this word means do they?

Total Recall didn't have any politics that I remember. It was just an attempt at a grittier reboot. It was boring as shit. When I say politics, I mean SJW politics. Not "corporate man bad" which is barely even controversial in movies, even to the staunchest conservatives.

Robocop reboot sucked because they tried to hard to be serious and tried too hard to make it adapt to today's world. Nobody wants to watch EDEs in Iraq.

Grittiness is okay, the original was gritty. But it wasn't the tone, it was part of the visual storytelling. If Blompf can lay off the seriousness and not use grittiness the wrong way, it may be good. But realistically, the suits will push it to be DeadpoolRobocop. It'll be a rated R sci-fi action movie with a bunch of quips and meta humor.

I'm on board for blumpkin redemption arc

I agree. Robocop is nothing without satire

> criticisment
Learn words.

He made Starship Troopers, Hollow Man, and is currently making a movie about lesbian nuns.

Depends on the satire. I watched Robocop recently after having not watched it in years and I found the commercial and news breaks in the film to be annoying and fairly retarded. I'm fine with the satire that comes from the story and character themselves, but that other shit felt like too much of NUDGE NUDGE WINK WINK nonsense from the director.

It's one thing to say 'I'm going to try to be Paul Verhoeven', it's quite another to actually do it. Nobody can replace his unique blend of Eurotrash cynicism and ability to seamlessly blend thriller, satire, sexploitation, b-movie splatter, and somehow not only make it look classy and smart but also make it fucking awesome.

He wasn't blacklisted, he left because Hollywood was becoming increasingly politically correct and risk-averse, and he knew he'd struggle to be able to make the kind of films he wanted to make. The drop in dedication and auteur-craftsmanship between Starship Troopers and Hollow Man is fucking depressing. His heart just wasn't in it anymore.

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>lesbian nuns
>Would you like to know more

>let me copy someone's original ideas because I can't come up with anything interesting myself

People hated Robocop 2014 but at least it was an interesting and original take on the first movie. It took the same themes and ran with them in a more contemporary fashion. Everyone who hates it is seriously just a fucking pleb.

The original Robocop, while good for its time, would be stupid, gay, and boring these days. He's too slow and retarded to be an interesting character. 90% of his problems in the old movies were because he was a slow as fuck clunky piece of shit robot. People who actually want a Terminator vs Robocop movie are by extension retarded too since Robocop would get his shit rocked almost immediately.

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>dumb liberal idealistic anti-capitalism
Not everyone who hates the military industrial complex, corporate corruption and captured government is anti-capitalist you retard

Too much of a coward to make a movie about lesbian muslims; which would be a BILLION times more edgy and groundbreaking.

>Robocop would get his shit rocked almost immediately.
this is not a capeshit thread basedboy, take your imaginary PVP back to plebbit

Blomkamp sucks

Fuck off faggot, Robocop is at its very core 80s capeshit schlock with some shoehorned social commentary shoved in. Even the creators admit that.

This fucking zoomer who cannot even imagine a world before capeshit... so that everything is seen through a capeshit lense. Sad!

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Murphy could be doing some internal affairs.

Are you really that deluded?

>makes fun of capeshit
>another boomer admits above that Robocops strength is that it admits that the material is comic book material and everyone agrees with him

It turns out that Robocop's AI system is racist due to a glitch in its learning process and he's found to be predisposed to kill innocent black men who didn't do nothing.

is a boomer. Boomer don't write shite like
>"Muh Democratics"
we had books and read them and sheeeeit, we didn't cheat by copy pasting wikipedia for school essays and googling formulas on smartphones in calc and sheeit we know stuff and we don't write about muh democratics

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Robocop is a western. No one likes westerns. He isn't your friend, he is a law bringer enforcing the laws.

Oh yeah.
I'm sure we'll get it right after District 10, that Aliens sequel, and Chappie 2

Lesbian muslims suck me off

The robocop vs terminator game would disagree with your faggoty reddit tier statement on power levels. Know your shit before you open your cock hole slut.

fuck i forgot this was even getting made
