why'd he fucking do it?
Why'd he fucking do it?
Lust for the ring
because he was just as corruptible as everyone else
why didnt dumbledore fall for the ring jew?
he would have eventually, that's why he couldn't hold on to it and why it had to be destroyed.
Because Fallen Maiar exist. Also his name is Saruman.
>why did sauronman side with sauron
Are you stupid?
The Fellowship was considered extremely unlikely to succeed. Saruman was totally logical in his belief that either Sauron would succeed, or he could take the ring before Sauron retrieved it. He may have been able to overtake a weakened Sauron. He ugly bet on the wrong horse.
Too busy smoking hobbit weed.
he was a gamer
Saruman would have never been able to control the ring so either way it would have killed him even if he had killed Sauron
im pretty sure gandalf would have been the only to powerful enough to control the right
I don't think anyone but Sauron could control the ring, considering he created it.
>main bad guy is called Sneedon
>his right-hand henchman is called Sneedonman
Tolkien himself said that Gandalf would be the only one capable of controlling the ring but he doesn't say if he can or can't
And Gandalf would become another, maybe more powerful Sauron?
Basically, it wouldn't make much difference to anyone else besides Sauronman.
not really a tyrant but more so just like a commie with very strict rules and punishment
Should I read the book? I think the first is in my house somewhere
Mostly this. And he was right, because even Frodo failed at the very end and the only reason the ring was destroyed was a literal act of god.
He was being completely sincere when he spoke to Gandalf and told him that the only reasonable way to survive was to temporarily ally with Sauron and then swipe the ring from under him.
Yes as long as you can handle the Shire being really slow.
It's worth it for the experience, sure. Just be aware that Tolkien was not writing it in a traditional way - it's less of a full narrative and more of a travel journal/encyclopedia at times. You may really enjoy those aspects, or think they grind the book to a halt.
It is good though.
Lollipop, that bitch licking my lollipop
Hit em from the top, that bitch slurping my lollipop
Bombadil's rhymes certainly were great
First he was jealous of Gandalf, then he got corrupted. Seems everyone that works for Aule is a fucking asshole
Sauron took possession of his mind and heart through the palantir. He was won over by the seductions of the dark lord. His case is very reasonable and logical, the world of men could not stand up to Sauron at all... It was sheer unforeseen ingenuity that won against all odds.
I believe Sauron was also feeding him misinformation through the Palantir - like showing him visions of things that "could" happen but portraying them as things that "absolutely will" happen
Like Saruman had seen parts of what happens to Minas Tirith, but not the actual outcome.
Saruman was one of the Istari and he saw what was going to happen to middle earth. he told Gandalf that they must join Sauron because he knew he would win, and he did. Eru happened to step in at the last moment to tip Gollum off the edge.
By that point it had probably been hundreds of years that he was in contact with Sauron and isolated from the other wizards. I can't remember exactly but the wizards councils were a thing long past by the events of LOTR. Sauron's hour to strike was growing painfully close
If that was the case, the Hobbit movies shit all over it by having him, Gandalf, and Galadriel have a video game fight with Sauron's ghost not 60 years before the events of LOTR
Wasn’t Saruman more powerful than Gandalf the grey though, I always thought he would be capable of wielding the ring
>based scriptposter isn’t here
>why'd he fucking do it?
Because he's an evil white man. Literally Saru-MAN the WHITE.
more powerful yes but he had a weaker mind which is what really matter when it comes to controlling the ring Saruman could use it and be powerful with it but he could never control it and it would destroy him
>wizards councils
just looked it up and I was wrong, it had been about 60 years since the White Council met during the events of LOTR
Sauron manipulated Saruman into thinking he wants to share power
Saruman on the other hand was delusional enough to think he can defeat Sauron with the power of the Ring (when he will just get BTFO by Ringwraiths the minute he tries to use it)
He was more powerful than Gandalf the Grey, yeah, but he would have succumb to the ring all the same. If anything, the nature of his personality would have made him misuse it sooner - and not necessarily out of the same "desire to do good" that Gandalf would have.
Gandalf was very intimately connected to the people of Middle Earth and had a lot of faith. Saruman, even before his corruption, was much more of a pragmatist and cared little for the daily goings-on of middle earth.
You would have never seen Saruman the White go to the Shire for a birthday party, for example.
Better deductions on his taxes
For the banter.
This . Weed kills ambition. It was the one thing protecting Dumbledore.
How can one man be this cool?
obligatory reminder that pipe weed was simply meant to be a kind of tobacco
but who am i kidding you don't care
you can only post in this thread if you own the movies
He had seen some shit.
if you can't beat em join em
It's totally an easy and fine read don't listen to the faggots saying it's like reading a dictionary
Actually there's a really good audiobook on YouTube with amazing voices and that uses music from the movies with certain parts of the book, just do that if you can't be bothered to read.
they're only cumbersome if you read them as a child and even then it's not as bad as people make it out to be
I miss great lines in fantasy like this so bad bros
yeah basically
they're very dry
Tolkien had a meandering pace and spent a lot of time describing the environment
>It's totally an easy and fine read
>they're only cumbersome if you read them as a child
i don't think that's true.
Gandalf was more powerful than saruman but was less concerned about trying to be "In charge"
Part of Sarumans fall stems from jealousy over how Gandalf is basically more powerful and more liked.
It’s alright, friend. Fantasy will return to the silver screen soon
Thank you for confirming my point. The Palantir fed him disinfo - or showed him what he needed to see to make the informed decision that Sauron wanted. If Saruman held the ring he would have the advantage that Sauron hadn't even regained a physical form. Saruman also had his army of Uruk-Hai which would inevitably beat the army of Sauron's Lieutenant, as he is an Istari.
Yes he meanders and describes the environment but that doesn't make them a difficult read
Gandalf was weaker by his own admission, until he was reborn as Gandalf the White
no you're right it's not difficult but it's not an easy pick up and dive in story, there are no easy places to put the book down.
Oh yeah, we're in agreement there
and then sam and frodo hide from his gaze behind a rock
He was unhappy with his mediocre character development.
Was it Sir Christopher Lee or Sir Ian McKellen which always had the book close to hand to remind Peter Jackson about Tolkien's work?
the Palantir and contact with Sauron
jealousy of Gandalf
lust for power
weed is a kind of tobacco you moron. why dont you look up the definition of the word.
probably Christopher Lee as he was a big fan of the books and the only one immediately involved with production to have met Tolkien
>A cute hobbit girl will never develop a crush on you.
You know what I mean. Tolkien did not intend for it to be an allegory for cannabis - only simple pipe tobacco.
i saw the films then read the books up until shelob in the two towers. i love this story but even reading about the battle and helms deep and seeing it on screen, he's a beautiful writer but come on.
How do you know what Tolkien meant? Did he tell you?
why have your most powerful wizard angel have a weak mind
It's mentioned in one of his many letters. I'm not going to go digging for it.
because he's not a nigger
he was a known tobacco smoker
His mind wasn't weak. The likelihood of the Fellowship succeeding was weak. He was logical, albeit misled by Sauron via Palantir.
gandalf is not based on tolkien tho
Gandalf isn't the only character that smokes a pipe. A huge number of them do.
not so much as weak just more chance of being corrupted
Yes, by far my favorite books of all time. Reading them the first time was one of the most joyful experiences of my life. Not exaggerating.
yes faggot
Saruman plotted to nab the ring for himself before he even moved to orthanc which had the palantir
>Eru happened to step in at the last moment to tip Gollum off the edge
dumb as fuck, I dont give a shit Tolkein was a hack for writing that
what about the books you dumb faggot
imagine being a monster of the night, immortal and being defeated by some bloke holding two objects in a cross-like manor.
Why is Dracula such a weak monster
Dracula isn't weak, Van Helsing and the lads were just stronk and numerous
"Weed" as a slang for marijuana only gained mass traction in the 80's and 90's. Given LoTR was written from the 30's well into the 50's, I'd assume that's not what he fucking meant.
The power of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ as well as female beauty is too strong for Dracula.
Monsters were a lot better before they all had anime superpowers 2bh.
>Gandalf the Gay
Yes, and?
Eru intervened to bring Gandalf back after he fought the Balrog.
>Earl Gay
Would have liked to have seen John Boorman's Lord of the Rings film.
Because like all monsters, his power derived from the ignorance of his victims and enemies. Symbols are nothing without the faith they channel, whether that faith is in a deity or reason. I bet a fedora could probably turn Dracula with enough panache behind it
Yes and no, Saruman (Curumo) was full of himself and was very confident in his own habilities as "leader" of the Wizards. Gandalf (Olorin) was considered the wisest of the wizards but was very insecure about himself, hell he wanted to be 3rd in command after fucking Radagast of all people when they were going to be sent to middle earth but Yavanna convinced him to go second in power after Saruman. Yet Saruman was jealous as fuck of Gandalf because he was loved by everyone, in Valinor the elves considered Olorin a great friend and in ME everyone liked the Mithrandir. After killing the Balrog and "finding his courage" (this is just my headcanon tho) being sent back by Eru he truly became what he was meant to be in the first place Gandalf the fucking White
pleb spotted
pipe weed was just fucking pipe tobacco, the "scientific" name for the plant was the same in ME as irl. Only brainlets think it was weed
you are a room temperature IQ brainlet. I read them when I was fucking 7 and never thought them to be heavy and convoluted. You just can't into epic narration
>I read them when I was fucking 7 and never thought them to be heavy and convoluted.
did somebody read them to you? because i just don't believe that.
I read them for the first time when I was probably 10, but reading them at 7 is very possible. it's all about if you were exposed to reading at a young age and actually fell in love with it as a kid
i loved reading as a kid just like you. so you read the lord of the rings at 10ish and loved it? then you're exceptional.
He was too good to fall to the dark side
hell yeah brother. getting engrossed and lost in fantasy series after fantasy series as a kid was pure bliss
Looked up simply "LoTR audiobook" on YT, but there's quite a few different choices. Could you link the correct one?
agreed. i remember reading a lot of roald dahl, the twits was my favourite.
No I learnt to read when I was 4 and asked my mom to buy them for me after I saw the Fellowship. I read a shitload when I was a kid because both my grandfather and my father had an enormous library. If you are the one I replied too indeed you are fucking brainlet. I learnt to read by reading an illustrated encyclopedia my mother had lying around in the house (they were thin blue hardcover books) they were awesome because they were about animals
kino af
i'm pleased you love reading and that you love lord of the rings. my favourite stories were about animals when i was a kid.
its explicitly stated in The Hobbit
this one is pretty good
>the first post wasn't "tax deductions"
I am so disappointed in all of you. All 42 posters in this thread should be ashamed of themselves.