ITT: 10/10 casting decisions
ITT: 10/10 casting decisions
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Is this ironic? It's a decent choice I think
>Character looks white maybe part Italian or something
>Casts Jeremy Lin
so who would have been a good casting
ive never watched the anime but i like the actor but i can see why people shitting on the casting lol
This something I dont understand. Most of these animes they clearly draw their Characters to be anything but Asian. But when time comes for a live action version everyone cries out for Asian actors and actresses take the roles otherwise its racist.
Here's your Spike, bro!
>asians make their characters look white
Keanu Reeves.
Anyone who has been an action lead before, which eliminates John Cho.
Everyone sees things differently. Whenever I watch anime, no matter how the character is drawn or whatever I kind of just assume they're all Japanese.
>inb4 Cho is not Japanese
yeah I know but still
Why couldn't they find someone younger?
Do you think Keanu would have taken the role if they'd offered it to him? I know that he's too old, but that didn't stop them from casting Cho.
He's Jewish.
Yeah, partly. He's Amerindian, Latin European and also Jewish and/or German.
Woah. That's actually not bad casting if he buffed up slightly. Is he tall?
>Keanu could have been casted as everybody wanted
>Kikes could have casted one of their own as Spike is a Jew
>Could have picked some manly Asian actor
>They pick the nerdy Asian guy from Harold and Kumar
, pic unrelated.
Eh not feeling Keanu
Ezra however...
Unless they're making a shot-for-shot live action remake with a cast that looks and sounds identical to the characters it's not going to be as good and they're wasting their time.
>character based on a japanese actor
>in universe is part of a asian gang and wss born on Mars a chinese colony
>"he was white guys"
Here's your Spike and Jet for tonight
I can put aside Ezra's kooky, real life shenanigans and get behind that casting.
He's not White or Asian. He's mixed race/ethnicity.
Spike's not even asian.
most anime characters look white even if they're intended to be east asian, so it's jarring seeing asian actors cast as anime character. plus asians are worse at acting.
fucking based
>character looks white
And I am 110% okay with this
Fuck Ezra, Obama is the only one that can play Spike
Horse fucking shit. Just because you think the character doesn't look asian doesnt mean they arent. Most anime characters dont look to be any particular race. Plus tons of anime are literally set in Japan woth the same nondescript characters (in terms of race)
>the one time an anime character is non-asian
>cast an asian
was it pottery?
And how do you know this? Nothing in the show indicates this. Aside from his name, which is the only thing brainlets on this board grasp to, everything points to him being asian.
>he isnt asian!
Based brainlet
>Aside from his name
His appearance, too. Why do you need him to be 100% racially pure? It would be good for humanity if we had more mixed-race heroes.
You embarrassing retard. Have you seen the recent pic floating around with this chinks face superimposed on spike? Looks nothing like him or neither does any chink for that matter. You fucking chinks are so fucking delusional. If you gooks don't want to have this problem then stop drawing your shitty cartoon characters white. Make them flat faced, slant eyed, black straight hair and flat wide noses but you faggots won't because you're all insecure about how ugly you guys look.
He might be Asian but he doesn't look Asian. So you want your Asian actor cause mu diversity, cast some Asian that isn't a fucking chink
Congrats, this must be the worst casting choice I ever saw
>Implying anyone cares about or read the manga
>implying the anime dub on toonami isn't the whole reason it is even being adapted in the west. The one where Spike is voiced by Steve Blum (white guy) and that specific in that page the was never animated
>redditBTFO.jpg when that page was plastered all over reddit as evidence as "why spike shouldn't be white" and you probably got it from reddit
That being said I don't really care about the white vs asian spike, I just wish they didn't get some uncool and unfunny faggot for the role. I would rather they not adapt it at all.
Take it easy, guys. This sort of talk is more divisive than productive IMO. The racial slurs and degradation I mean.
>It would be good for humanity if we had more mixed-race heroes.
You're a either some sick kike or some hapa mutt.
I didnt say he did need to be 100% pure asian. He could be cast as a white. He could be cast as a mixed race. I dont give a fuck. Im just disputing the widely held sentiment on this board that he is definitely not asian. As far as his appearance is concerned, he is a drawing. He doesnt particularly look like any race. Tons of anime characters who are clearly meant to be asian could easily be thought of as some other race based on their drawn appearance. Sure he could be white, im just not going to put a ton of stock into him definitely being a particular race based on his appearance.
Racism? On my 4channel?
>It would be good for humanity if we had more mixed-race heroes.
Back to r/eddit fag
I'm neither.
This is very reasonable and I actually agree with you 100%. Thanks.
Are you being serious, you fucking faggot?
Im not a fucking chink you dumb faggot. Im just not an insecure faggot who has mental breakdowns anytime a main character isnt a white male. Its completely conceivable that Spike be cast as an Asian.
>spike SPIEGEL
>big jew-fro
>not jewish
For a board that complains about them all the time...
idk about tall, he's a big guy
Yes, but you don't need to heed my advice. That's the beauty of 4channel
It'll be shit anyway. Who cares. Just watch the anime and forget this shit exists. Live action anime adaptations are always awful.
But if he looks like a white male, why would he not be a white male?
Spike can shoot
god DAMN
Then he's a nigger
Does the concept of asian as a nationality even exist in the Cowboy Bebop universe? It seems like everyone would be a mutt 100 more years into the future.
Because again you are putting too much stock into a drawing. Like i said. Tons of clearly asian anime characters "look white". Plenty of in-universe facts support an asian spike. Not to mention the stuff the creator has literally said concerning Spikes creation.
if he was a fat white guy who looked nothing like spike you guys wouldn't care because he's white instead of asian lol
Well he still does not look Asian. If they wanted him to look Asian they could've done It. So again, he might be born in Asia, but doesn't look Asian.
I would. That's why I think it's weird when people suggest black guys other than Idris Elba to be cast as James Bond. Elba is a good choice simply because he's very popular. People otherwise aren't as lenient in their criteria for Bond when white guys are being chosen from. Nobody wants a pasty, red-haired, green-eyed, freckled, short, white guy to play Bond.
Why can't japs draw asians correctly
I wanted Obama to play Spike
imagine being so retarded you actually believe this
>Is this ironic? It's a decent choice I think
I've seen this guy in action. You thought wrong.
Most anime characters dont look asian despite them definitely meant to be asian.
Who knows
>wanting any black to play bond
>netflix makes a bunch of anime live action adaptations with an all white cast, even though the source material is specifically set in japan
>cowboy bebop is clearly white people, with white names or backgrounds, the show is set in space/after some kind of apocalypse
>they finally cast an asian guy
how did they fuck this up so bad? how many quips will harold and kumar get? spike has a sense of humor, but not like this fucking guy. i'm starting to think they make shit as far from the source material on purpose because it tricks actual fans of the show into "hate-watching it"
I personally don't, but picking a popular black guy for profit is at least not a totally stupid idea.
Holy fucking shit why do you comment in threads when you very clearly know nothing about the source material?
Good point
faye is clearly white, laughing bull is clearly native american, spike is clearly jewish. the voice at the "warp gates" speaking in like 10 languages (none alien/fictional). chinese, japanese, english signs when they are on earth. nationalities clearly still exist in the 2070s. black guys still exist too, and jet is not one of them.
this show only got picked up because it has a tranny scene
>faye is clearly white
Did you just skip the episode about her past?
>they clearly draw their Characters to be anything but Asian
They definitely are not black.
>libshits suddenly caring about race because of all the years Yea Forums has blasted the casting of niggers in place of whites
Notice how there are almost no threads calling out the nog who will play Jet?
Let's not talk about the Witcher cast.... It just hurts too much
Ow, I completely forgot that Cowboy Bebop only takes place in the 2070's, nevermind then. Honestly I don't think you can really cast anyone as Spike that would add to the character.
>not all the niggers cast in recent movies
Stay delusional, DeAndre.
>BBC casts black actors to play historic figures in Europe
>Netflix casts an Asian actor to play an Asian anime character created in Asia
Oh the fucking irony. Cry more faggots.
for you
You don't have the right to be pissed that he's not white, it's a fucking anime character, it's not a part of your culture
Piccolo is black & Jet is black. You know it to be true.
spikes jewish you retarded /pol/ fag
I'm a human being and a global citizen. It's absolutely part of my culture.
Only partially. He's more mixed than that.
His name is SPIEGEL
He uses an ISRAELI gun
It's not exactly subtle
>here's your Valkyrie
Stop spreading this bullshit. Spike is not Jewish, this has been debunked countless of times. His design, especially the fro is based on a Japanese actor named Yusaku Matsuda. The creator just thought Spiegel was a cool sounding name.
They could have done much, much better
Spike is directly based on elliot gouldes detective character in The Long Goodbye you stupid fucking nigger
>Whyte bois and niggers BTFO
Fucking glorious LMAO
that would be perfect
where's the time machine?
That's not true. He's partially based on Jewish actor Elliott Gould from "The Long Goodbye." Spike is Amerindian (making him east Asian), Latin European, German and Jewish.
Check the wikipedia page shit brain or are you too much of a fucking retard to even do a simple google search.
He's partially right though.
>Literally denies the confirmation from the creators Sinchiro Watanabe and Toshiro Kawamoto
>He's partially right though.
That's not how it works.
Cowboy Bebop is not a manga adaptation, anyway. It's an original anime project. The manga are spinoffs.
Death of the author. Their own vision doesn't jibe with the world/character they created. Spike is mixed race.
>hires hirohito
i hate fucking faggots like you who refuse to type out what the fuck they mean to say
He's supposed to be Japanese not a disgusting Korean.
The definitive 'Spike' from Cowboy bebop is the anime where he is voiced by a white dude.
I dont care what race does it but just have the damn intensity of the character. I cant picture Harold having that intensity but hopefully im wrong
Spiegel isn’t an Asian name. He’s a hapa.
Kino response. An Asian dude is fine casting, but Harold seems like he's on antihistamines 24/7.
>Spike is directly based on Elliot Gould's character
>Provides no sources of such claims other than their retarded selves
>Meanwhile completely ignores what the creators themselves are saying
The absolute state of brainlets.
>The definitive 'Spike' from Cowboy bebop is the anime where he is voiced by a white dude.
Nice headcanon, faggot.
Look it up yourself you stupid fat lazy cunt.
No, partially. Just look at Gould and Spike. Anyway, Spike is mixed race.
>Spike should be asian cause this one manga page
>Jet should be black because of the dub voice actor
classic double think from liberals
Reason and logic.
>Spiegel is an Asian name, plenty of Asians are called Spiegel
>Casts an Asian called Cho
All righty then
Reminder, Weebs think the girl on the right is asian
>Spiegel is an Asian name
There was some autistic guy on the IMDB forums who predicted his casting because he figured out that they only cast Oscar winners/noms to play Lex.
did you just assume their gender?
>My opinions are stronger than factual claims
That's not logic and reason you fucking inbred.
spike is 27
cho is 46
even jet's actor is younger than cho
>Spiegel is a surname of German origin. In German language Spiegel means mirror.
>Spiegel is an ancient German Christian surname. Family tradition says it was taken from a town or lake named Spiegel. There is a small community south of Munich named Spiegel. The name Spiegel goes back to at least the 12th century, when the Spiegel family were barons of Desenburg and Peckelsheim in Hessen; one noted person was Heinrich III Spiegel zum Desenberg (1361-80), Bishop of Paderborn.
He should at the very least be a Hapa.
Isn't he mixed Jewish/Chinese?
Death of the author.
No, he's what I said he is.
Wrong. Squinty eyes and black hair are 99.9% of what an asian character should look like. Asians all look the same. They are clearly drawing white people.
How many people do you know irl named Spike other than their dogs?
Spike is his given name. Anybody of any race or ethnicity can name their kid that. How did he get the surname "Spiegel?" Is it an alias? I guess it could be. Plausible explanation IMO.
Lmao. Holy shit, which psychiatric ward did you break out of? The death of an author doesn't mean you can magically claim a character's ethnicity as truth. Furthermore, Spike being mixed or not is irrelevant to my argument with you. There's a literal wikipedia page of Spike Spiegel on the internet with the creators themselves saying Spike's character is based on a Jap actor. You on the other hand keep spewing this bullshit that he is based on Gould while failing to back it up with facts. You need to go back.
It's a fucking anime you retard. Quit trying to place them in the real world. He could be a fucking nog named Ching Chang and it would make sense in the realm of Cowboy Bebop.
I've been bullshitting this entire time. How does that make you feel?
>Realizes he's wrong
>I-I was trolling you the whole time ha-haa
Yeah fuck off downie
No. Not even once. Dude could not be Spike with fucktons of makeup, prosthetics, and James Cameron level CGI.
With your retardation? I will admit, that's quite hard.
Why are you mad?
One is source material, the other isn't.
Jet's not a nigger though....Wait, what? Jet is a nigger in the movie? Dis gonna fail worse than GITS with ScarJo.
Hey, you may never realize this because of your significantly low IQ but calling out stupidity on the internet is quite an easy thing to do and doesn't require much energy. You may struggle with all your might trying to eat a bowl of cereal with a spoon but normal people can do much more than that without much effort. Also, your whore mother should have aborted you.
The problem is that asian guys are so feminine looking. They should have gotten a hapa.
imagine sperging this hard when 99% of anime characters have any hair/eye color other than black/brown, and have enormous unslanted eyes
grow up you wapanese nerd, asians hate the way asians look
That took you a while. Geez.
>Dis gonna fail worse than GITS with ScarJo
>Calls Murtaugh a nigger
>unironically talks in niggerspeak himself
Japs dont draw themselves as white even in their own patriotic anime. Spike is white.
>lots of complains about Cho
>hardly any about the nigger playing Jet
Cry harder you, niggers. Cho will be fine. The nigger playing Jet will ruin the movie.
He's mixed race. Amerindian (making him east Asian), Latin European, German and Jewish.
Cowboy bebop is polish
This is how we should conquer the sand niggers. Make them hate themselves to the point their women want nothing to do with the men and their media worships white cock.
tell me this isn't meant to be pearl harbor
I'm and i could see that.
>Cho will be fine.
Unironically lynch yourself into the oven you /poleddit/ tourist double nigger degenerate.
Yeah, it's great!
Ah here it is, there's always this kind of retard, which is like the opposite of those who pretend every anime character is white; every anime character is non-white.
Fuck my life. Now hollywood is going to tarnish Cowboy Bebop. Whatever happened to Keanu Reeves taking on the role? This chink should stick to stoner comedies.
The guy on the right could make a good Spike if he shaved his face.
There's been numerous articles about this. Most Jap artists intentionally draw their characters to be as racially ambiguous as possible so everyone can identify with them. Ask a Jap what race some random animu character is and they'll say Jap, ask a white the same question and they'll say white. Both are correct unless the character is specifically stated to be a certain race.
I knew it. Thanks for verifying my theory. "Verifying." On second thought, I'm going to need to ask for a source.
Nah. Anime characters are mostly white. If they weren't Anime wouldn't be as global as it is. You know it to be true. The problem with you weeb faggots is that you love jap female mannerisms not the actual japs. This is why white weeb whores become rich on Patreon.
I think he's making a good point. Anime characters are racially ambiguous for profit. Sell to a larger market. At least that's my theory.
>keanu reeves
>chink should stick to stoner comedies
what are you, retarded or something?
That's funny. Keanu would've been physically perfect for the role, but his personality is as wrong for it as Cho's is. WHO on earth could possibly do it right?
>People say Spike is based on Japanese actor
>Ask them why they got a Korean actor to play Spike then
>They say it's okay because he is Asian
>Call them racist because they think all Asians look the same
The shitposting festival has only just begun. Can't wait to bully normies on twitter.
Maybe Johnny Knoxville like 10 years ago
Literally nobody exists that can uphold the autistic standards of Yea Forums simply because Spike Spiegel is an anime character that doesn't exist in the real world.
And the answer to this problem is to turn Spike white or jewish even. Yep.
Hell yeah preach brother
Already working I see lmao
I don't know if I'm being autistic so much as I'm genuinely interested in seeing if it's possible to find somebody who is perfect or near perfect for the role.
The answer to that is no. The proof is this dumb ass thread.
how many fuckin threads do you need about this
Yea Forums is full of /pol/ cucks.
Perfect in my opinion. There are a few contenders.
>muh favorite cartoon from Asia is being ruined
>by an Asian actor
based tween white girl
No, my favorite cartoon from Asia is being ruined by a manlet actor
goodness gracious what a raging faggot. you remind me of those ugly fat whales on tinder complaining about height lmao what's the next requirement? The actor needs to have a foot long dong to nail you in your boy pussy?
This butthurt is never going to end huh?
Lol. Looks like I detected a 'let. Listen up little fella, Spike is canonically tall he's not one of you ergo he shouldn't be played by you people. Try taking a chill pill, user. Take a nap in your car bed or whatever.
I hate this ugly sheboon so fucking much
in response to saying a character LOOKS a certain race, why do people try to prove the author's intention? the author's intention doesn't matter. he could intend to draw a square but if it looks like a circle i'm calling it a circle.
>Post complaining about actor being too short for the role
>Reminds me of screenshots of fat women ironically complaining about height just like user so I tell him he's a faggot
>Looks like I detected a 'let
Says the pic related lmao
>Canonically tall
What is camera tricks and angles fucking reetard
>he could intend to draw a square but if it looks like a circle i'm calling it a circle.
All that does is prove that you are a faggot.
Unironically Jet is the only anime character I can think of that actually makes sense having a black actor play. I'm more sold on Mustafa than Cho so far, but this will probably be a trainwreck either way.
I don't get this one, at all. Why would you basically create some lame diversity donut steel, played by someone with the personality and charisma of a wet towel, when you could just get one of the roughly thousands of blondes running around in Hollywood, and go with the actual Valkyrie? The costume is boring as well.
You could place a black rectangle over her, remove the voice lines, and it still wouldn't change the overall quality of the movie.
in the same way that decreased representation makes minorities feel bad, and increased representation makes minorities feel better, decreased representation makes whites feel worse.
tbf he might not have been horrible if he had been directed to not act like such a clown
>If they weren't Anime wouldn't be as global as it is
Anime isn't global at all.
To give you an idea, there are POPULAR VIDEOGAME IPS that still have Japanese only releases because localization isn't profitable enough. And that's fucking videogames, something Japan has absolutely penetrated the international market on.
Now consider anime, an interest funded almost entirely by otaku whales to the point anime directors lament they have no choice but to obey shitty otaku whale interests in order to stay above water.
>Spike is most likely a jew or half jew
>does martial arts
So progressive, so diverse
Anime character design was purposely made to not reflect reality but an improvement
I think the funniest thing is that they basically cast any asian person into the roles since they are racist as fuck and think all asians look the same
>Who was Harold from Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle?
Inb4 not an action film. It was action-packed
>Now consider anime, an interest funded almost entirely by otaku whales to the point anime directors lament they have no choice but to obey shitty otaku whale interests in order to stay above water.
What's the source on this outside of that one pathetic image of the depressed director and dumb animator? We're talking about shit like Yu-Gi-Oh and DBZ and Pokemon that has certainly made serious fucking bank with kids, not some moefag boogeyman or obscure JRPG that only weirdos on /jp/ would know about to begin with
Unironically even better than Keanu.
>ughuuu why are cartoon characters stylized
Nigga Faye is confirmed SEA. Did you even see the episode about her childhood? She is literally the only undisputable race in the franchise and they will still get it wrong for diversity's sake. Gotta keep the Tumblr tranny audience entertained u know?
>Ahh, shit. Boss! We need an asian actor....There's not that many asian actors, fuck. What's the guy that plays uhh Harold in Har- John Cho! Call him!
>Now consider anime, an interest funded almost entirely by otaku whales to the point anime directors lament they have no choice but to obey shitty otaku whale interests in order to stay above water.
The source for this is one guy who has a studio that doesn't make any anime.
>Most Jap artists intentionally draw their characters to be as racially ambiguous as possible so everyone can identify with them.
No, they don't.
>Anime characters are mostly white.
Have you tried watching more than FMA and Bebop?
Jesus that's bad, also they cast Jet as a congoid for some reason
You guys are missing the point i think. Its not about him looking asian its about looking japanese. 99% of anime characters look japanese not like all asians on general. Even the supposed 'white' characters in anime in fantasy settings just look like japs in cosplay. Not koreans like this guy.